RMSD, Root Mean Square Deviation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute lung injury (ALI) is a clinically severe lung illness with high incidence rate and mortality. Especially, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) poses a serious threat to world wide governmental fitness. It has distributed to almost from corner to corner of the universe, and the situation in the prevention and control of COVID-19 remains grave. Traditional Chinese medicine plays a vital role in the precaution and therapy of sicknesses. At present, there is a lack of drugs for treating these diseases, so it is necessary to develop drugs for treating COVID-19 related ALI. Fagopyrum dibotrys (D. Don) Hara is an annual plant of the Polygonaceae family and one of the long-history used traditional medicine in China. In recent years, its rhizomes (medicinal parts) have attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad due to their significant anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anticancer activities. It can work on SARS-COV-2 with numerous components, targets, and pathways, and has a certain effect on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) related acute lung injury (ALI). However, there are few systematic studies on its aerial parts (including stems and leaves) and its potential therapeutic mechanism has not been studied. The phytochemical constituents of rhizome of F. dibotrys were collected using TCMSP database. And metabolites of F. dibotrys\' s aerial parts were detected by metabonomics. The phytochemical targets of F. dibotrys were predicted by the PharmMapper website tool. COVID-19 and ALI-related genes were retrieved from GeneCards. Cross targets and active phytochemicals of COVID-19 and ALI related genes in F. dibotrys were enriched by gene ontology (GO) and KEGG by metscape bioinformatics tools. The interplay network entre active phytochemicals and anti COVID-19 and ALI targets was established and broke down using Cytoscape software. Discovery Studio (version 2019) was used to perform molecular docking of crux active plant chemicals with anti COVID-19 and ALI targets. We identified 1136 chemicals from the aerial parts of F. dibotrys, among which 47 were active flavonoids and phenolic chemicals. A total of 61 chemicals were searched from the rhizome of F. dibotrys, and 15 of them were active chemicals. So there are 6 commonly key active chemicals at the aerial parts and the rhizome of F. dibotrys, 89 these phytochemicals\'s potential targets, and 211 COVID-19 and ALI related genes. GO enrichment bespoken that F. dibotrys might be involved in influencing gene targets contained numerous biological processes, for instance, negative regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation, regulation of DNA metabolic process, which could be put down to its anti COVID-19 associated ALI effects. KEGG pathway indicated that viral carcinogenesis, spliceosome, salmonella infection, coronavirus disease - COVID-19, legionellosis and human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection pathway are the primary pathways obsessed in the anti COVID-19 associated ALI effects of F. dibotrys. Molecular docking confirmed that the 6 critical active phytochemicals of F. dibotrys, such as luteolin, (+) -epicatechin, quercetin, isorhamnetin, (+) -catechin, and (-) -catechin gallate, can combine with kernel therapeutic targets NEDD8, SRPK1, DCUN1D1, and PARP1. In vitro activity experiments showed that the total antioxidant capacity of the aerial parts and rhizomes of F. dibotrys increased with the increase of concentration in a certain range. In addition, as a whole, the antioxidant capacity of the aerial part of F. dibotrys was stronger than that of the rhizome. Our research afford cues for farther exploration of the anti COVID-19 associated ALI chemical compositions and mechanisms of F. dibotrys and afford scientific foundation for progressing modern anti COVID-19 associated ALI drugs based on phytochemicals in F. dibotrys. We also fully developed the medicinal value of F. dibotrys\' s aerial parts, which can effectively avoid the waste of resources. Meanwhile, our work provides a new strategy for integrating metabonomics, network pharmacology, and molecular docking techniques which was an efficient way for recognizing effective constituents and mechanisms valid to the pharmacologic actions of traditional Chinese medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MERS-CoV belongs to the coronavirus group. Recent years have seen a rash of coronavirus epidemics. In June 2012, MERS-CoV was discovered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with 2,591 MERSA cases confirmed by lab tests by the end of August 2022 and 894 deaths at a case-fatality ratio (CFR) of 34.5% documented worldwide. Saudi Arabia reported the majority of these cases, with 2,184 cases and 813 deaths (CFR: 37.2%), necessitating a thorough understanding of the molecular machinery of MERS-CoV. To develop antiviral medicines, illustrative investigation of the protein in coronavirus subunits are required to increase our understanding of the subject. In this study, recombinant expression and purification of MERS-CoV (PLpro), a primary goal for the development of 22 new inhibitors, were completed using a high throughput screening methodology that employed fragment-based libraries in conjunction with structure-based virtual screening. Compounds 2, 7, and 20, showed significant biological activity. Moreover, a docking analysis revealed that the three compounds had favorable binding mood and binding free energy. Molecular dynamic simulation demonstrated the stability of compound 2 (2-((Benzimidazol-2-yl) thio)-1-arylethan-1-ones) the strongest inhibitory activity against the PLpro enzyme. In addition, disubstitutions at the meta and para locations are the only substitutions that may boost the inhibitory action against PLpro. Compound 2 was chosen as a MERS-CoV PLpro inhibitor after passing absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion studies; however, further investigations are required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    COVID-19 is the most devastating disease in recent times affecting most people globally. The higher rate of transmissibility and mutations of SARS-CoV-2 along with the lack of potential therapeutics has made it a global crisis. Potential molecules from natural sources could be a fruitful remedy to combat COVID-19. This systematic review highlights the detailed therapeutic implication of naturally occurring glycyrrhizin and its related derivatives against COVID-19. Glycyrrhizin has already been established for blocking different biomolecular targets related to the SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle. In this article, several experimental and theoretical evidences of glycyrrhizin and related derivatives have been discussed in detail to evaluate their potential as a promising therapeutic strategy against COVID-19. Moreover, the implication of glycyrrhizin in traditional Chinese medicines for alleviating the symptoms of COVID-19 has been reviewed. The potential role of glycyrrhizin and related compounds in affecting various stages of the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle has also been discussed in detail. Derivatization of glycyrrhizin for designing potential lead compounds along with combination therapy with other anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents followed by extensive evaluation may assist in the formulation of novel anti-coronaviral therapy for better treatment to combat COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a virtual screening of olive secoiridoids of the OliveNetTM library to predict SARS-CoV-2 PLpro inhibition. Benchmarked molecular docking protocol that evaluated the performance of two docking programs was applied to execute virtual screening. Molecular dynamics stability analysis of the top-ranked olive secoiridoid docked to PLpro was also carried out.
    UNASSIGNED: Benchmarking virtual screening used two freely available docking programs, AutoDock Vina 1.1.2. and AutoDock 4.2.1. for molecular docking of olive secoiridoids to a single PLpro structure. Screening also included benchmark structures of known active and decoy molecules from the DEKOIS 2.0 library. Based on the predicted binding energies, the docking programs ranked the screened molecules. We applied the usual performance evaluation metrices to evaluate the docking programs using the predicted ranks. Molecular dynamics of the top-ranked olive secoiridoid bound to PLpro and computation of MM-GBSA energy using three iterations during the last 50 ps of the analysis of the dynamics in Desmond supported the stability prediction.
    UNASSIGNED: Predictiveness curves suggested that AutoDock Vina has a better predictive ability than AutoDock, although there was a moderate correlation between the active molecules rankings (Kendall\'s correlation of rank (τ) = 0.581). Interestingly, two same molecules, Demethyloleuropein aglycone, and Oleuroside enriched the top 1 % ranked olive secoiridoids predicted by both programs. Demethyloleuropein aglycone bound to PLpro obtained by docking in AutoDock Vina when analyzed for stability by molecular dynamics simulation for 50 ns displayed an RMSD, RMSF<2 Å, and MM-GBSA energy of -94.54 ± 6.05 kcal/mol indicating good stability. Molecular dynamics also revealed the interactions of Demethyloleuropein aglycone with binding sites 2 and 3 of PLpro, suggesting a potent inhibition. In addition, for 98 % of the simulation time, two phenolic hydroxy groups of Demethyloleuropein aglycone maintained two hydrogen bonds with Asp302 of PLpro, specifying the significance of the groups in receptor binding.
