atomic bomb survivors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: For Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors, it has not been possible to calculate individual doses from the cytogenetic data and compare them with the physically estimated doses. This is because the cytogenetic studies used solid Giemsa staining which only provides the percent of cells bearing at least one stable-type aberration (most of the unstable-type aberrations had already disappeared), and a gamma-ray dose plus a 10-times neutron dose was used to integrate the data for both cities.
    UNASSIGNED: To compare the FISH-derived gamma-ray dose with the DS02R1-derived gamma-ray dose after correcting for a contribution of the neutron dose. It was also an attempt to determine if the frequency of stable-type aberrations had remained unchanged after the exposure.
    UNASSIGNED: Stable exchange-type aberration data was obtained using the 2-color FISH method from 1,868 atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The collected frequency was first extended to a genome-equivalent frequency. Then, by using known induction rates of exchange-type aberrations in vitro caused by neutrons and gamma-rays, respectively, and the mean relationship between the neutron and gamma-ray doses in the DS02R1 estimates for the survivors, the gamma-ray effect was estimated from the total yield of translocations.
    UNASSIGNED: It was found that over 95% of individual cytogenetic gamma-ray doses fell within the expected range of plus/minus about 1 Gy from the DS02R1 dose and the mean slope for the linear regression was 0.98, which reassures us of the validity of the DS02R1 study.
    UNASSIGNED: The present results demonstrate the validity of the individual DS02R1 doses, and that the frequency of stable-type aberrations in blood lymphocytes did not decay over the years, and thus is useful for retrospective dose evaluations of exposures which took place in the distant past.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse models are vital for assessing risk from environmental carcinogens, including ionizing radiation, yet the interspecies difference in the dose response precludes direct application of experimental evidence to humans. Herein, we take a mathematical approach to delineate the mechanism underlying the human-mouse difference in radiation-related cancer risk. We used a multistage carcinogenesis model assuming a mutational action of radiation to analyze previous data on cancer mortality in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors and in lifespan mouse experiments. Theoretically, the model predicted that exposure will chronologically shift the age-related increase in cancer risk forward by a period corresponding to the time in which the spontaneous mutational process generates the same mutational burden as that the exposure generates. This model appropriately fitted both human and mouse data and suggested a linear dose response for the time shift. The effect per dose decreased with increasing age at exposure similarly between humans and mice on a per-lifespan basis (0.72- and 0.71-fold, respectively, for every tenth lifetime). The time shift per dose was larger by two orders of magnitude in humans (7.8 and 0.046 years per Gy for humans and mice, respectively, when exposed at ~35% of their lifetime). The difference was mostly explained by the two orders of magnitude difference in spontaneous somatic mutation rates between the species plus the species-independent radiation-induced mutation rate. Thus, the findings delineate the mechanism underlying the interspecies difference in radiation-associated cancer mortality and may lead to the use of experimental evidence for risk prediction in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This note deals with epidemiological data interpretation supporting the linear no-threshold model, as opposed to emerging evidence of adaptive response and hormesis from molecular biology in vitro and animal models. Particularly, the US-Japan Radiation Effects Research Foundation\'s lifespan study of atomic bomb survivors is scrutinized. We stress the years-long lag of the data processing after data gathering and evolving statistical models and methodologies across publications. The necessity of cautious interpretation of radiation epidemiology results is emphasized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even today when nearly 80 years have passed after the atomic bomb (A-bomb) was dropped, there are still debates about the exact doses received by the A-bomb survivors. While initial airborne kerma radiation (or energy spectrum of emitted radiation) can be measured with sufficient accuracy to assess the radiation dose to A-bomb survivors, it is not easy to accurately assess the neutron dose including appropriate weighting of neutron absorbed dose. Particularly, possible post-explosion exposure due to the radioactive particles generated through neutron activation have been almost neglected so far, mainly because of a large uncertainty associated to the behavior of those particles. However, it has been supposed that contribution of such non-initial radiation exposure from the neutron-induced radioactive particles could be significant, according to the