Propidium iodide

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malassezia is a lipophilic commensal yeast that resides mainly on the mammalian skin and is also found to associate with the internal organs. Dysbiosis of Malassezia is related to several diseases and often escapes detection as it is difficult to culture and maintain. Malassezia cell wall differs from other budding yeasts like S. cerevisiae due to the difference in the lipid content and is difficult to transform. In this study, we present a methodology to stain Malassezia\'s nucleus and perform cell cycle studies. However, staining presents a challenge due to its exceptionally thick cell wall with high lipid content, hindering conventional methods. Our novel methodology addresses this challenge and enables the staining of the Malassezia nucleus with a low background. This would allow researchers to visualize the overall nuclear health specifically nuclear morphology and analyze DNA content, crucial for cell cycle progression. By employing DNA-specific dyes like DAPI or Hoechst, we can observe the nuclear structure, and using PI we can differentiate cells in distinct cell cycle phases using techniques like flow cytometry. This novel staining methodology unlocks the door for in-depth cell cycle analysis in Malassezia which has challenged us through ages being refractory to genetic manipulations, paving the way for a deeper understanding of this commensal fungus and its potential role in human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is crucial for bodily functions, including collagen synthesis, immune system support and antioxidant defense. Despite autism spectrum disorder\'s multifactorial nature involving genetic, environmental and neurological factors, robust evidence exploring the association between ascorbic acid and this disorder is notably lacking. This study introduces an innovative spectrofluorometric method to quantify ascorbic acid in the plasma of healthy children and those with autism spectrum disorder. The method relies on the interaction of ascorbic acid with the fluorescent dye propidium iodide. In acidic conditions, propidium iodide undergoes protonation and selectively binds to the negatively charged ascorbic acid forming an ion-pair complex. This complex alters the molecular structure of propidium iodide inducing chemical fluorescence quenching, that can be utilized for ascorbic acid quantification. The developed method undergoes rigorous validation following ICH guidelines, demonstrating a linear relationship within a concentration range of 4-40 μg/mL, with high precision and accuracy metrics. Analysis of real plasma samples from autistic and healthy children reveals clinically and statistically elevated levels of ascorbic acid in those with autism spectrum disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infections caused by pathogenic Escherichia coli are a serious threat to human health, while conventional antibiotic susceptibility tests (AST) have a long turn-around time, and rapid antibiotic susceptibility methods are urgently needed to save lives in the clinic, reduce antibiotic misuse and prevent emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. We optimized and validated the feasibility of a novel rapid AST based on SYBR Green I and Propidium Iodide (SGPI-AST) for E. coli drug susceptibility test. A total of 112 clinical isolates of E. coli were collected and four antibiotics (ceftriaxone, cefoxitin, imipenem, meropenem) were selected for testing. Bacterial survival rate of E. coli was remarkably linearly correlated with S value at different OD600 values. After optimizing the antibiotic concentrations, the sensitivity and specificity of SGPI-AST reached 100%/100%, 97.8%/100%, 100%/100% and 98.4%/99% for ceftriaxone, cefoxitin, imipenem and meropenem, respectively, and the corresponding concordances of the SGPI-AST with conventional AST were 1.000, 0.980, 1.000 and 0.979, respectively. The SGPI-AST can rapidly and accurately determine the susceptibility of E. coli clinical isolates to multiple antibiotics in 60 min, and has the potential to be applied to guide the precise selection of antibiotics for clinical management of infections caused by pathogenic E. coli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-quality sperm cells are crucial to reproductive success for both males and post-mating females in animals. Sperm viability, defined as the proportion of viable sperm cells, is used as a sperm quality index and this method has provided new insights into research on reproductive strategies. Sperm viability has been assessed by fluorescent staining of sperm cells. However, current staining protocols could potentially underestimate viability due to cell damage caused by cell treatments such as high dye concentration and long time for post-mounting. In this study, we established a method that enables rapid sperm viability assessment, has low sperm cell toxicity, and provides precise results regardless of operator expertise, and cost-effective using sperm cells from an ant, Crematogaster osakensis (Hymenoptera). First, to shorten the time for observation of a sufficient number of sperm cells, the volume per field of view was increased by height elevation between the glass slide and the coverslip, thereby we increased the number of sperm cells in a field of view. Second, to reduce sperm cell toxicity, we optimized the minimum dye concentration and incubation time using acridine orange (AO) and Hoechst in addition to SYBR 14 and propidium iodide (PI), which has been used in most previous studies. We determined the optimal protocol to be 1 µg/mL AO and 150 µM PI without incubation. Besides, we automated counting sperm cells with ImageJ software and combined with manual correction for more accurate results. We employed the improved method for sperm samples from mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor) and silkmoths (Bombyx mori). This method, established through our study, will advance research on reproductive strategies, including sperm competition and sperm quality maintenance in females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flow cytometry techniques utilizing dual staining with annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) provide a robust method for quantitatively analyzing apoptosis induction. Annexin V binds phosphatidylserine exposed on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane during early apoptosis, while PI permeates late apoptotic/necrotic cells. Simultaneous staining allows differentiation of viable, early apoptotic, and late apoptotic/necrotic populations. This approach can be enhanced by using fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies to stain