
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aneuploidy causes birth defects and miscarriages, occurs in nearly all cancers and is a hallmark of aging. Individual aneuploid cells can be eliminated from developing tissues by unknown mechanisms. Cells with ribosomal protein (Rp) gene mutations are also eliminated, by cell competition with normal cells. Because Rp genes are spread across the genome, their copy number is a potential marker for aneuploidy. We found that elimination of imaginal disc cells with irradiation-induced genome damage often required cell competition genes. Segmentally aneuploid cells derived from targeted chromosome excisions were eliminated by the RpS12-Xrp1 cell competition pathway if they differed from neighboring cells in Rp gene dose, whereas cells with normal doses of the Rp and eIF2γ genes survived and differentiated adult tissues. Thus, cell competition, triggered by differences in Rp gene dose between cells, is a significant mechanism for the elimination of aneuploid somatic cells, likely to contribute to preventing cancer.
    Aneuploid cells emerge when cellular division goes awry and a cell ends up with the wrong number of chromosomes, the tiny genetic structures carrying the instructions that control life’s processes. Aneuploidy can lead to fatal conditions during development, and to cancer in an adult organism. A safety mechanism may exist that helps the body to detect and remove these cells. Yet, exactly this happens is still poorly understood: in particular, it is unclear how cells manage to ‘count’ their chromosomes. One way they could do so is through the ribosomes, the molecular ‘factories’ that create the building blocks required for life. In a cell, every chromosome carries genes that code for the proteins (known as Rps) forming ribosomes. Aneuploidy will alter the number of Rp genes, and in turn the amount and type of Rps the cell produces, so that ribosomes and the genes for Rps could act as a ‘readout’ of aneuploidy. Ji et al set out to test this theory in fruit flies. The first experiment used a genetic manipulation technique called site-specific recombination to remove parts of chromosomes from cells in the developing eye and wing. Cells which retained all their Rp genes survived, while those that were missing some usually died – but only when the surrounding cells were normal. In this situation, healthy cells eliminated their damaged neighbours through a process known as cell competition. A second experiment, using radiation as an alternative method of damaging chromosomes, also gave similar results. The work by Ji et al. reveals how the body can detect and eliminate aneuploid cells, potentially before they can cause harm. If the same mechanism applies in humans, boosting cell competition may, one day, helps to combat diseases like cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biogenesis of ribosomes is a finely regulated multistep process linked to cell proliferation and growth-processes which require a high rate of protein synthesis. One of the master regulators of ribosome biogenesis is Myc, a well-known proto-oncogene that has an important role in ribosomal function and in the regulation of protein synthesis. The relationship between Myc and the ribosomes was first highlighted in Drosophila, where Myc\'s role in controlling Pol-I, II and III was evidenced by both microarrays data, and by the ability of Myc to control growth (mass), and cellular and animal size. Moreover, Myc can induce cell competition, a physiological mechanism through which cells with greater fitness grow better and thereby prevail over less competitive cells, which are actively eliminated by apoptosis. Myc-induced cell competition was shown to regulate both vertebrate development and tumor promotion; however, how these functions are linked to Myc\'s control of ribosome biogenesis, protein synthesis and growth is not clear yet. In this review, we will discuss the major pathways that link Myc to ribosomal biogenesis, also in light of its function in cell competition, and how these mechanisms may reflect its role in favoring tumor promotion.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical MRI protocols are time-consuming; hence, new faster techniques are needed. One new fast multicontrast MRI technique, called echo planar image mix (EPIMix) (including contrasts T1 -FLAIR, T2 -weighted, diffusion-weighted images [DWI], apparent diffusion coefficient [ADC], T2 *-weighted, and T2 -FLAIR images) needs to be tested.
    To assess if EPIMix has comparable diagnostic performance as routine clinical brain MRI.
    A consecutive series of 103 patients\' brain MRI (January 2018 to May 2018).
    1.5 T or 3T. EPIMix and routine clinical protocol (clinical MRI included all or some of the contrasts T1 -FLAIR, T2 -weighted, DWI, T2 *-weighted, T2 -FLAIR, 3D-FSE).
