Nuclear pore complexes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are sophisticated and dynamic protein structures that straddle the nuclear envelope and act as gatekeepers for transporting molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. NPCs comprise up to 30 different proteins known as nucleoporins (NUPs). However, a growing body of research has suggested that NPCs play important roles in gene regulation, viral infections, cancer, mitosis, genetic diseases, kidney diseases, immune system diseases, and degenerative neurological and muscular pathologies.
    OBJECTIVE: In this review, we introduce the structure and function of NPCs. Then We described the physiological and pathological effects of each component of NPCs which provide a direction for future clinical applications.
    METHODS: The literatures from PubMed have been reviewed for this article.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review summarizes current studies on the implications of NPCs in human physiology and pathology, highlighting the mechanistic underpinnings of NPC-associated diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear pore complexes are essential for cellular and molecular processes such as trafficking between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, chromatin, transcriptional outputs, and DNA damage repair. Nucleoporins, components of nuclear pore complexes, have been linked to cancer through nucleo-cytoplasmic cargo trafficking, cell division, signalling pathways, chromatin-related processes, and protein stability and degradation. This study aims to understand how nucleoporins specifically contribute to cancer proliferation and progression across various cancer types. Accordingly, angles such as nuclear trafficking, fusion proteins, tumour suppressors, signalling pathways, tumour microenvironment, nucleosomes, and chromatin processes were found to bridge the function of nucleoporins and cancer progression, and the underlying mechanisms have been analysed in this study. A deep understanding of the function of nucleoporins in cancer progression will pave the way for the effective targeting of these molecules for therapeutic gain. Improved treatment responses can enhance the quality of life of cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Super-resolution microscopy has promoted the development of cell biology, but imaging proteins with low copy numbers in cellular structures remains challenging. The limited number of designated proteins within nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) impedes continuous observation in live cells, although they are often used as a standard for evaluating various SR methods. To address this issue, we tagged POM121 with Halo-SiR and imaged it using structured illumination microscopy with sparse deconvolution (Sparse-SIM). Remarkably, POM121-SiR exhibited more than six-fold fluorescence intensity and four-fold enhanced contrast compared to the same protein labeled with tandem-linked mCherry, while showing negligible photo-bleaching during SR imaging for 200 frames. Using this technique, we discovered various types of NPCs, including ring-like and cluster-like structures, and observed dynamic remodeling along with the sequential appearance of different Nup compositions. Overall, Halo-SiR with Sparse-SIM is a potent tool for extended SR imaging of dynamic structures of NPCs in live cells, and it may also help visualize proteins with limited numbers in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins (NUPs) are cellular effectors of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) replication that support nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of viral components. However, these also non-canonically function as positive effectors, promoting proviral DNA integration into the host genome and viral gene transcription, or as negative effectors by associating with HIV-1 restriction factors, such as MX2, inhibiting the replication of HIV-1. Here, we investigated the regulatory role of NUP98 on HIV-1 as we observed a lowering of its endogenous levels upon HIV-1 infection in CD4+ T cells. Using complementary experiments in NUP98 overexpression and knockdown backgrounds, we deciphered that NUP98 negatively affected HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter activity and lowered released virus levels. The negative effect on promoter activity was independent of HIV-1 Tat, suggesting that NUP98 prevents the basal viral gene expression. ChIP-qPCR showed NUP98 to be associated with HIV-1 LTR, with the negative regulatory element (NRE) of HIV-1 LTR playing a dominant role in NUP98-mediated lowering of viral gene transcription. Truncated mutants of NUP98 showed that the attenuation of HIV-1 LTR-driven transcription is primarily contributed by its N-terminal region. Interestingly, the virus generated from the producer cells transiently expressing NUP98 showed lower infectivity, while the virus generated from NUP98 knockdown CD4+ T cells showed higher infectivity as assayed in TZM-bl cells, corroborating the anti-HIV-1 properties of NUP98. Collectively, we show a new non-canonical function of a nucleoporin adding to the list of moonlighting host factors regulating viral infections. Downregulation of NUP98 in a host cell upon HIV-1 infection supports the concept of evolutionary conflicts between viruses and host antiviral factors.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Understanding the spatial organization of nucleoporins (Nups) with intrinsically disordered domains within the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is crucial for deciphering eukaryotic nucleocytoplasmic transport. Leveraging high-speed 2D single-molecule tracking and virtual 3D super-resolution microscopy in live HeLa cells, we investigated the spatial distribution of all eleven phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-rich Nups within individual NPCs. Our study reveals a nuanced landscape of FG-Nup conformations and arrangements. Five FG-Nups are steadfastly anchored at the NPC scaffold, collectively shaping a central doughnut-shaped channel, while six others exhibit heightened flexibility, extending towards the cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic regions. Intriguingly, Nup214 and Nup153 contribute to cap-like structures that dynamically alternate between open and closed states along the nucleocytoplasmic transport axis, impacting the cytoplasmic and nuclear sides, respectively. Furthermore, Nup98, concentrated at the scaffold region, extends throughout the entire NPC while overlapping with other FG-Nups. Together, these eleven FG-Nups compose a versatile, capped trichoid channel spanning approximately 270 nm across the nuclear envelope. This adaptable trichoid channel facilitates a spectrum of pathways for passive diffusion and facilitated nucleocytoplasmic transport. Our comprehensive mapping of FG-Nup organization within live NPCs offers a unifying mechanism accommodating multiple transport pathways, thereby advancing our understanding of cellular transport processes.