specific proteins, enabling the simultaneous tracking of protein expression changes in defined cell subpopulations during apoptosis. This multiparametric approach provides key insights into signaling regulation and the mechanisms underlying the apoptotic response to cytotoxic treatments. Here we present a protocol that combines annexin V-FITC/PI staining with APC-conjugated antibody labeling in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells treated with doxorubicin. This protocol enables both the quantitative assessment of apoptosis induction and the tracking of decreased CD44 expression from viable to apoptotic cells. This protocol also provides guidelines for appropriate filter selection, compensation controls, gating strategies, and troubleshooting. This robust protocol holds significant potential for elucidating signaling networks involved in apoptosis and therapeutic resistance across various cellular models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In flowering plants, proper seed development is achieved through the constant interplay of fertilization products, embryo and endosperm, and maternal tissues. Understanding such a complex biological process requires microscopy techniques able to unveil the seed internal morphological structure. Seed thickness and relatively low permeability make conventional tissue staining techniques impractical unless combined with time-consuming dissecting methods. Here, we describe two techniques to imaging the three-dimensional structure of Arabidopsis seeds by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Both procedures, while differing in their time of execution and resolution, are based on cell wall staining of seed tissues with fluorescent dyes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to compare the performance of flow cytometry methods with plate counting for the enumeration of bacteria, using Bacillus cereus as a model organism. It was found that the cFDA-propidium iodide, CellROX™ Green-propidium iodide, and DiOC2 dye techniques had similar accuracy to plate counting, while the SYTO 24-propidium iodide dye technique was not as accurate. The four dye techniques had comparable precision to plate counting, with the CellROX™ Green-propidium iodide dye having the greatest precision. The consistency of the position and shape of the cell clusters on the flow cytometry plots, and the extent of separation of the cell from background clusters, was greatest with the DiOC2 and CellROX™ Green-propidium iodide dyes. Furthermore, the DiOC2 and CellROX™ Green-propidium iodide dyes performed well, even when a sample was measured containing reconstituted whole milk powder at a 10-1 dilution, without the use of sample preparation to specifically remove the milk constituents prior to measurement. Given gating of only one cell cluster was required to be managed with the DiOC2 dye, to determine the viable number of cells, it was found that the DiOC2 dye had the greatest ease-of-use. Overall, results indicated that the DiOC2 dye is an ideal candidate for the enumeration of viable bacteria in dairy samples on a high-throughput, routine basis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flow cytometry is commonly employed for ploidy determination and cell cycle analysis in cryptococci. The cells are subjected to fixation and staining with DNA-binding fluorescent dyes, most commonly with propidium iodide (PI), before undergoing flow cytometric analysis. In ploidy determination, cell populations are classified according to variations in DNA content, as evidenced by the fluorescence intensity of stained cells. As reported in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we found drawbacks with PI staining that confounded the accurate analysis of ploidy by flow cytometry when the size of the cryptococci changed significantly. However, the shift in the fluorescence intensity, unrelated to ploidy changes in cells with increased size, could be accurately interpreted by applying the ImageStream system. SYTOX Green or SYBR Green I, reported to enable DNA analysis with a higher accuracy than PI in S. cerevisiae, were nonspecific for nuclear DNA staining in cryptococci. Until dyes or methods capable of reducing the variability inherent in the drastic changes in cell size or shape become available, PI appears to remain the most reliable method for cell cycle or ploidy analysis in Cryptococcus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flow cytometry remains the most widely used method for detecting and quantifying apoptosis and related forms of cell death in mammalian cells. The multiparametric nature of flow cytometry allows multiple apoptotic characteristics to be labeled and analyzed in a single sample, making it a powerful tool for analyzing the complex progression of apoptotic death. This chapter provides methods for combining assays for single apoptotic characteristics like caspase activation, annexin V binding, and cell membrane permeability into multiparametric assays that provide deeper insights into the cell death process. This approach to analyzing multiple apoptotic characteristics simultaneously yields far more information than single-parameter assays. While more informative than single-parameter assays, these multicolor methods can still be analyzed on relatively simple flow cytometers, making them widely accessible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plantaricin LD1 was purified from a potential probiotic strain, Lactobacillus plantarum LD1 previously isolated from indigenous food, Dosa. In this study, we have performed a detailed mechanism of action of plantaricin LD1 against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 considering Micrococcus luteus MTCC 106 as control. The plantaricin LD1 showed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 34.57 µg/mL and a minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 138.3 µg/mL against M. luteus MTCC 106, whereas MIC 69.15 µg/mL and MBC 276.6 µg/mL were found against E. coli ATCC 25922. The efflux of potassium ions, dissipation of membrane potential (∆ψ), and transmembrane pH gradient (∆pH) of plantaricin LD1-treated cells suggested the membrane-acting nature of plantaricin LD1. Plantaricin LD1 also caused degradation of the genomic DNA of the target strains tested. The cell killing was confirmed by staining with propidium iodide and visualized under light and electron microscopes. The bacteriocin-treated cells were found to be ruptured, swollen, and elongated. Thus, the findings indicate plantaricin LD1 kills E. coli ATCC 25922 by interacting with the cell membrane resulting in the efflux of intracellular contents and also causing degradation of nucleic acids leading to cell death.





