
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sulfuryl fluoride is a kind of pesticide with strong permeability, convenient use at low temperature, non-corrosive and other characteristics, which can kill food pests and has strong lethality to termites. In acute sulfuryl fluoride poisoning, patients can see recurrent convulsions, epileptic electroencephalogram abnormalities such as matrix spikes or high amplitude spikes. In this paper, a patient with sulfuryl fluoride poisoning with convulsion-based mental system symptoms was reported, and after clinical treatment with dexamethasone and phenobarbital sodium, the patient was cured and discharged.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Carnitine deficiency is a rare metabolic condition that can result in fasting hypoglycemia. Carnitine deficiency could be primary or secondary to other conditions. Among secondary causes, antiepileptics such as valproic acid have been incriminated. Valproic acid is known to deplete carnitine stores and inhibit the process of β-oxidation. Herein we report the case of a 44-year-old female with epilepsy that presented with breakthrough seizures associated with hypoglycemia despite being on appropriate antiepileptic therapy. The patient was later found to have carnitine deficiency. Discontinuation of valproic acid and supplementation with l-carnitine resolved the patient\'s hypoglycemia and breakthrough seizures. With this case report, we hope to encourage clinicians to include carnitine deficiency in the differential diagnosis of unexplained hypoglycemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Epilepsy is a common and heterogenous neurological disorder characterized by recurrent spontaneous seizures. Animal models like rats play a crucial role in finding of mechanism of epilepsy in different brain regions. i.e., cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and pons medulla. Glutamate is an important excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and also glutamate plays a vital role in neuronal development and memory. The process of neuronal death evolved by glutamate receptor activation, has been hypothesized in both acute and chronic degenerative disorders including epilepsy. Considering the multifactorial neurochemical and neurophysiological malfunctions consequent to epileptic seizures, a few antiepileptic drugs are designed, to mitigate the debilitating aspects of epilepsy.
    UNASSIGNED: Rat model, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), an anticonvulsant drug, was selected for the present study. Induction of epilepsy/convulsions was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of PTZ (60 mg/kg body weight) in saline. Biochemical assays performed through spectrophotometer.
    UNASSIGNED: Glutamine and Glutamine synthetase levels were decreased in the epileptic rats brain regions i.e., hippocampus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and pons medulla; glutamate dehydrogenase and glutaminase levels were increased in all the regions of epilepsy induced rats. Highest values are recorded in hippocampus when compared to other brain regions.
    UNASSIGNED: PTZ suppresses the function of Glutamine and Glutamine synthetase activities in selected brain regions of rat and enhances the activities of the glutaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase when compared to control rats.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of phenosanic acid (PA) and its combination with valproic acid (VA) on the development of the Epi system.
    METHODS: A model of focal chronic epilepsy in rats was created by applying metallic cobalt to the surface of the sensorimotor area of the cortex. Long-term electrodes were implanted in the sensorimotor cortex of the left and right hemispheres, the hippocampus, and the hypothalamus. The effect of PA (80 mg/kg) and its combination with VA (200 mg/kg) on discharge activity was carried out on the 2nd day and at the stage of generalization of the Epi system - on the 6th day. The stability of the Epi system on day 10 was assessed by provoking the development of epileptic status (Epi status) in response to the administration of thiolactone homocysteine (HMC) at a dose of 5.5 mmol/kg.
    RESULTS: In rats treated with PA, low discharge activity is observed, which is confirmed by the absence of EEG and motor manifestations of status epilepticus caused by HMC. PA does not suppress paroxysmal activity at the stages of development of the Epi system. VA significantly suppresses paroxysmal activity, but does not affect the formation of new foci of Epi activity in subcortical structures and the contralateral cortex. The epi system of rats treated with VA is characterized by high discharge activity by the 10th day of the experiment and lability to provocation of epi status. The combination of drugs is more pronounced than PA, but less than VA, reduces the numerical characteristics of paroxysmal activity in the brain structures of rats.
