
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: During the 2022 Nekton Maldives Mission, we deployed a variety of platforms (snorkelling, remotely-operated vehicles and manned submersibles) to conduct video surveys of the biodiversity and composition of shallow (< 30 m), mesophotic (30-150 m) and deep-sea (> 150 m) benthos found in the Maldives\' central and southern atolls. In total, ~ 80 hrs of stereo-video footage were collected during the benthic transect surveys, which were subsequently processed using annotation software in order to evaluate benthic biodiversity and community composition. Here, we present a photographic guide for the visual, in situ identification of reef benthos encountered, including corals, sponges and other invertebrates that inhabit Maldives\' nearshore habitats. We hope that this identification guide will aid future imagery-based surveys or observations of organisms during fieldwork.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 283 morphotypes were identified, including those belonging to Octocorallia (61), Scleractinia (57), Porifera (38), Asteroidea (22), Antipatharia (15), Decapoda (13), Hydrozoa (12), Holothuroidea (10), Actiniaria (9), Echinoidea (8), Annelida (6), Chlorophyta (5), Gastropoda (4), Bivalvia (4), Ascidiacea (3), Crinoidea (3), Bryozoa (2), Cyanobacteria (2), Zoantharia (2), Cephalopoda (1), Ceriantharia (1), Corallimorpharia (1), Ctenophora (1), Ophiuroidea (1), Rhodophyta (1) and to an unknown category (1). Out of these, we identified 40 to species level, 120 to genus, 47 to family, 14 to order and suborder, 58 to class and subclass, two to phylum and one was of unknown phylum. This represents the first attempt to catalogue the mesophotic and deep-sea benthic megafaunal diversity in the Maldives using underwater imagery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life on our planet likely evolved in the ocean, and thus exo-oceans are key habitats to search for extraterrestrial life. We conducted a data-driven bibliographic survey on the astrobiology literature to identify emerging research trends with marine science for future synergies in the exploration for extraterrestrial life in exo-oceans. Based on search queries, we identified 2592 published items since 1963. The current literature falls into three major groups of terms focusing on (1) the search for life on Mars, (2) astrobiology within our Solar System with reference to icy moons and their exo-oceans, and (3) astronomical and biological parameters for planetary habitability. We also identified that the most prominent research keywords form three key-groups focusing on (1) using terrestrial environments as proxies for Martian environments, centred on extremophiles and biosignatures, (2) habitable zones outside of \"Goldilocks\" orbital ranges, centred on ice planets, and (3) the atmosphere, magnetic field, and geology in relation to planets\' habitable conditions, centred on water-based oceans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study provides new insights onto spatial and temporal trends of seafloor macro-litter in the abyssal seafloor of Sardinian channel, in central western Mediterranean (Italy). Trawl surveys were conducted at depths between 884 and 1528 m, thus focusing on one of the least investigated marine environments. None of the considered sites was litter free, with plastics being numerically dominant (57% of items), followed by metal (11%) and glass (16%). Recorded densities and weight ranged between 49.9 and 499 items km-2 and 1.4 and 1052 kg km-2. In the most contaminated sites, the weight of the litter collected in nets represented up to nine times the biomass of benthic megafauna, and, overall, in 60% of hauls macro-litter mass outweighed the biomass collected. Moreover, we report that megafauna was observed to be more abundant in sites where macro-litter presence was more severe. More studies are needed to elucidate the nature of this correlation, with biota being more abundant in hotspots of accumulation of seafloor macro-litter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In present study, a previously unidentified but frequently encountered species of deep-sea protobranch, Yoldiellahaimaensis sp. nov., is described new to science from the Haima Cold Seep on the northwestern slope of the South China Sea. A morphological analysis confirmed that this species belongs to a previously undescribed species of the genus Yoldiella A.E. Verrill & K.J. Bush, 1897. It differs morphologically from other known species within the genus in its shell shape, degree of inflation, beaks, and number of hinge teeth. Furthermore, we sequenced three gene segments of Y.haimaensis sp. nov., comprising a nuclear ribosomal gene (18S rRNA), a nuclear protein-coding gene (histone H3), and a mitochondrial gene (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI). Our phylogenetic analysis performed on the superfamily Nuculanoidea and family Yoldiidae indicates that the genus Yoldiella is non-monophyletic, and the widely recognized families within the superfamily Nuculanoidea are also not monophyletic. Our results provide molecular insights into the Protobranchia and highlight the necessity for further samples and data to revise the classification of families and genera within the superfamily using an integrative approach that combines morphological analysis and molecular data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Coral-associated microbiomes vary greatly between colonies and localities with functional consequences on the host. However, the full extent of variability across the ranges of most coral species remains unknown, especially for corals living in deep waters which span greater ranges. Here, we characterized the microbiomes of four octocoral species from mesophotic and bathyal deep-sea habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Muricea pendula, Swiftia exserta, Callogorgia delta, and Paramuricea biscaya, using 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding. We sampled extensively across their ranges to test for microbiome differentiation between and within species, examining the influence of environmental factors that vary with depth (53-2224 m) and geographic location (over 680 m) as well as the host coral\'s genotype using RAD-sequencing.
    RESULTS: Coral microbiomes were often dominated by amplicon sequence variants whose abundances varied across their hosts\' ranges, including symbiotic taxa: corallicolids, Endozoicomonas, members of the Mollicutes, and the BD1-7 clade. Coral species, depth, and geographic location significantly affected diversity, microbial community composition, and the relative abundance of individual microbes. Depth was the strongest environmental factor determining microbiome structure within species, which influenced the abundance of most dominant symbiotic taxa. Differences in host genotype, bottom temperature, and surface primary productivity could explain a significant part of the microbiome variation associated with depth and geographic location.
    CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, this work demonstrates that the microbiomes of corals in deep waters vary substantially across their ranges in accordance with depth and other environmental conditions. It reveals that the influence of depth on the ecology of mesophotic and deep-sea corals extends to its effects on their microbiomes which may have functional consequences. This work also identifies the distributions of microbes including potential parasites which can be used to inform restoration plans in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the presence of plastic and non-plastic microparticles in the gastrointestinal tracts of two deep-sea sharks, Etmopterus molleri (n = 118) and Squalus mitsukurii (n = 6), bycatch from the East China Sea continental shelf. We found a total of 117 microparticles, predominantly fibres (67.52 %), with blue (31.62 %) and black (23.94 %) being the most prevalent colours. E. molleri contained 70 microparticles (0.63 ± 0.93 items/shark), 61.42 % non-plastics like viscose and cotton, while plastics included polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, and acrylic. Despite S. mitsukurii\'s limited sample size, the results show that it takes in a lot of microparticles (47 microparticles, 7.83 ± 2.64 items/shark), 57.44 % non-plastics (viscose, cotton, and ethyl cellulose), and 42.56 % plastics. A positive correlation between microparticle presence and total length was observed for E. molleri. These results provide initial data on microparticle ingestion by these species, highlighting potential ecological risks and trophic transfer implications in deep-sea ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal pollution caused by deep-sea mining activities has potential detrimental effects on deep-sea ecosystems. However, our knowledge of how deep-sea organisms respond to this pollution is limited, given the challenges of remoteness and technology. To address this, we conducted a toxicity experiment by using deep-sea mussel Gigantidas platifrons as model animals and exposing them to different copper (Cu) concentrations (50 and 500 μg/L) for 7 days. Transcriptomics and LC-MS-based metabolomics methods were employed to characterize the profiles of transcription and metabolism in deep-sea mussels exposed to Cu. Transcriptomic results suggested that Cu toxicity significantly affected the immune response, apoptosis, and signaling processes in G. platifrons. Metabolomic results demonstrated that Cu exposure disrupted its carbohydrate metabolism, anaerobic metabolism and amino acid metabolism. By integrating both sets of results, transcriptomic and metabolomic, we find that Cu exposure significantly disrupts the metabolic pathway of protein digestion and absorption in G. platifrons. Furthermore, several key genes (e.g., heat shock protein 70 and baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 2/3) and metabolites (e.g., alanine and succinate) were identified as potential molecular biomarkers for deep-sea mussel\'s responses to Cu toxicity. This study contributes novel insight for assessing the potential effects of deep-sea mining activities on deep-sea organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we report on progress made in coupling advances in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) techniques with a deep-ocean deployable Raman spectrometer. Our SERS capability is provided by development of a Cu foam-loaded silver-nanobean (Ag/Cu foam) which we have successfully coupled to the tip of a Raman probe head capable of insertion into deep-sea sediments and associated fluids. Our purpose is to expand the range of molecular species which can be detected in deep-sea biogeochemical environments, and our initial targets are a series of amino acids reportedly found in pore waters of seep locations. Our work has progressed to the point of a full dock-based end-to-end test of the essential ship tether-ROV-deep-sea Raman system. We show here the initial results from this test as the essential requirement before at sea full ocean depth deployment. We describe in detail the procedures for preparing the Ag/Cu foam bean and demonstrate in our end-to-end test that this, when coupled to the spectrometer probe tip, yields a SERS signal enhancement of 1.2 × 106 for test molecules and detection of amino acids at 10-6 M levels consistent with reported levels of natural occurrence. Each nanobean unit is for single-use sensing since invasion of the sample fluid into the Ag/Cu foam matrix is not reversible. We describe techniques for bean rotation/replacement at depth to allow for multiple analyses at several locations during each ROV dive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molluscs have undergone many transitions between separate sexes and hermaphroditism, which is of interest in studying the evolution of sex determination and differentiation. Here, we combined multi-locus genotypes obtained from restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) sequencing with anatomical observations of the gonads of three deep-sea hydrothermal vent gastropods of the genus Alviniconcha living in the southwest Pacific. We found that all three species (Alviniconcha boucheti, Alviniconcha strummeri, and Alviniconcha kojimai) share the same male-heterogametic XY sex-determination system but that the gonads of XX A. kojimai individuals are invaded by a variable proportion of male reproductive tissue. The identification of Y-specific RAD loci (found only in A. boucheti) and the phylogenetic analysis of three sex-linked loci shared by all species suggested that X-Y recombination has evolved differently within each species. This situation of three species showing variation in gonadal development around a common sex-determination system provides new insights into the reproductive mode of poorly known deep-sea species and opens up an opportunity to study the evolution of recombination suppression on sex chromosomes and its association with mixed or transitory sexual systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solemyidae is an ancient group of protobranch bivalves that typically inhabit unusual environments, such as deep-sea chemosynthetic environments, and are symbiotic with chemoautotrophic and gill-hosted bacteria. In May 2018, a living solemyid bivalve was collected using a remotely operated vehicle at a depth of 1,390 m from the Haima cold seep in the northwestern slope of the South China Sea. Through a comprehensive taxonomic approach combining morphological observations and molecular phylogeny reconstruction of concatenated mitochondrial COI,16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequences, a new species, Acharaxhaimaensissp. nov. is identified and described. The discovery of this new species contributes to the diversity of known solemyids in deep-sea chemosynthetic environments.