    UNASSIGNED: AutoDock Vina retrieved the active molecules accurately and predicted Demethyloleuropein aglycone as the best inhibitor of PLpro. The Arabian diet consisting of olive products rich in secoiridoids benefits from the PLpro inhibition property and reduces the risk of viral infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cathepsin V is a human lysosomal cysteine peptidase with specific functions during pathological processes and is as such a promising therapeutic target. Peptidase inhibitors represent powerful pharmacological tools for regulating excessive proteolytic activity in various diseases. Cathepsin V is highly related to cathepsin L but differs in tissue distribution, binding site morphology, substrate specificity, and function. To validate its therapeutic potential and extend the number of potent and selective cathepsin V inhibitors, we used virtual high-throughput screening of commercially available compound libraries followed by an evaluation of kinetic properties to identify novel potent and selective cathepsin V inhibitors. We identified the ureido methylpiperidine carboxylate derivative, compound 7, as a reversible, selective, and potent inhibitor of cathepsin V. It also exhibited the most preferable characteristics for further evaluation with in vitro functional assays that simulate the processes in which cathepsin V is known to play an important role. Compound 7 exerted significant effects on cell proliferation, elastin degradation, and immune cell cytotoxicity. The latter was increased because compound 7 impaired conversion of immunosuppressive factor cystatin F to its active monomeric form. Taken together, our results present novel potent inhibitors of cathepsin V and provide new hit compounds for detailed development and optimization. Further, we demonstrate that cathepsin V is a potential target for new approaches to cancer therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is an essential component of the human pulmonary surfactant system, which is crucial in the innate immune response against glycan-containing pathogens, including Influenza A viruses (IAV) and SARS-CoV-2. Previous studies have shown that wild-type (WT) SP-D can bind IAV but exhibits poor antiviral activities. However, a double mutant (DM) SP-D consisting of two point mutations (Asp325Ala and Arg343Val) inhibits IAV more potently. Presently, the structural mechanisms behind the point mutations\' effects on SP-D\'s binding affinity with viral surface glycans are not fully understood. Here we use microsecond-scale, full-atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to understand the molecular mechanism of mutation-induced SP-D\'s higher antiviral activity. We find that the Asp325Ala mutation promotes a trimannose conformational change to a more stable state. Arg343Val increases the binding with trimannose by increasing the hydrogen bonding interaction with Glu333. Free energy perturbation (FEP) binding free energy calculations indicate that the Arg343Val mutation contributes more to the increase of SP-D\'s binding affinity with trimannose than Asp325Ala. This study provides a molecular-level exploration of how the two mutations increase SP-D binding affinity with trimannose, which is vital for further developing preventative strategies for related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hertwig\'s Εpithelial Root Sheath (HΕRS) has a major function in the developing tooth roots. Earlier research revealed that it undergoes epithelial-mesenchymal transition, a vital process for the morphogenesis and complete development of the tooth and its surrounding periodontium. Few studies have demonstrated the role of HERS in cementogenesis through ΕMΤ. The background of this in-silico system biology approach is to find a hub protein and gene involved in the EMT of HERS that may uncover novel insights in periodontal regenerative drug targets.
    UNASSIGNED: The protein and gene list involved in epithelial-mesenchymal transition were obtained from literature sources. The protein interaction was constructed using STRING software and the protein interaction network was analyzed. Molecular docking simulation checks the binding energy and stability of protein-ligand complex.
    UNASSIGNED: Results revealed the hub gene to be DYRK1A(Hepcidin), and the ligand was identified as isoetharine. SΤRIΝG results showed a confidence cutoff of 0.9 in sensitivity analysis with a condensed protein interaction network. Overall, 98 nodes from 163 nodes of expected edges were found with an average node degree of 11.9. Docking results show binding energy of -4.70, and simulation results show an RMSD value of 5.6 Å at 50 ns.
