entomopathogenic fungus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beauveria bassiana has potential for Aedes aegypti biological control. However, its efficacy depends on the strain\'s geographic location, host susceptibility, and virulence. The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of B. bassiana strain BBPTG4 conidia in controlling Ae. aegypti adults and its detection via introns profile on exposed mosquito corpses. Morphologic characteristics among strains were highly similar. Comprehensive testing of these strains demonstrated that BBPT4 exhibited the ideal biological activity for Ae. aegypti control, with a median lethal time (TL50) of 7.5 d compared to ~3 d and ~10 d for BB01 and BB37 strains, respectively. Infected mosquitoes died after GHA and BBPTG4 exposure, and corpses were analyzed for infecting strains detection. Differences among the seven evaluated strains were determined, assessing five different insertion group I intron profiles in BBTG4, BB01, GHA, BB37, and BB02 strains. Mosquitoes infected by BBPTG4 and non-exposed (negative control) intron profiles were obtained. We detected the presence of introns in the BBPTG4 strain, which were not present in non-exposed mosquitoes. In conclusion, B. bassiana strains showed similarities in terms of their cultural and microscopic morphological characteristics and biologicals virulence level, but different intron profiles. BBPTG4 strain-infected Ae. aegypti adult corpses, showing specific amplicons, enabled us to identify B. bassiana at the strain level among infected mosquitoes. However, monitoring and detection of field-infected insects is essential for further verification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect pathogenic fungi have shown great potential in agricultural pest control. Conidiation is crucial for the survival of filamentous fungi, and dispersal occurs through two methods: normal conidiation, where conidia differentiate from mycelium, and microcycle conidiation, which involves conidial budding. The conidiation process is related to cell separation. The forkhead box gene Sep1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe plays a crucial role in cell separation. Nevertheless, the function of Sep1 has not been clarified in filamentous fungi. Here, MaSep1, the homolog of Sep1 in Metarhizium acridum, was identified and subjected to functional analysis. The findings revealed that conidial germination of the MaSep1-deletion strain (ΔMaSep1) was accelerated and the time for 50% germination rate of conidial was shortened by 1 h, while the conidial production of ΔMaSep1 was considerably reduced. The resistances to heat shock and UV-B irradiation of ΔMaSep1 were enhanced, and the expression of some genes involved in DNA damage repair and heat shock response was significantly increased in ΔMaSep1. The disruption of MaSep1 had no effect on the virulence of M. acridum. Interestingly, ΔMaSep1 conducted the normal conidiation on the microcycle conidiation medium, SYA. Furthermore, 127 DEGs were identified by RNA-Seq between the wild-type and ΔMaSep1 strains during microcycle conidiation, proving that MaSep1 mediated the conidiation pattern shift by governing some genes associated with conidiation, cell division, and cell wall formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Siderophores are small molecule iron chelators. The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana produces a plethora of siderophores under iron-limiting conditions. In this study, a siderophore biosynthesis pathway, akin to the general pathway observed in filamentous fungi, was revealed in B. bassiana. Among the siderophore biosynthesis genes (SID), BbSidA was required for the production of most siderophores, and the SidC and SidD biosynthesis gene clusters were indispensable for the production of ferricrocin and fusarinine C, respectively. Biosynthesis genes play various roles in siderophore production, vegetative growth, stress resistance, development, and virulence, in which BbSidA plays the most important role. Accordingly, B. bassiana employs a cocktail of siderophores for iron metabolism, which is essential for fungal physiology and host interactions. This study provides the initial network for the genetic modification of siderophore biosynthesis, which not only aims to improve the efficacy of biocontrol agents but also ensures the efficient production of siderophores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tropical climate in Malaysia provides an ideal environment for the rapid proliferation of Aedes mosquitoes, notably Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, prominent vectors of dengue fever. Alarmingly, these species are increasingly developing resistance to conventional pesticides. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae isolate HSAH5 spores, specifically on conidia (CO) and blastospores (BL), against Ae. albopictus larvae. The study centered on evaluating their pathogenic effects and the resultant changes in protein expression. Spore suspensions with varying concentrations were prepared for larvicidal bioassays, and protein expressions were analysed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Subsequently, protein annotation and network analysis were conducted to elucidate infection mechanisms and the proteomic response. Based on the lethal concentrations and time frames, CO exhibited faster larval mortality than BL at lower concentrations. Despite this, both spore types demonstrated comparable overall pathogenic effects. Results from the proteomic profiling revealed 150 proteins with varied expressions following exposure to Ae. albopictus extract, shedding light on distinct infection strategies between the spores. Gene Ontology enrichment and network analysis illustrated the diverse metabolic adaptations of M. anisopliae and interactions with mosquito larvae. This highlighted the complexity of host-pathogen dynamics and the significance of biosynthetic processes, energy storage, and cellular interaction pathways in disease progression. The BL network, consisting 80 proteins and 74 connections, demonstrates the intricate fungal mechanisms triggered by host stimuli. Conversely, the CO network, though smaller, displayed notable interconnectivity and concentrated involvement at the cell periphery, suggesting a deliberate strategy for initial host contact. This study offers valuable insights into proteome dynamics of M. anisopliae\'s BL and CO for managing mosquito populations and combating disease transmission, thereby significantly advancing public health and environmental conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eaf6 protein, a conserved component of the NuA4 and NuA3 complexes in yeast and MOZ/MORF complexes in humans, plays crucial roles in transcriptional activation, gene regulation, and cell cycle control. Despite its significance in other organisms, the functional role of Eaf6 in entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) remained unexplored. Here, we investigate the function of BbEaf6, the Eaf6 homolog in the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. We demonstrate that BbEaf6 is predominantly localized in nuclei, similar to its counterpart in other fungi. Deletion of BbEaf6 resulted in delayed conidiation, reduced conidial yield, and altered conidial properties. Transcriptomic analysis revealed dysregulation of the genes involved in asexual development and cell cycle progression in the ΔBbEaf6 mutant. Furthermore, the ΔBbEaf6 mutant exhibited decreased tolerance to various stresses, including ionic stress, cell wall perturbation, and DNA damage stress. Notably, the ΔBbEaf6 mutant displayed attenuated virulence in insect bioassays, accompanied by dysregulation of genes associated with cuticle penetration and haemocoel infection. Overall, our study elucidates the multifaceted role of BbEaf6 in stress response, development, and virulence in B. bassiana, providing valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms governing fungal pathogenesis and potential targets for pest management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms with multiple ecological functions can be a useful biotechnological resource in integrated pest- and disease-management programs. This work aimed to investigate the potential endophytic and virulent effects of a strain of Purpureocillium lilacinum on organic cultivation in Brazil. Specifically, the strain\'s ability to establish itself as an endophyte in common bean, soybean, and sunflower plants when inoculated via seed was evaluated. Furthermore, its antifungal activity against phytopathogens and its pathogenicity and virulence against insects of the order Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera were evaluated. Furthermore, the strain was evaluated for its biochemical and physiological characteristics. For virulence bioassays, the experiments were conducted under a factorial scheme (2 × 3), with the following factors: (a) fungal inoculation and control without inoculum and (b) types of inocula (blastospores, aerial conidia, and metabolites). The treatments were sprayed on insect species at different stages of development. In summary, it was found that the SBF054 strain endophytically colonized the common bean, with partial recovery from the root tissues of soybean and sunflower plants, 30 days after inoculation; suppressed 86% of Rhizoctonia solani mycelial growth in an in vitro assay; and controlled eggs, nymphs, and Euschistus heros adults. These multifunctional abilities are mainly attributed to the strain\'s mechanisms of producing metabolites, such as organic acids, soluble nutrients, and hydrolytic enzymes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although most known viruses infecting fungi pathogenic to higher eukaryotes are asymptomatic or reduce the virulence of their host fungi, those that confer hypervirulence to entomopathogenic fungus still need to be explored. Here, we identified and studied a novel mycovirus in Metarhizium flavoviride, isolated from small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus). Based on molecular analysis, we tentatively designated the mycovirus as Metarhizium flavoviride partitivirus 1 (MfPV1), a species in genus Gammapartitivirus, family Partitiviridae. MfPV1 has two double-stranded RNAs as its genome, 1,775 and 1,575 bp in size respectively, encapsidated in isometric particles. When we transfected commercial strains of Metarhizium anisopliae and Metarhizium pingshaense with MfPV1, conidiation was significantly enhanced (t test; P-value < 0. 