pelvic neoplasms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current primary treatment approach for malignant pelvic tumors involves hemipelvic prosthesis reconstruction following tumor resection. In cases of Enneking type II + III pelvic tumors, the prosthesis necessitates fixation to the remaining iliac bone. Prevailing methods for prosthesis fixation include the saddle prosthesis, ice cream prosthesis, modular hemipelvic prosthesis, and personalized prosthetics using three-dimensional printing. To prevent failure of hemipelvic arthroplasty protheses, a novel fixation method was designed and finite element analysis was conducted. In clinical cases, the third and fourth sacral screws broke, a phenomenon also observed in the results of finite element analysis. Based on the original surgical model, designs were created for auxiliary dorsal iliac, auxiliary iliac bottom, auxiliary sacral screw, and auxiliary pubic ramus fixation. A nonlinear quasi-static finite element analysis was then performed under the maximum load of the gait cycle, and the results indicated that assisted sacral dorsal fixation significantly reduces stress on the sacral screws and relative micromotion exceeding 28 μm. The fixation of the pubic ramus further increased the initial stability of the prosthesis and its interface osseointegration ability. Therefore, for hemipelvic prostheses, incorporating pubic ramus support and iliac back fixation is advisable, as it provides new options for the application of hemipelvic tumor prostheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Primary malignant bone tumor of the pelvis is an uncommon lesion, the resection of which via freehand osteotomy is subject to inaccuracy due to its three-dimensional anatomy. Patient-Specific Guides (PSG), also called Patient-Specific Instruments (PSI) are essential to ensure surgical planning and resection adequacy. Our aim was to assess their use and effectiveness.
    METHODS: A monocentric retrospective study was conducted on 42 adult patients who underwent PSG-based resection of a primary malignant bone tumor of the pelvis. The primary outcome was the proportion of R0 bone margins. The secondary outcomes were the proportion of overall R0 margins, considering soft-tissue resection, the cumulative incidence of local recurrence, and the time of production for the guides. A comparison to a previous series at our institution was performed regarding histological margins.
    RESULTS: Using PSGs, 100% R0 safe bone margin was achieved, and 88% overall R0 margin due to soft-tissue resection being contaminated, while the comparison to the previous series showed only 80% of R0 safe bone margin. The cumulative incidences of local recurrence were 10% (95% CI: 4-20%) at one year, 15% (95% CI: 6-27%) at two years, and 19% (95% CI: 8-33%) at five years. The median overall duration of the fabrication process of the guide was 35 days (Q1-Q3: 26-47) from the first contact to the surgery date.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patient-Specific Guides can provide a reproducible safe bony margin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A predictive assay for late radiation toxicity would allow more personalized treatment planning, reducing the burden of toxicity for the more sensitive minority, and improving the therapeutic index for the majority. In a previous study in prostate cancer patients, the γ-H2AX foci decay ratio (γ-FDR) was the strongest predictor of late radiation toxicity. The current study aimed to validate this finding in a more varied group of patients with pelvic cancer. Additionally, the potential correlation between the γ-FDR and patient-reported outcomes was investigated.
    METHODS: Prostate and gynecological cancer patients with ≥ 24 months of follow-up were included in the current analysis. Toxicity was evaluated by physician (CTCAE version 4) and patient (EORTC questionnaires). γ-FDRs were determined in ex vivo irradiated lymphocytes. Correlation between γ-FDR and toxicity was assessed using both linear and logistic regression analyses. The highest toxicity grade recorded during follow-up was used. The association between global quality of life and γ-FDR was tested by comparing the change in quality of life over time in patients with γ-FDR < or ≥ 3.41, a previously established threshold.
