SMG - 1
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using model organisms to identify novel therapeutic targets is frequently constrained by pre-existing genetic toolkits. To expedite positive selection for identification of novel downstream effectors, we engineered conditional expression of activated CED-10/Rac to disrupt Caenorhabditis elegans embryonic morphogenesis, titrated to 100% lethality. The strategy of engineering thresholds for positive selection using experimental animals was validated with pharmacological and genetic suppression and is generalizable to diverse molecular processes and experimental systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduction of caloric intake delays and prevents age-associated diseases and extends the life span in many organisms. It may be that these benefits are due to positive effects of caloric restriction on stem cell function. We use the planarian model Schmidtea mediterranea, an immortal animal that adapts to long periods of starvation by shrinking in size, to investigate the effects of starvation on telomere length. We show that the longest telomeres are a general signature of planarian adult stem cells. We also observe that starvation leads to an enrichment of stem cells with the longest telomeres and that this enrichment is dependent on mTOR signaling. We propose that one important effect of starvation for the rejuvenation of the adult stem cell pool is through increasing the median telomere length in somatic stem cells. Such a mechanism has broad implications for how dietary effects on aging are mediated at the whole-organism level.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SMG-1,a member of the phosphoinositide kinase-like kinase family, functioned as a tumor suppressor gene. However, the role of SMG-1 in GC remain uncharacterized. In this study, regulation of SMG-1 by miR-192 and-215, along with the biological effects of this modulation, were studied in GC. We used gene microarrays to screening and luciferase reporter assays were to verify the potential targets of miR-192 and-215. Tissue microarrays analyses were applied to measure the levels of SMG-1 in GC tissues. Western blot assays were used to assess the signaling pathway of SMG-1 regulated by miR-192 and-215 in GC. SMG-1 was significantly downregulated in GC tissues.The proliferative and invasive properties of GC cells were decreased by inhibition of miR-192 and-215, whereas an SMG-1siRNA rescued the inhibitory effects. Finally, SMG-1 inhibition by miR-192 and-215 primed Wnt signaling and induced EMT. Wnt signaling pathway proteins were decreased markedly by inhibitors of miR-192 and-215, while SMG-1 siRNA reversed the inhibition apparently. Meanwhile, miR-192 and-215 inhitibtors increased E-cadherin expression and decreased N-cadherin and cotransfection of SMG-1 siRNA reversed these effects. In summary, these findings illustrate that SMG-1 is suppressed by miR-192 and-215 and functions as a tumor suppressor in GC by inactivating Wnt signaling and suppressing EMT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supplemental oxygen (hyperoxia) used to treat individuals in respiratory distress causes cell injury by enhancing the production of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inhibiting mitochondrial respiration. The suppressor of morphogenesis of genitalia (SMG-1) kinase is activated during hyperoxia and promotes cell survival by phosphorylating the tumor suppressor p53 on serine 15. Here, we investigate whether SMG-1 and p53 blunt this vicious cycle of progressive ROS production and decline in mitochondrial respiration seen during hyperoxia.
    Human lung adenocarcinoma A549 and H1299 or colon carcinoma HCT116 cells were depleted of SMG-1, UPF-1, or p53 using RNA interference, and then exposed to room air (21% oxygen) or hyperoxia (95% oxygen). Immunoblotting was used to evaluate protein expression; a Seahorse Bioanalyzer was used to assess cellular respiration; and flow cytometry was used to evaluate fluorescence intensity of cells stained with mitochondrial or redox sensitive dyes.
    Hyperoxia increased mitochondrial and cytoplasmic ROS and suppressed mitochondrial respiration without changing mitochondrial mass or membrane potential. Depletion of SMG-1 or its cofactor, UPF1, significantly enhanced hyperoxia-induced mitochondrial but not cytosolic ROS abundance. They did not affect mitochondrial mass, membrane potential, or hyperoxia-induced deficits in mitochondrial respiration. Genetic depletion of p53 in A549 cells and ablation of the p53 gene in H1299 or HCT116 cells revealed that SMG-1 influences mitochondrial ROS through activation of p53.
