
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscle is the universal agent of animal movement, and limits to muscle performance are therefore an integral aspect of animal behaviour, ecology, and evolution. A mechanical perspective on movement makes it amenable to analysis from first principles, and so brings the seeming certitude of simple physical laws to the challenging comparative study of complex biological systems. Early contributions on movement biomechanics considered muscle energy output to be limited by muscle work capacity, Wmax; triggered by seminal work in the late 1960s, it is now held broadly that a complete analysis of muscle energy output is to also consider muscle power capacity, for no unit of work can be delivered in arbitrarily brief time. Here, we adopt a critical stance towards this paradigmatic notion of a power-limit, and argue that the alternative constraint to muscle energy output is instead imposed by a characteristic kinetic energy capacity, Kmax, dictated by the maximum speed with which the actuating muscle can shorten. The two critical energies can now be directly compared, and define the physiological similarity index, Γ=Kmax/Wmax. It is the explanatory power of this comparison that lends weight to a shift in perspective from muscle power to kinetic energy capacity, as is argued through a series of brief illustrative examples. Γ emerges as an important dimensionless number in musculoskeletal dynamics, and sparks novel hypotheses on functional adaptations in musculoskeletal \"design\" that depart from the parsimonious evolutionary null hypothesis of geometric similarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing peak landing forces and ensuring faster stabilization in the lower limbs during jumping activities can significantly improve performance and decrease the risk of injury among basketball players. This study aimed to compare the effects of unilateral (uPJT) and bilateral plyometric jump training (bPJT) programs on various performance measures, including countermovement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), and single-leg land and hold (SLLH) test outcomes, assessed using force plates. A randomized multi-arm study design was employed, comprising two experimental groups (n = 25; uPJT and n = 25; bPJT) and one control group (n = 25), conducted with youth male regional-level basketball players (16.3 ± 0.6 years old). Participants underwent assessment twice, both before and after an 8-week intervention training period. The uPJT program exclusively involved plyometric drills (e.g., vertical jump exercises; horizontal jump exercises) focusing on single-leg exercises, whereas the bPJT program utilized drills involving both legs simultaneously. The outcomes analyzed included CMJ peak landing force, CMJ peak power, SJ peak force, SJ maximum negative displacement, SLLH time to stabilization, and SLLH peak landing force. The control group exhibited significantly greater SLLH time to stabilization compared to both the uPJT (p < 0.001) and bPJT (p < 0.030) groups. Additionally, time to stabilization was also significantly higher in bPJT than in uPJT (p = 0.042). Comparisons between groups in regards SLLH peak landing force after intervention revealed that the value was significantly smaller in uPJT than in bPJT (p = 0.043) and control (p < 0.001). In the remaining outcomes of CMJ and SJ, both uPJT and bPJT showed significant improvement compared to the control group (p > 0.05), although there was no significant difference between them. In conclusion, our study suggests that utilizing uPJT is equally effective as bPJT in enhancing performance in bilateral jump tests. However, it significantly outperforms bPJT in improving time to stabilization and peak landing forces during single-leg land and hold test. uPJT could be advantageous not for maximizing performance but also for potentially decreasing injury risk by enhancing control and balance during single-leg actions, which are common in basketball.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) continues to be associated with a variable rate of return to sports and a concerning rate of further anterior cruciate ligament injury. Persistent functional deficits may explain these results and support the need to keep exploring lower limb functional indexes, especially during vertical jumping. This would help improve rehabilitation through the return-to-sports continuum and improve postoperative outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Vertical jumping performance indexes are impaired among patients 7 months after ACLR.
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 202 patients who underwent ACLR and 50 healthy participants performed single-leg vertical jump (SLVJ) and single-leg drop jump (SLDJ) testing. Jump height (H) as well as reactive strength index (RSI) were assessed and the limb symmetry index (LSI) of each parameter was compared between both groups. Vertical jumping indexes were also compared between healthy participants and the injured and contralateral legs of ACLR patients. Frequency analysis (chi-square test) of participants exhibiting an LSI >90% for each parameter was calculated in both groups. The level of association between SLVJ-H, SLDJ-H, and SLDJ-RSI was evaluated using the Pearson coefficient (r).