    Two neuroradiologists assessed EPIMix and clinical scans and categorized the images as abnormal or normal and described diagnosis, artifacts, diagnostic confidence image quality, and comparison of imaging time.
    Pivot tables with diagnostic performance calculated by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and the area under curve (AUC). Disease categorization and image quality measures were evaluated. The study protocol is published at ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03338270.
    After exclusion of 21 patients, 82 patients had a routine clinical MRI with comparable contrasts to EPIMix and were evaluated. The diagnostic performance to categorize a full brain MRI investigation as abnormal or normal was comparable between EPIMix (AUC 0.99 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.97-1.00) and 0.99 (95% CI 0.97-1.00)) and routine clinical MRI (n = 82). Sensitivity was 95% (95% CI 88-95) and 93% (95% CI 86-98), and specificity 100% (95% CI 97-100) and 100% (95% CI 90-100). Disease categorization was congruent between EPIMix and clinical routine MRI in 90% (reader 2) and 93% (reader 1). Image quality was generally rated lower for EPIMix (P < 0.001). Imaging time was 78 seconds for EPIMix and for the same contrasts 12 minutes 29 seconds for conventional 3T MRI.
    EPIMix has comparable diagnostic performance (disease identification and categorization) for most patients investigated in clinical routine. Level of Evidence 2 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2019;50:1824-1833.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term cell competition has been used to describe the phenomenon whereby particular cells can be eliminated during tissue growth only when more competitive cells are available to replace them. Multiple examples implicate differential activity of p53 in cell competition in mammals, but p53 has not been found to have the same role in Drosophila, where the phenomenon of cell competition was first recognized. Recent studies now show that Drosophila cells harboring mutations in Ribosomal protein (Rp) genes, which are eliminated by cell competition with wild type cells, activate a p53 target gene, Xrp1. In Diamond Blackfan Anemia, human Rp mutants activate p53 itself, through a nucleolar stress pathway. These results suggest a link between mammalian and Drosophila Rp mutants, translation, and cell competition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Time estimation helps allocating time to different tasks and to plan behavioural sequences. It may also be relevant to animal welfare if it enables animals assessing the duration of a negative situation. Here, we investigated the ability of dry sows to estimate short and long time periods. We used a variant of the peak-interval procedure and the choice between 2 resources of different quality and replenishment rates to assess time periods in the order of minutes and days, respectively. In the minute-experiment, the sows were trained to expect an interruption while feeding at the end of an interval. Heart rate and heart rate variability slightly and continuously increased and decreased, respectively, towards the end of that interval. In the day-experiment, lasting about 60days, the sows were increasingly more likely to open the door to a high food reward on the correct day when this food reward was presented every fifth day. We conclude that the sows learnt to estimate time intervals of 5days after lengthy training but did not accurately learn intervals in the range of minutes. Therefore, they might re-visit replenishing resources after several days, but may not base short-term decisions solely on the passing of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A conventional view of development is that cells cooperate to build an organism. However, based on studies of Drosophila, it has been known for years that viable cells can be eliminated by their neighbours through a process termed cell competition. New studies in mammals have revealed that this process is universal and that many factors and mechanisms are conserved. During cell competition, cells with lower translation rates or those with lower levels of proteins involved in signal transduction, polarity and cellular growth can survive in a homogenous environment but are killed when surrounded by cells of higher fitness. Here, we discuss recent advances in the field as well as the mechanistic steps involved in this phenomenon, which have shed light on how and why cell competition exists in developing and adult organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A preliminary linkage map was constructed by applying backcross and testcross strategy using microsatellite (SSR) markers developed for Xiphophorus and Poecilia reticulata in ornamental fish, molly Poecilia sp. The linkage map having 18 SSR loci consisted of four linkage groups that spanned a map size of 516.1cM. Association between genotypes and phenotypes was tested in a random fashion and QTL for dorsal fin length was found to be linked to locus Msb069 on linkage group 2. Coincidentally, locus Msb069 was also reported as putative