    CONCLUSIONS: PA when administered alone, in combination with VA, causes a slowdown in the generalization of convulsive foci of Epi activity and prevents the formation of a stable Epi system. VA, having a pronounced anticonvulsant effect, does not weaken the development of the Epi system in the model of focal cobalt-induced epilepsy.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучить влияние фенозановой кислоты (ФК) и ее комбинации с вальпроевой кислотой (ВК) на развитие эпилептической системы (ЭС) в условиях модели хронической фокальной эпилепсии.
    UNASSIGNED: Модель фокальной хронической эпилепсии у крыс создавали с помощью аппликации металлического кобальта на поверхность сенсомоторной области коры. Вживлялись долгосрочные электроды в сенсомоторную зону коры левого и правого полушарий, дорсальный отдел гиппокампа и латеральные ядра гипоталамуса. Влияние ФК (80 мг/кг) и ее комбинации с ВК (200 мг/кг) на разрядную активность проводили на 2-й день и на стадии генерализации ЭС — 6-й день. Стабильность ЭС оценивали на 10-й день при провокации эпилептического статуса (ЭПС) в ответ на введение гомоцистеина тиолактона (ГМЦ) в дозе 5,5 ммоль/кг.
    UNASSIGNED: ВК в условиях хронической фокальной эпилепсии значительно подавляет пароксизмальную активность на 1-й и 2-й стадиях развития ЭС, но не влияет на формирование новых очагов эпилептиформной активности (ЭпА) в подкорковых структурах и контралатеральной коре. К 10-м суткам ЭС у крыс, получавших ВК, характеризовалась высокой разрядной активностью и лабильностью к провокации ЭПС: у 5 из 6 крыс развивался моторный и ЭЭГ ЭПС в ответ на введение ГМЦ. ФК не влияет на появившуюся ЭпА на начальной стадии развития ЭС в первичном очаге, коре на стороне аппликации кобальта и подкорковых структурах. ФК подавляет переход 1-й стадии ЭС во 2-ю стабильную стадию развития, что наблюдается по отсутствию отличий между фоновыми показателями крыс, получавших ФК, регистрируемыми на 2-е, 6-е и 10-е сут после аппликации кобальта. Комбинация препаратов более выражено, чем ФК, но менее, чем ВК, снижает количественные характеристики пароксизмальной активности в структурах мозга крыс через 48 ч после создания очага ЭпА, и в той же степени, что и ФК, замедляет развитие стабильной ЭС.
    UNASSIGNED: ФК при монотерапии и в комбинации с ВК вызывает замедление генерализации очагов ЭпА и препятствует формированию стабильной ЭС в отличие от ВК, которая при данном режиме введения, обладая выраженным противосудорожным эффектом, не ослабляет развитие ЭС в использованной модели фокальной эпилепсии.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of refractory status epilepticus (SE) following sarin intoxication presents a therapeutic challenge. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of delayed combined double or triple treatment in reducing abnormal epileptiform seizure activity (ESA) and the ensuing long-term neuronal insult. SE was induced in rats by exposure to 1.2 LD50 sarin followed by treatment with atropine and TMB4 (TA) 1 min later. Double treatment with ketamine and midazolam or triple treatment with ketamine, midazolam and levetiracetam was administered 30 min post-exposure, and the results were compared to those of single treatment with midazolam alone or triple treatment with ketamine, midazolam, and valproate, which was previously shown to ameliorate this neurological insult. Toxicity and electrocorticogram activity were monitored during the first week, and behavioral evaluations were performed 2 weeks post-exposure, followed by biochemical and immunohistopathological analyses. Both double and triple treatment reduced mortality and enhanced weight recovery compared to TA-only treatment. Triple treatment and, to a lesser extent, double treatment significantly ameliorated the ESA duration. Compared to the TA-only or the TA+ midazolam treatment, both double and triple treatment reduced the sarin-induced increase in the neuroinflammatory marker PGE2 and the brain damage marker TSPO and decreased gliosis, astrocytosis and neuronal damage. Finally, both double and triple treatment prevented a change in behavior, as measured in the open field test. No significant difference was observed between the efficacies of the two triple treatments, and both triple combinations completely prevented brain injury (no differences from the naïve rats). Delayed double and, to a greater extent, triple treatment may serve as an efficacious delayed therapy, preventing brain insult propagation following sarin-induced refractory SE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Globally, eclampsia is the leading cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
    OBJECTIVE: The present community-based study was conducted among rural tribal women of reproductive age in remote villages of central India to determine their awareness of eclampsia and its likely impact.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional analytic study included randomly selected 4500 tribal women, between 15 and 45 years of age, residing in 140 villages in the proximity of one village with a health facility (study center), and who were willing to undergo a personal interview. In-depth face-to-face interviews (each lasting 15-30 min) of study subjects regarding awareness, knowledge, practices, and perceptions about eclampsia were conducted using a predesigned tool completed by research assistants (not the subjects).
