Peptide Chain Termination, Translational

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic release factor eRF1, encoded by the ETF1 gene, recognizes stop codons and induces peptide release during translation termination. ETF1 produces several different transcripts as a result of alternative splicing, from which two eRF1 isoforms can be formed. Isoform 1 codes well-studied canonical eRF1, and isoform 2 is 33 amino acid residues shorter than isoform 1 and completely unstudied. Using a reconstituted mammalian in vitro translation system, we showed that the isoform 2 of human eRF1 is also involved in translation. We showed that eRF1iso2 can interact with the ribosomal subunits and pre-termination complex. However, its codon recognition and peptide release activities have decreased. Additionally, eRF1 isoform 2 exhibits unipotency to UGA. We found that eRF1 isoform 2 interacts with eRF3a but stimulated its GTPase activity significantly worse than the main isoform eRF1. Additionally, we studied the eRF1 isoform 2 effect on stop codon readthrough and translation in a cell-free translation system. We observed that eRF1 isoform 2 suppressed stop codon readthrough of the uORFs and decreased the efficiency of translation of long coding sequences. Based on these data, we assumed that human eRF1 isoform 2 can be involved in the regulation of translation termination. Moreover, our data support previously stated hypotheses that the GTS loop is important for the multipotency of eRF1 to all stop codons. Whereas helix α1 of the N-domain eRF1 is proposed to be involved in conformational rearrangements of eRF1 in the A-site of the ribosome that occur after GTP hydrolysis by eRF3, which ensure hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA at the P site of the ribosome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Proline-rich Antimicrobial Peptide (PrAMP) apidaecin (Api) inhibits translation by binding in the ribosomal nascent peptide exit tunnel, trapping release factors RF1 or RF2, and arresting ribosomes at stop codons. To explore the extent of sequence variations of the native 18-amino acid Api that allows it to preserve its activity, we screened a library of synthetic mutant Api genes expressed in bacterial cells, resulting in nearly 350000 peptide variants with multiple substitutions. By applying orthogonal negative and positive selection strategies, we identified a number of multi-substituted Api variants capable of arresting ribosomes at stop codons. Our findings underscore the critical contribution of specific amino acid residues of the peptide for its on-target function while significantly expanding the variety of PrAMPs acting on the terminating ribosome. Additionally, some of the tested synthesized multi-substituted Api variants exhibit improved antibacterial activity compared to that of the wild type PrAMP and may constitute the starting point to develop clinically useful antimicrobials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The poly(A) tail plays an important role in maintaining mRNA stability and influences translation efficiency via binding with PABP. However, the impact of poly(A) tail length on mRNA translation remains incompletely understood. This study explores the effects of poly(A) tail length on human translation. We determined the translation rates in cell lysates using mRNAs with different poly(A) tails. Cap-dependent translation was stimulated by the poly(A) tail, however, it was largely independent of poly(A) tail length, with an exception observed in the case of the 75 nt poly(A) tail. Conversely, cap-independent translation displayed a positive correlation with poly(A) tail length. Examination of translation stages uncovered the dependence of initiation and termination on the presence of the poly(A) tail, but the efficiency of initiation remained unaffected by poly(A) tail extension. Further study unveiled that increased binding of eRFs to the ribosome with the poly(A) tail extension induced more efficient hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA. Building upon these findings, we propose a crucial role for the 75 nt poly(A) tail in orchestrating the formation of a double closed-loop mRNA structure within human cells which couples the initiation and termination phases of translation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial translation is a complex process responsible for the synthesis of essential proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation, a fundamental pathway for cellular energy production. Central to this process is the termination phase, where dedicated factors play a pivotal role in ensuring accurate and timely protein production. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of translation termination in human mitochondria, emphasizing structural features and molecular functions of two mitochondrial termination factors mtRF1 and mtRF1a.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation termination is an essential cellular process, which is also of therapeutic interest for diseases that manifest from premature stop codons. In eukaryotes, translation termination requires eRF1, which recognizes stop codons, catalyzes the release of nascent proteins from ribosomes and facilitates ribosome recycling. The small molecule SRI-41315 triggers eRF1 degradation and enhances translational readthrough of premature stop codons. However, the mechanism of action of SRI-41315 on eRF1 and translation is not known. Here we report cryo-EM structures showing that SRI-41315 acts as a metal-dependent molecular glue between the N domain of eRF1 responsible for stop codon recognition and the ribosomal subunit interface near the decoding center. Retention of eRF1 on ribosomes by SRI-41315 leads to ribosome collisions, eRF1 ubiquitylation and a higher frequency of translation termination at near-cognate stop codons. