Threatened species

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, illegal sport hunting can threaten prey populations when unregulated. Due to its covert nature, illegal sport hunting poses challenges for data collection, hindering efforts to understand the full extent of its impacts. We gathered social media data to analyze patterns of illegal sport hunting and wildlife depletion across Brazil. We collected data for 2 years (2018-2020) across 5 Facebook groups containing posts depicting pictures of illegal sport hunting events of native fauna. We described and mapped these hunting events by detailing the number of hunters involved, the number of species, the mean body mass of individuals, and the number and biomass of individuals hunted per unit area, stratified by Brazilian biome. We also examined the effects of defaunation on hunting yield and composition via regression models, rank-abundance curves, and spatial interpolation. We detected 2046 illegal sport hunting posts portraying the hunting of 4658 animals (∼29 t of undressed meat) across all 27 states and 6 natural biomes of Brazil. Of 157 native species targeted by hunters, 19 are currently threatened with extinction. We estimated that 1414 hunters extracted 3251 kg/million km2. Some areas exhibited more pronounced wildlife depletion, in particular the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga biomes. In these areas, there was a shift from large mammals and reptiles to small birds as the main targeted taxa, and biomass extracted per hunting event and mean body mass across all taxonomic groups were lower than in other areas. Our results highlight that illegal sport hunting adds to the pressures of subsistence hunting and the wild meat trade on Brazil\'s wildlife populations. Enhanced surveillance efforts are needed to reduce illegal sport hunting levels and to develop well-managed sustainable sport hunting programs. These can support wildlife conservation and offer incentives for local communities to oversee designated sport hunting areas.
    Exposición de la caza ilegal y la reducción de fauna en el país tropical más grande del mundo por medio de datos de las redes sociales Resumen En todo el mundo, la caza recreativa ilegal puede amenazar a las poblaciones de presas cuando no está regulada. Debido a su naturaleza encubierta, la caza recreativa ilegal plantea dificultades para la recopilación de datos, lo que dificulta la comprensión de su impacto. Recopilamos datos de redes sociales para analizar los patrones de caza recreativa ilegal y agotamiento de la vida silvestre en todo Brasil. Recopilamos datos durante 2 años (2018‐2020) a través de cinco grupos de Facebook que contenían publicaciones que mostraban imágenes de eventos de caza recreativa ilegal de fauna nativa. Describimos y mapeamos estos eventos de caza detallando el número de cazadores involucrados, el número de especies, la masa corporal media de los individuos y el número y la biomasa de los individuos cazados por unidad de área, estratificados por bioma brasileño. También examinamos los efectos de la deforestación en el rendimiento y la composición de la caza mediante modelos de regresión, curvas de abundancia e interpolación espacial. Detectamos 2,046 puestos de caza recreativa ilegal que mostraban la caza de 4,658 animales (∼29 t de carne sin desollar) en los 27 estados y 6 biomas naturales de Brasil. De las 157 especies autóctonas objetivo de los cazadores, 18 están actualmente en peligro de extinción. Se calcula que 1,414 cazadores extrajeron 3,251 kg/millón de km2. Algunas zonas mostraron una defaunación más pronunciada, en particular los biomas de la Mata Atlántica y la Caatinga. En estas áreas, se produjo un cambio de grandes mamíferos y reptiles a pequeñas aves como principales taxones objetivo, y la biomasa extraída por evento de caza y la masa corporal media en todos los grupos taxonómicos fueron menores que en otras áreas. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto que la caza recreativa ilegal se suma a las presiones de la caza de subsistencia y el comercio de carne salvaje sobre las poblaciones de fauna de Brasil. Es necesario intensificar los esfuerzos de vigilancia para reducir los niveles de caza recreativa ilegal y desarrollar programas de caza recreativa sostenibles y bien gestionados. Estos programas pueden contribuir a la conservación de la fauna y ofrecer incentivos a las comunidades locales para que supervisen las zonas designadas para la caza recreativa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The volume and scale of commercial captive breeding of parrots have grown dramatically in recent decades. Although it has been proposed, and is often assumed, that captive breeding can reduce pressure on wild populations, there has been little scrutiny of the scale, viability, or impacts of captive breeding to prevent overexploitation among parrots, compared with similar approaches in other threatened taxa, such as pangolins or tigers. We reviewed the primary and gray literature to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate evidence concerning 5 criteria, established a priori, for commercial captive breeding of parrots as an effective supply-side intervention. We focused on a sample of 16 threatened parrot species that are heavily traded or for which unsustainable trade has been a factor in the decline of wild populations, representing a range of taxonomic groups, life histories, and native regions. We identified multiple major gaps in knowledge of the extent to which these criteria are met, including a lack of quantitative data on breeding productivity under current commercial breeding practices, the scale and scope of commercial breeding practices in growing parrot markets, particularly in the Middle East and Asia, and the lack of financial viability of captive breeding under effective regulation to prevent laundering or use of wild-sourced specimens as breeding stock. The capacity for captive breeding to displace demand for wild-sourced parrots varied between species, and complex interactions between trade in different species and contexts sometimes made consequences of commercial production difficult to predict. Decision makers and regulatory authorities should approach commercial captive breeding of parrots with caution and take into account knowledge gaps and cross-linkages between trade in different species to avoid unanticipated consequences from stimulating and facilitating unsustainable trade in wild-sourced parrots.
