history of medicine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: After conducting a comprehensive literature search of two medical electronic databases, PubMed and Embase, as well as two citation databases, Web of Science Core Collections (WoS) and Scopus, we aimed to conduct an Altmetric and Scientometric analysis of the History of Medicine literature in medical research.
    UNASSIGNED: The following software tools were used for analyzing the retrieved records from PubMed and Embase databases and conducting a collaboration analysis to identify the countries involved in scientific medical papers, as well as clustering keywords to reveal the trend of History of Medicine research for the future. These software tools (VOSviewer 1.6.18 and Spss 16) allowed the researchers to visualize bibliometric networks, perform statistical analysis, and identify patterns and trends in the data.
    UNASSIGNED: Our analysis revealed 53,771 records from PubMed and 54,405 records from EMBASE databases retrieved in the field of History of Medicine by 105,286 contributed authors in WoS. We identified 157 countries that collaborated on scientific medical papers. By clustering 59,995 keywords, we were able to reveal the trend of History of Medicine research for the future. Our findings showed a positive association between traditional bibliometrics and social media metrics such as the Altmetric Attention Score in the History of Medicine literature (p < 0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: Sharing research findings of articles in social scientific networks will increase the visibility of scientific works in History of Medicine research, which is one of the most important factors influencing the citation of articles. Additionally, our overview of the literature in the medical field allowed us to identify and examine gaps in the History of Medicine research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article profiles 6 notable female scientists who have had eponyms named after them, highlighting their significant contributions to various medical fields and whose scientific endeavors have influenced our practice and understanding of otolaryngology. We discuss Łucja Frey Gottesman and her description of Frey\'s syndrome; Margaret Dix and the Dix-Hallpike test; Lotte Strauss and her work defining Churg-Strauss disease; Dorothy Reed Mendenhall\'s discovery of Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin\'s lymphoma; Edith Louise Potter defining Potter sequence in utero; Denise Louis-Bar originally characterizing the condition now known as ataxia-telangiectasia or Louis-Bar syndrome. Despite the challenges these women faced as pioneering female physicians as well as personal and political turmoil, their contributions greatly advanced the fields of otolaryngology, neurology, neuropathology, perinatology, and pediatric pathology. We aim to honor their stories and medical legacies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper examines the significant contribution of Dr. Valentín Grandis and Dr. Virgilio Ducceschi to the founding and development of experimental physiology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Although the most notable contribution to the field of experimental physiology in Argentina is attributed to Bernardo Alberto Houssay, this study highlights the importance of the previous and fundamental efforts of Grandis and Ducceschi, two Italian professors whose work in Buenos Aires and Córdoba laid the foundations for research and teaching in this discipline. The paper details how, in 1904, the arrival of Valentin Grandis at the UNC marked the formal beginning of the teaching and practice of experimental physiology at the institution, followed by the incorporation of Virgilio Ducceschi, who continued and expanded Grandis\' legacy. The work of these two Italian masters involved not only the installation of a state-of-the-art laboratory but also the establishment of a solid academic and scientific foundation that would influence future generations of Argentine physicians and researchers. Through a detailed analysis of their biographies, scientific contributions, and the impact of their work, this paper illustrates how Grandis and Ducceschi were key figures in the development of medical science in Argentina, particularly in the field of experimental physiology. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of their educational approach and their ability to train disciples who would continue their research, thus ensuring the permanence of their legacy at the National University of Córdoba and in Argentine science in general. In conclusion, this paper vindicates and celebrates the contributions of Valentín Grandis and Virgilio Ducceschi to the initiation of research and experimentation in physiology and biological chemistry at the UNC, highlighting their importance in the advancement of medicine and science in Argentina.