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of release factor inhibition and additional implications for pharmacologically targeting eRF1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic code that specifies the identity of amino acids incorporated into proteins during protein synthesis is almost universally conserved. Mitochondrial genomes feature deviations from the standard genetic code, including the reassignment of two arginine codons to stop codons. The protein required for translation termination at these noncanonical stop codons to release the newly synthesized polypeptides is not currently known. In this study, we used gene editing and ribosomal profiling in combination with cryo-electron microscopy to establish that mitochondrial release factor 1 (mtRF1) detects noncanonical stop codons in human mitochondria by a previously unknown mechanism of codon recognition. We discovered that binding of mtRF1 to the decoding center of the ribosome stabilizes a highly unusual conformation in the messenger RNA in which the ribosomal RNA participates in specific recognition of the noncanonical stop codons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacteria, release of newly synthesized proteins from ribosomes during translation termination is catalyzed by class-I release factors (RFs) RF1 or RF2, reading UAA and UAG or UAA and UGA codons, respectively. Class-I RFs are recycled from the post-termination ribosome by a class-II RF, the GTPase RF3, which accelerates ribosome intersubunit rotation and class-I RF dissociation. How conformational states of the ribosome are coupled to the binding and dissociation of the RFs remains unclear and the importance of ribosome-catalyzed guanine nucleotide exchange on RF3 for RF3 recycling in vivo has been disputed. Here, we profile these molecular events using a single-molecule fluorescence assay to clarify the timings of RF3 binding and ribosome intersubunit rotation that trigger class-I RF dissociation, GTP hydrolysis, and RF3 dissociation. These findings in conjunction with quantitative modeling of intracellular termination flows reveal rapid ribosome-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange to be crucial for RF3 action in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense mutations trigger premature translation termination and often give rise to prevalent and rare genetic diseases. Consequently, the pharmacological suppression of an unscheduled stop codon represents an attractive treatment option and is of high clinical relevance. At the molecular level, the ability of the ribosome to continue translation past a stop codon is designated stop codon readthrough (SCR). SCR of disease-causing premature termination codons (PTCs) is minimal but small molecule interventions, such as treatment with aminoglycoside antibiotics, can enhance its frequency. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of translation termination (both at PTCs and at cognate stop codons) and highlight recently discovered pathways that influence its fidelity. We describe the mechanisms involved in the recognition and readthrough of PTCs and report on SCR-inducing compounds currently explored in preclinical research and clinical trials. We conclude by reviewing the ongoing attempts of personalized nonsense suppression therapy in different disease contexts, including the genetic skin condition epidermolysis bullosa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of ribosome recycling factor (RRF) of E. coli was studied in vivo and in vitro. We used the translational coupling without the Shine-Dalgarno sequence of downstream ORF (d-ORF) as a model system of the RRF action in natural termination of protein synthesis. For the in vivo studies we used the translational coupling by the adjacent coat and lysis genes of RNA phage GA sharing the termination and initiation (UAAUG) and temperature sensitive RRF. The d-ORF translation was measured by the expression of the reporter lacZ gene connected to the 5\'-terminal part of the lysis gene. The results showed that more ribosomes which finished upstream ORF (u-ORF) reading were used for downstream reading when RRF was inactivated. The in vitro translational coupling studies with 027mRNA having the junction sequence UAAUG with wild-type RRF were carried out with measuring amino acids incorporation. The results showed that ribosomes released by RRF read downstream from AUG of UAAUG. In the absence of RRF, ribosomes read downstream in frame with UAA. These in vivo and in vitro studies indicate that RRF releases ribosomes from mRNA at the termination codon of u-ORF. Furthermore, the non-dissociable ribosomes read downstream from AUG of UAAUG with RRF in vitro. This suggests that complete ribosomal splitting is not required for ribosome release by RRF in translational coupling. The data are consistent with the interpretation that RRF functions mostly as a ribosome releasing factor rather than ribosome splitting factor. Additionally, the in vivo studies showed that short (less than 5 codons) u-ORF inhibited d-ORF reading by ribosomes finishing u-ORF reading, suggesting that the termination process in short ORF is not similar to that in normal ORF. This means that all the preexisting studies on RRF with short mRNA may not represent what goes on in natural termination step.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation terminates by releasing the polypeptide chain in one of two chemical reactions catalyzed by the ribosome. Release is also a target for engineering, as readthrough of a stop codon enables incorporation of unnatural amino acids and treatment of genetic diseases. Hydrolysis of the ester bond of peptidyl-tRNA requires conformational changes of both a class I release factor (RF) protein and the peptidyl transferase center of a large subunit rRNA. The rate-limiting step was proposed to be hydrolysis at physiological pH and an RF conformational change at higher pH, but evidence was indirect. Here, we tested this by activating the ester electrophile at the Escherichia coli ribosomal P site using a trifluorine-substituted amino acid. Quench-flow kinetics revealed that RF1-catalyzed release could be accelerated, but only at pH 6.2-7.7 and not higher pH. This provided direct evidence for rate-limiting hydrolysis at physiological or lower pH and a different rate limitation at higher pH. Additionally, we optimized RF-free release catalyzed by unacylated tRNA or the CCA trinucleotide (in 30% acetone). We determined that these two model release reactions, although very slow, were surprisingly accelerated by the trifluorine analog but to a different extent from each other and from RF-catalyzed release. Hence, hydrolysis was rate limiting in all three reactions. Furthermore, in 20% ethanol, we found that there was significant competition between fMet-ethyl ester formation and release in all three release reactions. We thus favor proposed mechanisms for translation termination that do not require a fully-negatively-charged OH- nucleophile.





