light use efficiency

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Korea, greenhouses are traditionally used for crop cultivation in the winter. However, due to diverse consumer demands, climate change, and advancements in agricultural technology, more farms are aiming for year-round production. Nonetheless, summer cropping poses challenges such as high temperatures, humidity from the monsoon season, and low light conditions, which make it difficult to grow crops. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the best planting time for summer tomato cultivation in a Korean semi-closed greenhouse that can be both air-conditioned and heated. The experiment was conducted in the Advanced Digital Greenhouse, built by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences. The tomato seedlings were planted in April, May, and June 2022. Growth parameters such as stem diameter, flowering position, stem growth rate, and leaf shape index were measured, and harvesting was carried out once or twice weekly per treatment from 65 days to 265 days after planting. The light use efficiency and yield per unit area at each planting time was measured. Tomatoes planted in April showed a maximum of 42.9% higher light use efficiency for fruit production and a maximum of 33.3% higher yield. Furthermore, the growth form of the crops was closest to the reproductive growth type. Therefore, among April, May, and June, April is considered the most suitable planting time for summer cultivation, which is expected to contribute to reducing labor costs due to decreased workload and increasing farm income through increased yields. Future research should explore optimizing greenhouse microclimates and developing crop varieties tailored for summer cultivation to further enhance productivity and sustainability in year-round agricultural practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High planting densities achieve high light interception and harvestable yield per area but at the expense of product quality. This study aimed to maintain high light interception without negative impacts on fruit quality. Dwarf tomato was grown at four densities in a climate-controlled room-at two constant densities (high and low) and two dynamic spacing treatments (maintaining 90% and 75% ground coverage by decreasing planting density in 3-4 steps)-resulting in ~100, 19, 54, and 41 plants/m2 averaged over 100 days of cultivation, respectively. Constant high density resulted in the highest light use efficiency (LUE; 7.7 g fruit fresh weight per mol photons incident on the canopy) and the highest harvestable fruit yield (11.1 kg/m2) but the lowest fruit size and quality. Constant low density resulted in the lowest LUE and yield (2.3 g/mol and 3.2 kg/m2, respectively), but higher fruit size and quality than high density. Compared to low density, maintaining 90% ground coverage increased yield (9.1 kg/m2) and LUE (6.4 g/mol). Maintaining 75% ground coverage resulted in a 7.2 kg/m2 yield and 5.1 g/mol LUE. Both dynamic spacing treatments attained the same or slightly reduced fruit quality compared to low density. Total plant weight per m2 increased with planting density and saturated at a constant high density. Assimilate shortage at the plant level and flower abortion lowered harvestable fruit yield per plant, sweetness, and acidity under constant high density. Harvestable fruit yield per plant was the highest under dynamic spacing and low density. Under constant high density, morphological responses to lower light availability per plant-i.e., higher specific leaf area, internode elongation, and increased slenderness-coincided with the improved whole-plant LUE (g plant dry weight per mol photons). We conclude that a constant high planting density results in the highest harvestable fruit yield per area, but with reduced fruit quality. Dynamic spacing during cultivation produces the same fruit quality as constant low density, but with more than double the harvestable yield per area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solar radiation is scattered by cloud cover, aerosols and other particles in the atmosphere, all of which are affected by global changes. Furthermore, the diffuse fraction of solar radiation is increased by more frequent forest fires and likewise would be if climate interventions such as stratospheric aerosol injection were adopted. Forest ecosystem studies predict that an increase in diffuse radiation would result in higher productivity, but ecophysiological data are required to identify the processes responsible within the forest canopy. In our study, the response of a boreal forest to direct, diffuse and heterogeneous solar radiation conditions was examined during the daytime in the growing season to determine how carbon uptake is affected by radiation conditions at different scales. A 10-year data set of ecosystem, shoot and forest floor vegetation carbon and water-flux data was examined. Ecosystem-level carbon assimilation was higher under diffuse radiation conditions in comparison with direct radiation conditions at equivalent total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). This was driven by both an increase in shoot and forest floor vegetation photosynthetic rate. Most notably, ecosystem-scale productivity was strongly related to the absolute amount of diffuse PAR, since it integrates both changes in total PAR and diffuse fraction. This finding provides a gateway to explore the processes by which absolute diffuse PAR enhances productivity, and the long-term persistence of this effect under scenarios of higher global diffuse radiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Controlled environment agriculture, particularly vertical farms (VF), also called plant factories, is often claimed as a solution for global food security due to its ability to produce crops unaffected by weather or pests. In principle, essential macronutrients of the human diet, like protein, could technically be produced in VF. This aspect becomes relevant in the era of protein transition, marked by an increasing consumer interest in plant-based protein and environmental challenges faced by conventional farming. However, the real question is: what does the cultivation of protein crops in VF imply in terms of resource use? To address this, a study was conducted using a VF experiment focusing on two soybean cultivars.