    Una revisión de la cría comercial de loros en cautiverio como una intervención en la oferta para abordar el comercio no sustentable Resumen El volumen y la escala de la cría comercial de loros en cautiverio ha crecido de gran manera en las últimas décadas. Aunque se ha propuesto, y a menudo se asume, que la cría en cautiverio puede reducir la presión sobre las poblaciones silvestres, apenas se ha analizado la escala, viabilidad o impacto de este método para evitar la sobreexplotación de los loros, en comparación con enfoques similares en otros taxones amenazados, como pangolines o tigres. Revisamos la bibliografía primaria y gris para evaluar cuantitativa y cualitativamente las pruebas relativas a cinco criterios, establecidos a priori, para la cría comercial de loros en cautiverio como una intervención eficaz del lado de la oferta. Usamos una muestra de 16 especies amenazadas de loros que son objeto de intenso comercio o para las que el comercio no sustentable ha sido un factor en el declive de las poblaciones silvestre para representar una gama de grupos taxonómicos, historias de vida y regiones nativas. Identificamos múltiples vacíos importantes en el conocimiento de la medida en que se cumplen estos criterios, incluida la falta de datos cuantitativos sobre la productividad de la cría en las actuales prácticas de cría comercial, la escala y el alcance de las prácticas de cría comercial en los mercados de loros en crecimiento, especialmente en Medio Oriente y Asia, y la falta de viabilidad financiera de la cría en cautiverio bajo una regulación eficaz para evitar el lavado o el uso de especímenes de origen silvestre como plantel reproductor. La capacidad de la cría en cautiverio para desplazar la demanda de loros de origen silvestre varió según las especies y las complejas interacciones entre el comercio de diferentes especies y contextos dificultaron a veces la predicción de las consecuencias de la producción comercial. Los responsables de la toma de decisiones y las autoridades reguladoras deben abordar la cría comercial de loros en cautiverio con cautela y tener en cuenta los vacíos de conocimiento y los nexos cruzados entre el comercio de diferentes especies para evitar consecuencias imprevistas derivadas de estimular y facilitar el comercio no sustentable de loros de origen silvestre.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconciling conservation goals with sustainable resource use requires adaptive management strategies. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates global trade for species listed on Appendix II, partly by requiring member countries (parties) to ensure exports do not damage wild populations (called making positive \"nondetriment findings\" [NDFs]). Unfortunately, when parties find NDFs difficult, they often suspend legal trade, imposing economic costs and driving trade underground. To make it easier for parties to examine the detrimental nature of exports, we devised a spatial approach and applied it to seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) in Tamil Nadu, India, as an example. Our approach involves mapping answers to 5 key questions on species distribution (QA), pressures (QB), management measures (QC), management implementation (QD), and species\' population status (QE). We gathered data from fisher interviews and published literature. Seahorse abundance was greatest in southern Palk Bay and the northern Gulf of Mannar, primarily in seagrasses and coral reefs (QA). Fishing pressure was highest in Palk Bay, primarily from bottom trawlers and dragnetters operating in shallow seahorse habitats near the coastline (QB). Management measures including a marine protected area (MPA), bottom trawl exclusion zone, and closed season were theoretically in place (QC), but their implementation was poor (QD). Fishers reported seahorse catches in 85% of the area covered by the MPA and the exclusion zone; bottom trawlers were responsible for most violations. Seahorses were also captured in Sri Lankan waters, where bottom trawling is banned. Fisher reports indicated declining seahorse catches and reduced body sizes (QE), highlighting unsustainable exploitation. Our results highlight the need for better implementation of existing management measures before a positive NDF can be made and suggest mitigation beyond bans. Such pragmatic spatial analyses can help regulate exports at sustainable levels, supporting CITES implementation for its vast range of species.