    UNASSIGNED: Isoetharine could be a potential drug for periodontal regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the beginning of the of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic, variants of concern (VOC) have emerged taxing health systems worldwide. In October 2020, a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.617+/Delta variant) emerged in India, triggering a deadly wave of Covid-19. Epidemiological data strongly suggests that B.1.617+ is more transmissible and previous reports have revealed that B.1.617+ has numerous mutations compared to wild type (WT), including several changes in the spike protein (SP). The main goal of this study was to use In Silico (computer simulation) techniques to examine mutations in the SP, specifically L452R and E484Q (part of the receptor binding domain (RBD) for human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2)) and P681R (upstream of the Furin cleavage motif), for effects in modulating the transmissibility of the B.1.617+ variant. Using computational models, the binding free energy (BFE) and H-bond lengths were calculated for SP-hACE2 and SP-Furin complexes. Comparison of the SP-hACE2 complex in the WT and B.1.617+ revealed both complexes have identical receptor-binding modes but the total BFE of B.1.617+ binding was more favorable for complex formation than WT, suggesting L452R and E484Q have a moderate impact on binding affinity. In contrast, the SP-Furin complex of B.1.617+ substantially lowered the BFE and revealed changes in molecular interactions compared to the WT complex, implying stronger complex formation between the variant and Furin. This study provides an insight into mutations that modulate transmissibility of the B.1.617+ variant, specifically the P681R mutation which appears to enhance transmissibility of the B.1.617+ variant by rendering it more receptive to Furin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histone demethylase KDM6A has recently elicited significant attention because its mutations are associated with a rare congenital disorder (Kabuki syndrome) and various types of human cancers. However, distinguishing KDM6A mutations that are deleterious to the enzyme and their underlying mechanisms of dysfunction remain to be fully understood. Here, we report the results from a multi-tiered approach evaluating the impact of 197 KDM6A somatic mutations using information derived from combining conventional genomics data with computational biophysics. This comprehensive approach incorporates multiple scores derived from alterations in protein sequence, structure, and molecular dynamics. Using this method, we classify the KDM6A mutations into 136 damaging variants (69.0%), 32 tolerated variants (16.2%), and 29 variants of uncertain significance (VUS, 14.7%), which is a significant improvement from the previous classification based on the conventional tools (over 40% VUS). We further classify the damaging variants into 15 structural variants (SV), 88 dynamic variants (DV), and 33 structural and dynamic variants (SDV). Comparison with variant scoring methods used in current clinical diagnosis guidelines demonstrates that our approach provides a more comprehensive evaluation of damaging potential and reveals mechanisms of dysfunction. Thus, these results should be taken into consideration for clinical assessment of the damaging potential of each mutation, as they provide hypotheses for experimental validation and critical information for the development of mutant-specific drugs to fight diseases caused by KDM6A dysfunctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Lack of treatment of novel Coronavirus disease led to the search of specific antivirals that are capable to inhibit the replication of the virus. The plant kingdom has demonstrated to be an important source of new molecules with antiviral potential.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study aims to utilize various computational tools to identify the most eligible drug candidate that have capabilities to halt the replication of SARS-COV-2 virus by inhibiting Main protease (Mpro) enzyme.
    UNASSIGNED: We have selected plants whose extracts have inhibitory potential against previously discovered coronaviruses. Their phytoconstituents were surveyed and a library of 100 molecules was prepared. Then, computational tools such as molecular docking, ADMET and molecular dynamic simulations were utilized to screen the compounds and evaluate them against Mpro enzyme.
    UNASSIGNED: All the phytoconstituents showed good binding affinities towards Mpro enzyme. Among them laurolitsine possesses the highest binding affinity i.e. -294.1533 kcal/mol. On ADMET analysis of best three ligands were simulated for 1.2 ns, then the stable ligand among them was further simulated for 20 ns. Results revealed that no conformational changes were observed in the laurolitsine w.r.t. protein residues and low RMSD value suggested that the Laurolitsine-protein complex was stable for 20 ns.
    UNASSIGNED: Laurolitsine, an active constituent of roots of Lindera aggregata, was found to be having good ADMET profile and have capabilities to halt the activity of the enzyme. Therefore, this makes laurolitsine a good drug candidate for the treatment of COVID-19.






