Protein DataBank

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein structures are highly dynamic macromolecules. This dynamics is often analysed through experimental and/or computational methods only for an isolated or a limited number of proteins. Here, we explore large-scale protein dynamics simulation to observe dynamics of local protein conformations using different perspectives. We analysed molecular dynamics to investigate protein flexibility locally, using classical approaches such as RMSf, solvent accessibility, but also innovative approaches such as local entropy. First, we focussed on classical secondary structures and analysed specifically how β-strand, β-turns, and bends evolve during molecular simulations. We underlined interesting specific bias between β-turns and bends, which are considered as the same category, while their dynamics show differences. Second, we used a structural alphabet that is able to approximate every part of the protein structures conformations, namely protein blocks (PBs) to analyse (i) how each initial local protein conformations evolve during dynamics and (ii) if some exchange can exist among these PBs. Interestingly, the results are largely complex than simple regular/rigid and coil/flexible exchange. AbbreviationsNeqnumber of equivalentPBProtein BlocksPDBProtein DataBankRMSfroot mean square fluctuationsCommunicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the toxic pathophysiological role of snake venom phospholipase A2 (PLA2 ), its compelling limitations to anti-venom therapy in humans and the need for alternative therapy foster considerable pharmacological interest towards search of PLA2 specific inhibitors. In this study, an integrated approach involving homology modeling, molecular dynamics and molecular docking studies on VRV-PL-V (Vipera russellii venom phospholipase A2 fraction-V) belonging to Group II-B secretory PLA2 from Daboia russelli pulchella is carried out in order to study the structure-based inhibitor design. The accuracy of the model was validated using multiple computational approaches. The molecular docking study of this protein was undertaken using different classes of experimentally proven, structurally diverse synthetic inhibitors of secretory PLA2 whose selection is based on IC50 value that ranges from 25 μM to 100 μM. Estimation of protein-ligand contacts by docking analysis sheds light on the importance of His 47 and Asp 48 within the VRV-PL-V binding pocket as key residue for hydrogen bond interaction with ligands. Our virtual analysis revealed that compounds with different scaffold binds to the same active site region. ADME analysis was also further performed to filter and identify the best potential specific inhibitor against VRV-PL-V. Additionally, the e-pharmacophore was generated for the best potential specific inhibitor against VRV-PL-V and reported here. The present study should therefore play a guiding role in the experimental design of VRV-PL-V inhibitors that may provide better therapeutic molecular models for PLA2 recognition and anti-ophidian activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinesin motor proteins comprise an ATPase superfamily that works hand in hand with microtubules in every eukaryote. The mitotic kinesins, by virtue of their potential therapeutic role in cancerous cells, have been a major focus of research for the past 28 years since the discovery of the canonical Kinesin-1 heavy chain. Perhaps the simplest player in mitotic spindle assembly, Kinesin-5 (also known as Kif11, Eg5, or kinesin spindle protein, KSP) is a plus-end-directed motor localized to interpolar spindle microtubules and to the spindle poles. Comprised of a homotetramer complex, its function primarily is to slide anti-parallel microtubules apart from one another. Based on multi-faceted analyses of this motor from numerous laboratories over the years, we have learned a great deal about the function of this motor at the atomic level for catalysis and as an integrated element of the cytoskeleton. These data have, in turn, informed the function of motile kinesins on the whole, as well as spearheaded integrative models of the mitotic apparatus in particular and regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in general. We review what is known about how this nanomotor works, its place inside the cytoskeleton of cells, and its small-molecule inhibitors that provide a toolbox for understanding motor function and for anticancer treatment in the clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have carried out computational studies on interactions of diazabicyclic amide analogs with α4β2 nAChR using homology modeling, docking and pharmacophore elucidation techniques. We have found alternative ligand binding modes in most cases. All these diverse poses exhibit the quintessential hydrogen-bonding interaction between the ligand basic nitrogen and the backbone carbonyl oxygen atom of the highly conserved Trp-149. This hydrogen bond was always found to be shorter than the one