    RESULTS: Eighty-eight patients were included. Physician-assessed and patient-reported cumulative grade ≥ 2 toxicity was 25% and 29%, respectively; which is much lower than in the previous cohort (i.e., 51% CTCAE grade ≥ 2). Patients with toxicity exhibited less favorable dose-volume parameters. In men, these parameters showed significant improvement compared to the previous cohort. The proportion of patients with a low γ-FDR increased with severity of toxicity, but this trend was not statistically significant. In addition, a γ-FDR < 3.41 was not correlated with the development of moderate to severe toxicity. Post-treatment decline in global quality of life was minimal, and similar for patients with γ-FDR < or ≥ 3.41.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, the γ-H2AX foci decay ratio could not be validated as a predictor of late radiation toxicity in patients with pelvic cancer. Improved radiotherapy techniques with smaller irradiated bladder and bowel volumes have probably resulted in less toxicities. Future studies on genetic markers of toxicity should be powered on these lower incidences. We further recommend taking persistency, next to severity, into consideration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cellular angiofibroma is a rare benign mesenchymal tumor that mostly occurs in the genital area. Its occurrence outside this region, particularly in the pelvis, is extremely rare. To our knowledge, this study reports the first case of cellular angiofibroma occurring in the pelvic cavity, except for one case reported in the retroperitoneum.
    METHODS: A 25-year-old female patient with chronic, intermittent, dull pain in the lower abdomen that lasted for several months was referred to our clinic. Imaging studies revealed a tumor in the pelvic cavity anterior to the bladder. The radiographic characteristics of this tumor indicated a hypervascular nature, suggesting the possibility of a pheochromocytoma or a neuroendocrine tumor. The patient underwent surgical excision of the lesion. To date, no recurrence has been observed four months after excision.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cellular angiofibroma, although rare in the pelvic cavity, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hypervascular pelvic space-occupying lesions. Immunohistochemical staining can help confirm the diagnosis of this condition. Treatment is generally straightforward, involving local excision of the tumor followed by postoperative monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the impact of nephrostomies on the outcome of total renal function (TRF) and split renal function (SRF) in patients with malignant pelvic tumors associated with upper urinary tract obstruction (UUTO).
    METHODS: Patients with pelvic tumors suffering severe unilateral hydronephrosis treated at our hospital from 2000 to 2022 were included. Data for nephrostomy placement, short- and long-term renal function, and radiological and nuclear imaging studies were collected. The TRF and SRF of patients who underwent nephrostomy were compared to those who did not.
    RESULTS: Seven patients were included (rhabdomyosarcoma: 5, ovarian germ cell tumor: 1, malignant rhabdoid tumor: 1). Nephrostomies were placed in four, which were successfully managed without severe infections. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was significantly improved at the end of treatment in patients with nephrostomy. In contrast, eGFR in patients who did not undergo nephrostomy was not improved. Nuclear imaging studies (renograms or renal scintigrams) revealed impaired SRF of the affected kidney compared to the contralateral kidney, even in patients whose eGFR was within normal levels. Notably, SRF showed a trend to improve over time in one patient treated with nephrostomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nephrostomy for UUTO caused by pelvic tumors may improve renal outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of 125I seed implantation in the treatment of pelvic recurrent cervical cancer following radiotherapy. This meta-analysis was registered in PROSPERO. We looked up relevant studies in the databases of CNKI, Wanfang, CBM, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. The endpoint measures include the objective response rate, disease control rate, progression-free survival, overall survival, and adverse events.
    UNASSIGNED: The meta-analysis included six studies and a total of 246 patients. The pooled ORR of tumor response was 63%, and the DCR was 87%. The median PFS was 9.09 months, and the median OS was 13.46 months. The incidence of adverse events of Grade ≥III was 6%.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this meta-analysis confirmed that 125I seed implantation has a good local control rate and high safety in the treatment of pelvic recurrent cervical cancer following radiotherapy, and can be used as a remedial treatment for pelvic recurrent cervical cancer following radiotherapy to prolong the survival time of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The surgical-oncological treatment of pelvic and perineal malignancies is associated with a high complication rate and morbidity for patients. Modern multimodal treatment modalities, such as neoadjuvant radio-chemotherapy for anal or rectal cancer, increase the long-term survival rate while reducing the risk of local recurrence. Simultaneously, the increasing surgical radicality and higher oncological safety with wide resection margins is inevitably associated with larger and, due to radiation, more complex tissue defects in the perineal and sacral parts of the pelvic floor. Therefore, the plastic-surgical reconstruction of complex pelvic-perineal defects following oncological resection remains challenging. The reconstructive armamentarium, and thus the treatment of such defects, is broad and ranges from local, regional and muscle-based flaps to microvascular and perforator-based procedures. While the use of flaps is associated with a significant, well-documented reduction in postoperative complications compared to primary closure, there is still a lack of reliable data directly comparing the postoperative results of different reconstructive approaches. Additionaly, the current data shows that the quality of life of these patients is rarely recorded in a standardised manner. In a consensus workshop at the 44th annual meeting of the German-speaking Association for Microsurgery on the topic of \"Reconstruction of oncological defects in the pelvic-perineal area\", the current literature was discussed and recommendations for the reconstruction of complex defects in this area were developed. The aim of this workshop was to identify knowledge gaps and establish an expert consensus to ensure and continuously improve the quality of reconstruction in this challenging area. In addition, the importance of the \"patient-reported outcome measures\" in pelvic reconstruction was highlighted, and the commitment to its widespread use in the era of value-based healthcare was affirmed.