    RESULTS: Of the 4500 women interviewed, the majority (62.4%) were 20-29 years old, minimally educated (40.6%), laborers (41.3%), and of a low socioeconomic class (40.8%). Of all the participants, only 35.9% were aware of eclampsia, associated events during pregnancy, labor, and the immediate post-delivery period; 81.7% of those who were aware understood about symptoms and signs like headache, blurring of vision, dizziness, swelling over the body, ad high blood pressure. Of all the women who knew about eclampsia, 73.9% were aware that the occurrence of convulsions during antenatal and postnatal periods was an emergency and required urgent management, whereas 88.4% were not aware that severe convulsions affected maternal and neonatal health seriously, only 38.2% knew that eclampsia was a preventable condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was lack of awareness about eclampsia in many women and, of those who knew, some were not aware that it was dangerous. There is a need for awareness among women and their families of the disorder, its impact, and what action is needed in case it occurs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When conducting toxicology studies, the interpretation of drug-related neurological clinical signs such as convulsions, myoclonus/myoclonic jerks, tremors, ataxia, and salivation requires an understanding of the spontaneous incidence of those observations in commonly used laboratory animal species. The spontaneous incidence of central nervous system clinical signs in control animals from a single facility using cage-side observations or high definition video monitoring was retrospectively analyzed. Spontaneous convulsions were observed at low incidence in Beagle dogs and Sprague-Dawley rats but were not identified in cynomolgus monkeys and Göttingen minipigs. Spontaneous myoclonic jerks and muscle twitches were observed at low incidence in Beagle dogs, cynomolgus monkeys, and Sprague-Dawley rats but were not seen in Göttingen minipigs. Spontaneous ataxia/incoordination was identified in all species and generally with a higher incidence when using video monitoring. Salivation and tremors were the two most frequent spontaneous clinical signs and both were observed in all species. Data from the current study unveil potential limitations when using control data obtained from a single study for toxicology interpretation related to low incidence neurological clinical signs while providing historical control data from Beagle dogs, cynomolgus monkeys, Sprague-Dawley rats, and Göttingen minipigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thebaine is an alkaloid in poppy seeds that is neurotoxic to animals. Data on its clinical effects and toxicokinetics in people are minimal. In 2022, poppy seeds high in thebaine entered the Australian food market, and people consuming tea made from these poppy seeds developed poisoning.
    Three patients who drank poppy seed tea and developed neuromuscular toxicity consented for thebaine to be quantitated in serial blood samples. Blood samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry.
    Case 1: A man in his 60s presented with drowsiness, vomiting, malaise and myoclonus. He developed metabolic acidosis with hyperlactataemia, acute kidney injury requiring haemodialysis, convulsions, rhabdomyolysis, and was in the hospital for 18 days. The admission thebaine blood concentration was 2.1 mg/L, and the apparent elimination half-life was 14.8 h. Case 2: A man in his 30s presented with myoclonus, rigidity, vomiting, and dizziness. He developed metabolic acidosis with hyperlactataemia, acute kidney injury, and myalgias. The admission thebaine blood concentration was 4.1 mg/L, and the apparent elimination half-life was 11.6 h. Case 3: A man in his 30s presented with myoclonus, rigidity, clonus, diaphoresis, and abdominal pain. The admission thebaine blood concentration was 2.2 mg/L, and the apparent elimination half-life was 8.3 h.