    Un enfoque práctico para cumplir las obligaciones nacionales para el mercado sustentable bajo CITES Resumen Conciliar los objetivos de conservación con el uso sostenible de los recursos exige estrategias de gestión adaptativa. La Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) regula el comercio mundial de las especies incluidas en el Apéndice II, en parte exigiendo a los países miembros (partes) que garanticen que las exportaciones no perjudiquen a las poblaciones silvestres (lo que se conoce como dictámenes de extracción no perjudicial [DENP] positivos). Desgraciadamente, cuando las partes encuentran dificultades para formular DENP, a menudo suspenden el comercio legal, lo que impone costos económicos y lleva al comercio a la clandestinidad. Para facilitar a las partes el examen del carácter perjudicial de las exportaciones, ideamos un enfoque espacial y lo aplicamos a los caballitos de mar (Hippocampus spp.) en Tamil Nadu, India, como un ejemplo. Nuestro planteamiento consiste en responder cinco preguntas clave sobre la distribución de las especies (PA), las presiones (PB), las medidas de gestión (PC), la aplicación de la gestión (PD) y el estado de la población de las especies (PE). Se recopilaron datos de entrevistas con pescadores y de la bibliografía publicada. La abundancia de caballitos de mar era mayor en el sur de la bahía Palk y el norte del Golfo de Mannar, principalmente en las praderas marinas y los arrecifes de coral (QA). La presión pesquera era mayor en la bahía Palk, principalmente por parte de redes de arrastre de fondo y redes de arrastre que operaban en hábitats poco profundos de caballitos de mar cerca de la costa (QB). En teoría existían medidas de gestión, como un área marina protegida (AMP), una zona de exclusión para las redes de arrastre de fondo y una temporada de veda (QC), pero su aplicación era deficiente (QD). Los pescadores reportaron capturas de caballitos de mar en el 85% del área cubierta por el AMP y la zona de exclusión; las redes de arrastre de fondo fueron responsables de la mayoría de las infracciones. También se capturaron hipocampos en aguas de Sri Lanka, donde está prohibida la pesca de arrastre de fondo. Los informes de los pescadores indicaron una disminución de las capturas de caballitos de mar y una reducción del tamaño corporal (QE), lo que expone una explotación insostenible. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de aplicar mejor las medidas de gestión existentes antes de poder hacer un DENP positivo y sugieren medidas de mitigación más allá de las prohibiciones. Estos análisis espaciales pragmáticos pueden ayudar a regular las exportaciones a niveles sostenibles, apoyando la aplicación para la amplia gama de especies de la CITES.
    履行《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》中关于可持续贸易的国家义务的实用方法 协调保护目标与可持续资源利用需要适应性的管理策略。《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)对附录II所列物种的全球贸易实行监管, 部分包括要求成员国(缔约方)确保出口不会对野生种群造成破坏(即做出积极的“非致危性判定”[NDF])。遗憾的是, 缔约方在发现难以做出NDF时, 往往会暂停合法贸易, 不但会造成经济损失, 还会使贸易转入地下。为了让缔约方更容易判断出口是否致危, 本研究设计了一种空间方法, 并将其应用于印度泰米尔纳德邦的海马(Hippocampus spp.)的案例研究。我们的方法包括针对物种分布(QA)、压力(QB)、管理措施(QC)、管理实施情况(QD)和物种种群状况(QE)这五个关键问题的答案进行绘图。我们通过采访渔民和阅读出版文献来收集相关数据。我们发现, 海马在保克湾南部和马纳尔湾北部数量最多, 主要分布在海草和珊瑚礁中(QA)。保克湾的捕捞压力最大, 主要来自在海岸线附近海马浅海栖息地作业的底拖网渔船和拖网渔船(QB)。已有管理措施包括设立海洋保护区、设立底拖网禁渔区和禁渔期, 这些措施在理论上已经到位(QC), 但执行效果不佳(QD)。渔民报告在海洋保护区和禁渔区内85%的区域都存在捕捞海马的行为, 而大多数违规捕捞都是由底拖网渔船实施的。在禁止底拖网的斯里兰卡水域也存在海马捕捞现象。根据渔民反映, 海马的捕获量在下降, 海马体型也在缩小(QE), 这表明对海马的开发利用是不可持续的。以上研究结果突出表明, 在做出积极的NDF之前, 需要更好地执行现有管理措施, 我们还建议采取禁令以外的其他措施来减缓对海马的影响。这种实际的空间分析有助于将出口控制在可持续的水平, 以支持在大量物种中实施CITES的监管要求。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many nations are struggling to reduce deforestation, despite having extensive environmental protection laws in place and commitments to international agreements that address the biodiversity and climate crises. We developed a novel framework to quantify the extent to which contemporary deforestation is being captured under national and subnational laws. We then applied this framework to northern Australia as a case study, a development and deforestation hotspot with ecosystems of global significance. First, deforestation may be compliant under all relevant legislation, either through assessment and approval or because of exemptions in the legislation. Second, deforestation may be compliant under at least one relevant law, but not all. Third, there may be no evidence of deforestation assessment or exemption from assessment, despite their apparent requirement, which could mean the deforestation is potentially noncompliant. Finally, deforestation may occur in an area or under circumstances that are beyond the intended scope of any relevant legislation. All deforestation that we analyzed was hypothetically covered by one or more laws. However, 65% of deforestation was potentially noncompliant with at least one