brain morphology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whilst the concept of a general mental factor known as \'g\' has been of longstanding interest, for unknown reasons, it has never been interrogated in epilepsy despite the 100+ year empirical history of the neuropsychology of epilepsy. This investigation seeks to identify g within a comprehensive neuropsychological data set and compare participants with temporal lobe epilepsy to controls, characterize the discriminatory power of g compared with domain-specific cognitive metrics, explore the association of g with clinical epilepsy and sociodemographic variables and identify the structural and network properties associated with g in epilepsy. Participants included 110 temporal lobe epilepsy patients and 79 healthy controls between the ages of 19 and 60. Participants underwent neuropsychological assessment, clinical interview and structural and functional imaging. Cognitive data were subjected to factor analysis to identify g and compare the group of patients with control participants. The relative power of g compared with domain-specific tests was interrogated, clinical and sociodemographic variables were examined for their relationship with g, and structural and functional images were assessed using traditional regional volumetrics, cortical surface features and network analytics. Findings indicate (i) significantly (P < 0.005) lower g in patients compared with controls; (ii) g is at least as powerful as individual cognitive domain-specific metrics and other analytic approaches to discriminating patients from control participants; (iii) lower g was associated with earlier age of onset and medication use, greater number of antiseizure medications and longer epilepsy duration (Ps < 0.04); and lower parental and personal education and greater neighbourhood deprivation (Ps < 0.012); and (iv) amongst patients, lower g was linked to decreased total intracranial volume (P = 0.019), age and intracranial volume adjusted total tissue volume (P = 0.019) and age and intracranial volume adjusted total corpus callosum volume (P = 0.012)-particularly posterior, mid-posterior and anterior (Ps < 0.022) regions. Cortical vertex analyses showed lower g to be associated specifically with decreased gyrification in bilateral medial orbitofrontal regions. Network analysis of resting-state data with focus on the participation coefficient showed g to be associated with the superior parietal network. Spearman\'s g is reduced in patients, has considerable discriminatory power compared with domain-specific metrics and is linked to a multiplex of factors related to brain (size, connectivity and frontoparietal networks), environment (familial and personal education and neighbourhood disadvantage) and disease (epilepsy onset, treatment and duration). Greater attention to contemporary models of human cognition is warranted in order to advance the neuropsychology of epilepsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial interactions among anatomical elements help to identify topological factors behind morphological variation and can be investigated through network analysis. Here, a whole-brain network model of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Blumenbach 1776) is presented, based on macroanatomical divisions, and compared with a previous equivalent model of the human brain. The goal was to contrast which regions are essential in the geometric balance of the brains of the two species, to compare underlying phenotypic patterns of spatial variation, and to understand how these patterns might have influenced the evolution of human brain morphology. The human and chimpanzee brains share morphologically complex inferior-medial regions and a topological organization that matches the spatial constraints exerted by the surrounding braincase. These shared topological features are interesting because they can be traced back to the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor, 7-10 million years ago. Nevertheless, some key differences are found in the human and chimpanzee brains. In humans, the temporal lobe, particularly its deep and medial limbic aspect (the parahippocampal gyrus), is a crucial node for topological complexity. Meanwhile, in chimpanzees, the cerebellum is, in this sense, more embedded in an intricate spatial position. This information helps to interpret brain macroanatomical change in fossil hominids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we propose a novel method for quantifying tortuosity in 3D voxelized objects. As a shape characteristic, tortuosity has been widely recognized as a valuable feature in image analysis, particularly in the field of medical imaging. Our proposed method extends the two-dimensional approach of the Slope Chain Code (SCC) which creates a one-dimensional representation of curves. The utility of 3D tortuosity ( τ 3 D ) as a shape descriptor was investigated by characterizing brain structures. The results of the τ 3 D computation on the central sulcus and the main lobes revealed significant differences between Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) patients and control subjects, suggesting its potential as a biomarker for AD. We found a p < 0.05 for the left central sulcus and the four brain lobes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Common mental disorders (CMD) are associated with impaired frontal excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance and reduced grey matter volume (GMV). Larger GMV (in the areas that are implicated in CMD-pathology) and improved CMD-symptomatology have been observed in individuals who adhere to high quality diets. Moreover, preclinical studies have shown altered neurometabolites (primarily gamma-aminobutyric acid: GABA and glutamate: GLU) in relation to diet quality. However, neurochemical correlates of diet quality and how these neurobiological changes are associated with CMD and with its transdiagnostic factor, rumination, is unknown in humans. Therefore, in this study, we examined the associations between diet quality and frontal cortex neuro-chemistry and structure, as well as CMD and rumination in humans.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty adults were classified into high and low diet quality groups and underwent 1H-MRS to measure medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) metabolite concentrations and volumetric imaging to measure GMV.
    UNASSIGNED: Low (vs High) diet quality group had reduced mPFC-GABA and elevated mPFC-GLU concentrations, as well as reduced right precentral gyrus (rPCG) GMV. However, CMD and rumination were not associated with diet quality. Notably, we observed a significant negative correlation between rumination and rPCG-GMV and a marginally significant association between rumination and mPFC-GLU concentrations. There was also a marginally significant association between mPFC-GLU concentrations and rPCG-GMV.