    Este trabajo examina el significativo aporte de los doctores Valentín Grandis y Virgilio Ducceschi a la fundación y desarrollo de la fisiología experimental en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. A pesar de que la contribución más notable en el campo de la fisiología experimental en Argentina se atribuye a Bernardo Alberto Houssay, este estudio destaca la importancia de los esfuerzos previos y fundamentales de Grandis y Ducceschi, dos profesores italianos cuyo trabajo en Buenos Aires y Córdoba sentó las bases para la investigación y la enseñanza de esta disciplina.   El trabajo detalla cómo, en 1904, la llegada de Valentín Grandis a la UNC marcó el inicio formal de la enseñanza y práctica de la fisiología experimental en la institución, seguida por la incorporación de Virgilio Ducceschi, quien continuó y expandió el legado de Grandis. La labor de estos dos maestros italianos no solo involucró la instalación de un laboratorio de vanguardia sino también el establecimiento de una sólida base académica y científica que influiría en generaciones futuras de médicos e investigadores argentinos.   A través de un análisis detallado de sus biografías, contribuciones científicas, y el impacto de su trabajo, este documento ilustra cómo Grandis y Ducceschi fueron figuras clave en el desarrollo de la ciencia médica en Argentina, particularmente en el ámbito de la fisiología experimental. Además, el estudio resalta la importancia de su enfoque educativo y su capacidad para formar discípulos que continuarían sus investigaciones, asegurando así la permanencia de su legado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y en la ciencia argentina en general.   En conclusión, el presente trabajo reivindica y celebra las contribuciones de Valentín Grandis y Virgilio Ducceschi al inicio de la investigación y experimentación en fisiología y química biológica en la UNC, subrayando su importancia en el avance de la medicina y la ciencia en Argentina.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Whereas medical practice stems from Hippocrates, cardiovascular science originates with Aristotle. The Hippocratic philosophy was championed by Galen (129-216 CE), whose advocacy of a tripartite soul found favor in the early Christian Church. In contrast, Aristotle\'s works were banned as heresy by ecclesiastical authority, only to survive and prosper in the Islamic Golden Age (775-1258 CE). Galen theorized that the circulation consisted of separate venous and arterial systems. Blood was produced in the liver and traveled centrifugally through veins. When arriving in the right ventricle, venous blood passed through tiny pores in the ventricular septum into the left ventricle, where it became aerated by air passing from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the left side of the heart. Following arrival at distal sites, arterial blood disappeared, being consumed by the tissues, requiring that the liver needed to continually synthesize new blood. The heart was viewed as a sucking organ, and the peripheral pulse was deemed to result from changes in arterial tone, rather than cardiac systole. Galen\'s framework remained undisputed and dominated medical thought for 1,300 years, but the reintroduction of Aristotelian principles from the Islamic world into Europe (through the efforts of the Toledo School of Translators) were nurtured by the academic freedom and iconoclastic environment uniquely cultivated at the University of Padua, made possible by Venetian rebellion against papal authority. At Padua, the work of Andreas Vesalius, Realdo Colombo, Hieronymus Fabricius ab Acquapendente, and William Harvey (1543-1628) methodically destroyed Galen\'s model, leading to the modern concept of a closed-ended circulation. Yet, due to political forces, Harvey was ridiculed, as was James Lind, who performed the first prospective controlled trial, involving citrus fruits for scurvy (1747); it took nearly 50 years for his work to be accepted. Even the work of William Withering (1785), the father of cardiovascular pharmacology, was tarnished by professional jealously and the marketing campaign of a pharmaceutical company. Today\'s cardiovascular investigators should understand that major advances are routinely derided by the medical establishment for political or personal reasons; and it may take decades or centuries for important work to be accepted.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The foundation by Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) of the Salpêtrière School in Paris had an influential role in the development of neurology during the late-nineteenth century. The international aura of Charcot attracted neurologists from all parts of the world. We here present the most representative European, American, and Russian young physicians who learned from Charcot during their tutoring or visit in Paris or Charcot\'s travels outside France. These include neurologists from Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Germany and Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Finland, Poland, Bohemia, Hungary, and Romania. Particularly emblematic among the renowned foreign scientists who met and/or learned from Charcot were Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard, who had interactions with Paris University and contributed to the early development of British and American neurological schools; John Hughlings Jackson, who was admired by Charcot and influenced French neurology similarly as Charcot did on British neurology; Silas Weir Mitchell, the pioneer in American neurology; Sigmund Freud, who was trained by Charcot to study patients with hysteria and then, back in Vienna, founded a new discipline called psychoanalysis; Aleksej Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov and almost all the founders of the Russian institutes of neurology who were instructed in Paris; and Georges Marinesco, who established the Romanian school of neurology and did major contributions thanks to his valuable relation with Charcot and French neurology.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842) is Scottish physiologist, surgeon, artist, philosopher and anatomist. Throughout his professional career, Charles Bell made a number of important discoveries and published a large number of scientific papers. Bell first presented a detailed description of the clinical picture of facial palsy (later named after him) and a number of other neurological disorders, as well as important information about referred pain and reciprocal inhibition. Exploring the physical expression of emotions, Bell described the anatomical basis of facial expressions, which became the basis and incentive for Charles Darwin\'s work in this direction. Being a talented artist, the scientist himself illustrated his publications. Bell was one of the first to integrate scientific research in neuroanatomy with clinical practice. His most significant discoveries are collected in the book «The Nervous System of the Human Body» (1830). A number of neurological conditions and patterns were named after him.