law. Because multiple laws could be relevant to a given clearing event, the majority of clearing was still compliant with at least one law, but of these events, only a small proportion was explicitly approved (19%). The remaining were permitted under various exemptions. Of all the legislation we analyzed, most of the exempt clearing occurred under one subnational law and most potentially noncompliant clearing occurred under one national law. Our results showed that even a nation with a suite of mature environmental protection laws is falling well short of achieving international commitments regarding deforestation. Our framework can be used to pinpoint the pathways of policy change required for nations to align local laws with these international accords.
    Cumplimiento deficiente y exenciones que facilitan la deforestación Resumen Muchos países luchan por reducir la deforestación, a pesar de contar con amplias leyes de protección del medio ambiente y de sus compromisos con los acuerdos internacionales que abordan la crisis de la biodiversidad y el clima. Por ello desarrollamos un novedoso marco para cuantificar hasta qué punto la deforestación actual se recopila en las leyes nacionales y subnacionales. Después aplicamos este marco al norte de Australia como estudio de caso, un punto caliente de desarrollo y deforestación con ecosistemas de importancia mundial. En primer lugar, la deforestación puede ser compatible con toda la legislación pertinente, ya sea mediante evaluación y aprobación o debido a exenciones en la legislación. En segundo lugar, la deforestación puede ser compatible con al menos una ley pertinente, pero no con todas. En tercer lugar, puede que no haya pruebas de evaluación de la deforestación o de exención de la evaluación, a pesar de su aparente requisito, lo que podría significar que la deforestación es potencialmente no conforme. Por último, la deforestación puede producirse en una zona o en circunstancias que quedan fuera del ámbito de aplicación de la legislación pertinente. Toda la deforestación analizada era hipotéticamente legal según una o más leyes. Sin embargo, el 65% de la deforestación no cumplía potencialmente al menos una ley. Dado que varias leyes podían ser pertinentes para un determinado caso de deforestación, la mayoría de las deforestaciones seguían cumpliendo al menos una ley, pero de estos casos, sólo una pequeña proporción estaba explícitamente aprobada (19%). El resto estaba permitido en virtud de diversas exenciones. De toda la legislación que analizamos, la mayor parte de la compensación exenta se produjo en virtud de una ley subnacional y la mayor parte de la compensación potencialmente no conforme se produjo en virtud de una ley nacional. Nuestros resultados muestran que incluso un país con un conjunto de leyes maduras de protección del medio ambiente está muy lejos de cumplir los compromisos internacionales en materia de deforestación. Nuestro marco puede utilizarse para determinar las vías de cambio político necesarias para que los países adapten su legislación local a los acuerdos internacionales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid decline of global biodiversity has engendered renewed debate about the social, economic, and political factors contributing to it. Specifically, there is little understanding of the role that political ideology within a country (e.g., nationalism, conservatism, socialism) plays in determining biodiversity outcomes. We used negative binomial generalized linear models to investigate the importance of national regime ideology in predicting threatened animal species and protected area establishment compared with other factors that affect biodiversity outcomes, such as gross domestic product, inequality, and democracy. For threatened animals, the model with the highest Akaike weight suggested adverse biodiversity outcomes arose from larger gross domestic product (β = 0.120, p < 0.001). However, nationalism (β = 0.371, p < 0.01) and socialism (β = 0.293, p < 0.05) were also significantly associated with increased proportions of threatened species. For protected areas, the model with the highest Akaike weight suggested increases in democracy (β = 0.880, p < 0.001) led to a rise in relative protected area estate. Conservative regime ideology was also associated with greater protected area estate, although this did not increase the weight of evidence in support of the best models. These findings highlight the relevance of political ideology for predicting biodiversity outcomes at a national scale and illustrate opportunities to tailor policies and advocacy to promote biodiversity conservation more effectively. By targeting appropriate messaging and political advocacy, conservationists can improve the likelihood that politicians and their nations will participate in positive biodiversity actions.
