fat body

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spodoptera litura is a significant agricultural pest, and its glutathione S-transferase (GST) plays a crucial role in insecticide resistance. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the SlGSTe11 gene of S. litura and resistance to cyantraniliprole and nicotine. Transcriptome analysis revealed that SlGSTe11 is highly expressed mainly in fat bodies, with a significant increase in SlGSTe11 gene expression under induction by cyantraniliprole and nicotine. The ectopic expression of the SlGSTe11 gene in transgenic fruit flies resulted in a 5.22-fold increase in the tolerance to cyantraniliprole. Moreover, compared to the UAS-SlGSTe11 line, the Act5C-UAS>SlGSTe11 line laid more eggs and had a lower mortality after nicotine exposure. RNAi-mediated inhibition of SlGSTe11 gene expression led to a significant increase in the mortality of S. litura under cyantraniliprole exposure. In vitro metabolism experiments demonstrated that the recombinant SlGSTe11 protein efficiently metabolizes cyantraniliprole. Molecular docking results indicated that SlGSTe11 has a strong affinity for both cyantraniliprole and nicotine. These findings suggest that SlGSTe11 is involved in the development of resistance to cyantraniliprole and nicotine in S. litura.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carbohydrates and lipids integrate into a complex metabolic network that is essential to maintain homeostasis. In insects, as in most metazoans, dietary carbohydrates are taken up as monosaccharides whose excess is toxic, even at relatively low concentrations. To cope with this toxicity, monosaccharides are stored either as glycogen or neutral lipids, the latter constituting a quasi-unlimited energy store. Breakdown of these stores in response to energy demand depends on insect species and on several physiological parameters. In this chapter, we review the multiple metabolic pathways and strategies linking carbohydrates and lipids that insects utilize to respond to nutrient availability, food scarcity or physiological activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T2 RNases are transferase-type enzymes distributed across phyla, crucial for breaking down single-stranded RNA molecules. In addition to their canonical function, several T2 enzymes exhibit pleiotropic roles, contributing to various biological processes, such as the immune response in invertebrates and vertebrates. This study aims at characterizing RNASET2 in the larvae of black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens, which are used for organic waste reduction and the production of valuable insect biomolecules for feed formulation and other applications. Given the exposure of BSF larvae to pathogens present in the feeding substrate, it is likely that the mechanisms of their immune response have undergone significant evolution and increased complexity. After in silico characterization of HiRNASET2, demonstrating the high conservation of this T2 homolog, we investigated the expression pattern of the enzyme in the fat body and hemocytes, two districts mainly involved in the insect immune response, in larvae challenged with bacterial infection. While no variation in HiRNASET2 expression was observed in the fat body following infection, a significant upregulation of HiRNASET2 synthesis occurred in hemocytes shortly after the injection of bacteria in the larva. The intracellular localization of HiRNASET2 in lysosomes of plasmatocytes, its extracellular association with bacteria, and the presence of a putative antimicrobial domain in the molecule, suggest its potential role in RNA clean-up and as an alarm molecule promoting phagocytosis activation by hemocytes. These insights contribute to the characterization of the immune response of Hermetia illucens larvae and may facilitate the development of animal feedstuff enriched with highly valuable BSF bioactive compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Azadirachtin is a widely used botanical pesticide for agricultural pest control worldwide. However, the molecular mechanisms of azadirachtin in insects are not fully understood. In this study, histological analysis and RNA sequencing were conducted to investigate the impact of azadirachtin on the larval development of Spodoptera frugiperda. Under azadirachtin exposure, the development was completely inhibited, and the major internal tissues, fat body, and midgut were strongly damaged under histological analysis. Differential gene expression analysis demonstrated that nutrient absorption and detoxification metabolism-related genes are differentially expressed. Interestingly, the expression of the apoptosis-related gene, caspase-8, was significantly inhibited under exposure to azadirachtin. In addition, after knocking down the expression of the caspase-8 gene, the fat body displayed a similar apoptotic phenotype as azadirachtin treatment; the distribution of chromatin and lipid droplets was uneven in the fat body cells. Thus, the results in this study demonstrated that exposure to azadirachtin rapidly activates apoptosis, resulting in innate tissue disruption, ultimately arresting larval development in S. frugiperda.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Energy metabolism is essential for insect development, reproduction and detoxification. Insects often reallocate energy and resources to manage external stress, balancing the demands of detoxification and reproduction. Glucose transport 4 (Glut4), a glucose transporter, is involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. However, the specific molecular mechanism of Glut4 in insect reproduction, and its role in the response to insecticide-induced oxidative stress remain unclear. In this study, LmGlut4 was identified and analyzed in Locusta migratoria. Silencing of LmGlut4 significantly reduced vitellogenin (Vg) biosynthesis in the fat body and Vg absorption by oocytes, ultimately hindering ovarian development and oocyte maturation. Knockdown of LmGlut4 also inhibited the biosynthesis of key insect hormones, such as juvenile hormone (JH), 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and insulin. Furthermore, LmGlut4 knockdown led to reduced triglyceride (TG) and glycogen content in the fat body and ovary, as well as decreased capacity for trehalose biosynthesis in adipocytes. Additionally, dsLmGlut4-treated locusts showed heightened sensitivity to deltamethrin, leading to increased triglyceride depletion during detoxification. This study sheds light on the biological function of LmGlut4 in the ovary and provides potential target genes for exploring biological pest management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Today, plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment and public health. In the tissues of exposed species, micro- and nano-fragments accumulate, leading to genotoxicity, altered metabolism, and