lens subluxation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to analyze the incidence and characteristics of intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation after cataract surgery in South Korea.
    UNASSIGNED: We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of IOL dislocation after cataract surgery in patients diagnosed between 2002 and 2021. Data of all pseudophakic patients who underwent secondary IOL or IOL exchange surgeries due to IOL dislocation were extracted from the Korean National Health Insurance System (KNHIS) database and the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases-7 codes. The incidence per 1,000,000 person-years and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated.
    UNASSIGNED: Between 2002 and 2021, 39,965 (0.82 %) of the 4,848,125 pseudophakic patients were diagnosed with IOL dislocation and surgically treated. The incidence of IOL dislocation requiring surgery in pseudophakic patients was 28,900/1,000,000 person-years (95% CI: 28,431-29,369), comprising 57,800 cases in male and 10,800 in female patients (95% CI: male: 56,730-58,870 vs. 95% CI: female patients: 10,523-11,077), and mean male-to-female ratio was 5.35. The incidence rate peaked in younger age group below 40 years, showing 107,000 per 1,000,000 person-years (95% CI: 102,900-111,100), and the average age of IOL dislocation requiring surgery was 68.1 ± 10.7 years. The average time lapse from cataract surgery to secondary IOL surgery due to IOL dislocation was 4.1±4.7 years (median, 2.2 years), and the number of secondary IOL surgery due to dislocation of artificial lens rapidly occurred 10 years after cataract surgery among all age groups.
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of IOL dislocation requiring surgery was higher in younger and male patients. Our findings could be expected to aid establishing future healthcare policies for South Korean populations with an increased risk of IOL dislocation after cataract surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Aim: To describe the case of a patient with Marfan syndrome who had bilateral superonasal lens subluxation. Method: The case of a male patient, aged 18, who complained of having impaired vision in both eyes (BE) since he was a toddler, was presented. On examination of the patient, features suggestive of Marfan syndrome were revealed, as well as bilateral intraocular lens subluxation. Results: The patient was refracted and glasses were recommended, which improved his vision. The patient was referred to the cardiology, orthopedic, and dental departments for a multidisciplinary approach to prevent complications and further management. Discussion: Lens subluxation is frequently presented as a primary clinical manifestation of Marfan syndrome. It can vary from asymptomatic, which is seen only after pupillary dilation, to significant subluxation, in which the equator of the lens in the pupillary axis causes diplopia or decreased vision. Conclusion: This case underscored the importance of considering the rare feature of Marfan syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many ocular or systemic conditions can cause weakening of the zonules, leading to subluxation or complete dislocation of lens into the anterior chamber or vitreous cavity.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of surgery in cases with subluxated and dislocated lens.
    METHODS: Retrospective chart review of all cases with subluxated and dislocated lens who underwent surgery in a one-year period from 2019 January to 2019 December was conducted. Demographic profile, systemic comorbidities, initial and final best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), surgical procedure were recorded along with all the intraoperative and post-operative complications.
    RESULTS: A total of 62 eyes of 60 patients with mean age of 50.18 ± 15.18 years (18 to 87 years) were included with the modal duration of presentation of one week. Among these, trauma was found to be the most common etiology. Subluxation was present in 55 eyes and seven eyes had dislocation. Intracapsular Cataract Extraction (ICCE) was performed in 41 while 21 underwent Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE); and surgical intervention elicited a statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement in the visual acuity. The BCVA was statistically better among the pseudophakic patient. Most common complication encountered intraoperatively was vitreous loss and post operatively was significant corneal edema.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cataract extraction in cases with subluxated and dislocated lens due to different etiology results in the improvement in the visual acuity of the patient. In cases where ECCE cannot be performed, ICCE also results in comparable visual improvement.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Congenital subluxation of the lens as a complication of Marfan syndrome, Weill-Marchesani syndrome, microspherophakia, etc. leads to the development of amblyopia and requires timely surgical treatment with removal of the subluxated lens and implantation of an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). IOL implantation in children with pathology of the ligamentous apparatus of the lens remains an urgent problem of ophthalmic surgery due to the lack of a consensus regarding the IOL fixation method among practitioners.
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the effectiveness and safety of IOL implantation with transscleral fixation using the knotless Z-suture technique in pediatric patients with congenital lens subluxation.