    El papel de la ideología del régimen nacional para la predicción de resultados de biodiversidad Resumen El rápido declive de la biodiversidad mundial ha suscitado un renovado debate sobre los factores sociales, económicos y políticos que contribuyen a él. En concreto, se conoce poco el papel que desempeña la ideología política dentro de un país (por ejemplo, el nacionalismo, el conservadurismo o el socialismo) a la hora de determinar los resultados en materia de biodiversidad. Utilizamos modelos lineales generalizados binomiales negativos para investigar la importancia de la ideología del régimen nacional a la hora de predecir las especies animales amenazadas y el establecimiento de áreas protegidas en comparación con otros factores que afectan a los resultados de la biodiversidad, como el producto interno bruto, la desigualdad y la democracia. En el caso de los animales amenazados, el modelo con la mayor ponderación de Akaike sugirió que los resultados adversos para la biodiversidad se debían a un mayor producto interno bruto (β = 0,120, p < 0,001). Sin embargo, el nacionalismo (β = 0,371, p < 0,01) y el socialismo (β = 0,293, p < 0,05) también se asociaron significativamente con una mayor proporción de especies amenazadas. En el caso de las áreas protegidas, el modelo con la mayor ponderación de Akaike sugirió que el aumento de la democracia (β = 0,880, p < 0,001) conducía a un aumento de la extensión relativa de las áreas protegidas. La ideología conservadora del régimen también se asoció con una mayor superficie de áreas protegidas, aunque no aumentó el peso de la evidencia en apoyo de los mejores modelos. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la ideología política para predecir los resultados de la biodiversidad a escala nacional e ilustran las oportunidades de adaptar las políticas y la defensa para promover la conservación de la biodiversidad de manera más eficaz. Si se orientan los mensajes y la promoción política de forma adecuada, los conservacionistas pueden mejorar la probabilidad de que los políticos y sus naciones participen en acciones positivas para la biodiversidad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Not all plant-pollinator interactions are mutualistic, and in fact, deceptive pollination systems are widespread in nature. The genus Arisaema has a pollination system known as lethal deceptive pollination, in which plants not only attract pollinating insects without providing any rewards, but also trap them until they die. Many Arisaema species are endangered from various disturbances including reduction in forest habitat, modification of the forest understory owing to increasing deer abundance, and plant theft for horticultural cultivation. We aimed to theoretically investigate how lethal deceptive pollination can be maintained from a demographic perspective and how plant and pollinator populations respond to different types of disturbance.
    METHODS: We developed and analysed a mathematical model to describe the population dynamics of a deceptive plant species and its victim pollinator. Calibrating the model based on empirical data, we assessed the conditions under which plants and pollinators could coexist, while manipulating relevant key parameters.