decreased lifespan. A model to investigate the genotoxic and tumor-promoting potential of nanoplastics (NPs) is Drosophila melanogaster. Here we tested polystyrene, which is commonly used in food packaging, is not well recycled, and makes up at least 30% of landfills. In order to investigate the biological effects and carcinogenic potential of 100 µm polystyrene nanoparticles (PSNPs), we raised Oregon [R] wild-type flies on contaminated food. After prolonged exposure, fluorescent PSNPs accumulated in the gut and fat bodies. Furthermore, PSNP-fed flies showed considerable alterations in weight, developmental time, and lifespan, as well as a compromised ability to recover from starvation. Additionally, we noticed a decrease in motor activity in DNAlig4 mutants fed with PSNPs, which are known to be susceptible to dietary stressors. A qPCR molecular investigation of the larval intestines revealed a markedly elevated expression of the genes drice and p53, suggesting a response to cell damage. Lastly, we used warts-defective mutants to assess the carcinogenic potential of PSNPs and discovered that exposed flies had more aberrant masses than untreated ones. In summary, our findings support the notion that ingested nanopolystyrene triggers metabolic and genetic modifications in the exposed organisms, eventually delaying development and accelerating death and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Energy storage and endocrine functions of the Drosophila fat body make it an excellent model for elucidating mechanisms that underlie physiological and pathophysiological organismal metabolism. Combined with Drosophila\'s robust genetic and immunofluorescence microscopy toolkits, studies of Drosophila fat body function are ripe for cell biological analysis. Unlike the larval fat body, which is easily removed as a single, cohesive sheet of tissue, isolating intact adult fat body proves to be more challenging, thus hindering consistent immunofluorescence labeling even within a single piece of adipose tissue. Here, we describe an improved approach to handling Drosophila abdomens that ensures full access of the adult fat body to solutions generally used in immunofluorescence labeling protocols. In addition, we assess the quality of fluorescence reporter expression and antibody immunoreactivity in response to variations in fixative type, fixation incubation time, and detergent used for cellular permeabilization. Overall, we provide several recommendations for steps in a whole-mount staining protocol that results in consistent and robust immunofluorescence labeling of the adult Drosophila fat body.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ninein (Nin) is a microtubule (MT) anchor at the subdistal appendages of mother centrioles and the pericentriolar material (PCM) of centrosomes that also functions to organize MTs at noncentrosomal MT-organizing centers (ncMTOCs). In humans, the NIN gene is mutated in Seckel syndrome, an inherited developmental disorder. Here, we dissect the protein domains involved in Nin\'s localization and interactions with dynein and ensconsin (ens/MAP7) and show that the association with ens cooperatively regulates MT assembly in Drosophila fat body cells. We define domains of Nin responsible for its localization to the ncMTOC on the fat body cell nuclear surface, localization within the nucleus, and association with Dynein light intermediate chain (Dlic) and ens, respectively. We show that Nin\'s association with ens synergistically regulates MT assembly. Together, these findings reveal novel features of Nin function and its regulation of a ncMTOC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron homeostasis is of critical importance to living organisms. Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as an excellent model to study iron homeostasis, while the regulatory mechanism of iron metabolism remains poorly understood. Herein, we accidently found that knockdown of juvenile hormone (JH) acid methyltransferase (Jhamt) specifically in the fat body, a key rate-limiting enzyme for JH synthesis, led to iron accumulation locally, resulting in serious loss and dysfunction of fat body. Jhamt knockdown-induced phenotypes were mitigated by iron deprivation, antioxidant and Ferrostatin-1, a well-known inhibitor of ferroptosis, suggesting ferroptosis was involved in Jhamt knockdown-induced defects in the fat body. Further study demonstrated that upregulation of Tsf1 and Malvolio (Mvl, homolog of mammalian DMT1), two iron importers, accounted for Jhamt knockdown-induced iron accumulation and dysfunction of the fat body. Mechanistically, Kr-h1, a key transcription factor of JH, acts downstream of Jhamt inhibiting Tsf1 and Mvl transcriptionally. In summary, the findings indicated that fat body-derived Jhamt is required for the development of Drosophila by maintaining iron homeostasis in the fat body, providing unique insight into the regulatory mechanisms of iron metabolism in Drosophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human activities associated with large-scale farms and the monocultures expose honey bees to one type of food. Moreover, there is an ongoing decline of plant species producing pollen and nectar in Europe. A poorly balanced diet affects a number of processes occurring in a bee\'s body. The fat body and hemolymph are the tissues that participate in all of them. Therefore, the aim of our study was to determine the effect of hazel, pine, rapeseed, buckwheat, phacelia and goldenrod pollen on the morphological parameters of fat body trophocytes, the diameters of cell nuclei in oenocytes and the concentrations of compounds involved in energy metabolism (glucose, glycogen, triglycerides and protein). In the cage tests, the bees were fed from the first day of life with sugar candy (control group) or candy with a 10% addition of one of the 6 pollen types. Hemolymph and fat body from various locations were collected from 1-, 7- and 14-day-old workers. Pollen produced by plant species such as hazel and pine increased glucose concentrations in the bee tissues, especially in the hemolymph. It can therefore be concluded that they are valuable sources of energy (in the form of simple carbohydrates) which are quickly used by bees. Pollen from plants blooming in the summer and autumn increased the concentrations of proteins, glycogen and triglycerides in the fat body, especially that from the third tergite. The accumulation of these compounds was associated with an increased the length and width of trophocytes as well as with enhanced metabolic activity, which was evidenced in the increasing diameter of oenocyte cell nuclei. It seems a balanced multi-pollen diet is more valuable for bees, but it is important to understand the effects of the particular pollen types in the context of a mono-diet. In the future, this will make it possible to produce mixtures that can ensure homeostasis in the apian body.