    METHODS: The study included 24 children (36 eyes) with grade III congenital subluxation of the lens who underwent phacoaspiration of the subluxated lens with IOL implantation with transscleral fixation using the knotless Z-suture performed in the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases in Almaty in the period from 2017 to 2021. The average observation period was 31.7±11.3 months (2.0 to 4.5 years). The stability of the IOL position, the state of the intrascleral sutures, visual acuity after surgery, the presence and severity of complications in the long-term period were evaluated.
    RESULTS: All patients (100%) had a significant improvement in visual acuity after surgery. No intraoperative complications were registered in any of the cases. Postoperative complications were noted in 8.3% of cases (n=3). The final functional outcome of surgical treatment depended on the presence of concomitant pathology, the main cause of low vision was the development of refractive amblyopia due to refractive errors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presented technique of transscleral fixation of IOL has proven to be reliable, which is especially important for pediatric patients considering their high physical activity and expected lifespan.
    Врожденная сублюксация хрусталика в детском возрасте при таких состояниях, как синдромы Марфана, Вейля—Марчезани, микросферофакия и др., приводит к развитию амблиопии и требует своевременного хирургического лечения с удалением сублюксированного хрусталика и имплантацией интраокулярной линзы (ИОЛ). Имплантация ИОЛ у детей с патологией связочного аппарата хрусталика остается актуальной проблемой офтальмохирургии ввиду отсутствия на сегодняшний день единого подхода к методу фиксации ИОЛ в мировой практике.
    UNASSIGNED: Оценка эффективности и безопасности имплантации ИОЛ с транссклеральной фиксацией с использованием метода безузлового Z-образного шва у пациентов детского возраста с врожденной сублюксацией хрусталика.
    UNASSIGNED: В исследование включено 24 ребенка (36 глаз) с врожденной сублюксацией хрусталика III степени, которым была проведена факоаспирация сублюксированного хрусталика с имплантацией ИОЛ с транссклеральной фиксацией безузловым Z-образным швом на базе КазНИИ глазных болезней (Алматы, Казахстан) в период с 2017 по 2021 г. Средний срок наблюдения составил 31,7±11,3 мес (от 2,0 до 4,5 года). Оценивали стабильность положения ИОЛ, состоятельность интрасклеральных швов, остроту зрения после операции, наличие и степень тяжести осложнений в отдаленном периоде.
    UNASSIGNED: У всех пациентов (100%) отмечалось достоверное улучшение остроты зрения после операции. Интраоперационных осложнений не было зарегистрировано ни в одном случае. Послеоперационные осложнения отмечены в 8,3% случаев (n=3). Окончательный функциональный результат хирургического лечения зависел от наличия сопутствующей патологии, основной причиной низкого зрения являлось развитие рефракционной амблиопии вследствие аномалий рефракции.
    UNASSIGNED: Представленная методика транссклеральной фиксации ИОЛ обеспечивает надежную фиксацию, что особенно актуально для пациентов детского возраста, учитывая их высокую физическую активность и предполагаемую продолжительность жизни.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 29-year-old man presented with longstanding, stable, unilateral vision loss in the setting of a remote paintball injury. His examination was notable for a sensory exotropia as well as multiple foci of posterior synechiae, segments of white lenticular material and islands of lenticular cells within a grossly intact capsule, and severe zonular compromise in the affected eye. The majority of the nuclear lens material was absent. The patient was diagnosed with post-traumatic lens absorption and underwent synechialysis, capsulotomy, excision of remnant lenticular material, and placement of a sulcus lens, with significant improvement in visual acuity and ocular alignment following surgery. Our report uniquely highlights identification of a Soemmering\'s ring in an absorbed lens in the presence of an intact anterior and posterior capsule as well as successful refractive and sensorimotor outcomes following surgical repair despite delay in treatment of many years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Subluxation of the crystalline lens (Ectopia Lentis, EL) can lead to significant visual impairment and serves as a diagnostic criterion for genetic disorders such as the Marfan syndrome. There is no established criterion to diagnose and quantify EL. We prospectively investigated the distance between the zonular fibre insertion and the limbus (ZLD) in healthy subjects as a parameter to assess the position of the lens, quantify EL and provide normative data.
    METHODS: This prospective, observational, cross-sectional study includes one-hundred-fifty eyes of 150 healthy participants (mean age 28 years, range 4-68). Pupils were dilated with tropicamide 0.5% and phenylephrine 2.5% eyedrops. ZLD was measured in mydriasis at the slit lamp as the distance between the most central visible insertions of the zonular fibres on the lens surface and the corneoscleral limbus. Vertical pupil diameter (PD) and refractive error were recorded. If zonular fibre insertions were not visible, the distance between limbus and the pupillary margin was recorded as ZLD.