    UNASSIGNED: At 6.6 ± 0.7 months (mean ± SD) postoperatively, participants after ACLR exhibited poorer LSI than the control group for all parameters (79.1 ± 14.8 vs 93.9 ± 4.5, 77.3 ± 14.6 vs 93.4 ± 5.2, and 71.9 ± 17.4 vs 93.4 ± 3.8; all P < .001; for the SLVJ-H, SLDJ-H, and SLDJ-RSI, respectively). Vertical jumping performance was lower on both injured and contralateral legs compared with healthy participants (all P < .001). Only 27%, 25%, and 16% of the ACLR patients exhibited an LSI >90% for the SLVJ-H, SLDJ-H, and SLDJ-RSI, respectively, in comparison with 80%, 72%, and 86% in the control group. Moderate correlations were observed between SLDJ-H and SLVJ-H (r = 0.494; P < .001) as well as between SLDJ-RSI and SLVJ-H (r = 0.488; P < .001) in the ACLR group.
    UNASSIGNED: Vertical jumping indexes (both symmetry and absolute values) were highly impaired 7 months after ACLR. Deficits were more marked for reactive strength ability. Clinicians should focus on restoring vertical jumping abilities to improve functional performance after ACLR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim is to assess performance characteristics in jumps and functionality in participants with patellar tendinopathy and compare changes with various tendinopathy treatments in the short and medium term. As a secondary objective, the study aims to verify the relationship between changes in knee functionality assessed by the VISA-P and jump capacity in the different treatment groups.
    METHODS: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial.
    METHODS: Recruitment was conducted at sport clubs, with 48 participants with patellar tendinopathy included in the study. Participants were randomized into groups: dry needling (DN), percutaneous electrolysis (PNE), and sham needling as the control group (CG), all combined with eccentric exercise (EE). Functionality and performance during jumps, including squat jump (SJ) and counter movement jump (CMJ), were assessed.
    RESULTS: Significant differences were found in functionality between the pre-test and post-test evaluations, as well as between the pre-test and follow-up evaluations, in all three groups (p < 0.001). The DN group experienced an improvement in eccentric power (p = 0.021). A moderate correlation was found between the pre-test and post-test changes in functionality and SJ maximum concentric force (r = 0.63, p < 0.01, CI: 0.1; 0.8), CMJ maximum concentric force (r = 0.52, p = 0.05, CI: -0.01; 0.8), and CMJ eccentric power in the DN group (r = 0.63, p = 0.01, CI: 0.1; 0.8).
    CONCLUSIONS: Eccentric exercise could be effective in improving functionality in patellar tendinopathy and DN could improve eccentric power in jumps performance. Moreover, the DN group experienced an increase in functionality that correlated with the improvements found in jump performance in eccentric power and concentric strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Handball is a body-contact Olympic ball sport that is characterized by fast-paced defensive and offensive actions. Players must coordinate explosive movements (e.g. changing of direction) and handball-specific skills (e.g. passing). Maximizing performance requires a systematic approach to training that includes physical, psychological, technical, and tactical preparation. Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the effects of movement-based (MOV; unspecific sport stimulus) or game-based (GAM; sport-specific stimulus) flywheel resistance training intervention in highly trained youth handball players. Method:Twenty-five highly trained youth male handball players completed two sessions per week of flywheel resistance training (MOV, n = 12; GAM, n = 13) over the 7-week intervention period. Change-of-direction tests (180º change-of-direction speed test of both legs and test) and handball-throwing test were conducted before and after the intervention. Results: Both groups significantly improved V-cut, and 180º Change-of-direction speed test performance (p < .05; d = 0.79-2.05). Notwithstanding, the GAM group demonstrated greater improvements in V-cut and COD180ASY compared with the MOV group (p < .05) with small effect. Handball throwing speed performance remained unchanged independently of training condition (p > .05). Conclusions: These findings provide further support for the training principle of \"specificity\" and highlight the importance of including a game-based training stimulus during resistance training. This is a key consideration for coaches wanting to enhance physical performance in youth handball players.