Suicidio asistido

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the neurological diseases for which euthanasia and assisted suicide are most frequently requested in the countries where these medical procedures are legal and the specific characteristics of euthanasia in some of these diseases, and to show the evolution of euthanasia figures.
    METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature review.
    RESULTS: Dementia, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson\'s disease are the neurological diseases that most frequently motivate requests for euthanasia or assisted suicide. Requests related to dementia constitute the largest group, are growing, and raise additional ethical and legal issues due to these patients\' diminished decision-making capacity. In some countries, the ratios of euthanasia requests to all cases of multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, or Huntington disease are higher than for any other disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: After cancer, neurological diseases are the most frequent reason for requesting euthanasia or assisted suicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the Spanish law on euthanasia and assisted suicide with those that exist in other countries.
    Systematic review of the bibliography.
    Medline/PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library were searched for studies that contained in their title or abstract the descriptors «euthanasia» or «assisted suicide» and also «legislation» or «law», between 2002 and the end of 2020.
    The search found 1647 studies and after screening 663 were assessed, of which 30 were included in the review. Studies that only contained opinions or did not provide data on euthanasia/assisted suicide in the countries that have them regulated were rejected.
    We registered the criteria that regulate the acceptance or rejection of a request for euthanasia or assisted suicide in Spain and in the other countries where they are decriminalized.
    The euthanasia regulations in the world can be grouped into three groups: laws that allow euthanasia and assisted suicide (Netherlands, Belgium, some states of Australia, New Zealand, Spain), those in which the law only allows assisted suicide (USA) and those in which only assisted suicide is admitted and based on court decisions, without specific legislation (Switzerland, Germany).
    Although there are differences, the laws that the Spanish euthanasia law most closely resembles are those of the Netherlands and Belgium, so it is foreseeable that the casuistry of euthanasia and its figures in Spain will resemble that of those countries in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the neurological diseases for which euthanasia and assisted suicide are most frequently requested in the countries where these medical procedures are legal and the specific characteristics of euthanasia in some of these diseases, and to show the evolution of euthanasia figures.
    METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature review.
    RESULTS: Dementia, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson\'s disease are the neurological diseases that most frequently motivate requests for euthanasia or assisted suicide. Claims related to dementia constitute the largest group, are growing, and raise additional ethical and legal issues due to these patients\' diminished decision-making capacity. In some countries, the ratios of euthanasia requests to all cases of multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, or Huntington disease are higher than for any other disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: After cancer, neurological diseases are the most frequent reason for requesting euthanasia or assisted suicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Spanish Euthanasia Law introduces a new right that is added to the portfolio of services provided by the Spanish health system and whose application is guaranteed within a period of 40 days. From the perspective of clinical experience, it is argued that without the effective right to quality palliative care and given the current shortcomings in dependant care, this law may send a threatening message to particularly fragile and dependant individuals that will lead to them feeling like a burden to their families and society. It is reasoned that basing the right to die on the dignity of the individual may have unexpected social repercussions. The text of the law presents the flaws of having been written hastily and without the support of advisory entities. There are issues that require clarification with regard to the application of euthanasia within the context of general practice. The conclusion is that this new law will pose more problems of the type it aims to resolve.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arguments for and against euthanasia present a complex picture that will need to be discussed and decided in Mexico. This article addresses some relevant aspects such as the legal determination of death, the field of bioethics intervention, terminology related to euthanasia, its classifications, international instruments promoting human rights, as well as reflections on the importance of palliative care and the patient\'s right to be in a terminal situation to act in accordance with their goals, expectations and beliefs, in the context of their family and social relationships.
    Los argumentos a favor y en contra de la eutanasia exponen un panorama complejo, que será necesario discutir y decidir en México. En este artículo se abordan algunos aspectos relevantes, como la determinación legal de la muerte, el campo de intervención de la bioética, la terminología relacionada con la eutanasia, sus clasificaciones, los instrumentos internacionales promotores de los derechos humanos, y reflexiones sobre la importancia de los cuidados paliativos y el derecho que tiene el paciente en situación terminal para actuar conforme a sus objetivos, expectativas y creencias, en el contexto de sus relaciones familiares y sociales.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the attitudes and knowledge in the life\'s end about palliative care, advance directives, psychological-physical care, medically assisted suicide and spiritual accompaniment.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study performed in the population at primary health care center of the Autonomous Region of Madrid (Spain). It participated 425 selected people that a simple random was applied in the consultation sheets of health professionals. They analyzed 42 variables of self-administered questionnaire.
    RESULTS: The surveyed population of Madrid displayed the following characteristics: university studies 58%, 51-70 years 47%, married 60%, and women 61%. 91% would like to decide about their care at life\'s end. 58% of respondents are aware of palliative care and 53% would request spiritual accompaniment. They know advance directives (50%) but have not made the document. 54% are in favor of legalizing the euthanasia and 42% the assisted suicide.
    CONCLUSIONS: Madrid\'s people state they would like to decide what care they will receive at life\'s end and request spiritual accompaniment. Outstanding advocates of euthanasia against assisted suicide. They would like to receive palliative care and complete advance directives documents. To draw comparisons within the population, thereby increasing awareness about social health care resources in Autonomous Region of Madrid, surveys should be conducted in different primary health care centers areas of Madrid.





