occurrence data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acrylamide (AA) is formed in foods due to thermal processes. AA was analysed in 230 foods in the first German Total Diet Study and the highest mean levels of AA were found in vegetable crisps (1430 μg/kg), followed by potato pancakes (558) μg/kg) and pan-fried potatoes (450 μg/kg). In various foods, e.g. French fries and sweet potatoes, AA was also tested for different browning degrees and cooking methods. French fries cooked to a browning degree of 3 in all cooking methods exceeded the benchmark level set by the European Union. French fries prepared in the oven and sweet potatoes in the air fryer had the lowest AA levels. In foods from the German market, AA was found also in foods such as popcorn (243 μg/kg), salty sticks (190 μg/kg), and dark chocolate (130 μg/kg). Levels of AA found in our study may support future dietary exposure and food safety assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence of persistent organic pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in food represents a public health concern. The BfR MEAL Study was initiated to generate a comprehensive data base of occurrence data for chemicals in the most consumed foods in Germany. Non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs) and PBDEs were analysed in 300 foods, purchased and prepared representatively for the eating behaviour of the population in Germany. Highest levels of NDL-PCBs and PBDEs were detected in spiny dogfish, cod liver, herring, and eel. High NDL-PCB and PBDE levels were observed in other oily fish, wild boar meat, sheep liver, and high-fat dairy products. The comparison of food from conventional and organic production revealed higher NDL-PCB values in the food group \'meat and meat products\' if produced organically. Occurrence data of this study will improve future dietary exposure and risk assessments in Germany.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Venezuela has suffered a severe academic and research management crisis and funding opportunities for marine research and data management have been practically absent. This has worsened over the past five years and, as a result, libraries and other institutional spaces have been repeatedly vandalised, with hundreds of records, specimens and historical data stolen, destroyed or burned. To avoid the loss of irreplaceable data on Venezuelan biodiversity, an initiative was promoted, aimed at digitising information to create a rich dataset of biodiversity records, with emphasis on marine protected areas for the country, as well as to fill gaps in the distribution and status of marine biodiversity in Venezuela. Nighteen (19) institutions in the country focusing on marine science have consistently produced a wealth of information about Venezuela\'s marine biodiversity in the form of specimen collections, unpublished sampled data and research theses through the work of hundreds of researchers and students. An inventory of available data sources at these national institutions was conducted under the National Biodiversity Data Mobilization Grant and the Biodiversity Information for Development Program, together with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) support. All recovered and processed datasets were published in the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) repositories.
    UNASSIGNED: This occurrences data collection represents a major contribution to the marine biodiversity inventory in Venezuela. It is based on numerous published papers, reports, books and checklists provided by experts, covering a broad taxonomic collection from which we obtained species occurrences (present and absent), organised into 59 datasets containing 40,881 records. This represents a 28.49% contribution to the records of the Venezuelan marine biodiversity reported to the OBIS (143,513 records in the OBIS until November 2022). The extracted data showed 3,041 marine species, with representatives of each of the six kingdoms: Animalia, Chromista, Bacteria, Plantae, Fungi and Protozoa. The datasets provide information on occurrence since 1822, extending the temporal coverage of the species occurrence inventory for Venezuela, which was established in 1879 before this project. The number of records for Venezuela increased by 41.3% compared with the data available before the project. Most of the occurrences (63.47%) were registered in Marine Protected Areas. Data collection included records of non-native species, descriptions of new species and species listed under different IUCN categories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This paper presents two sampling-event datasets with occurrences of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens collected in May-June 2021 in southern Ukraine. We aimed to collect high-quality biodiversity data in an understudied region and contribute it to international databases and networks. The study was carried out during the 15th Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) Field Workshop in southern Ukraine and the Dark Diversity Network (DarkDivNet) sampling in the Kamianska Sich National Nature Park. By chance, these datasets were collected shortly before the major escalation of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Surveyed areas in Kherson and Mykolaiv Regions, including established monitoring plots, were severely affected by military actions in 2022. Therefore, collected data are of significant value in the context of biodiversity documentation. The knowledge about the biodiversity of this area will help to assess the environmental impact of the war and plan restoration of the damaged or destroyed habitats. The first preliminary analysis of collected data demonstrates the biodiversity richness and conservation value of studied grassland habitats.
