Near Drowning

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one of the most common complications of non-fatal drowning. Although respiratory societies\' guidelines endorse the role of systemic corticosteroids in ARDS, the evidence for systemic corticosteroid use in ARDS due to non-fatal drowning is limited.
    METHODS: A search was conducted on Pubmed, OVID, and EuropePMC, assessing the clinical question using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The selected studies were critically appraised, and the results were summarized.
    RESULTS: A total of six retrospective studies were selected and assessed, all studies showed poor validity and a high risk of bias. Out of six studies, only four informed us of steroid administration\'s effect on outcomes. In two studies, mortality associated with corticosteroid administration seemed to be higher. On the contrary, one study found no mortality in the corticosteroid group, but 100% mortality was observed in the control group. In another study, steroid therapy seemed to not affect hospital length of stay or mechanical ventilation rates.
    CONCLUSIONS: Corticosteroid administration for non-fatal drowning and its impact on clinical outcomes remains equivocal. Routine administration of corticosteroids is not indicated and should be done on a case-by-case basis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drowning is responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide, and it is estimated that 90% of drownings are preventable. Drowning is defined as \"the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid.\" Emergency providers should focus on airway management and rapid delivery of oxygen to interrupt the drowning process and improve patient outcomes. Patients with minimal or no symptoms do not require any specific diagnostic workup, aside from physical examination and 4 to 6 hours of observation prior to discharge. Patients with more severe symptoms may present with rales and foamy secretions, and should be managed with high-concentration oxygen and positive airway pressure.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Scedosporium apiospermum (S. apiospermum) is a rare fungal pathogen that causes disseminated infections. It rarely affects immunocompetent individuals and has a poor prognosis.
    METHODS: A 37-year-old woman presented with multiple lesions in the lungs, brain, and eyes, shortly after near drowning in a car accident. The primary symptoms were chest tightness, limb weakness, headache, and poor vision in the left eye. S. apiospermum infection was confirmed by metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) of intracranial abscess drainage fluid, although intracranial metastases were initially considered. After systemic treatment with voriconazole, her symptoms improved significantly; however, she lost vision in her left eye due to delayed diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: While S. apiospermum infection is rare, it should be considered even in immunocompetent patients. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential. Voriconazole may be an effective treatment option.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Scedosporium apiospermum species complex are widely distributed fungi that can be found in a variety of polluted environments, including soil, sewage, and decaying vegetation. Those opportunistic pathogens with strong potential of invasion commonly affect immunosuppressed populations However, few cases of scedosporiosis are reported in immunocompetent individuals, who might be misdiagnosed, leading to a high mortality rate. Here, we reported an immunocompetent case of systemtic infection involved in lung, brain and spine, caused by S. apiospermum species complex (S. apiospermum and S. boydii). The patient was an elderly male with persistent fever and systemtic infection after near-drowning. In the two tertiary hospitals he visited, definite diagnosis was extremely difficult. After being admitted to our hospital, he was misdiagnosed as tuberculosis infection, before diagnosis of S. apiospermum species complex infection by the metagenomic next-generation sequencing. His symptoms were alleviated after voriconazole treatment. In the present case, the details associated with its course were reported and published studies on Scedosporium spp. infection were also reviewed, for a better understanding of this disease and reducing the misdiagnosis rate.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Drowning is a common cause of childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide. Anoxia, hypothermia, and metabolic acidosis are mainly responsible for this morbidity. Drowning may lead to multiple organ damage, especially cardiac damage, in cases in which severe hypothermia and hypoxemia occur. We report a case of a 4-year-old girl who was admitted to our hospital\'s Emergency Department because of drowning. She had elevated troponin I concentrations and ST-segment elevation with T wave inversion. However, cardiovascular computed tomography showed no obvious abnormalities in the coronary arteries. We suggest that cardiac damage in this situation is caused by coronary artery spasms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of cardiac damage with electrocardiographic changes after drowning in a preschool child.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Scedosporium/Lomentospora species exist as saprophytic moulds that can potentially lead to serious infections in patients who have experienced near-drowning incidents. Scedosporium species are distributed across different regions of the world while Lomentospora prolificans has quite a restricted geographic distribution. We aimed to systematically review scedosporiosis cases after near-drowning, their clinical manifestations, underlying diseases, treatments, outcomes and its impact through disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Five available sources were searched from 1 January 2007, to 20 April 2022. Thirty-eight studies, including 41 patients, were evaluated. Mean age was 33.6 ± 18.6 years (range 1-68), and 28 were male (68.3%). Central nervous system (CNS) dissemination predominated (36/41; 87.8%), presenting mainly as multiple brain abscesses (26/41; 63.4%), followed by lung involvement (22/41; 56.4%). Scedosporium apiospermum species complex was the most causative agent (38/41; 92.7%). Overall mortality was 51.2%. Half of the patients (18/37) were cured after receiving proper treatment, and in most cases, voriconazole alone or in combination with surgery or other antifungals caused survival. The mean survival time was 123 ± 27 days. Mean DALYs in 1980-2022 were 46.110 ± 3.318 (39.607-52.612). Time to diagnosis was estimated to be 120 days, and there was no association between time to diagnosis and outcome. Voriconazole is a potentially effective therapy, and combination of surgery and antifungal treatment may lead to more favourable outcome. Advances in early diagnosis and appropriate antifungal therapy may have contributed to reducing its mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A technique called in-water resuscitation (IWR) was devised on a surfboard to ventilate persons who seemingly did not breathe upon a water rescue. Despite IWR still raises uncertainties regarding its applicability, this technique is recommended by the International Liaison Committee for Resuscitation (ILCOR). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of IWR with a rescue board before and during towing and, to compare rescue times and rescue-associated fatigue levels between rescues with rescue breath attempts and without (SR).