    Die chirurgisch-onkologische Therapie von Malignomen im Becken- und Perinealbereich geht mit einer hohen Komplikationsrate und Morbidität für Patientinnen und Patienten einher. Moderne multimodale Therapiekonzepte, wie etwa beim Anal- oder Rektumkarzinom mit neoadjuvanter Radio-Chemotherapie, erhöhen die Langzeit-Überlebensrate und senken das lokale Rezidivrisiko. Gleichzeitig geht die zunehmende chirurgische Radikalität und die höhere onkologische Sicherheit bei weiten Resektionsgrenzen zwangsläufig mit größeren und durch die Bestrahlung komplexeren Gewebedefekten am Beckenboden, perineal und sakral einher. Die plastisch-chirurgische Rekonstruktion von komplexen Defekten im Becken-Perinealbereich nach onkologischer Resektion bleibt daher nach wie vor herausfordernd. Das rekonstruktive Rüstzeug und somit die Behandlung solcher Defekte ist breit und reicht von lokalen und regionalen Lappenplastiken, über muskelbasierte bis hin zu mikrovaskulären und perforatorbasierten Verfahren. Während die Verwendung von Lappenplastiken mit einer mittlerweile in der Literatur gut dokumentierten, signifikanten Reduktion der postoperativen Komplikationen im Vergleich zum primären Verschluss einhergeht, fehlt es weiterhin an belastbaren Daten, welche die postoperativen Ergebnisse verschiedener rekonstruktiver Ansätze direkt miteinander vergleichen. Zudem zeigt die aktuellen Datenlage, dass die Erfassung der Lebensqualität dieser Patienten nur selten standardisiert erfolgt. Im Konsensus-Workshop der 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mikrochirurgie zum Thema «Rekonstruktion onkologischer-Defekte im Becken-Perinealbereich» wurde die aktuelle Literatur diskutiert und Empfehlungen zur Rekonstruktion komplexer Defekte in diesem Bereich erarbeitet. Das Ziel dieses Workshops bestand darin, Wissenslücken zu identifizieren und soweit möglich einen Expertenkonsens zu etablieren, um die Qualität in der Rekonstruktion auf diesem anspruchsvollen Gebiet zu gewährleisten und kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Zudem wurde der Stellenwert vom «patient-reported outcome measure» in der Beckenrekonstruktion hervorgehoben und der Wille für dessen flächendeckenden Einsatz in einer patienten-zentrierten Gesundheitsversorgung festgehalten.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare mesenchymal tumor, especially the giant one from the abdominal pelvic cavity. We report on a rare case of a giant SFT of the abdominal pelvic cavity to review the existing literature in detail to improve the diagnosis and treatment of SFT.
    METHODS: The patient is a 52-year-old female who presented with 2 weeks of abdominal distension. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging showed a giant mass (>20 cm) in the abdominal pelvic cavity, considered a mesenchymal tumor. She denies a history of tumor disease.
    METHODS: A whole abdomen bulge and a mass of about 18 cm × 10 cm on the right side and middle side were found in the physical examination after admission. Abdominal enhanced computed tomography revealed a giant cystic-solid mass located on the middle and right side of the abdominal pelvic cavity, measuring approximately 20.4 cm × 11.7 cm, with multiple cystic changes and necrosis and compression of adjacent organs and tissues, and marked inhomogeneous enhancement.
