Social memory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social memory impairments in Mecp2 knockout (KO) mice result from altered neuronal activity in the monosynaptic projection from the ventral hippocampus (vHIP) to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). The hippocampal network is hyperactive in this model for Rett syndrome, and such atypically heightened neuronal activity propagates to the mPFC through this monosynaptic projection, resulting in altered mPFC network activity and social memory deficits. However, the underlying mechanism of cellular dysfunction within this projection between vHIP pyramidal neurons (PYR) and mPFC PYRs and parvalbumin interneurons (PV-IN) resulting in social memory impairments in Mecp2 KO mice has yet to be elucidated. We confirmed social memory (but not sociability) deficits in Mecp2 KO mice using a new 4-chamber social memory arena, designed to minimize the impact of the tethering to optical fibers required for simultaneous in vivo fiber photometry of Ca2+-sensor signals during social interactions. mPFC PYRs of wildtype (WT) mice showed increases in Ca2+ signal amplitude during explorations of a novel toy mouse and interactions with both familiar and novel mice, while PYRs of Mecp2 KO mice showed smaller Ca2+ signals during interactions only with live mice. On the other hand, mPFC PV-INs of Mecp2 KO mice showed larger Ca2+ signals during interactions with a familiar cage-mate compared to those signals in PYRs, a difference absent in the WT mice. These observations suggest atypically heightened inhibition and impaired excitation in the mPFC network of Mecp2 KO mice during social interactions, potentially driving their deficit in social memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) poses a global health threat, progressively robbing patients of their memory and cognitive abilities. While it is recognized that meaningful social contact can alleviate the symptoms of dementia in AD patients, the precise mechanisms by which social stimulation mitigates AD symptoms remain poorly understood. We found that social interaction with novel mice, also known as novel social, simulated meaningful socializing. Therefore, we developed the multiple novel social (MNS) stimulation paradigm to train AD model mice and found that MNS effectively alleviated cognitive deficits in AD mice. This discovery not only opens up a new avenue for investigating the relationship between social stimulation and Alzheimer\'s disease but also lays the groundwork for delving into the underlying mechanisms, thereby providing crucial theoretical support for developing novel strategies to treat Alzheimer\'s disease. Key features • Designing a new social stimulation method to simulate meaningful social interactions in daily life. • The MNS stimulation protocol spans 14 days, with one novel mouse introduced to the subject mice each day. • The subjects were 2.5-month-old FAD4T mice, simulating patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). • Results of behavioral tests confirm the efficacy of MNS in reducing cognitive deficits in the AD model. This protocol is used in: J Neurosci (2024), DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1689-23.2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hippocampal region CA2 is essential for social memory processing. Interaction with social stimuli induces changes in CA2 place cell firing during active exploration and sharp wave-ripples during rest following a social interaction. However, it is unknown whether these changes in firing patterns are caused by integration of multimodal social stimuli or by a specific sensory modality associated with a social interaction. Rodents rely heavily on chemosensory cues in the form of olfactory signals for social recognition processes. To determine the extent to which olfactory signals contribute to CA2 place cell responses to social stimuli, we recorded CA2 place cells in rats freely exploring environments containing social stimuli that included or lacked olfactory content. We found that CA2 place cell firing patterns significantly changed only when social odors were prominent. Also, place cells that increased their firing in the presence of social odors alone preferentially increased their firing during subsequent sharp wave-ripples. Our results suggest that olfactory cues are essential for changing CA2 place cell firing patterns during and after social interactions. These results support prior work suggesting CA2 performs social functions and shed light on processes underlying CA2 responses to social stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a crucial player in excitatory synaptic transmission, AMPA receptors (AMPARs) contribute to the formation, regulation, and expression of social behaviors. AMPAR modifications have been associated with naturalistic social behaviors, such as aggression, sociability, and social memory, but are also noted in brain diseases featuring impaired social behavior. Understanding the role of AMPARs in social behaviors is timely to reveal therapeutic targets for treating social impairment in disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. In this review, we will discuss the contribution of the molecular composition, function, and plasticity of AMPARs to social behaviors. The impact of targeting AMPARs in treating brain disorders will also be discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social behavior is inextricably linked to the immune system. Although IFN-γ is known to be involved in social behavior, yet whether and how it encodes social memory remains unclear. In the current study, we injected with IFN-γ into the lateral ventricle of male C57BL/6J mice, and three-chamber social test was used to examine the effects of IFN-γ on their social preference and social memory. The morphology of microglia in the hippocampus, prelimbic cortex and amygdala was examined using immunohistochemistry, and the phenotype of microglia were examined using immunohistochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The IFN-γ-injected mice were treated with lipopolysaccharide, and effects of IFN-γ on behavior and microglial responses were evaluated. STAT1 pathway and microglia-neuron interactions were examined in vivo or in vitro using western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Finally, we use STAT1 inhibitor or minocycline to evaluated the role of STAT1 in mediating the microglial priming and effects of primed microglia in IFN-γ-induced social dysfunction. We demonstrated that 500 ng of IFN-γ injection results in significant decrease in social index and social novelty recognition index, and induces microglial priming in hippocampus, characterized by enlarged cell bodies, shortened branches, increased expression of CD68, CD86, CD74, CD11b, CD11c, CD47, IL-33, IL-1β, IL-6 and iNOS, and decreased expression of MCR1, Arg-1, IGF-1 and BDNF. This microglia subpopulation is more sensitive to LPS challenge, which characterized by more significant morphological changes and inflammatory responses, as well as induced increased sickness behaviors in mice. IFN-γ upregulated pSTAT1 and STAT1 and promoted the nuclear translocation of STAT1 in the hippocampal microglia and in the primary microglia. Giving minocycline or STAT1 inhibitor fludarabin blocked the priming of hippocampal microglia induced by IFN-γ, ameliorated the dysfunction in hippocampal microglia-neuron interactions and synapse pruning by microglia, thereby improving social memory deficits in IFN-γ injected mice. IFN-γ initiates STAT1 pathway to induce priming of hippocampal microglia, thereby disrupts hippocampal microglia-neuron interactions and neural circuit link to social memory. Blocking STAT1 pathway or inhibiting microglial priming may be strategies to reduce the effects of IFN-γ on social behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social memory, the ability to recognize and remember individuals within a social group, is crucial for social interactions and relationships. Deficits in social memory have been linked to several neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. The hippocampus, especially the circuit that links dorsal CA2 and ventral CA1 neurons, is considered a neural substrate for social memory formation. Recent studies have provided compelling evidence of extrahippocampal contributions to social memory. The septal nuclei, including the medial and lateral septum, make up a basal forebrain region that shares bidirectional neuronal connections with the hippocampus and has recently been identified as critical for social memory. The focus of our review is the neural circuit mechanisms that underlie social memory, with a special emphasis on the septum. We also discuss the social memory dysfunction associated with neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social memory has been developed in humans and other animals to recognize familiar conspecifics and is essential for their survival and reproduction. Here, we demonstrated that parvalbumin-positive neurons in the sensory thalamic reticular nucleus (sTRNPvalb) are necessary and sufficient for mice to memorize conspecifics. sTRNPvalb neurons receiving glutamatergic projections from the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) transmit individual information by inhibiting the parafascicular thalamic nucleus (PF). Mice in which the PPCCaMKII→sTRNPvalb→PF circuit was inhibited exhibited a disrupted ability to discriminate familiar conspecifics from novel ones. More strikingly, a subset of sTRNPvalb neurons with high electrophysiological excitability and complex dendritic arborizations is involved in the above corticothalamic pathway and stores social memory. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed the biochemical basis of these subset cells as a robust activation of protein synthesis. These findings elucidate that sTRNPvalb neurons modulate social memory by coordinating a hitherto unknown corticothalamic circuit and inhibitory memory engram.