    UNASSIGNED: We provide sampling-event datasets with 7467 occurrences, which represent 708 taxa (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) collected in 275 vegetation relevés. Amongst them, vascular plants are represented by 6665 occurrences (610 taxa), lichens - 420 (46) and bryophytes - 381 (51). Several new species were reported for the first time at the national or regional level. In particular, one vascular plant species (Torilispseudonodosa) and two lichen species (Cladoniaconista, Endocarponloscosii) were new to Ukraine. One vascular plant (Stipatirsa), two species of bryophytes (Rhynchostegiummegapolitanum, Ptychostomumtorquescens) and three species of lichens (Cladoniacervicornis, C.symphycarpa, Involucropyreniumbreussi) were recorded for the first time for the Kherson Region. Additionally, these datasets contain occurrences of taxa with narrow distribution, specialists of rare habitat types and, therefore, represented by a low number of occurrences in relevant biodiversity databases and particularly in GBIF. This publication highlights the diversity of natural vegetation and its flora in southern Ukraine and raises conservation concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of natural estrogens estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3) and synthetic estrogen 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) in the aquatic environment has raised concerns because of their high potency as endocrine disrupting chemicals. The European Commission (EC) established a Watch List of contaminants of emerging concerns including E1, E2 and EE2. The proposed environmental quality standards (EQSs) are 3.6, 0.4, 0.035 ng/L, for E1, E2, EE2, respectively. A thorough evaluation of analytical procedures developed by several studies aiming to perform sampling campaigns in different European countries highlighted that the required limits of quantification in surface water were not reached, especially for EE2 and to a lesser extent for E2. Moreover, data regarding the occurrence of these contaminants in Belgian surface water are very limited. A sampling campaign was therefore performed on a wide range of rivers in Belgium (accounting for a total of 63 samples). The detection frequencies of E1, E2, E3 and EE2 were 100, 98, 86 and 48%, respectively. E1 showed the highest mean concentration (= 4.433 ng/L). In contrast, the mean concentration of EE2 was 0.042 ng/L. The risk quotients (RQs) were calculated based on the respective EQS of each analyte. The frequency of exceedance of the EQS was 31.7% for E1, EE2, while it increased to 44.4% for E2. The extent of exceedance of the EQS, represented by the 95th percentile of the RQ dataset, was higher than 1 for E1, E2, EE2. The use of a confusion matrix was investigated to try to predict the risk posed by E2, EE2, based on the concentration of E1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nickel is a food contaminant of natural or anthropogenic origin. Monitoring of contaminants in food in general allows obtaining an overview on the presence of substances that are undesirable to health. The aim of this study was to analyse nickel content in food of non-animal origin and beverages sold in Luxembourg to determine the exposure of the population to this contaminant. In total, 660 samples were analysed in the timeframe from 2017 to 2021. The results demonstrate high concentrations of nickel in cashew nuts, walnuts, hemp and sunflower seeds, dried peas, oregano, and cocoa powder. Surveillance of contaminants in food allows identifying contributors to the chronic and acute exposure of nickel in order to potentially set official maximum levels in European legislation in the future, allowing for better enforcement actions in case of contaminated products and increasing consumer protection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consumer exposure to cosmetic ingredients is estimated in a tiered manner. Simple Tier1 deterministic aggregate exposure modelling generates a worst case estimate of exposure. Tier1 assumes that a consumer uses all cosmetic products concomitantly daily, at maximum frequency, and products always contain the ingredient at the maximum allowed % w/w concentration. Refining exposure assessment from worst case to more realistic estimates uses evidence from surveys of actual use levels of ingredients and Tier2 probabilistic models, where distributions of consumer use data can be applied. In Tier2+ modelling, occurrence data provides evidence of products on the market actually containing the ingredient. Three case studies are presented using this tiered approach to illustrate progressive refinement. The scale of refinements from Tier1 to Tier2+ modelling for the ingredients, propyl paraben, benzoic acid and DMDM hydantoin were: 0.492 to 0.026; 1.93 to 0.042 and 1.61 to 0.027 mg/kg/day exposure dose. For propyl paraben, moving from Tier1 to Tier2+ represents a refinement from 49-fold to 3-fold overestimate of exposure when compared to a maximum estimate of 0.01 mg/kg/day exposure seen in human studies. Such refinements from worst case to realistic levels of exposure estimation can be critical in the demonstration of consumer safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and its analogues are naturally occurring toxins historically responsible for human poisoning fatalities in Eastern Asia. It is typically linked to the consumption of pufferfish and, to a lesser extent, marine gastropods and crabs. In the scope of a comprehensive project to understand the prevalence of emergent toxins in edible marine organisms, we report, for the first time, the detection of TTX analogues in the soft tissues of edible crabs, the European fiddler crab (Afruca tangeri) and green crab (Carcinus maenas), harvested in southern Portugal. No TTX was detected in the analyzed samples. However, three TTX analogues were detected-an unknown TTX epimer, deoxyTTX, and trideoxyTTX. These three analogues were found in the European fiddler crab while only trideoxyTTX was found in the green crab, suggesting that the accumulation of TTX analogues might be influenced by the crabs\' different feeding ecology. These results highlight the need to widely monitor TTX and its analogues in edible marine species in order to provide adequate information to the European Food Safety Authority and to protect consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin responsible for a human intoxication event in Spain associated with the consumption of trumpet shell Charonia lampas. In Europe, TTX is not regulated or monitored, and there is little knowledge about its presence in seafood. Here, we investigated the tissue distribution of TTX and analogues in three specimens of trumpet shell C. lampas bought in a market in southern Portugal. Toxin concentration was above the EFSA recommended limit in the non-edible tissues of all specimens and within the limit in the edible tissues of two specimens. 4,9-AnhydroTTX and 13 additional TTX analogues were detected in tissues, the most abundant being anhydrotrideoxyTTX and trideoxyTTX. These results suggest that although thorough evisceration may lower the amount of TTX consumed, it may not be sufficient to ensure consumer safety. Regular monitoring of TTX and analogues in trumpet shell and other edible gastropods is therefore recommended to avoid poisoning incidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycidyl fatty acid esters (GEs) are processing contaminants formed during refining steps of vegetable oils. \'In vivo\' hydrolysis of GEs releases potentially carcinogenic and genotoxic glycidol (2,3-epoxy-1-propanol). Occurrence of GEs in vegetable oils used for infant formula manufacturing may pose a potential health concern for formula-fed infants. Refined oils are commonly used as the main fat ingredient in formula manufacturing. For this study, different infant formula products (powders, concentrates and ready-to-feed formula products) were purchased and analysed in 2015 (35 samples) and 2019 (33 samples). Seven individual GEs were analysed by LC-MS/MS via direct approach by stable isotope dilution analysis, and total bound glycidol concentrations were calculated. Concentrations of bound glycidol in reconstituted formula reached maxima of 40.3 ng/g in the 2015 samples and 31.5 ng/g in the samples collected in 2019, with respective means of 8.7 ng/g and 6.7 ng/g. The analysed bound glycidol concentrations are comparable with concentration ranges from other studies, but are higher than observed in studies from the European market. Temporal trend data show a reduction of bound glycidol concentrations in 2019. GE concentrations were compared across different manufacturers.





