
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool has been extensively utilized in filamentous fungi, including Trichoderma reesei. However, most existing systems employ constitutive promoters for the expression of Cas9 protein within the cells or directly introduce Cas9 protein into the cells, which often leads to continuous expression of Cas9 resulting in undesired phenotypes or increased operational cost. In this study, we identified a quinic acid (QA)-induced qai5 promoter and employed it to express Cas9, thereby establishing an inducible genome editing system in T. reesei. By utilizing this system, we successfully edited the ypr1 gene and the silent gene cluster involved in ilicicolin H synthesis using donor DNA labeling 41-bp homology arm (HA), resulting in an editing efficiency ranging from 29.2 % to 46.7 %. Consequently, biosynthesis of ilicicolin H was achieved in T. reesei. To summarize, this study presents a novel form of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system that enables efficient and controllable genetic modifications in T. reesei.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term \"urticaria\" was first introduced by William Cullen in the eighteenth century. Urticaria is a common mast cell-mediated cutaneous disease presenting with pruritic wheals, angioedema, or both. It is classified as acute (≤6 weeks) or chronic (>6 weeks) and as spontaneous (no definite triggers) or inducible (definite and subtype-specific triggers). The international urticaria guideline on the definition, classification, diagnosis, and management of urticaria is revised every 4 years. The global network of Urticaria Centers of Reference and Excellence, the biggest and most active consortium of urticaria specialists, offers physicians and patients several research, educational, and digital care initiatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) management often follows chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) guidelines, but a step-by-step evaluation of their effectiveness in CIndU is lacking.
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical impact of adapting CSU international guidelines for CIndU management.
    METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study involving patients diagnosed with CIndU based on challenge tests and a Urticaria Control Test (UCT) score of ≤11 points. Following the guidelines, a stepwise approach was used: avoidance measures, antihistamines, omalizumab, and cyclosporine. Treatment steps were added based on individual response, with control defined as UCT ≥12 points. Pharmacological steps were evaluated for at least 1 month, with the next step initiated in case of a UCT score ≤11 points.
    RESULTS: We enrolled 194 patients with CIndU. Of them, 134 patients had CIndU with concomitant CSU and 60 had CIndU only. Following the step-by-step approach outlined in the guidelines, a total of 159 (81.9%) patients reach a UCT ≥12 points, with avoidance measures 23 (11.8%) patients, antihistamines 84 (43.2%), omalizumab 35 (18%), and cyclosporine 17 (8.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the use of a stepwise approach based on CSU guidelines for CIndU management. However, a significant proportion of patients, particularly those with CIndU only, did not achieve adequate control. This highlights the heterogeneity within CIndU and the need for further research to develop new therapies for patients with CIndU who remain uncontrolled.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse models are invaluable to understanding fundamental mechanisms in vascular biology during development, in health and different disease states. Several constitutive or inducible models that selectively knockout or knock in genes in vascular endothelial cells exist; however, functional and phenotypic differences exist between microvascular and macrovascular endothelial cells in different organs. In order to study microvascular endothelial cell-specific biological processes, we developed a Tamoxifen-inducible von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Cre recombinase mouse in the SJL background. The transgene consists of the human vWF promoter with the microvascular endothelial cell-selective 734 base pair sequence to drive Cre recombinase fused to a mutant estrogen ligand-binding domain [ERT2] that requires Tamoxifen for activity (CreERT2) followed by a polyadenylation (polyA) signal. We initially observed Tamoxifen-inducible restricted bone marrow megakaryocyte and sciatic nerve microvascular endothelial cell Cre recombinase expression in offspring of a mixed strain hemizygous C57BL/6-SJL founder mouse bred with mT/mG mice, with >90% bone marrow megakaryocyte expression efficiency. Founder