
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health technologies to monitor glucose values are an important part of daily diabetes self-care. Based on 12 months of fieldwork in Denmark with 14 people with type 2 diabetes, I explore people\'s experience of living with Continuous Glucose Monitoring. This new technology automatically measures glucose levels throughout the day but is not yet common in type 2 diabetes treatment in Denmark. In this article, I capture the social shaping of Continuous Glucose Monitoring, employing the concept of time. I show how adoption of the technology is embedded in a form of biographical time. This refers to people\'s use of the technology linked to their stories about themselves. Drawing on a notion of habitus, people\'s embodied past experiences and future prospects come to shape its use, I propose. My main claim is that while people with diabetes implement the technology into their lives in unique ways, adapting it to their circumstances and social conditions, practice of Continuous Glucose Monitoring reproduce social structures. This is evinced, I argue, in people\'s tinkering with the technology and the frames of reference used to inform it. I introduce the term \"tinkering in time\", highlighting the introduction of new health technology within the frame of lived human time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the impact of cancer on the experience of time is crucial in the context of hope and recovery. This study, a follow-up to a previous qualitative study of ovarian cancer patients - explored two types of such experiences-the memory of past happiness and the limited future planning. A sociodemographic questionnaire with nine questions about the experience of time was used on a convenience sample of 202 patients with various cancers, predominantly women with breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer. It was found that the respondents experienced increased focus on the present, decreased focus on the future, and a sense of unpredictability, with a relatively short temporal horizon measured in weeks and months, not years. Almost half of the respondents (46%) measured time during treatment by the rhythm of chemotherapy and check-ups, which thus appeared as the most meaningful events. The increase in the frequency with which patients underwent chemotherapy mildly affected their focus on the present (R = 0.25, p < 0.05), likely because of the discomfort of the side effects. The correlations between age and time in treatment, on the one hand, and the experience of time, on the other, were negligible. Changed temporal experience during chemotherapy is a factor that can have an impact on patients\' well-being and ability to cope with the disease. It thus should be taken into account when planning oncology care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dementia often manifests with profound alterations in perception, but it is unclear if and to what extent time perception is altered among people living with dementia compared to those experiencing normal aging. Thus, this scoping review aimed to answer the following research questions: (1) What study designs, participants, time intervals, paradigms, tests, and scores have been employed and in which countries were these methods employed to study time perception in dementia? (2) In which ways do time perception differ across individuals living with and without dementia? (3) In which ways do time perception differ across individuals living with different types of dementia? After deduplication, title and abstract screening, and full-text review, a total of 12 studies were included in this scoping review. Findings generally indicated that people living with dementia perceive time differently than people living without dementia, and that some differences across dementia diagnoses may exist, but the body of literature on time perception in dementia was quite limited. Future research should focus on replicating findings while extending the research to look beyond the dementia versus non-dementia dichotomy as differences across dementia diagnoses may exist. Moreover, if people living with dementia (and, in particular, living with different dementia diagnoses) experience time differently from those experiencing normal aging, we need to begin to address these differences in dementia-friendly initiatives to improve well-being for this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research has suggested that near future events are typically viewed from a first-person (an own-eyes, also known as field) perspective while distant future events are typically viewed from a third-person (an observer) perspective. We investigated whether these distinct mental perspectives would be accompanied by distinct eye movement activities. We invited participants to imagine near and distant future events while their eye movements (i.e., scan path) were recorded by eye-tracking glasses. Analysis demonstrated fewer but longer fixations for near future thinking than for distant future thinking. Analysis also demonstrated more \"field\" mental visual perspective responses for near than for distant future thinking. The long fixations during near future thinking may mirror a mental visual exploration involving processing of a more complex visual representation compared with distant future thinking. By demonstrating how near future thinking triggers both \"field\" responses and long fixations, our study demonstrates how the temporality of future thinking triggers both distinct mental imagery and eye movement patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic pain is a common disorder with enormous sociomedical importance. A major part of primary and secondary costs of illness is caused by the various pain syndromes. Nociception - the sensory perception of a painful stimulus - is a complex process relying on an intricate system of anatomical, neurophysiological and biochemical networks. This applies even more so to pain - the state of experiencing a nociceptive event, of interpreting it in terms of meaning for the affected individual and of suffering a range of emotions it elicits. This intricacy renders it obvious, that the empirical medical sciences alone cannot explain all aspects of pain. Hence, it has also become a focus of phenomenological research. One aspect of these investigations is the interaction of pain and the perception of the lived body\'s spatiality. The focus of this article will build on these concepts to develop a construct of the alteration of temporality caused by chronic pain and the effects this spells out for the affected subject. To this end, I will primarily draw on Merleau-Ponty\'s ideas of the lived body as well as on theories of enactivism and embodiment. I will also point out parallels to neuroscientific data, thereby demonstrating the proximity of phenomenology and neuroscience. A possible partial solution to the pain dilemma may be derived from psychology: techniques relying on cognitive behavioural intervention, awareness training, and existential analysis may provide alleviation to patients suffering from chronic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Currently, there is no scientific consensus on the concept of alcohol addiction recovery beyond substance use control. This conceptual issue challenges the implementation of therapeutic strategies and mental health policies that are unrestricted to symptomatic remission. Aiming to contribute to its definition, this study aimed to examine the recovery experience of individuals with alcohol addiction using dialectical phenomenological psychopathology (DPP) as a theoretical and methodological framework.
