asymmetric cell division

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a fundamental process governing the self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells, asymmetric cell division is controlled by several conserved regulators, including the polarity protein Par3 and the microtubule-associated protein NuMA, which orchestrate the assembly and interplay of the Par3/Par6/mInsc/LGN complex at the apical cortex and the LGN/Gαi/NuMA/Dynein complex at the mitotic spindle to ensure asymmetric segregation of cell fate determinants. However, this model, which is well-supported by genetic studies, has been challenged by evidence of competitive interaction between NuMA and mInsc for LGN. Here, the solved crystal structure of the Par3/mInsc complex reveals that mInsc competes with Par6β for Par3, raising questions about how proteins assemble overlapping targets into functional macromolecular complexes. Unanticipatedly, we discover that Par3 can recruit both Par6β and mInsc by forming a dynamic condensate through phase separation. Similarly, the phase-separated NuMA condensate enables the coexistence of competitive NuMA and mInsc with LGN in the same compartment. Bridge by mInsc, Par3/Par6β and LGN/NuMA condensates coacervate, robustly enriching all five proteins both in vitro and within cells. These findings highlight the pivotal role of protein condensates in assembling multi-component signalosomes that incorporate competitive protein-protein interaction pairs, effectively overcoming stoichiometric constraints encountered in conventional protein complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) are core-shell-type membrane-less organelles typically found in the nucleus of mammalian somatic cells but are absent in mouse oocytes. Here, we deliberately induced the assembly of PML-NBs by injecting mRNA encoding human PML protein (hPML VI -sfGFP) into oocytes and investigated their impact on fertilization in which oocyte/embryos undergo multiple types of stresses. Following nuclear membrane breakdown, preassembled hPML VI -sfGFP mRNA-derived PML-NBs (hmdPML-NBs) persisted in the cytoplasm of oocytes, forming less-soluble debris, particularly under stress. Parthenogenetic embryos that successfully formed pronuclei were capable of removing preassembled hmdPML-NBs from the cytoplasm while forming new hmdPML-NBs in the pronucleus. These observations highlight the beneficial aspect of the PML-NB-free nucleoplasmic environment and suggest that the ability to eliminate unnecessary materials in the cytoplasm of metaphase oocytes serves as a potential indicator of the oocyte quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) give rise to all cell types of the hematopoietic system through various processes, including asymmetric divisions. However, the contribution of stromal cells of the hematopoietic niches in the control of HSPC asymmetric divisions remains unknown. Using polyacrylamide microwells as minimalist niches, we show that specific heterotypic interactions with osteoblast and endothelial cells promote asymmetric divisions of human HSPCs. Upon interaction, HSPCs polarize in interphase with the centrosome, the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes positioned close to the site of contact. Subsequently, during mitosis, HSPCs orient their spindle perpendicular to the plane of contact. This division mode gives rise to siblings with unequal amounts of lysosomes and of the differentiation marker CD34. Such asymmetric inheritance generates heterogeneity in the progeny, which is likely to contribute to the plasticity of the early steps of hematopoiesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article gives a brief description of geroprotection and rejuvenation methods known to date, presenting their main mechanisms and limitations. To overcome the main limitations of the process of rejuvenation, it is possible to use a process called \"cell autocloning.\" The principle of the proposed method of rejuvenation is as follows: a periodic process of autocloning of the cell nucleus is initiated in the cellular genome with the formation of one unstable daughter copy and its subsequent self-elimination. In this case, the process of cell division stops in the phase of nuclei divergence without subsequent physical separation of the cell itself. This is especially important for postmitotic cells, where the looping of the \"unidirectional\" line of the ontogenesis program into a \"ring\" will mean their transition into renewable cells. The prototype for autocloning mechanisms could be the already known ways in which cells adapt to the increasing amount of their damage over time. These are polyploidy and asymmetric cell division, relying on which it is possible to obtain a renewable process of cell nuclei division, when only the original nucleus remains as a result of division. Although this is not a simple task, there are possible pathways to its solution using approaches that can suggest modern knowledge from the field of molecular and cell biology and genetics. The realization of such a goal will require a lot of work, but the expected result justifies it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymmetric cell division (ACD) plays a pivotal role in development, tissue homeostasis, and stem cell maintenance. Emerging evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are key regulators of ACD, orchestrating the intricate molecular machinery that governs cell fate determination. This review summarizes current literature to elucidate the diverse roles of lncRNAs in modulating ACD across various biological contexts. The regulatory mechanisms of asymmetric cell division mediated by lncRNAs, including their interactions with protein effectors, epigenetic regulation, and subcellular localization are explored. Additionally, we discuss the implications of dysregulated lncRNAs in mediating ACD that lead to tumorigenesis. By integrating findings from diverse experimental models and cell types, this review provides insights into the multifaceted roles of lncRNAs in governing asymmetric cell division, shedding light on fundamental biological processes. Further research in this area may lead to the development of novel therapies targeting dysregulated lncRNAs to restore proper cell division and function. The knowledge of lncRNAs regulating ACD could potentially revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine and cancer therapy by targeting specific lncRNAs involved