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of two priming exercise protocols using traditional (TS) or cluster-set (CS) arrangements on explosive performance 6 hours later were examined. Sixteen male collegiate athletes performed three testing sessions (one baseline without any prior exercise in the morning and two experimental sessions) separated by 72 hours. Participants completed two morning (9-11 am) priming protocols in a randomized order, either using a TS (no rest between repetitions) or CS (30 seconds of rest between repetitions) configuration. The protocols consisted of 3 sets × 3 repetitions of barbell back squat at 85% of 1 repetition maximum, with 4 minutes of rest between sets. In the afternoon (3-5 pm) of each trial, after a 6-hour rest period, a physical test battery was conducted that replicated baseline testing, including countermovement jump, 20-meter straight-line sprint, and T-test abilities. Across both conditions, participants exhibited increased countermovement jump height, 20-meter sprint time and T-test time compared to baseline (P < 0.05). Improvements in countermovement jump height (+4.4 ± 5.4%; P = 0.008) and 20-meter sprint time (+1.3 ± 1.7%; P = 0.022), but not T-test time (+1.1 ± 3.3%; P = 0.585), were significantly greater for CS than TS. In conclusion, compared to a traditional set arrangement, a morning-based priming protocol using a cluster-set configuration led to superior explosive performance benefits in the afternoon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and characteristics (victims\' profiles, circumstances surrounding the incidents, and methods employed) of complex and complicated suicides over a 12-year period in the broader area of Athens, Greece. A retrospective analysis of 5,568 autopsy cases performed at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2022, was carried out. Out of a total sample of 5,568 autopsies, 360 suicide cases were identified, among which 14 (3.9%) were classified as complex suicides, and one case (0.3%) was identified as complicated suicide. Among the victims, 78.6% were males. The age range of the victims varied between 25 and 82 years old. The most prevalent method of complex suicide was the use of sharp objects followed by jumping from a height (42.8%). The next most common combination of methods was poisoning (21.4%) along with hanging. Prior suicidal attempts and suicide note were mentioned in 16.7% and 8.3% of the cases respectively. Overall, a total of 9 different methods were used in the above 14 cases. Only half (50.0%) of the victims had an established psychiatric diagnosis. In determining the cause of death in cases of a complex or complicated suicides, it is of utmost importance for the forensic pathologist to gather and analyze all available information provided by the police, the victim\'s relatives along with a thorough investigation of the scene, a detailed autopsy and a toxicological analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pavlovian fear conditioning has been extensively used to study the behavioral and neural basis of defensive systems. In a typical procedure, a cue is paired with foot shock, and subsequent cue presentation elicits freezing, a behavior theoretically linked to predator detection. Studies have since shown a fear conditioned cue can elicit locomotion, a behavior that - in addition to jumping, and rearing - is theoretically linked to imminent or occurring predation. A criticism of studies observing fear conditioned cue-elicited locomotion is that responding is non-associative. We gave rats Pavlovian fear discrimination over a baseline of reward seeking. TTL-triggered cameras captured 5 behavior frames/s around cue presentation. Experiment 1 examined the emergence of danger-specific behaviors over fear acquisition. Experiment 2 examined the expression of danger-specific behaviors in fear extinction. In total, we scored 112,000 frames for nine discrete behavior categories. Temporal ethograms show that during acquisition, a fear conditioned cue suppresses reward seeking and elicits freezing, but also elicits locomotion, jumping, and rearing - all of which are maximal when foot shock is imminent. During extinction, a fear conditioned cue most prominently suppresses reward seeking, and elicits locomotion that is timed to shock delivery. The independent expression of these behaviors in both experiments reveals a fear conditioned cue to orchestrate a temporally organized suite of behaviors.