    RESULTS: 145 right and 5 left eyes were examined. 93% of study subjects were Caucasian, 7% were Asian. In eyes with visible zonular fibre insertions (n = 76 eyes), ZLD was 1.30 ± 0.28 mm (mean ± SD, range 0.7-2.1) and PD was 8.79 ± 0.57 mm (7.5-9.8). In the remaining 74 eyes, ZLD was 1.38 ± 0.28 mm (0.7-2.1), and PD was 8.13 ± 0.58 mm (6.7-9.4). For all eyes, ZLD was 1.34 ± 0.29 mm (0.7-2.1), and PD was 8.47 ± 0.66 mm (6.7-9.8). Refractive error and sex did not significantly affect ZLD. Smaller PD and older age were associated with larger ZLD (P < 0.001 and P = 0.036, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: Average ZLD was 1.34 mm in eyes of healthy subjects. Older age correlated with larger ZLD. These normative data will aid in diagnosing and quantifying EL.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Traboulsi syndrome is a sporadic autosomal recessive disorder. Very few cases reported and no surgical treatment has been described.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to describe the surgical treatment of a case of Traboulsi syndrome with intercalary staphyloma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Traboulsi syndrome[1-3] is a type of spontaneous filtering bleb. The case was of a 31-year-old lady with a flat anterior chamber and large intercalary staphyloma, with a subluxated clear lens. Liberal peritomy was done. The staphyloma was cut and the displaced lens was delivered through it. It was closed with 7-0 vicryl continuous suture. A cross-linked cornea was used after removing the Descemet membrane. It was modified to match the crescentic shape of the limbus by using 11 and 6 mm trephine. Two wedge-shaped defects were created and tissue was excised between them, which were then sutured to increase the arc radius. A peripheral flange at the corneal edge was created. A pocket was created in the host cornea to accommodate the donor corneal flange. The donor cornea was tucked in and the graft was sutured. The sclera was used to suture another side prophylactically, making a 360-degree encirclage. The patient got ambulatory vision postsurgery. The use of the cornea as biological encirclage has not been described previously.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using a cross-linked cornea. Creating wedge-shaped defects in crescentic corneal graft to increase arc radius. Use of cornea as encirclage.Link of video:https://youtu.be/T3b5rkvFmlc.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Overmature cataract refers to the advanced stage of cataract where timely surgical intervention is not performed, leading to further progression characterized by decreased water content in the lens, degradation of fibers, and liquefaction within its structure, which can cause a reduction in volume, wrinkling of the capsule, as well as calcification or cholesterol crystallization on its surface. In addition, it may result in deepening of the anterior chamber. If left promptly untreated, these complications may result in visual impairment or even blindness. The occurrence of spontaneous complete dislocation of the lens nucleus into the anterior chamber in overmature cataracts is extremely uncommon. The authors present a case study involving a 74-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with complete dislocation of the lens nucleus in an overmature senile cataract without any apparent ocular injury or any relevant medical records. After undergoing cataract removal combined with anterior vitrectomy, the patient experienced relief from eye discomfort and expressed satisfaction with the surgical outcome; however, her visual acuity did not show significant improvement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Parry-Romberg syndrome (PRS) is a rare progressive degenerative disorder of unknown etiology. Here we report a rare case of PRS combined with lens subluxation in Eye and ENT hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai. To our knowledge, it is the first reported case of PRS combined with lens subluxation that has been managed surgically with phacoemulsification and CTR placement and IOL implantation in Shanghai.
    METHODS: A 60-year-old woman was referred for \"right visual blur for 2 years\" and had persistent right facial paralysis of unknown etiology since the age 12. She had right facial muscle atrophy and paralysis. Eye examination also showed the right eyelid pseudoptosis, enophthalmos, age-related cataract combined with lens subluxation existed in the right eye. The patient was diagnosed as age-related cataract and lens subluxation in the right eye and progressive hemifacial atrophy (Parry-Romberg syndrome). We conducted a combined phacoemulsification, IOL and CTR implantation and pupilloplasty surgery for the patient under general anesthesia and the postoperative UCVA was 20/30 and remained for 1 year\'s follow up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Here we reported a rare case of PHA combined with lens subluxation in China. After appropriate eye surgery, the patient achieved satisfying vision result in the right eye.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