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), one of the hallmarks of eukaryotic nuclei, allow selective transport of macromolecules between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Besides this canonical function, an increasing number of additional roles have been attributed to the NPCs and their constituents, the nucleoporins. Here we review recent insights into the mechanisms by which NPCs and nucleoporins affect transcription and DNA repair in metazoans. In the first part, we discuss how gene expression can be affected by the localization of genome-nucleoporin interactions at pores or \"off-pores\", by the role of nucleoporins in chromatin organization at different scales, or by the physical properties of nucleoporins. In the second part, we review the contribution of NPCs to genome stability, including transport-dependent and -independent functions and the role of positioning at NPCs in the repair of heterochromatic breaks and the regulation of replication stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear envelope (NE) assembly defects cause chromosome fragmentation, cancer, and aging. However, major questions about the mechanism of NE assembly and its relationship to nuclear pathology are unresolved. In particular, how cells efficiently assemble the NE starting from vastly different, cell type-specific endoplasmic reticulum (ER) morphologies is unclear. Here, we identify a NE assembly mechanism, \"membrane infiltration,\" that defines one end of a continuum with another NE assembly mechanism, \"lateral sheet expansion,\" in human cells. Membrane infiltration involves the recruitment of ER tubules or small sheets to the chromatin surface by mitotic actin filaments. Lateral sheet expansion involves actin-independent envelopment of peripheral chromatin by large ER sheets that then extend over chromatin within the spindle. We propose a \"tubule-sheet continuum\" model that explains the efficient NE assembly from any starting ER morphology, the cell type-specific patterns of nuclear pore complex (NPC) assembly, and the obligatory NPC assembly defect of micronuclei.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parvoviruses are small non-enveloped single-stranded DNA viruses, which depend on host cell nuclear transcriptional and replication machinery. After endosomal exposure of nuclear localization sequence and a phospholipase A2 domain on the capsid surface, and escape into the cytosol, parvovirus capsids enter the nucleus. Due to the small capsid diameter of 18-26 nm, intact capsids can potentially pass into the nucleus through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). This might be facilitated by active nuclear import, but capsids may also follow an alternative entry pathway that includes activation of mitotic factors and local transient disruption of the nuclear envelope. The nuclear entry is followed by currently undefined events of viral genome uncoating. After genome release, viral replication compartments are initiated and infection proceeds. Parvoviral genomes replicate during cellular S phase followed by nuclear capsid assembly during virus-induced S/G2 cell cycle arrest. Nuclear egress of capsids occurs upon nuclear envelope degradation during apoptosis and cell lysis. An alternative pathway for nuclear export has been described using active transport through the NPC mediated by the chromosome region maintenance 1 protein, CRM1, which is enhanced by phosphorylation of the N-terminal domain of VP2. However, other alternative but not yet uncharacterized nuclear export pathways cannot be excluded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quadruple aberrant hyperphosphorylated tau, beta-amyloid, α-synuclein and TDP-43 neuropathology and metal solid nanoparticles (NPs) are documented in the brains of children and young adults exposed to Metropolitan Mexico City (MMC) pollution. We investigated environmental NPs reaching noradrenergic and dopaminergic nuclei and the cerebellum and their associated ultrastructural alterations. Here, we identify NPs in the locus coeruleus (LC), substantia nigrae (SN) and cerebellum by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) in 197 samples from 179 MMC residents, aged 25.9 ± 9.2 years and seven older adults aged 63 ± 14.5 years. Fe, Ti, Hg, W, Al and Zn spherical and acicular NPs were identified in the SN, LC and cerebellar neural and vascular mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, neuromelanin, heterochromatin and nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) along with early and progressive neurovascular damage and cerebellar endothelial erythrophagocytosis. Strikingly, FeNPs 4 ± 1 nm and Hg NPs 8 ± 2 nm were seen predominantly in the LC and SN. Nanoparticles could serve as a common denominator for misfolded proteins and could play a role in altering and obstructing NPCs. The NPs/carbon monoxide correlation is potentially useful for evaluating early neurodegeneration risk in urbanites. Early life NP exposures pose high risk to brains for development of lethal neurologic outcomes. NP emissions sources ought to be clearly recognized, regulated, and monitored; future generations are at stake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the conduit in the nuclear envelope through which proteins and RNA are transported between the cytoplasm and nucleus. Xenopus egg extracts that support de novo assembly of nuclei have provided a robust system to study NPC structure and function because the biochemical composition of the extract can be easily manipulated. Here we describe how to assemble nuclei in Xenopus egg extract, how to visualize and analyze NPCs in both live and fixed samples, and different approaches to altering nucleocytoplasmic transport in extract.