mouse offspring were backcrossed to the SJL background by speed congenics, and intercrossed for >10 generations to develop hemizygous Tamoxifen-inducible vWF Cre recombinase (vWF-iCre/+) SJL mice with stable transgene insertion in chromosome 1. Microvascular endothelial cell-specific Cre recombinase expression occurred in the sciatic nerves, brains, spleens, kidneys and gastrocnemius muscles of adult vWF-iCre/+ SJL mice bred with Ai14 mice, with retained low level bone marrow and splenic megakaryocyte expression. This novel mouse strain would support hypothesis-driven mechanistic studies to decipher the role(s) of specific genes transcribed by microvascular endothelial cells during development, as well as in physiologic and pathophysiologic states in an organ- and time-dependent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    That uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is the sole mediator of adipocyte thermogenesis is a conventional viewpoint that has primarily been inferred from the attenuation of the thermogenic output of mice genetically lacking Ucp1 from birth (germline Ucp1-/-). However, germline Ucp1-/- mice harbor secondary changes within brown adipose tissue. To mitigate these potentially confounding ancillary changes, we constructed mice with inducible adipocyte-selective Ucp1 disruption. We find that, although germline Ucp1-/- mice succumb to cold-induced hypothermia with complete penetrance, most mice with the inducible deletion of Ucp1 maintain homeothermy in the cold. However, inducible adipocyte-selective co-deletion of Ucp1 and creatine kinase b (Ckb, an effector of UCP1-independent thermogenesis) exacerbates cold intolerance. Following UCP1 deletion or UCP1/CKB co-deletion from mature adipocytes, moderate cold exposure triggers the regeneration of mature brown adipocytes that coordinately restore UCP1 and CKB expression. Our findings suggest that thermogenic adipocytes utilize non-paralogous protein redundancy-through UCP1 and CKB-to promote cold-induced energy dissipation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its established neuroprotective effect on dopaminergic neurons and encouraging phase I results, intraputaminal GDNF administration failed to demonstrate significant clinical benefits in Parkinson\'s disease patients. Different human GDNF doses were delivered in the striatum of rats with a progressive 6-hydroxydopamine lesion using a sensitive doxycycline-regulated AAV vector. GDNF treatment was applied either continuously or intermittently (2 weeks on/2 weeks off) during 17 weeks. Stable reduction of motor impairments as well as increased number of dopaminergic neurons and striatal innervation were obtained with a GDNF dose equivalent to 3- and 10-fold the rat endogenous level. In contrast, a 20-fold increased GDNF level only temporarily provided motor benefits and neurons were not spared. Strikingly, oxidized DNA in the substantia nigra increased by 50% with 20-fold, but not 3-fold GDNF treatment. In addition, only low-dose GDNF allowed to preserve dopaminergic neuron cell size. Finally, aberrant dopaminergic fiber sprouting was observed with 20-fold GDNF but not at lower doses. Intermittent 20-fold GDNF treatment allowed to avoid toxicity and spare dopaminergic neurons but did not restore their cell size. Our data suggest that maintaining GDNF concentration under a threshold generating oxidative stress is a pre-requisite to obtain significant symptomatic relief and neuroprotection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoreceptors are sensory neurons that capture light within their outer segment, a narrow cylindrical organelle stacked with disc-shaped membranes housing the visual pigment. Photoreceptors are the most abundant neurons in the retina and are tightly packed to maximize the capture of incoming light. As a result, it is challenging to visualize an individual cell within a crowded photoreceptor population. To address this limitation, we developed a rod-specific mouse model that expresses tamoxifen-inducible cre recombinase under the control of the Nrl promoter. We characterized this mouse using a farnyslated GFP (GFPf) reporter mouse and found mosaic rod expression throughout the retina. The number of GFPf-expressing rods stabilized within 3 days post tamoxifen injection. At that time, the GFPf reporter began to accumulate in basal disc membranes. Using this new reporter mouse, we attempted to quantify the time course of photoreceptor disc renewal in WT and Rd9 mice, a model of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa previously proposed to have a reduced disc renewal rate. We measured GFPf accumulation in individual outer segments at 3 and 6 days post-induction and found that