    A randomized crossover pilot test was conducted: 1) IWR test with pocket mask and, 2) Conventional SR test. IWR tests were conducted using a Laerdal ResusciAnne manikin (Stavanger, Norway). Three groups of variables were recorded: a) rescue time (in s), b) effective ventilations during rescue, and c) rating of perceived effort (RPE).
    Focusing on the rescue time, the performance SR was significantly faster than IWR rescue which took 61 s longer to complete the rescue (Z = -2.805; p = 0.005). No significant differences were found between techniques for the RPE (T = -1.890; p = 0.095). In the IWR analysis, lifeguards performed an average of 27 ± 12 rescue breaths.
    The application of IWR on a rescue board is feasible both at the time of rescue and during towing. It shortens the reoxygenation time but delays the arrival time to shore. Both IWR and SR result in similar levels of perceived fatigue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Management of children following a drowning incident is based on specific interventions which are used in the prehospital environment, the emergency department (ED) and the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). This paper presents a review of the literature to map and describe the management and interventions used by healthcare professionals when managing a child following a drowning incident. Of specific interest was to map, synthesise and describe the management and interventions according to the different clinical domains or practice areas of healthcare professionals.
    METHODS: A traditional review of the literature was performed to appraise, map and describe information from 32 relevant articles. Four electronic databases were searched using search strings and the Boolean operators AND as well as OR. The included articles were all published in English between 2010 and 2022, as it comprised a timeline including current guidelines and practices necessary to describe management and interventions.
    RESULTS: Concepts and phrases from the literature were used as headings to form a picture or overview of the interventions used for managing a child following a drowning incident. Information extracted from the literature was mapped under management and interventions for prehospital, the ED and the PICU and a figure was constructed to display the findings. It was evident from the literature that management and interventions are well researched, evidence-informed and discussed, but no clear arguments or examples could be found to link the interventions for integrated management from the scene of drowning through to the PICU. Cooling and/or rewarming techniques and approaches and termination of resuscitation were found to be discussed as interventions, but no evidence of integration from prehospital to the ED and beyond was found. The review also highlighted the absence of parental involvement in the management of children following a drowning incident.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mapping the literature enables visualisation of management and interventions used for children following a drowning incident. Integration of these interventions can collaboratively be done by involving the healthcare practitioners to form a link or chain for integrated management from the scene of drowning through to the PICU.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Scedosporium aurianticum infection developed in 2 recipients of kidney transplants in India, acquired from the same deceased near-drowning donor. Given the substantial risk for death associated with Scedosporium infection among solid-organ transplant recipients, safety protocols for organ transplantation from nearly drowned donors should be thoroughly revaluated and refined.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is uncommon in immunocompetent patients, but rare cases have been described after nonfatal drowning, particularly in contaminated water sources. Given subacute disease manifestations, diagnostic difficulties and the rapidly progressive nature of this organism, its mortality rate approaches 50%. Clinicians must rely on nonculture-based biomarkers and imaging to inform early diagnosis. There are currently no recommendations regarding diagnostics or empiric therapy for mold infections in near-drowning patients. We report a fatal case of IPA in a 4-year-old male following submersion in a manure pond. Early serum biomarkers and empiric voriconazole should be strongly considered in all patients after near-drowning in contaminated water sources.
    Children that survive drowning can suffer lung infections after inhaling water. The cause is usually bacteria (germs) that live in our nose, as well as the bacteria in the water itself. In dirty water, many different bacteria are present. Strong antibiotic medicines are usually given to treat or stop infections from happening after drowning. Molds (fungus germs) can also cause lung infections, but usually in people with weak infection-fighting ability. We report a case of a mold infection that spread from the lungs to the blood and brain which led to the death of a previously healthy boy after drowning in a pond of animal waste. These mold infections can be slow and then spread quickly, so testing and treating for it with antifungal medicine in addition to antibacterial medicine needs to be done as early as possible.