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social memory is the ability to discriminate between familiar and unknown conspecifics. It is an important component of social cognition and is therefore essential for the establishment of social relationships. Although the neural circuit mechanisms underlying social memory encoding have been well investigated, little focus has been placed on the regulatory mechanisms of social memory processing. The dopaminergic system, originating from the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA), is a key modulator of cognitive function. This study aimed to illustrate its role in modulating social memory and explore the possible molecular mechanisms. Here, we show that the activation of VTA dopamine (DA) neurons is required for the formation, but not the retrieval, of social memory. Inhibition of VTA DA neurons before social interaction, but not 24 h after social interaction, significantly impaired social discrimination the following day. In addition, we showed that the activation of VTA DA neurons was regulated by the serine/threonine protein kinase liver kinase B1 (Lkb1). Deletion of Lkb1 in VTA DA neurons reduced the frequency of burst firing of dopaminergic neurons. Furthermore, Lkb1 plays an important role in regulating social behaviors. Both genetic and virus-mediated deletions of Lkb1 in the VTA of adult mice impaired social memory and subsequently attenuated social familiarization. Altogether, our results provide direct evidence linking social memory formation to the activation of VTA DA neurons in mice and illustrate the crucial role of Lkb1 in regulating VTA DA neuron function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is well known as the executive center of the brain, combining internal states and goals to execute purposeful behavior, including social actions. With the advancement of tools for monitoring and manipulating neural activity in rodents, substantial progress has been made in understanding the specific cell types and neural circuits within the PFC that are essential for processing social cues and influencing social behaviors. Furthermore, combining these tools with translationally relevant behavioral paradigms has also provided novel insights into the PFC neural mechanisms that may contribute to social deficits in various psychiatric disorders. This review highlights findings from the past decade that have shed light on the PFC cell types and neural circuits that support social information processing and distinct aspects of social behavior, including social interactions, social memory, and social dominance. We also explore how the PFC contributes to social deficits in rodents induced by social isolation, social fear conditioning, and social status loss. These studies provide evidence that the PFC uses both overlapping and unique neural mechanisms to support distinct components of social cognition. Furthermore, specific PFC neural mechanisms drive social deficits induced by different contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Episodic memory loss is a prominent clinical manifestation of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), which is closely related to tau pathology and hippocampal impairment. Due to the heterogeneity of brain neurons, the specific roles of different brain neurons in terms of their sensitivity to tau accumulation and their contribution to AD-like social memory loss remain unclear. Therefore, further investigation is necessary.
    METHODS: We investigated the effects of AD-like tau pathology by Tandem mass tag proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis, social behavioural tests, hippocampal electrophysiology, immunofluorescence staining and in vivo optical fibre recording of GCaMP6f and iGABASnFR. Additionally, we utilized optogenetics and administered ursolic acid (UA) via oral gavage to examine the effects of these agents on social memory in mice.
    RESULTS: The results of proteomic and phosphoproteomic analyses revealed the characteristics of ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) under both physiological conditions and AD-like tau pathology. As tau progressively accumulated, vCA1, especially its excitatory and parvalbumin (PV) neurons, were fully filled with mislocated and phosphorylated tau (p-Tau). This finding was not observed for dorsal hippocampal CA1 (dCA1). The overexpression of human tau (hTau) in excitatory and PV neurons mimicked AD-like tau accumulation, significantly inhibited neuronal excitability and suppressed distinct discrimination-associated firings of these neurons within vCA1. Photoactivating excitatory and PV neurons in vCA1 at specific rhythms and time windows efficiently ameliorated tau-impaired social memory. Notably, 1 month of UA administration efficiently decreased tau accumulation via autophagy in a transcription factor EB (TFEB)-dependent manner and restored the vCA1 microcircuit to ameliorate tau-impaired social memory.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study elucidated distinct protein and phosphoprotein networks between dCA1 and vCA1 and highlighted the susceptibility of the vCA1 microcircuit to AD-like tau accumulation. Notably, our novel findings regarding the efficacy of UA in reducing tau load and targeting the vCA1 microcircuit may provide a promising strategy for treating AD in the future.