    METHODS: A dialectical phenomenological analysis was conducted through an examination of online interviews with eight Brazilian, São Paulo state citizens who were self-declared to be undergoing alcohol addiction recovery (or who declared that they had completely recovered).
    RESULTS: Participants\' reports generated eight categories that were subdivided into two groups. The first group indicated experiential elements of recovery, such as changes in self-relation, changes in interpersonal relations, and changes in time relations, giving new meanings to suffering and alcohol use, and recovery as a continuous process. The second group referred to how the participants interpreted recovery according to their worldviews: as a spiritual experience, moral reformation, and mentality change.
    CONCLUSIONS: These categories can be understood through the lens of DPP as a process of change in the subjects\' being in the world, characterized by the continued management of their existential imbalances in the dimensions of spatiality, temporality, selfhood, and intersubjectivity. The results are preliminary when it comes to conceptualizing recovery but may help future studies to develop recovery-oriented therapeutic strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper deals with the ways in which the intellectual and political history of AIDS can assist in the chronological conceptualization of a pandemic such as COVID-19 as it is unfolding. It problematizes the idea of pandemic \"beginnings\" and \"ends\" to show that such definitions are shaped by the disciplinary location and thematic foci of relevant scholars. Central to this analysis is the notion that ethical and political contexts affect research on a pandemic in different ways at national and global levels at various points in its trajectory. The article develops this argument in relation to two main themes: firstly, with reference to the history of AIDS research in South Africa; secondly, with the philosophical concept of bioagency to understand the ways in which viruses and humans co-shape the course of epidemics over time. I first make the case for the development of historically informed, long-term ethnographic studies of COVID-19. Using bioagency as a point of departure to consider viruses as social actors, the essay then critiques the notion of bioinformationalism as catalyzing the widening accessibility of biomedical research. Instead, I discuss the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries as protagonists in the operation of biocapital. I argue that the history of AIDS in South Africa can provide methodological and theoretical insights into how to interpret an unfolding epidemic, outlining an ambitious transdisciplinary research agenda for thinking about the temporality of a pandemic spanning the different, interconnected, scales of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The state of twilight consciousness is marked by a focused narrowing of awareness, maintaining vigilance and attention while simultaneously experiencing perceptual shifts in the surrounding environment. It is crucial to recognize that this twilight state represents not just a contraction but also an expansion of conscious experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: Substances of abuse, particularly new psychoactive substances, play a significant role in inducing this twilight state. They achieve this by deconstructing essential components of consciousness, such as the perception of time and space.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper aimed to explore the phenomenon of the twilight state of consciousness and shed light on how new psychoactive substances can alter the perception of time and space during this twilight phase, potentially triggering exogenous psychosis. This comprehensive inquiry employs a phenomenological approach to the study of consciousness, recognizing it as the primary tool for ascribing significance to this intricate yet often overlooked aspect of psychopathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article explores the importance of constructions of temporality within the UK government\'s discourse on the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis across the first six months of 2020. Drawing on over 120 official texts, it traces the emergence of discontinuous, linear, and cyclical conceptions of time in representations of the virus\' pasts, presents, and futures. Three arguments are made. First, constructions of temporality were fundamental to the social, political, and historical positioning of the virus. Second, these constructions were constitutively important in producing, explaining, justifying and celebrating the UK government\'s response to the virus. And, third, tensions and inconsistencies between these constructions of temporality highlight the contingent, and constructed, character of official discourse, pulling into question the inevitability of the UK\'s response and opening opportunity for critical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article offers an account of settler witnessing of residential school survivor testimony that avoids the politics of recognition and the pitfalls of colonial empathy. It knits together the concepts of bearing witness, Indigenous storytelling, and affective reckoning. Following the work of Kelly Oliver, it argues that witnessing involves a reaching beyond ourselves and responsiveness to the agency and self-determination of the other. Given the cultural genocide of residential schools, responsiveness to the other require openness to and nurturing of Indigenous ways of knowing and being. In order to illustrate the complexities and challenges of settler witnessing, the author reflects on her experiences in attending six of the TRC\'s national events and, in particular, what she has learned from Frederick \"Fredda\" Paul, Passamaquoddy Elder, healer, storyteller, and residential school survivor. The article analyzes (1) aesthetics and emotions in the staging of TRC events and (2) making meaning over time and the temporality of transitional justice.