    UNASSIGNED: Adhering to unhealthy dietary patterns may be associated with compromised E/I balance, and this could affect GMV, and subsequently, rumination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schizophrenia has been considered to exhibit sex-related clinical differences that might be associated with distinctly abnormal brain asymmetries between sexes. One hundred and thirty-two antipsychotic-naïve first-episode patients with schizophrenia and 150 healthy participants were recruited in this study to investigate whether cortical asymmetry would exhibit sex-related abnormalities in schizophrenia. After a 1-yr follow-up, patients were rescanned to obtain the effect of antipsychotic treatment on cortical asymmetry. Male patients were found to show increased lateralization index while female patients were found to exhibit decreased lateralization index in widespread regions when compared with healthy participants of the corresponding sex. Specifically, the cortical asymmetry of male and female patients showed contrary trends in the cingulate, orbitofrontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and insular cortices. This result suggested male patients showed a leftward shift of asymmetry while female patients showed a rightward shift of asymmetry in these above regions that related to language, vision, emotion, and cognition. Notably, abnormal lateralization indices remained stable after antipsychotic treatment. The contrary trends in asymmetry between female and male patients with schizophrenia together with the persistent abnormalities after antipsychotic treatment suggested the altered brain asymmetries in schizophrenia might be sex-related disturbances, intrinsic, and resistant to the effect of antipsychotic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uncovering the genetic architectures of brain morphology offers valuable insights into brain development and disease. Genetic association studies of brain morphological phenotypes have discovered thousands of loci. However, interpretation of these loci presents a significant challenge. One potential solution is exploring the genetic overlap between brain morphology and disorders, which can improve our understanding of their complex relationships, ultimately aiding in clinical applications. In this review, we examine current evidence on the genetic associations between brain morphology and neuropsychiatric traits. We discuss the impact of these associations on the diagnosis, prediction, and treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, along with suggestions for future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) has been associated with numerical processing. A recent study reported that the IPS sulcal pattern was associated with arithmetic and symbolic number abilities in children and adults. In the present study, we evaluated the link between numerical abilities and the IPS sulcal pattern in children with Developmental Dyscalculia (DD) and typically developing children (TD), extending previous analyses considering other sulcal features and the postcentral sulcus (PoCS). First, we confirm the longitudinal sulcal pattern stability of the IPS and the PoCS. Second, we found a lower proportion of left sectioned IPS and a higher proportion of a double-horizontal IPS shape bilaterally in DD compared to TD. Third, our analyses revealed that arithmetic is the only aspect of numerical processing that is significantly related to the IPS sulcal pattern (sectioned vs not sectioned), and that this relationship is specific to the left hemisphere. And last, correlation analyses of age and arithmetic in children without a sectioned left IPS indicate that although they may have an inherent disadvantage in numerical abilities, these may improve with age. Thus, our results indicate that only the left IPS sulcal pattern is related to numerical abilities and that other factors co-determine numerical abilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some cognitive abilities are suggested to be the result of a complex social life, allowing individuals to achieve higher fitness through advanced strategies. However, most evidence is correlative. Here, we provide an experimental investigation of how group size and composition affect brain and cognitive development in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). For 6 months, we reared sexually mature females in one of 3 social treatments: a small conspecific group of 3 guppies, a large heterospecific group of 3 guppies and 3 splash tetras (Copella arnoldi)-a species that co-occurs with the guppy in the wild, and a large conspecific group of 6 guppies. We then tested the guppies\' performance in self-control (inhibitory control), operant conditioning (associative learning), and cognitive flexibility (reversal learning) tasks. Using X-ray imaging, we measured their brain size and major brain regions. Larger groups of 6 individuals, both conspecific and heterospecific groups, showed better cognitive flexibility than smaller groups but no difference in self-control and operant conditioning tests. Interestingly, while social manipulation had no significant effect on brain morphology, relatively larger telencephalons were associated with better cognitive flexibility. This suggests alternative mechanisms beyond brain region size enabled greater cognitive flexibility in individuals from larger groups. Although there is no clear evidence for the impact on brain morphology, our research shows that living in larger social groups can enhance cognitive flexibility. This indicates that the social environment plays a role in the cognitive development of guppies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity is critical for organismal performance and can evolve in response to natural selection. Brain morphology is often developmentally plastic, affecting animal performance in a variety of contexts. However, the degree to which plasticity of brain morphology evolves has rarely been explored. Here we use Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata), which are known for their repeated adaptation to high-predation (HP) and low-predation (LP) environments, to examine the evolution and plasticity of brain morphology. We exposed second-generation offspring of individuals from HP and LP sites to two different treatments: predation cues and conspecific social environment. Results show that LP guppies had greater plasticity in brain morphology compared to their ancestral HP population, suggesting that plasticity can evolve in response to environmentally divergent habitats. We also show sexual dimorphism in the plasticity of brain morphology, highlighting the importance of considering sex-specific variation in adaptive diversification. Overall, these results may suggest the evolution of brain morphology plasticity as an important mechanism that allows for ecological diversification and adaptation to divergent habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transition to menopause is associated with various physiological changes, including alterations in brain structure and function. However, menopause-related structural and functional changes are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was not only to compare the brain volume changes between premenopausal and postmenopausal women, but also to evaluate the functional connectivity between the targeted brain regions associated with structural atrophy in postmenopausal women. Each 21 premenopausal and postmenopausal women underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T1-weighted MRI and resting-state functional MRI data were used to compare the brain volume and seed-based functional connectivity, respectively. In statistical analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, with age and whole brain volume as covariates, was used to evaluate surface areas and subcortical volumes between the two groups. Postmenopausal women showed significantly smaller cortical surface, especially in the left medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC), right superior temporal cortex, and right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, compared to premenopausal women (p < 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected) as well as significantly decreased functional connectivity between the left mOFC and the right thalamus was observed (p < 0.005, Monte-Carlo corrected). Although postmenopausal women did not show volume atrophy in the right thalamus, the volume of the right pulvinar anterior, which is one of the distinguished thalamic subnuclei, was significantly decreased (p < 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected). Taken together, our findings suggest that diminished brain volume and functional connectivity may be linked to menopause-related symptoms caused by the lower sex hormone levels.