    Our findings show that hyperoxia does not promote a vicious cycle of progressive mitochondrial ROS and dysfunction because SMG-1-p53 signaling attenuates production of mitochondrial ROS without preserving respiration. This suggests antioxidant therapies that blunt ROS production during hyperoxia may not suffice to restore cellular respiration.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to frequent phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway dysregulation, AKT is typically accepted as a promising anticancer therapeutic target. mTOR, in particular, represents a suitable therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma, whilst suppressor with morphogenetic effect on genitalia family member-1 (SMG-1) is believed to serve a potential tumor suppressor role in human cancer. Despite SMG-1 and mTOR belonging to the same PI3K-related kinase family, the interactions between them are not yet fully understood. In the present study, a novel pyrrolopyrimidine-derived compound, AZD5363, was observed to suppress proliferation in liver cancer Hep-G2 and Huh-7 cells by inhibiting the phosphorylation of downstream molecules in the AKT signal pathway, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. AZD5363 activated the phosphorylation of mTOR, dependent on the liver cancer cell type, as it may have differing effects in various liver cancer cell lines. Additionally, AZD5363 also activated SMG-1 within the same liver cancer cells types, which subsequently activated the phosphorylation of mTOR. In conclusion, the present study indicates that AZD5363 inhibited phosphorylation of AKT downstream molecules, and activated phosphorylation of mTOR and SMG-1, dependent on the liver cancer type.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases (PIKKs) play vital roles in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation, survival, and consequently metabolism, as well as in the cellular response to stresses such as ionizing radiation or redox changes. In humans six family members are known to date, namely mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), ataxia- and Rad3-related (ATR), DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), suppressor of morphogenesis in genitalia-1 (SMG-1), and transformation/transcription domain-associated protein (TRRAP). All fulfill rather diverse functions and most of them have been detected in different cellular compartments including various cellular membranes. It has been suggested that the regulation of the localization of signaling proteins allows for generating a locally specific output. Moreover, spatial partitioning is expected to improve the reliability of biochemical signaling. Since these assumptions may also be true for the regulation of PIKK function, the current knowledge about the regulation of the localization of PIKKs at different cellular (membrane) compartments by a network of interactions is reviewed. Membrane targeting can involve direct lipid-/membrane interactions as well as interactions with membrane-anchored regulatory proteins, such as, for example, small GTPases, or a combination of both.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The DNA damage response is coordinated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases, ATM, ATR, and DNA-PK. SMG-1 is the least studied stress-responsive member of this family. Here, we show that SMG-1 regulates the G 1/S checkpoint through both a p53-dependent, and a p53-independent pathway. We identify Cdc25A as a new SMG-1 substrate, and show that cells depleted of SMG-1 exhibit prolonged Cdc25A stability, failing to inactivate CDK2 in response to radiation. Given an increased tumor growth following depletion of SMG-1, our data demonstrate a novel role for SMG-1 in regulating Cdc25A and suppressing oncogenic CDK2 driven proliferation, confirming SMG-1 as a tumor suppressor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinase (PIKK) family are activated by various cellular stresses, including DNA damage, premature termination codon and nutritional status, and induce appropriate cellular responses. The importance of PIKK functions in the maintenance of genome integrity, accurate gene expression and the proper control of cell growth/proliferation is established. Recently, ATPase associated diverse cellular activities (AAA+) proteins RUVBL1 and RUVBL2 (RUVBL1/2) have been shown to be common regulators of PIKKs. The RUVBL1/2 complex regulates PIKK-mediated stress responses through physical interactions with PIKKs and by controlling PIKK mRNA levels. In this review, the functions of PIKKs in stress responses are outlined and the physiological significance of the integrated regulation of PIKKs by the RUVBL1/2 complex is presented. We also discuss a putative \"PIKK regulatory chaperone complex\" including other PIKK regulators, Hsp90 and the Tel2 complex.