01), and the significantly higher mortality rates of the larvae of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), two important lepidopteran pests were found in virus-transfected strains (ANOVA; P-value < 0.05). Transcriptomic analysis showed that transcript levels of pathogenesis-related genes in MfPV1-infected M. anisopliae were obviously altered, suggesting increased production of metarhizium adhesin-like protein, hydrolyzed protein, and destruxin synthetase. Further studies are required to elucidate the mechanism whereby MfPV1 enhances the expression of pathogenesis-related genes and virulence of Metarhizium to lepidopteran pests. This study presents experimental evidence that the transfection of other entomopathogenic fungal species with a mycovirus can confer significant hypervirulence and provides a good example that mycoviruses could be used as a synergistic agent to enhance the biocontrol activity of entomopathogenic fungi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most destructive agricultural pests. The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) is a biopesticide widely used for biocontrol of various pests. Secreted fungal proteases are critical for insect cuticle destruction and successful infection. We have previously shown that the serine protease BbAorsin in B. bassiana has entomopathogenic and antiphytopathogenic activities. However, the contribution of BbAorsin to fungal growth, conidiation, germination, virulence and antiphytopathogenic activities remains unclear. In this study, the deletion (ΔBbAorsin), complementation (Comp), and overexpression (BbAorsinOE) strains of B. bassiana were generated for comparative studies. The results showed that ΔBbAorsin exhibited slower growth, reduced conidiation, lower germination rate, and longer germination time compared to WT and Comp. In contrast, BbAorsinOE showed higher growth rate, increased conidiation, higher germination rate and shorter germination time. Injection of BbAorsinOE showed the highest virulence against S. frugiperda larvae, while injection of ΔBbAorsin showed the lowest virulence. Feeding BbAorsinOE resulted in lower pupation and adult eclosion rates and malformed adults. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed no changes in the gut microbiota after feeding either WT or BbAorsinOE. However, BbAorsinOE caused a disrupted midgut, leakage of gut microbiota into the hemolymph, and upregulation of apoptosis and immunity-related genes. BbAorsin can disrupt the cell wall of the phytopathogen Fusarium graminearum and alleviate symptoms in wheat seedlings and cherry tomatoes infected with F. graminearum. These results highlight the importance of BbAorsin for B. bassiana and its potential as a multifunctional biopesticide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella) causes large losses to global crop production. Conventional insecticides are losing effectiveness due to resistance. Consequently, there is a growing interest in sustainable control methods like entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) in Integrated Pest Management. However, the field efficacy of fungi varies due to environmental influences. In this study, a group of 50 Beauveria strains sourced from different locations were characterized by genotype and phenotype with respect to their conidial production, temperature and UV-B radiation tolerance, and virulence against DBM.
    RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis revealed two distinct species: Beauveria bassiana (84%) and B. pseudobassiana (16%). Most strains showed optimal growth between 25 °C and 28 °C, with germination severely affected at 10 °C and 33 °C. Notably, 44% displayed high resistance to UV-B radiation (5.94 kJ  m-2), with germination rates between 60.9% and 88.1%. Geographical origin showed no correlation with temperature or UV radiation tolerance. In virulence experiments, 52% of strains caused mortality rates exceeding 80% in DBM second instars at 7 days after exposure to a 4 mL conidial suspension (107 conidia/mL).
    CONCLUSIONS: Survival under environmental conditions is crucial for EPF-based commercial products against DBM. Results suggest strain tolerance to environmental stressors is more tied to specific micro-climatic factors than geographical origin. Each strain exhibited unique characteristics; for example, the most virulent strain (#29) was highly UV-sensitive. Therefore, characterizing diverse strains provides essential genotypic and phenotypic insights, which are fundamental for understanding their role as biocontrol agents while facilitating efficient biopesticide product development and uptake. © 2024 The Author(s). Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari, is a widely distributed insect that attacks grasses in different genera including Miscanthus, Saccharum, and Sorghum. The invasive aphid superclone was first discovered in the U.S. attacking grain sorghum in Texas in 2013. Since then, it has been found in at least 25 states including Georgia. We conducted a survey of naturally occurring fungal pathogens of sugarcane aphids on five farms in Georgia, and identified a hypocrealean fungus, Akanthomyces dipterigenus, and two entomophthoralean fungi, Neoconidiobolus spp. From 2018 to 2020, fungal activity differed across farms but at one farm both major fungal species, A. dipterigenus and N. thromboides, were found each of the 3 years infecting sugarcane aphids, attacking adults, both alatae and apterae, and nymphs.





