X chromosome inactivation

X 染色体失活
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In female eutherian mammal development, X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) of one of the two X chromosomes is initiated early. Understanding the relationship between the initiation of XCI and cell fate is critical for understanding early female development and requires a system that can monitor XCI in single living cells. Traditional embryonic stem cells (ESCs) used for XCI studies often lose X chromosomes spontaneously during culture and differentiation, making accurate monitoring difficult. Additionally, most XCI assessment methods necessitate cell disruption, hindering cell fate tracking. We developed the Momiji (version 2) ESC line to address these difficulties, enabling real-time monitoring of X-chromosome activity via fluorescence. We inserted green and red fluorescent reporter genes and neomycin and puromycin resistance genes into the two X chromosomes of PGK12.1 ESCs, creating a female ESC line that retains two X chromosomes more faithfully during differentiation. Momiji (version 2) ESCs exhibit a more stable XX karyotype than other ESC lines, including the parental PGK12.1 line. This new tool offers valuable insights into the relationship between XCI and cell fate, improving our understanding of early female development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an epigenetic process that results in the transcriptional silencing of one X chromosome in the somatic cells of females. This phenomenon is common to both eutherian and marsupial mammals, but there are fundamental differences. In eutherians, the X chosen for silencing is random. DNA methylation on the eutherian inactive X is high at transcription start sites (TSSs) and their flanking regions, resulting in universally high DNA methylation. This contrasts XCI in marsupials where the paternally derived X is always silenced, and in which DNA methylation is low at TSSs and flanking regions. Here, we examined the DNA methylation status of the tammar wallaby X chromosome during spermatogenesis to determine the DNA methylation profile of the paternal X prior to and at fertilization. Whole genome enzymatic methylation sequencing was carried out on enriched flow-sorted populations of premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic cells. We observed that the X displayed a pattern of DNA methylation from spermatogonia to mature sperm that reflected the inactive X in female somatic tissue. Therefore, the paternal X chromosome arrives at the egg with a DNA methylation profile that reflects the transcriptionally silent X in adult female somatic tissue. We present this epigenetic signature as a candidate for the long sought-after imprint for paternal XCI in marsupials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A significant source of risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), including intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), lies in genes located on the X chromosome. Males can be particularly vulnerable to X-linked variation because of hemizygosity, and male-specific segregation in pedigrees has guided earlier gene discovery for X-linked recessive conditions. More recently, X-linked disorders disproportionally affecting females, with complex inheritance patterns and/or presenting with sex differences, have surfaced. Here, we discuss the genetics and neurobiology of X-linked genes that are paradigmatic to understand NDDs in females. Integrating genetic, clinical, and functional data will be key to understand how X-linked variation contributes to the risk architecture of NDDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in gene dosage can have tremendous evolutionary potential (e.g. whole-genome duplications), but without compensatory mechanisms, they can also lead to gene dysregulation and pathologies. Sex chromosomes are a paradigmatic example of naturally occurring gene dosage differences and their compensation. In species with chromosome-based sex determination, individuals within the same population necessarily show \'natural\' differences in gene dosage for the sex chromosomes. In this Review, we focus on the mammalian X chromosome and discuss recent new insights into the dosage-compensation mechanisms that evolved along with the emergence of sex chromosomes, namely X-inactivation and X-upregulation. We also discuss the evolution of the genetic loci and molecular players involved, as well as the regulatory diversity and potentially different requirements for dosage compensation across mammalian species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysis of clonal dynamics in human tissues is enabled by somatic genetic variation. Here, we show that analysis of mitochondrial mutations in single cells is dramatically improved in females when using X chromosome inactivation to select informative clonal mutations. Applying this strategy to human peripheral mononuclear blood cells reveals clonal structures within T cells that otherwise are blurred by non-informative mutations, including the separation of gamma-delta T cells, suggesting this approach can be used to decipher clonal dynamics of cells in human tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex differences are widespread during neurodevelopment and play a role in neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism, which is more prevalent in males than females. In humans, males have been shown to have larger brain volumes than females with development of the hippocampus and amygdala showing prominent sex differences. Mechanistically, sex steroids and sex chromosomes drive these differences in brain development, which seem to peak during prenatal and pubertal stages. Animal models have played a crucial role in understanding sex differences, but the study of human sex differences requires an experimental model that can recapitulate complex genetic traits. To fill this gap, human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived brain organoids are now being used to study how complex genetic traits influence prenatal brain development. For example, brain organoids from individuals with autism and individuals with X chromosome-linked Rett syndrome and fragile X syndrome have revealed prenatal differences in cell proliferation, a measure of brain volume differences, and excitatory-inhibitory imbalances. Brain organoids have also revealed increased neurogenesis of excitatory neurons due to androgens. However, despite growing interest in using brain organoids, several key challenges remain that affect its validity as a model system. In this review, we discuss how sex steroids and the sex chromosomes each contribute to sex differences in brain development. Then, we examine the role of X chromosome inactivation as a factor that drives sex differences. Finally, we discuss the combined challenges of modeling X chromosome inactivation and limitations of brain organoids that need to be taken into consideration when studying sex differences.