contracted by the ligand carbonyl group and a second hydrogen-bond made by the cationic center with Tyr-93 of the principal face of the protein. In most of the poses observed, cation-π interactions involved three aromatic residues located in the principal face of the protein: Trp-149, Tyr-190 and Tyr-197. The latter amino acid residue appears to often donate a hydrogen-bond to the ligand carbonyl oxygen atom. We also describe two rings of alternative receptor-based hydrogen-bond donor features equidistantly separated from the carbonyl oxygen of the highly conserved Trp-149 approximately by 5 and 8Å, respectively. These findings could be exploited to design diverse and selective novel chemical libraries for the treatment of diseases and conditions where the α4β2 nAChR is disrupted, such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson\'s disease and l-dopa-induced dyskinesia (LID).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compounds containing a quinuclidine scaffold are promising drug candidates for pharmacological management of the central nervous system (CNS) pathologies implicating nAChRs. We have carried out binding affinity and in-silico docking studies of arylmethylene quinuclidine-like derivatives at the α4β2 receptor using in-vitro receptor binding assay and comparative modeling, respectively. We found that introducing a hydrogen-bond acceptor into the 3-benzylidene quinuclidine derivative resulted in a 266-fold increase in binding affinity and confers agonism properties. By contrast, addition of a phenyl group to 3-benzylidene quinuclidine derivative only results in an 18-fold increase in binding affinity, without conferring agonism. We also found that docking into the orthosteric binding site of the α4β2 nAChR is consistent with the fact that the basic nitrogen atom donates a hydrogen-bond to the carbonyl group of the highly conserved Trp-149, as initially observed by Dougherty and co-workers.(1) The experimentally-observed trend in binding affinity at both α4β2 and α3β4 nAChRs was accurately and independently confirmed by quantum mechanics (QM)-polarized docking. The reduction in binding affinity to the α3β4 subtype primarily results from a dampening of both coulombic and cation-π interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The D-aspartate ligase of Enterococcus faecium (Aslfm) is an attractive target for the development of narrow-spectrum antibacterial agents that are active against multidrug-resistant E. faecium. Although there is currently little available information regarding the structural characteristics of Aslfm, we exploited the knowledge that this enzyme belongs to the ATP-grasp superfamily to target its ATP binding site. In the first design stage, we synthesized and screened a small library of known ATP-competitive inhibitors of ATP-grasp enzymes. A series of amino-oxazoles derived from bacterial biotin carboxylase inhibitors showed low micromolar activity. The most potent inhibitor compound 12, inhibits Aslfm with a Ki value of 2.9 μM. In the second design stage, a validated ligand-based pharmacophore modeling approach was used, taking the newly available inhibition data of an initial series of compounds into account. Experimental evaluation of the virtual screening hits identified two novel structural types of Aslfm inhibitors with 7-amino-9H-purine (18) and 7-amino-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (30 and 34) scaffolds, and also with Ki values in the low micromolar range. Investigation the inhibitors modes of action confirmed that these compounds are competitive with respect to the ATP molecule. The binding of inhibitors to the target enzyme was also studied using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Compounds 6, 12, 18, 30 and 34 represent the first inhibitors of Aslfm reported to date, and are an important step forward in combating infections due to E. faecium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X-ray crystal structures of bc1 complexes obtained over the last 15 years have provided a firm structural basis for our understanding of the complex. For the most part there is good agreement between structures from different species, different crystal forms, and with different inhibitors bound. In this review we focus on some of the remaining unexplained differences, either between the structures themselves or the interpretations of the structural observations. These include the structural basis for the motion of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein in response to inhibitors, a possible conformational change involving tyrosine132 of cytochrome (cyt) b, the presence of cis-peptides at the beginnings of transmembrane helices C, E, and H, the structural insight into the function of the so-called \"Core proteins\", different modelings of the retained signal peptide, orientation of the low-potential heme b, and chirality of the Met ligand to heme c1. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory complex III and related bc complexes.