    RESULTS: The model exhibited qualitatively distinct behaviours depending on certain parameters. The plant becomes extinct when it has a low capability for vegetative reproduction and slow transition from male to female, and plant-insect co-extinction occurs especially when the plant is highly attractive to male insects. Increasing deer abundance has both positive and negative effects because of removal of other competitive plants and diminishing pollinators, respectively. Theft for horticultural cultivation can readily threaten plants whether male or female plants are frequently collected. The impact of forest habitat reduction may be limited compared to that of other disturbance types.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results have emphasised that the demographic vulnerability of lethal deceptive pollination systems would differ qualitatively from that of general mutualistic pollination systems. It is therefore important to consider the demographics of both victim pollinators and deceptive plants to estimate how endangered Arisaema populations respond to various disturbances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimates of the number of vascular plant species currently under threat of extinction are shockingly high, with the highest extinction rates reported for narrow-range, woody plants, especially in biodiversity hotspots with Mediterranean and tropical climates. The large genus Erica is a prime example, as a large proportion of its 851 species, all shrubs or small trees, are endemic to the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. Almost two hundred are known to be threatened and a further hundred are \'Data Deficient\'. We need to target conservation efforts and research to fill the most problematic knowledge gaps. This can be especially challenging in large genera, such as Erica, with numerous threatened species that are closely related. One approach involves combining knowledge of phylogenetic diversity with that of IUCN threat status to identify the most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species. We present an expanded and improved phylogenetic hypothesis for Erica (representing 65% of described species diversity) and combine this with available threat and distribution data to identify species and geographic areas that could be targeted for conservation effort to maximise preservation of phylogenetic diversity (PD). The resulting 39 EDGE taxa include 35 from the CFR. A further 32 high PD, data deficient taxa are mostly from outside the CFR, reflecting the low proportion of assessed taxa outside South Africa. The most taxon-rich areas are found in the south-western CFR. They are not the most phylogenetically diverse, but do include the most threatened PD. These results can be cross-referenced to existing living and seed-banked ex situ collections and used to target new and updated threat assessments and conservation action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dissemination of specimen data in scientific collections is a crucial step in making them available to the scientific community. However, even today, especially in some countries, little or nothing is known about the contents of the naturalistic collections of some museums. This is regrettable, especially in cases where the collections include historic specimens and endangered species. The Museum of Comparative Anatomy \"Giovanni Battista Grassi\", situated in Rome, Italy, houses historical anatomical and didactic collections, with specimens gathered from 1600s and almost worldwide. The collection holds 444 specimens of medium and large-sized terrestrial mammals, comprising 25 fossils, 40 skins, 186 skulls, 70 skeletons and 123 anatomical pieces, representing 63% of recent mammal orders, mainly from localities of Africa and Europe. A list of this material, indexed by the orders and families, is provided, as well as comments on the conservation status of the species. Remarkable data are summarised, including new data on a hippopotamus specimen from an extinct population and the record of three rhinoceros species from 1600s. Besides comparative anatomical studies, the Museum of Comparative Anatomy of Sapienza University emerges as a source of important material for biodiversity genomics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agaves are plants with multiple possibilities of use and are naturally tolerant to low water availability conditions and high temperatures. This makes them species of great interest in the context of the necessary substitution of crops due to climate change. Unfortunately, the overexploitation of wild specimens has endangered many species of the genus that have not been domesticated or cultivated intensively. In vitro mass culture and propagation techniques have emerged as a very efficient option to produce agave plants that can be used without damage to the natural populations. A protocol is presented here for the in vitro micropropagation of agaves in a two-stage process. In the first step, clusters of slightly differentiated shoots are generated from stem segments cultivated on a semisolid medium added with cytokinin. In a second step, these shoot clusters are cultured in temporary immersion bioreactors where they grow and complete their differentiation, and then the shoots are rooted and transferred to soil. This protocol has been successfully applied to several threatened species of the Agave genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures (PCTOC) have been used as experimental systems in basic research, allowing gene function demonstration through gene overexpression or repression and investigating the processes involved in embryogenesis and organogenesis or those related to the potential production of secondary metabolites, among others. On the other hand, PCTOC has also been applied at the commercial level for the vegetative multiplication (micropropagation) of diverse plant species, mainly ornamentals but also horticultural crops such as potato or fruit and tree species, and to produce high-quality disease-free plants. Moreover, PCTOC protocols are important auxiliary systems in crop breeding crops to generate pure lines (homozygous) to produce hybrids for the obtention of polyploid plants with higher yields or better performance. PCTOC has been utilized to preserve and conserve the germplasm of different crops or threatened species. Plant genetic improvement through genetic engineering and genome editing has been only possible thanks to the establishment of efficient in vitro plant regeneration protocols. Different companies currently focus on commercializing plant secondary metabolites with interesting biological activities using in vitro PCTOC. The impact of omics on PCTOC is discussed.