    RESULTS: With a variable plant density to optimize area use, and because of the ability to have more crop cycles per year, protein yield per square metre of crop was about eight times higher than in the open field. Assuming soy as the only protein source in the diet, the resources needed to get total yearly protein requirement of a reference adult would be 20 m2 of crop area, 2.4 m3 of water and 16 MWh of electricity, versus 164 m2, 111 m3 and 0.009 MWh in the field.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study\'s results inform the debate on protein production and the efficiency of VF compared to conventional methods. With current electricity prices, it is unlikely to justify production of simple protein crops in VF or promote it as a solution to meet global protein needs. © 2024 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Theoretically, the PEP-CK C4 subtype has a higher quantum yield of CO2 assimilation ( Φ CO 2 ) than NADP-ME or NAD-ME subtypes because ATP required for operating the CO2-concentrating mechanism is believed to mostly come from the mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC). However, reported Φ CO 2 is not higher in PEP-CK than in the other subtypes. We hypothesise, more photorespiration, associated with higher leakiness and O2 evolution in bundle-sheath (BS) cells, cancels out energetic advantages in PEP-CK species. Nine species (two to four species per subtype) were evaluated by gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and two-photon microscopy to estimate the BS conductance (gbs) and leakiness using a biochemical model. Average gbs estimates were 2.9, 4.8, and 5.0 mmol m-2 s-1 bar-1, and leakiness values were 0.129, 0.179, and 0.180, in NADP-ME, NAD-ME, and PEP-CK species, respectively. The BS CO2 level was somewhat higher, O2 level was marginally lower, and thus, photorespiratory loss was slightly lower, in NADP-ME than in NAD-ME and PEP-CK species. Differences in these parameters existed among species within a subtype, and gbs was co-determined by biochemical decarboxylating sites and anatomical characteristics. Our hypothesis and results partially explain variations in observed Φ CO 2 , but suggest that PEP-CK species probably use less ATP from mETC than classically defined PEP-CK mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate and quantitative regional estimates of the carbon budget require an integration of eddy covariance (EC) flux-tower observations and remote sensing in ecosystem models. In this study, a simple remote sensing driven light use efficiency (LUE) model was used to estimate the primary productivity for major cropping systems using multi-temporal satellite data over the Saharanpur district in India.The model is based on radiation absorption and its conversion into biomass. The LUE model was implemented for major crop rotations derived from the time-series of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 with monthly satellite-based spatially explicit fields of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), fraction of absorbed PAR (fAPAR) and down-regulated light use efficiency. Incident PAR and fAPAR were estimated on monthly basis from the ground-calibrated empirical equation using INSAT-3D insolation product and remote sensing-based vegetation indices, respectively. Spatial LUE maps created by down-regulating maximum LUE (EC tower-based) with water and temperature stressors derived from land surface water index (LSWI) and EC-based cardinal temperature, respectively. LUE-based modeled GPP over the sugarcane-wheat system was found higher than the rice-wheat system in Saharanpur district. This is because C4 crop (sugarcane) has very high photosynthetic efficiency compared to C3 crops (rice and wheat). Modeled GPP over the sugarcane-wheat system was found in good agreement with observed EC tower-based GPP (Index of Agreement = 0.93). Further regionally calibrated remote sensing-based LUE model well captures gross photosynthesis rates (GPP) over cropland ecosystem compared to globally modeled MODIS GPP product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The estimation of whole stream metabolism, as determined by photosynthesis and respiration, is critical to our understanding of carbon cycling and carbon subsidies to aquatic food-webs. The mass development of aquatic plants is a worldwide problem for human activities and often occurs in regulated rivers, altering biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Hydropower plants supersaturate water with gases and prevent the use of common whole stream metabolism models to estimate ecosystem respiration. Here we used the inert noble gas argon to parse out biological from physical processes in stream metabolism calculations. We coupled the O2:Ar ratio determined by gas chromatography in grab samples with in-situ oxygen concentrations measured by an optode to estimate aquatic plant photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration during supersaturation events through a parsimonious approach. The results compared well with a more complicated two-station model based on O2 mass balances in non-supersatured water, and with associated changes in dissolved CO2 (or dissolved inorganic carbon). This new method provides an independent approach to evaluate alternative corrections of dissolved oxygen data (e.g. through the use of total dissolved gases) in long term studies. The use of photosynthesis-irradiance models allows the determination of light parameters such as the onset of light saturation or low light use efficiency, which could be used for inverse modelling. The