in ACD. By unraveling the complex interactions between lncRNAs and cellular processes, the potential novel opportunities for precision medicine approaches may be uncovered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Division and differentiation events by which cell populations with specific functions are generated often take place as part of a developmental programme, which can be represented by a sequence of compartments. A compartment is the set of cells with common characteristics; sharing, for instance, a spatial location or a phenotype. Differentiation events are transitions from one compartment to the next. Cells may also die or divide. We consider three different types of division events: (i) where both daughter cells inherit the mother\'s phenotype (self-renewal), (ii) where only one of the daughters changes phenotype (asymmetric division), and (iii) where both daughters change phenotype (symmetric division). The self-renewal probability in each compartment determines whether the progeny of a single cell, moving through the sequence of compartments, is finite or grows without bound. We analyse the progeny stochastic dynamics with probability generating functions. In the case of self-renewal, by following one of the daughters after any division event, we may construct lifelines containing only one cell at any time. We analyse the number of divisions along such lines, and the compartment where lines terminate with a death event. Analysis and numerical simulations are applied to a five-compartment model of the gradual differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells and to a model of thymocyte development: from pre-double positive to single positive (SP) cells with a bifurcation to either SP4 or SP8 in the last compartment of the sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Notch communication pathway, discovered in Drosophila over 100 years ago, regulates a wide range of intra-lineage decisions in metazoans. The division of the Drosophila mechanosensory organ precursor is the archetype of asymmetric cell division in which differential Notch activation takes place at cytokinesis. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms by which epithelial cell polarity, cell cycle and intracellular trafficking participate in controlling the directionality, subcellular localization and temporality of mechanosensitive Notch receptor activation in cytokinesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs) generate two daughter cells with identical genetic information but distinct cell fates through epigenetic mechanisms. However, the process of partitioning different epigenetic information into daughter cells remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex is asymmetrically segregated into the surviving daughter cell rather than the apoptotic one during ACDs in Caenorhabditis elegans. The absence of NuRD triggers apoptosis via the EGL-1-CED-9-CED-4-CED-3 pathway, while an ectopic gain of NuRD enables apoptotic daughter cells to survive. We identify the vacuolar H+-adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) complex as a crucial regulator of NuRD\'s asymmetric segregation. V-ATPase interacts with NuRD and is asymmetrically segregated into the surviving daughter cell. Inhibition of V-ATPase disrupts cytosolic pH asymmetry and NuRD asymmetry. We suggest that asymmetric segregation of V-ATPase may cause distinct acidification levels in the two daughter cells, enabling asymmetric epigenetic inheritance that specifies their respective life-versus-death fates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intricate microenvironment signals orchestrate to affect cell behavior and fate during tissue morphogenesis. However, the underlying mechanisms on how specific local niche signals influence cell behavior and fate are not fully understood, owing to the lack of in vitro platform able to precisely, quantitatively, spatially, and independently manipulate individual niche signals. Here, microarrays of protein-based 3D single cell micro-niche (3D-SCμN), with precisely engineered biophysical and biochemical niche signals, are micro-printed by a multiphoton microfabrication and micropatterning technology. Mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) is used as the model cell to study how local niche signals affect stem cell behavior and fate. By precisely engineering the internal microstructures of the 3D SCμNs, we demonstrate that the cell division direction can be controlled by the biophysical niche signals, in a cell shape-independent manner. After confining the cell division direction to a dominating axis, single mESCs are exposed to asymmetric biochemical niche signals, specifically, cell-cell adhesion molecule on one side and extracellular matrix on the other side. We demonstrate that, symmetry-breaking (asymmetric) niche signals successfully trigger cell polarity formation and bias the orientation of asymmetric cell division, the mitosis process resulting in two daughter cells with differential fates, in mESCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: BIG regulates ground tissue formative divisions by bridging the auxin gradient with SHR abundance in Arabidopsis roots. The formative divisions of cortex/endodermis initials (CEIs) and CEI daughter cells (CEIDs) in Arabidopsis roots are coordinately controlled by the longitudinal auxin gradient and the radial SHORT ROOT (SHR) abundance. However, the mechanism underlying this coordination remains poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that BIG regulates ground tissue formative divisions by bridging the auxin gradient with SHR abundance. Mutations in BIG gene repressed cell cycle progression, delaying the formative divisions within the ground tissues and impairing the establishment of endodermal and cortical identities. In addition, we uncovered auxin\'s suppressive effect on BIG expression, triggering CYCLIND6;1 (CYCD6;1) activation in an SHR-dependent fashion. Moreover, the degradation of RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED (RBR) is jointly regulated by BIG and CYCD6;1. The loss of BIG function led to RBR protein accumulation, detrimentally impacting the SHR/SCARECROW (SCR) protein complex and the CEI/CEID formative divisions. Collectively, these findings shed light on a fundamental mechanism wherein BIG intricately coordinates the interplay between SHR/SCR and auxin, steering ground tissue patterning within Arabidopsis root tissue.