    Sex differences are a contributing factor in neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism, which is more prevalent in males. Sex differences occur through interactions between sex steroid hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and sex chromosomes (chrX and chrY). Human stem cell–derived brain organoids are laboratory models that mimic brain development. For example, in individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions, brain organoids have revealed an imbalance of neuron populations compared with neurotypical individuals. In this review, we discuss sex steroid and sex chromosome influences on brain development and challenges of this model that need to be taken into account when studying sex differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xist, a pivotal player in X chromosome inactivation (XCI), has long been perceived as a cis-acting long noncoding RNA that binds exclusively to the inactive X chromosome (Xi). However, Xist\'s ability to diffuse under select circumstances has also been documented, leading us to suspect that Xist RNA may have targets and functions beyond the Xi. Here, using female mouse embryonic stem cells (ES) and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) as models, we demonstrate that Xist RNA indeed can localize beyond the Xi. However, its binding is limited to ~100 genes in cells undergoing XCI (ES cells) and in post-XCI cells (MEFs). The target genes are diverse in function but are unified by their active chromatin status. Xist binds discretely to promoters of target genes in neighborhoods relatively depleted for Polycomb marks, contrasting with the broad, Polycomb-enriched domains reported for human XIST RNA. We find that Xist binding is associated with down-modulation of autosomal gene expression. However, unlike on the Xi, Xist binding does not lead to full silencing and also does not spread beyond the target gene. Over-expressing Xist in transgenic ES cells similarly lead to autosomal gene suppression, while deleting Xist\'s Repeat B motif reduces autosomal binding and perturbs autosomal down-regulation. Furthermore, treating female ES cells with the Xist inhibitor, X1, leads to loss of autosomal suppression. Altogether, our findings reveal Xist targets ~100 genes beyond the Xi, identify Repeat B as a crucial domain for its in-trans function in mice, and indicate that autosomal targeting can be disrupted by the X1 small molecule inhibitor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several X-linked genes escape from X chromosome inactivation (XCI), while differences in escape across cell types and tissues are still poorly characterized. Here, we developed scLinaX for directly quantifying relative gene expression from the inactivated X chromosome with droplet-based single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. The scLinaX and differentially expressed gene analyses with large-scale blood scRNA-seq datasets consistently identified the stronger escape in lymphocytes than in myeloid cells. An extension of scLinaX to a 10x multiome dataset (scLinaX-multi) suggested a stronger escape in lymphocytes than in myeloid cells at the chromatin-accessibility level. The scLinaX analysis of human multiple-organ scRNA-seq datasets also identified the relatively strong degree of escape from XCI in lymphoid tissues and lymphocytes. Finally, effect size comparisons of genome-wide association studies between sexes suggested the underlying impact of escape on the genotype-phenotype association. Overall, scLinaX and the quantified escape catalog identified the heterogeneity of escape across cell types and tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X chromosome centromeric drive may explain the prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome and contribute to oocyte aneuploidy, menopause, and other conditions. The mammalian X chromosome may be vulnerable to meiotic drive because of X inactivation in the female germline. The human X pericentromeric region contains genes potentially involved in meiotic mechanisms, including multiple SPIN1 and ZXDC paralogs. This is consistent with a multigenic drive system comprising differential modification of the active and inactive X chromosome centromeres in female primordial germ cells and preferential segregation of the previously inactivated X chromosome centromere to the polar body at meiosis I. The drive mechanism may explain differences in X chromosome regulation in the female germlines of the human and mouse and, based on the functions encoded by the genes in the region, the transmission of X pericentromeric genetic or epigenetic variants to progeny could contribute to preeclampsia, autism, and differences in sexual differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X chromosome inactivation (XCI) generates clonal heterogeneity within XX individuals. Combined with sequence variation between human X chromosomes, XCI gives rise to intra-individual clonal diversity, whereby two sets of clones express mutually exclusive sequence variants present on one or the other X chromosome. Here we ask whether such clones merely co-exist or potentially interact with each other to modulate the contribution of X-linked diversity to organismal development. Focusing on X-linked coding variation in the human STAG2 gene, we show that Stag2variant clones contribute to most tissues at the expected frequencies but fail to form lymphocytes in Stag2WT Stag2variant mouse models. Unexpectedly, the absence of Stag2variant clones from the lymphoid compartment is due not solely to cell-intrinsic defects but requires continuous competition by Stag2WT clones. These findings show that interactions between epigenetically diverse clones can operate in an XX individual to shape the contribution of X-linked genetic diversity in a cell-type-specific manner.