basal accumulation of the GFPf reporter was unchanged between WT and Rd9 mice. However, rates of renewal based on the GFPf measurements were inconsistent with historical calculations from radiolabeled pulse-chase experiments. By extending GFPf reporter accumulation to 10 and 13 days we found that this reporter had an unexpected distribution pattern that preferentially labeled the basal region of the outer segment. For these reasons the GFPf reporter cannot be used for measuring rates of disc renewal. Therefore, we used an alternative method that labels newly forming discs with a fluorescent dye to measure disc renewal rates directly in the Rd9 model and found it was not significantly different from WT. Our study finds that the Rd9 mouse has normal rates of disc renewal and introduces a novel Nrl:CreERT2 mouse for gene manipulation of individual rods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Controlling transgene expression through an externally administered inductor is envisioned as a potent strategy to improve safety and efficacy of gene therapy approaches. Generally, inducible ON systems require a chimeric transcription factor (transactivator) that becomes activated by an inductor, which is not optimal for clinical translation due to their toxicity. We generated previously the first all-in-one, transactivator-free, doxycycline (Dox)-responsive (Lent-On-Plus or LOP) lentiviral vectors (LVs) able to control transgene expression in human stem cells. Here, we have generated new versions of the LOP LVs and have analyzed their applicability for the generation of inducible advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) with special focus on primary human T cells. We have shown that, contrary to all other cell types analyzed, an Is2 insulator must be inserted into the 3\' long terminal repeat of the LOP LVs in order to control transgene expression in human primary T cells. Importantly, inducible primary T cells generated by the LOPIs2 LVs are responsive to ultralow doses of Dox and have no changes in phenotype or function compared with untransduced T cells. We validated the LOPIs2 system by generating inducible CAR-T cells that selectively kill CD19+ cells in the presence of Dox. In summary, we describe here the first transactivator-free, all-one-one system capable of generating Dox-inducible ATMPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clindamycin and β-lactam antibiotics have been mainstays for treating invasive group A Streptococcus (iGAS) infection, yet such regimens might be limited for strains displaying MLSB phenotypes. We investigated 76 iGAS isolates from 66 patients in West Virginia, USA, during 2020-2021. We performed emm typing using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and assessed resistance both genotypically and phenotypically. Median patient age was 42 (range 23-86) years. We found 76% of isolates were simultaneously resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin, including all emm92 and emm11 isolates. Macrolide resistance was conferred by the plasmid-borne ermT gene in all emm92 isolates and by chromosomally encoded ermA, ermB, and a single mefA in other emm types. Macrolide-resistant iGAS isolates were typically resistant to tetracycline and aminoglycosides. Vulnerability to infection was associated with socioeconomic status. Our results show a predominance of macrolide-resistant isolates and a shift in emm type distribution compared with historical reports.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat-shock-inducible expression of genes through the use of heat-inducible promoters is commonly used in research despite leaky expression of downstream genes of interest without targeted induction (i.e. heat shock). The development of non-leaky inducible expression systems is of broad interest for both basic and applied studies, to precisely control gene expression. Here we characterize the use of Polycomb response elements and the inducible Heat-shock protein 70Bb promoter, previously described as a non-leaky inducible system, to regulate Cas9 endonuclease levels and function in Drosophila melanogaster after varying both heat-shock durations and rearing temperatures. We show that Polycomb response elements can significantly reduce expression of Cas9 under Heat-shock protein 70Bb promoter control using a range of conditions, corroborating previously published results. We further demonstrate that this low transcript level of heat-induced Cas9 is sufficient to induce mutant mosaic phenotypes. Incomplete suppression of an inducible Cas9 system by Polycomb response elements with no heat-shock suggests that further regulatory elements are required to precisely control Cas9 expression and abundance.