    Knowing that an animal is fearful is crucial for many psychology and neuroscience studies. For instance, this knowledge allows researchers to examine the brain pathways involved in processing and responding to fear. Typically, researchers consider that a rodent is experiencing fear if it ‘freezes’ – a response which, in the wild, helps to evade detection by predators. In Pavlovian fear conditioning experiments, for example, rats and mice freeze when exposed to a stimulus (often a specific sound) previously associated with unpleasant sensations. However, rodents can also respond more actively to threats, for instance by running or jumping away. It remains unclear whether the ‘fearful stimuli’ used in Pavlovian approaches specifically elicits only freezing, or other fear-related behaviors as well. To investigate this, Chu et al. used high-speed cameras to record rats’ responses to a sound cue they had ‘learned’ to associate with a mild foot shock. In addition to freezing, the animals ran, jumped, stood on their hind legs and stopped their usual reward-seeking behavior in response to the cue. Crucially, these reactions were absent when the rats were exposed to sound cues not associated with pain. Overall, these experiments demonstrate that Pavlovian conditioning can elicit a full range of fear-related behaviors beyond freezing. Understanding the neural activity behind these diverse responses could lead to more targeted therapies and interventions addressing the various ways stress and anxiety manifest in people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Jumping microrobots and insects power their impressive leaps through systems of springs and latches. Using springs and latches, rather than motors or muscles, as actuators to power jumps imposes new challenges on controlling the performance of the jump. In this paper, we show how tuning the motor and spring relative to one another in a torque reversal latch can lead to an ability to control jump output, producing either tuneable (variable) or stereotyped jumps. We develop and utilize a simple mathematical model to explore the underlying design, dynamics, and control of a torque reversal mechanism, provides the opportunity to achieve different outcomes through the interaction between geometry, spring properties, and motor voltage. We relate system design and control parameters to performance to guide the design of torque reversal mechanisms for either variable or stereotyped jump performance. We then build a small (356 mg) microrobot and characterize the constituent components (e.g. motor and spring). Through tuning the actuator and spring relative to the geometry of the torque reversal mechanism, we demonstrate that we can achieve jumping microrobots that both jump with different take-off velocities given the actuator input (variable jumping), and those that jump with nearly the same take-off velocity with actuator input (stereotyped jumping). The coupling between spring characteristics and geometry in this system has benefits for resource-limited microrobots, and our work highlights design combinations that have synergistic impacts on output, compared to others that constrain it. This work will guide new design principles for enabling control in resource-limited jumping microrobots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern Pentathlon (MP) includes an equestrian Jumping discipline, with horses drawn blindly by unfamiliar riders. At the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Summer Games, concerns regarding inadequate horsemanship generated adverse publicity for MP. Conventional stadium Jumping in Tokyo provided an opportunity for comparison of the two closest Olympic equestrian Jumping disciplines. The objectives of this study were to complete an objective analysis of the Tokyo MP riding phases, and to test the hypothesis that MP riding faults in women\'s and men\'s Tokyo competitions combined were more frequent than in the Individual Jumping Qualifier (JQ). Types of faults for Tokyo MP (n = 71 riders) and JQ (n = 73 riders) were tabulated from published official results and detailed observation of online videos of each competition. Fault distributions were compared using Chi-square analysis (significance at P < .05). MP riders had more jumping faults (15.4 %) than JQ (7.8 %, P < .0001). Both MP and JQ riders had more faults at oxers (17.1 %, P < .0001 and 9.7 %, P = .0171, respectively) than verticals (14.5 % and 6.2 %). JQ (9.8 %, P = .0093) but not MP (15.7 %, p = .5166) riders had more faults in the second half of the course compared to the first half (5.7 % and 15.0 %, respectively). Double clear rounds (no jumping or time faults) were 4.9 times more likely in JQ (34.2 %) than in MP (6.9 %: P < .0001). Proposed solutions to decrease MP fault frequency include lower maximum fence heights, fewer jumping efforts, and a more liberal re-ride policy.