use of the O2:Ar approach to correct for oversaturation may become more applicable with the emergence of portable mass inlet mass spectrometers (MIMS). Photosynthesis was modest (2.9-5.8 g O2 m2 day-1) compared to other rivers with submerged vegetation, likely indicating nutrient co-limitations (CO2, inorganic N and P). Respiration was very low (-2.1 to -3.9 g O2 m2 day-1) likely due to a lack of allochthonous carbon supply and sandy sediment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthesis drives plant physiology, biomass accumulation, and yield. Photosynthetic efficiency, specifically the operating efficiency of PSII (Fq\'/Fm\'), is highly responsive to actual growth conditions, especially to fluctuating photosynthetic photon fluence rate (PPFR). Under field conditions, plants constantly balance energy uptake to optimize growth. The dynamic regulation complicates the quantification of cumulative photochemical energy uptake based on the intercepted solar energy, its transduction into biomass, and the identification of efficient breeding lines. Here, we show significant effects on biomass related to genetic variation in photosynthetic efficiency of 178 climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines. Under fluctuating conditions, the Fq\'/Fm\' was monitored throughout the growing period using hand-held and automated chlorophyll fluorescence phenotyping. The seasonal response of Fq\'/Fm\' to PPFR (ResponseG:PPFR) achieved significant correlations with biomass and yield, ranging from 0.33 to 0.35 and from 0.22 to 0.31 in two glasshouse and three field trials, respectively. Phenomic yield prediction outperformed genomic predictions for new environments in four trials under different growing conditions. Investigating genetic control over photosynthesis, one single nucleotide polymorphism (Chr09_37766289_13052) on chromosome 9 was significantly associated with ResponseG:PPFR in proximity to a candidate gene controlling chloroplast thylakoid formation. In conclusion, photosynthetic screening facilitates and accelerates selection for high yield potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Edible halophyte Portulaca oleracea L., known as purslane, was grown in two percentages of artificial seawater (ASW) under two combined red (R) and blue (B) LED spectra. High salinity (40% ASW) negatively affected shoot productivity and leaf growth of purslane compared to those grown in 10% ASW. Photosynthetic pigment and total reduced nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in purslane grown in 10% ASW than in 40% ASW. However, LED spectral quality did not markedly influence these parameters. Grown in 10% ASW under R/B 2.2, purslane had the highest maximum nitrate reductase activity, while those in 40% ASW under R/B 2.2 had the highest activation state. Under both light qualities, purslane had a sevenfold increase in proline concentration in 40% ASW than in 10% ASW. Total phenolic compounds\' concentration was the highest in 10% ASW under R/B 0.9, while there were no significant differences in the accumulation of total soluble sugars and ascorbic acids among all plants. Antioxidant enzymes activities were lower in 40% ASW under R/B 2.2 compared to the other conditions. In conclusion, salinity affected the yield, physiology and nutritional quality of purslane. The impacts of LED spectral quality on purslane were only reflected by certain physiological and nutritional parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light and its spectral characteristics are crucial for plant growth and development. The far-red photon flux mediates many plant processes through the action of phytochrome and also accelerates the photosynthetic electron transfer rate. In this study, we assessed the effects of far-red addition on butterhead lettuce morphology, light use efficiency, optical properties, and phytochemical characteristics. Three-week-old lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Alyssa) were grown for up to 28 days under a 10% blue and 90% red light spectrum (200 µmol m-2 s-1, 16 h photoperiod) to which five different intensities of far-red light (peak at 735 nm) were added (0-9-18-36-72 µmol m-2 s-1). White light-emitting diodes were included as a proxy for sunlight. Increasing supplemental far-red photon flux from zero to 21% increased the light use efficiency (g per mol) by 37% on day 14; 43% on day 21; and 39% on day 28. Measurements of projected head area suggest that this was associated with an increase in leaf expansion and photon capture and not necessarily a direct effect on photosynthesis. Moreover, vegetation indices based on leaf reflectance showed a decrease in chlorophyll-related indices under a high far-red photon flux. This decrease in pigment content was confirmed by chemical analyses, suggesting that the plants may not reach their full potential in terms of photon capture, limiting the overall photosynthetic performance. Furthermore, the stress-related Carter 1 index increased in plants grown under a high far-red photon flux, indicating early plant stress. Far-red tended to decrease the content of total phenolics and increase soluble sugars. The higher sugar levels can be attributed to an improved photochemical efficiency due to photosystem I excitation by far-red wavelengths, also known as the Emerson Enhancement effect. Despite these higher sugar levels, no effect on foliar nitrate content was observed. Our results show that far-red supplementation has the potential to enhance light interception at the early growth stages, although higher intensities of far-red may cause plant stress.





