
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A method for enhancing the resolution of 3D imaging reconstruction by employing the polarization modulation of electro-optical crystals is proposed. This technique utilizes two polarizers oriented perpendicular to each other along with an electro-optical modulation crystal to achieve high repetition frequency and narrow pulse width gating. By varying the modulation time series of the electro-optical crystal, three-dimensional gray images of the laser at different distances are acquired, and the three-dimensional information of the target is reconstructed using the range energy recovery algorithm. This 3D imaging system can be implemented with large area detectors, independent of the an Intensified Charge-Coupled Device (ICCD) manufacturing process, resulting in improved lateral resolution. Experimental results demonstrate that when imaging a target at the distance of 20 m, the lateral resolution within the region of interest is 2560 × 2160, with a root mean square error of 3.2 cm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China\'s rapid expansion of civil aviation has led to an increase in pollution-related issues, causing adverse health effects on populations near airports and downwind. Accurately quantifying aviation emissions is essential for effective emission management. Here, we developed a high-resolution aviation emissions inventory for China by employing a bottom-up approach that relied on daily flight schedules. By using the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) to reproduce real-world flight routes rather than conventional great-circle routes, we improved the accuracy of emissions and investigated the potential for reducing these emissions. Our findings demonstrated substantial variations in domestic civil aviation emissions both spatially and temporally. Emissions peaked in most provinces during Chinese holidays, particularly the Chinese Lunar New Year and summer holidays, highlighting the importance of detailed activity data for accurate emissions calculations. Therefore, we recommend extensive utilization of real-world flight routes, particularly in areas with limited Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) coverage since they provide more accurate representations of actual flight trajectories. Our study also identified regions like Shaanxi, Sichuan, Beijing, and their surroundings having considerable potential for emission reduction due to substantial deviations from great-circle routes. This approach can enhance the accuracy and spatiotemporal resolution of aviation emissions at national and global scales throughout the year, without relying on extensive, long-term real-time flight trajectories. Additionally, it provides a unique way to quantify the potential for emission reductions across provinces in civil aviation, ultimately contributing to mitigating pollution-related health impacts from aviation emissions and promoting a more sustainable aviation industry.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hippocampal atrophy (tissue loss) has become a fundamental outcome parameter in clinical trials on Alzheimer\'s disease. To accurately estimate hippocampus volume and track its volume loss, a robust and reliable segmentation is essential. Manual hippocampus segmentation is considered the gold standard but is extensive, time-consuming, and prone to rater bias. Therefore, it is often replaced by automated programs like FreeSurfer, one of the most commonly used tools in clinical research. Recently, deep learning-based methods have also been successfully applied to hippocampus segmentation. The basis of all approaches are clinically used T1-weighted whole-brain MR images with approximately 1 mm isotropic resolution. However, such T1 images show low contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs), particularly for many hippocampal substructures, limiting delineation reliability. To overcome these limitations, high-resolution T2-weighted scans are suggested for better visualization and delineation, as they show higher CNRs and usually allow for higher resolutions. Unfortunately, such time-consuming T2-weighted sequences are not feasible in a clinical routine. We propose an automated hippocampus segmentation pipeline leveraging deep learning with T2-weighted MR images for enhanced hippocampus segmentation of clinical T1-weighted images based on a series of 3D convolutional neural networks and a specifically acquired multi-contrast dataset. This dataset consists of corresponding pairs of T1- and high-resolution T2-weighted images, with the T2 images only used to create more accurate manual ground truth annotations and to train the segmentation network. The T2-based ground truth labels were also used to evaluate all experiments by comparing the masks visually and by various quantitative measures. We compared our approach with four established state-of-the-art hippocampus segmentation algorithms (FreeSurfer, ASHS, HippoDeep, HippMapp3r) and demonstrated a superior segmentation performance. Moreover, we found that the automated segmentation of T1-weighted images benefits from the T2-based ground truth data. In conclusion, this work showed the beneficial use of high-resolution, T2-based ground truth data for training an automated, deep learning-based hippocampus segmentation and provides the basis for a reliable estimation of hippocampal atrophy in clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As cities strive for ambitious increases in tree canopy cover and reductions in anthropogenic volatile organic compound (AVOC) emissions, accurate assessments of the impacts of biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) on air quality become more important. In this study, we aim to quantify the impact of future urban greening