    METHODS: The patient underwent an open abdominal pelvic cavity giant tumor operation to achieve a radical resection, and did not undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
    RESULTS: The patient underwent open complete resection of a giant abdominal pelvic tumor with no complications and was diagnosed as SFT according to the pathology, immunohistochemistry showed that the tumor tested positive for CD34(+), STAT-6(+), and Ki-67 (10%). Abdominal computed tomography scans were performed 6 months after resection, and no signs of recurrence or metastasis were found.
    CONCLUSIONS: The clinical symptoms and imaging features of giant abdominal pelvic cavity SFT are not typical. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult and has the potential for malignancy. Based on the results of the current study, there is no standard treatment strategy around the world and the therapeutic effect of radiation therapy and chemotherapy is relatively limited. Thus, complete surgical resection and close clinical follow-up are advocated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pelvic exenteration (PE) is an extensive surgical treatment reserved for advanced or recurrent pelvic neoplasms, with potential impacts on patients\' quality of life (QoL) poorly referenced in the literature.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate QoL outcomes among three types of PE.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study assessed 106 patients divided into anterior PE (APE), posterior PE (PPE), or total PE (TPE) groups. QoL was measured using e short form 36 version 2 (SF-36) and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QoL Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (QLQ-C30) QoL questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analyses compared questionnaire scores.
    RESULTS: The findings unveiled a balance among the three groups concerning demographic variables and comorbidities, with the exception of a male predominance in the APE and TPE cohorts. Notably, the APE group exhibited elevated scores in overall health (assessed via SF-36) and social functioning and diarrhea domains (assessed via QLQ-C30). Moreover, in terms of the fatigue and nausea/vomiting domains (assessed via QLQ-C30), the APE group demonstrated superior QoL compared to the PPE group. Conversely, the PPE group manifested a notably lower QoL in the constipation domain (assessed via QLQ-C30) compared to the other two groups. Additionally, disease recurrence was significantly associated with diminished QoL across multiple domains.
    CONCLUSIONS: APE patients exhibited better QoL than PPE and TPE groups, with disease recurrence adversely affecting QoL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ewing sarcomas of the axial skeleton represent a notable challenge for clinicians because of their aggressive presentation and tendency to obstruct neurovascular structures; however, little data exist regarding axial tumors in children. This study is the first population-based analysis assessing treatment regimens for axial Ewing sarcomas and their effects on cancer-specific survival and overall survival (OS).
    METHODS: Data from 2004 to 2019 were collected for all patients aged 1 to 24 years from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. Primary groups included pelvic tumors, thoracic tumors, and vertebral tumors. Chi-squared and Kaplan-Meier tests were used to assess associations between demographic variables, clinical and treatment characteristics, and patient survival.
    RESULTS: Pelvic tumors were most common, and 49.7% received chemotherapy/radiation. Vertebral tumors were least common, and 56.7% received chemotherapy/surgery/radiation. 53.5% of thoracic tumors received chemotherapy/surgery. Surgery was most common for thoracic tumors (80.2%) and rare for pelvic tumors (38.9%). Radiation therapy was most common for vertebral tumors (83.6%) and least common for thoracic tumors (36.0%). Pelvic tumors exhibited the lowest OS (1-year, 5-year, and 10-year OS: 96%, 70%, and 59%), followed by thoracic tumors (1-year, 5-year, and 10-year OS: 97%, 79%, and 66%) and vertebral tumors (1-year, 5-year, and 10-year OS: 92%, 77%, and 68%).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study underpins the importance of both early detection and chemotherapy-based multimodal therapy in the treatment of axial Ewing sarcoma in a pediatric population. A comparatively large decline in OS was observed between 5 and 10 years for patients with thoracic tumors, and this cohort\'s 10-year OS has not improved when compared with a similar SEER cohort from 1973 to 2011. Despite a growing body of research supporting definitive radiation therapy, a notable portion of patients with pelvic Ewing sarcoma did not receive radiation, representing an unmet need for this population.