findings that the stable chromosomal aberration rates which indicate average whole-body radiation doses were found to be more than 30% higher for those exposed indoors than for those outdoors even at the same initial dose estimated for the Life Span Study. In this Mini Review article, the authors explain that such apparently controversial observations can be reasonably explained by assuming a higher production rate of neutron-induced radioactive particles in the indoor environment near the hypocenter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most recent publicly available data on all solid cancer incidence from the Life Span Study (LSS) of Japanese A-bomb survivors provides colon dose contributions weighted with a relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 10 for neutrons, relative to gammas. However, there is evidence from several investigations that the neutron RBE for A-bomb survivors may be higher than 10. The change in the shape of the corresponding dose-response curves was evaluated by Hafner and co-workers in a previous study by applying sex-specific linear-quadratic dose models to previous LSS data for all solid cancer incidence that include separate neutron and gamma absorbed doses for several organs, in contrast to the most recent data. The resulting curvature change became significantly negative for males at an RBE of 140 for colon, 100 for liver, and 80 for organ averaged dose. For females, the corresponding RBE values were 110, 80, and 60 for colon, liver, and organ averaged doses. The present study compares three different methods to calculate the 95% confidence intervals in an analysis of the curvature with increasing RBE. Further, the impact of a higher neutron RBE on the work of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, and the importance of including uncertainties and performing sensitivity analysis of different parameters in radiation risk assessment are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The numbers of naive T cells that react to novel pathogens not yet encountered by an immune system, decrease during aging, mainly due to age-associated involution of the thymus. CD45RA+ naive CD4 T cells consist of heterogeneous populations, including highly CXCR3-expressing cells that appear during the homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells and exhibit enhanced type-1 inflammatory phenotypes. Based on previous evidence of radiation-associated reductions in thymic function and peripheral blood naive CD4 T cells, we hypothesized that the homeostatic proliferation of naive CD4 T cells compensates for deficits in peripheral T-cell populations after radiation injury, which may increase the proportion of CXCR3high cells in naive CD4 T cells and enhance inflammation. The statistical models employed in this study revealed positive associations between the number of CXCR3high naive CD4 T cells and age as well as radiation dose among 580 Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors. In addition, the CXCR3high cells in these survivors increased not only with the levels of homeostatic cytokines, IL6 and IL7, but also with those of inflammatory indicators, CXCL10 and CRP. These results suggest that thymic T-cell production deficiency due to radiation and aging results in enhanced homeostatic proliferation that drives the appearance of CXCR3high naive CD4 T cells poised for an inflammatory response. Molecular mechanisms and clinical relevance of increasing CXCR3high cells in naive CD4 T populations should be further investigated in the context of inflammatory disease development long after radiation exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Risk analyses, based on relative biological effectiveness (RBE) estimates for neutrons relative to gammas, were performed; and the change in the curvature of the risk to dose response with increasing neutron RBE was analyzed using all solid cancer mortality data from the Radiation Effect Research Foundation (RERF). Results were compared to those based on incidence data.
    UNASSIGNED: This analysis is based on RERF mortality data with separate neutron and gamma doses for colon doses, from which organ averaged doses could be calculated. A model for risk ratio variation with RBE was developed.
    UNASSIGNED: The best estimate of the neutron RBE considering mortality data was 200 (95% confidence interval (CI): 50-1010) for colon dose using the weighted-dose approach and for organ averaged dose 110 (95% CI: 30-350). The ERR risk ratios for all solid cancers combined, for the best fitting neutron RBE estimate and the neutron RBE of 10 result in a ratio of 0.54 (95% CI: 0.17-0.85) for colon dose and 0.55 (95% CI: 0.18-0.87) for organ averaged dose. The risk to dose response curvature became significantly negative (concave down) with increasing RBE, at a neutron RBE of 170 using colon dose and at an RBE of 90 using organ averaged dose for males when fitting a linear-quadratic dose response. For females, the curvature decreased toward linearity with increasing neutron RBE and remained significantly positive until RBE of 80 and 40 using colon and organ averaged dose, respectively. For higher neutron RBEs, no significant conclusion could be drawn about the shape of the dose-response curve.