    Neuromuscular toxicity, metabolic acidosis with hyperlactataemia, acute kidney injury, and gastrointestinal symptoms were prominent clinical features in these patients after drinking poppy seed tea. Effects persisted for days, and all survived, despite thebaine concentrations far exceeding those in published forensic reports, although human data are sparse. Compared to rats, the thebaine apparent elimination half-life is much longer in humans who develop symptoms at lower concentrations.
    Despite relatively high thebaine blood concentrations and moderate to severe poisoning, outcomes were favourable with early presentations. It is possible that acute kidney injury prolongs the apparent elimination half-life of thebaine.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and genetic characteristics of a patient with long QT syndrome type 14 (long QT syndrome-14, LQT14, OMIM # 616247) caused by a de novo CALM1 mutation.
    METHODS: The clinical data of the patient were collected, next-generation sequencing technology was used to determine the exome gene sequence of the patient, and the suspected pathogenic locus was verified by Sanger sequencing.
    RESULTS: A 5-year and 9-month-old girl was admitted to the hospital due to a syncopal episode. During the attack, the main symptoms were loss of consciousness, cyanosis of the face and lips, and weakness of limbs. The child had multiple seizures in the past, all of which occurred after emotional excitement and activity. She was diagnosed with epilepsy for more than 3 years, but the effect of antiepileptic treatment was not satisfactory. The electrocardiogram was normal in the past. A month ago, convulsions occurred again after exercise, and the electrocardiogram showed QTc 496 ms. The treadmill test showed a significant prolongation of QTc after exercise, and the genetic results suggested a new heterozygous variant of CALM1, c.395A>G; p. (Asp132Gly). Consequently, she was diagnosed with LQT14 and treated with propranolol. During a follow-up of 15 months, there were no seizures or syncope.
    CONCLUSIONS: This patient had multiple episodes of convulsions or syncope after emotional stimulation or activity, with intermittent prolongation of the QTc on routine ECG, marked prolongation of the QTc after exercise, and T-wave alternans, which differed from the LQT14 phenotype caused by the previous CALM1 mutation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Reversible splenial lesion syndrome (RESLES) is a new clinico-radiological syndrome. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical features of 130 children with RESLES in China, which is the largest case series available in the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The clinical data of children diagnosed as RESLES in Jiangxi Provincial Children\'s Hospital between 2017 and 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. The 130 cases were divided into two groups: ≤ 3 years old group (group A) (n = 83) and > 3 years old group (group B) (n = 47). The chi-squared test or Fisher\'s test was used to evaluate the data.
    UNASSIGNED: The vast majority of patients (127/130 cases, 97.7%) had prodromal symptoms of infection. Preceding infections of the gastrointestinal tract were statistically more significant in group A (60/83, 72.3%) than in group B (11/47, 23.4%) (P < 0.05). Preceding infections of the respiratory tract were statistically more significant in group B (33/47, 70.2%) than in group A (17/83, 20.5%) (P < 0.05). Seizures were statistically more significant in group A (82/83, 98.8%) than in group B (24/47,51.1%) (P < 0.05). The disturbance of consciousness and headache/dizziness were statistically more significant in group B (27/47, 57.4%; 37/47, 78.7%) than in group A (3/83, 3.6%; 1/83, 1.2%), respectively (P < 0.05). Convulsions with mild gastroenteritis (CwG) were statistically more significant in group A (50/83, 60.2%) than in group B (8/47, 17.0%) (P < 0.05). However, encephalitis/encephalopathy was statistically more significant in group B (20/47, 42.6%) than in group A (10/83, 12.0%) (P < 0.05). MRI showed cytotoxic edema in typical locations (RESLES type-1 limited to the splenium of the corpus callosum and RESLES type-2 spread to the entire corpus callosum, adjacent white matter, or both). There was full recovery of the lesions of MRI in all cases from 3 days to 50 days after the initial examinations. All the children showed normal neurodevelopment.
    UNASSIGNED: Infection was the most common cause of RESLES. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract are common in ≤ 3 years old children, while infections of the respiratory tract are common in >3 years old children. Younger patients are more likely to develop convulsions, and older children were more likely to have symptoms with disturbance of consciousness and headache/dizziness. RESLES has characteristic MRI manifestations and a good prognosis.