homologue primer pairs containing SSRs repeat motif which encoded hSMP-1, a sex determining locus. Dorsal fin length particularly in males of Poecilia latipinna is an important feature during courtship display. Therefore, we speculate that both dorsal fin length and putative hSMP-1 gene formed a close proximity to male sexual characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hexokinase family includes hexokinases I, II, III and IV, that catalyze the phosphorylation of glucose to produce glucose 6-phosphate. Hexokinase IV, also known as glucokinase, is only half size of the other types of hexokinases that contain two hexokinase domains. Despite the enormous progress in the study of hexokinases, the evolutionary relationship between glucokinase and other hexokinases is still uncertain, and the molecular processes leading to the emergence of hexokinases in vertebrates remain controversial. Here we clearly demonstrated the presence of a single hexokinase-like gene in the amphioxus Branchiostoma japonicum, Bjhk, which shows a tissue-specific expression pattern, with the most abundant expression in the hepatic caecum, testis and ovary. The phylogenetic and synteny analyses both reveal that BjHK is the archetype of vertebrate hexokinases IV, i.e. glucokinases. We also found for the first time that recombinant BjHK showed functional enzyme activity resembling vertebrate hexokinases I, II, III and IV. In addition, a native glucokinase activity was detected in the hepatic caecum. Finally, glucokinase activity in the hepatic caecum was markedly reduced by fasting, whereas it was considerably increased by feeding. Altogether, these suggest that Bjhk represents the archetype of glucokinases, from which vertebrate hexokinase gene family was evolved by gene duplication, and that the hepatic caecum plays a role in the control of glucose homeostasis in amphioxus, in favor of the notion that the hepatic caecum is a tissue homologous to liver.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complete mitochondrial genome of the African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) was sequenced. The molecule was sequenced via next generation sequencing and primer walking. The size of the genome is 17,346 bp in length. Comparison with the mitochondrial DNA of two other penguin genomes that have so far been reported was conducted namely; Little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) and the Rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome). This analysis made it possible to identify common penguin mitochondrial DNA characteristics. The S. demersus mtDNA genome is very similar, both in composition and length to both the E. chrysocome and E. minor genomes. The gene content of the African penguin mitochondrial genome is typical of vertebrates and all three penguin species have the standard gene order originally identified in the chicken. The control region for S. demersus is located between tRNA-Glu and tRNA-Phe and all three species of penguins contain two sets of similar repeats with varying copy numbers towards the 3\' end of the control region, accounting for the size variance. This is the first report of the complete nucleotide sequence for the mitochondrial genome of the African penguin, S. demersus. These results can be subsequently used to provide information for penguin phylogenetic studies and insights into the evolution of genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) is one of the key factors associated with inflammatory response. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of AIF-1 was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri (named as CfAIF-1) by EST (expressed sequence tag) analysis and RACE (rapid-amplification of cDNA ends) approaches. The cDNA of CfAIF-1 consisted of a 5-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 58 bp, a 3-UTR of 607 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 468 bp encoding a polypeptide of 155 amino acids with the putative molecular mass of 17.8 kDa. There was an EF hand Ca(2+)-binding motif in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfAIF-1 which was conserved in other AIF-1s. CfAIF-1 shared closer phylogenetic relationship with invertebrate counterparts than vertebrate. The mRNA transcripts of CfAIF-1 were dominantly expressed in hepatopancreas, hemocytes and adductor. During scallop ontogenesis, the CfAIF-1 mRNA was expressed at a low level at early developmental stages from eggs to blastula, and then increased significantly from gastruta to late veliger larvae (P<0.05). Moreover, the mRNA expression levels of CfAIF-1 in the hemocytes of adult scallop were significantly up-regulated during 12-48 h after LPS, PGN and poly I:C stimulation (P<0.01), but there was no significant fluctuation detected after glucan stimulation. Furthermore, the challenge of bacteria Vibrio anguillarum remarkably induced the mRNA expression of CfAIF-1 in hemocytes at 6h (P<0.05) and 12h (P<0.01). All these results collectively indicated that CfAIF-1 might be involved in the immune response during the ontogenesis and contribute to the defense against microbe infection in scallops.