    UNASSIGNED: Application of neutron RBE values higher than 10 results in substantially reduced cancer mortality risk estimates and a significant reduction in curvature of the risk to dose responses for males. Using mortality data, the best fitting neutron RBE is much higher than when incidence data is used. The neutron RBE ranges covered by the overlap in the CIs from both the mortality and incidence analyses are 50-190 using colon dose and in all cases, the best fitting neutron RBE and lower 95% CI are higher than the value of 10 traditionally applied by the RERF. Therefore, it is recommended to consider uncertainties in neutron RBE values when calculating radiation risks and discussing the shape of dose responses using Japanese A-bomb survivors data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We model the effects of disease and other exogenous damage during human aging. Even when the exogenous damage is repaired at the end of acute disease, propagated secondary damage remains. We consider both short-term mortality effects due to (acute) exogenous damage and long-term mortality effects due to propagated damage within the context of a generic network model (GNM) of individual aging that simulates a U.S. population. Across a wide range of disease durations and severities we find that while excess short-term mortality is highest for the oldest individuals, the long-term years of life lost are highest for the youngest individuals. These appear to be universal effects of human disease. We support this conclusion with a phenomenological model coupling damage and mortality. Our results are consistent with previous lifetime mortality studies of atom bomb survivors and post-recovery health studies of COVID-19. We suggest that short-term health impact studies could complement lifetime mortality studies to better characterize the lifetime impacts of disease on both individuals and populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organ dosimetry data of the atomic bomb survivors and the resulting cancer risk models derived from these data are currently assessed within the DS02 dosimetry system developed through the Joint US-Japan Dosimetry Working Group. In DS02, the anatomical survivor models are limited to three hermaphroditic stylized phantoms-an adult (55 kg), a child (19.8 kg), and an infant (9.7 kg)-that were originally designed for the preceding DS86 dosimetry system. As such, organ doses needed for assessment of in-utero cancer risks to the fetus have continued to rely upon the use of the uterine wall in the adult non-pregnant stylized phantom as the dose surrogate for all fetal organs regardless of gestational age. To address these limitations, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Working Group on Organ Dose (WGOD) has established the J45 (Japan 1945) series of high-resolution voxel phantoms, which were derived from the UF/NCI series of hybrid phantoms and scaled to match mid-1940s Japanese body morphometries. The series includes male and female phantoms-newborn to adult-and four pregnant female phantoms at gestational ages of 8, 15, 25, and 38 wk post-conception. In previous studies, we have reported organ dose differences between those reported by the DS02 system and those computed by the WGOD using 3D Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations of atomic bomb gamma-ray and neutron fields for the J45 phantoms series in their traditional \"standing\" posture, with some variations in their facing direction relative to the bomb hypocenter. In this present study, we present the J45 pregnant female phantoms in both a \"kneeling\" and \"lying\" posture and assess the dosimetric impact of these more anatomically realistic survivor models in comparison to current organ doses given by the DS02 system. For the kneeling phantoms facing the bomb hypocenter, organ doses from bomb source photon spectra were shown to be overestimated by the DS02 system by up to a factor of 1.45 for certain fetal organs and up to a factor of 1.17 for maternal organs. For lying phantoms with their feet in the direction of the hypocenter, fetal organ doses from bomb source photon spectra were underestimated by the DS02 system by factors as low as 0.77, while maternal organ doses were overestimated by up to a factor of 1.38. Organs doses from neutron contributions to the radiation fields exhibited an increasing overestimation by the DS02 stylized phantoms as gestational age increased. These discrepancies are most evident in fetal organs that are more posterior within the mother\'s womb, such as the fetal brain. Further analysis revealed that comparison of these postures to the original standing posture indicate significant dose differences for both maternal and fetal organ doses depending on the type of irradiation. Results from this study highlight the degree to which the existing DS02 system can differ from organ dosimetry based upon 3D radiation transport simulations using more anatomically realistic models of those survivors exposed during pregnancy.