on ozone production. BVOC emissions in dense urban areas are often coarsely represented in regional models. We set up a high-resolution (30 m) MEGAN (The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 3.2) to estimate summertime biogenic isoprene emissions in the New York City metro area (NYC-MEGAN). Coupling an observation-constrained box model with NYC-MEGAN isoprene emissions successfully reproduced the observed isoprene concentrations in the city core. We then estimated future isoprene emissions from likely urban greening scenarios and evaluated the potential impact on future ozone production. NYC-MEGAN predicts up to twice as much isoprene emissions in NYC as the coarse-resolution (1.33 km) Biogenic Emission Inventory System version 3.61 (BEIS) on hot summer days. We find that BVOCs drive ozone production on hot summer days, even in the city core, despite large AVOC emissions. If high isoprene emitting species (e.g., oak trees) are planted, future isoprene emissions could increase by 1.4-2.2 times in the city core, which would result in 8-19 ppbv increases in peak ozone on ozone exceedance days with current NOx concentrations. We recommend planting non- or low-isoprene emitting trees in cities with high NOx concentrations to avoid an increase in the frequency and severity of future ozone exceedance events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data are presented demonstrating that absorbance detection can be used during high-speed sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (hs-SV-AUC) experiments to characterize the size distribution of adeno-associated virus (AAV) drug products accurately. Advantages and limitations of being able to use this detector in this specific type of SV-AUC experiment are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The claustrum has a unique thin sheet-like structure that makes it hard to identify in typical anatomical MRI scans. Attempts have been made to identify the claustrum in anatomical images with either automatic segmentation techniques or using atlas-based approaches. However, the resulting labels fail to include the ventral claustrum portion, which consists of fragmented grey matter referred to as \"puddles\". The current dataset is a high-resolution label of the whole claustrum manually defined using an ultra-high resolution postmortem MRI image of one individual. Manual labelling was performed by four independent research trainees. Two trainees labelled the left claustrum and another two trainees labelled the right claustrum. For every hemisphere we created a union of the two labels and assessed the label correspondence using dice coefficients. We provide size measurements of the labels in MNI space by calculating the oriented bounding box size. These data are the first manual claustrum segmentation labels that include both the dorsal and ventral claustrum regions at such a high resolution in standard space. The label can be used to approximate the claustrum location in typical in vivo MRI scans of healthy individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical magnetic resonance scanner (field strength ≤ 3.0 T) has limited efficacy in the high-resolution imaging of experimental mice. This study introduces a novel magnetic resonance micro-coil designed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), thereby improving high-resolution imaging in experimental mice using clinical magnetic resonance scanners. Initially, a phantom was utilized to determine the maximum spatial resolution achievable by the novel micro-coil. Subsequently, 12 C57BL/6JGpt mice were included in this study, and the novel micro-coil was employed for their scanning. A clinical flexible coil was selected for comparative analysis. The scanning methodologies for both coils were consistent. The imaging clarity, noise, and artifacts produced by the two coils on mouse tissues and organs were subjectively evaluated, while the SNR and CNR of the brain, spinal cord, and liver were objectively measured. Differences in the images produced by the two coils were compared. The results indicated that the maximum spatial resolution of the novel micro-coil was 0.2 mm. Furthermore, the subjective evaluation of the images obtained using the novel micro-coil was superior to that of the flexible coil (p < 0.05). The SNR and CNR measurements for the brain, spinal cord, and liver using the novel micro-coil were significantly higher than those obtained with the flexible coil (p < 0.001). Our study suggests that the novel micro-coil is highly effective in enhancing the image quality of clinical magnetic resonance scanners in experimental mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-resolution thermometry is critical for probing nanoscale energy transport. Here, we demonstrate how high-resolution thermometry can be accomplished using vanadium oxide (VOx), which features a sizable temperature-dependence of its resistance at room temperature and an even stronger dependence at its metal-insulator-transition (MIT) temperature. We microfabricate VOx nanofilm-based electrical resistance thermometers that undergo a metal-insulator-transition at ∼337 K and systematically quantify their temperature-dependent resistance, noise characteristics, and temperature resolution. We show that VOx sensors can achieve, in a bandwidth of ∼16 mHz, a temperature resolution of ∼5 μK at room temperature (∼300 K) and a temperature resolution of ∼1 μK at the MIT (∼337 K) when the amplitude of temperature perturbations is in the microkelvin range, which, in contrast to larger perturbations, is found to avoid hysteric resistance responses. These results demonstrate that VOx-based thermometers offer a ∼10-50-fold improvement in resolution over widely used Pt-based thermometers.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