    Сэр Чарльз Белл (1774—1842) — шотландский физиолог, хирург, художник, философ и анатом. На протяжении своей профессиональной деятельности Чарльз Белл сделал ряд важных открытий и опубликовал большое количество научных работ. Белл впервые представил подробное описание клиники паралича лицевого нерва (впоследствии названного его именем) и ряда других неврологических расстройств, а также важные сведения об отраженной боли и реципрокном торможении. Исследуя физическое выражение эмоций, Белл описал анатомические основы мимики, что стало базой и стимулом для работы Чарльза Дарвина в этом направлении. Будучи талантливым художником, ученый сам иллюстрировал свои публикации. Белл был одним из первых, кто объединил научные исследования нейроанатомии с клинической практикой. Наиболее значительные его открытия собраны в книге «Нервная система человеческого тела» (1830). Именем Белла назван ряд неврологических состояний и закономерностей.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study reevaluates the historical origins of occlusion therapy for amblyopia, focusing on the contributions of the 9th-century Islamic scholar, Ali ibn Sahl ibn Rabban al-Tabari (838-870 CE).
    UNASSIGNED: The investigation delved into al-Tabari\'s writings, particularly \"Firdous al-Hikma,\" to extract insights into his approach to addressing reduced vision in one eye.Additionally, the study examined subsequent advancements in occlusion therapy by scholars such as Thabit ibn Qurrah and Rhazes, building upon al-Tabari\'sfoundational work.
    UNASSIGNED: Al-Tabari\'s reports contain significant insights into occlusion therapy for amblyopia, predating commonly attributed origins of the treatment. Within \"Firdous al-Hikma,\" he outlines methods for addressing reduced vision, advocating for the covering of the healthier eye to promote the function of the weaker eye. These findings highlight the pioneering efforts of al-Tabari and his contemporaries in the Islamic civilization and challenge the conventional narrative surrounding the history of occlusion therapy. Subsequent advancements by scholars such as Thabit ibn Qurrah and Rhazes expanded upon al-Tabari\'s work, advocating for similar therapeutic approaches within the Islamic civilization. Their contributions further solidified the practice of occlusion therapy, laying the groundwork for its continued evolution and refinement in subsequent centuries.
    UNASSIGNED: Al-Tabari\'s contributions to occlusion therapy underscore the rich heritage of scientific inquiry in theIslamic civilization during the medieval period. This historical perspective sheds light on the diverse contributions to medical knowledge and practice outside of Western contexts and emphasizes the importance of recognizing and honoring these contributions in the broader history of medicine.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The present case studies report malignant neoplastic and traumatic lesions observed on two ancient Egyptian skulls held at the Duckworth Collection (Cambridge University). The analysis aims to characterise the lesions and provide a diagnosis using a methodology based on micro-CT scanning and microscopic bone surface analysis. Results pointed towards neoplastic lesions in both cases and healed severe skull trauma in one of them suggesting successful traumatological therapy. Interestingly, our analysis has identified the presence of perimortem cutmarks associated with metastatic lytic lesions in one of the skulls, indicating a potential surgical treatment attempt or postmortem medical exploration. We argue that the two cases, although not contemporary, allow a palaeopathological discussion on oncological and traumatological understanding and management of such conditions in the past. The confrontation of two potential managements represented by two different types of lesions represent a clear boundary in ancient Egyptian medical care and a milestone in the history of medicine.





