Musca domestica

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The house fly Musca domestica L. is one of the most common insects of veterinary and medical importance worldwide; its ability to develop resistance to a large number of insecticides is well known. Many studies support the involvement of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases (P450) in the development of resistance to pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, carbamates, and organophosphates among insects. In this paper, the monooxygenase activity and expression level of CYP6D1 were studied for the first time in a chlorfenapyr-resistant strain of house fly. Our studies demonstrated that P450 activity in adults of the susceptible strain (Lab TY) and chlorfenapyr-resistant strain (ChlA) was 1.56-4.05-fold higher than that in larvae. In females of the Lab TY and ChlA strains, this activity was 1.53- and 1.57-fold higher, respectively (p < 0.05), than that in males, and in contrast, the expression level of CYP6D1 was 21- and 8-fold lower, respectively. The monooxygenase activity did not vary between larvae of the susceptible strain Lab TY and the chlorfenapyr-resistant strain ChlA. Activity in females and males of the ChlA strain exceeded that in the Lab TY strain specimens by 1.54 (p = 0.08) and 1.83 (p < 0.05) times, respectively, with the same level of CYP6D1 expression. PCR-RFLP analysis revealed a previously undescribed mutation in the promoter region of the CYP6D1 gene in adults of the Lab TY and ChlA strains, and it did not affect the gene expression level. The obtained results show that the development of resistance to chlorfenapyr in M. domestica is accompanied by an increase in P450-monooxygenase activity without changes in CYP6D1 expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The synthesized pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives conjugated with selenium nanoparticles were prepared via a reaction of pyrazolone 1 with aryl-aldehyde and malononitrile or 3-oxo-3-phenylpropanenitrile in the presence ammonium acetate or pipridine using an ultrasonic bath as a modified method in the organic synthesis for such materials. The structure of the synthesized compounds was elucidated through various techniques. All the synthesized pyrazolopyrimidines were used in the synthesis of selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs). These nanoparticles were confirmed using UV-spectra, Dynamic Light scattering and (TEM) techniques. The larvicidal efficiency;of the synthesized;compounds; was investigated against some strains such as Culex pipiens;and Musca domestica larvae. Bioassay test showed pyrazolopyrimide derivatives to exhibit an acceptable larvicidal;bio-efficacy. The derivative (3) exhibited;the highest;efficiency for more than; lab strains of both species. Moreover, C. pipiens larvae were more sensitive towards the examined compounds than M. domestica. The field;strain displayed lower affinity for the 2 folds compounds. Some biochemical changes were tracked through analysis of insect main metabolites (protein, lipid and carbohydrate), in addition to measuring the changes in seven enzymes after treatment. Generally, there was a reduction in the protein, lipids and carbohydrates after treatment with all tested compounds. Moreover, a decrement was noticed for acetylcholine esterase and glutathione;S-transferase; enzymes. There was an increment in the acid;phosphatase; and alkaline phosphatase. In addition, there was elevation in Phenoloxidase level but it noticed the declination in both Cytochrome P450 and Ascorbate peroxidase activity after treatment both flies with derivatives of selenium-nanoparticles in both lab and field strain. Generally, the experiments carried out indicate that antioxidant and detoxification enzymes may play a significant role in mechanism of action of our novel nanocompounds. The cytotoxicity of the synthesized compounds and conjugated with SeNPs showed enhanced compatibility with human normal fibroblast cell line (BJ1) with no toxic effect.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A case of severe blepharoconjunctivitis in the last three weeks diagnosed the slit lamp as external ophthalmomyiasis. On ocular examination, numerous pupae were present on the lid margins, firmly adhering to the lid lashes bilaterally. All of them were removed mechanically under topical anesthesia. They were 67 in number. Healing occurred without any complications. In such cases of blepharoconjunctivitis, physicians should consider the possibility of ophthalmomyiasis externa, especially in places where high numbers of livestock are found. Otherwise, there is a chance of missing the diagnosis, which can be met with a more serious condition called ophthalmomyiasis interna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The house fly, Musca domestica, is vector for pathogens and parasites and causes economic damage to livestock by reducing forage conversion efficiency, negatively impacting weight gain and milk production. It has shown resistance to multiple insecticide classes. The aim of this research was to determine the susceptibility levels of seventeen field M. domestica strains to thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid insecticide, in Türkiye.
    UNASSIGNED: Insecticide susceptibility of the house flies to thiamethoxam was determined using the WHO glass jar method. A probit analysis program was used to determine LD50 values, and then the resistance ratios were compared with insecticide-susceptible strain.
    UNASSIGNED: All strains were ≥18.5-fold resistant to thiamethoxam. The data showed that 10 out of 17 strains had either high or very high resistance levels. Our findings revealed that house flies from solid waste landfills in Samsun, Ankara, and Kocaeli exhibited higher resistance ratios compared to those found in animal shelters. Conversely, in Gaziantep, Antalya, İzmir and Erzurum, the exact opposite trend was observed. Regarding the LD50 values among solid waste storage areas, the lowest rate was obtained from Gaziantep (0.72 gr ai/m2), and the highest rate was obtained from Ankara (9.35 gr ai/m2). Furthermore, regarding the LD50 values among animal shelters, the lowest was obtained from Samsun (0.37 gr ai/m2), and the highest was obtained from Denizli (21800 gr ai/m2).
    UNASSIGNED: The use of integrated control systems is recommended for controlling house fly populations, including insecticide class rotations for preventing, or at least, delaying the onset of resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few years, there has been growing interest in the ability of insect larvae to convert various organic side-streams containing mycotoxins into insect biomass that can be used as animal feed. Various studies have examined the effects of exposure to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on a variety of insect species, including the larvae of the black soldier fly (BSFL; Hermetia illucens L.; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) and the housefly (HFL; Musca domestica L.; Diptera: Muscidae). Most of these studies demonstrated that AFB1 degradation takes place, either enzymatic and/or non-enzymatic. The possible role of feed substrate microorganisms (MOs) in this process has thus far not been investigated. The main objective of this study was therefore to investigate whether biotransformation of AFB1 occurred and whether it is caused by insect-enzymes and/or by microbial enzymes of MOs in the feed substrate. In order to investigate this, sterile and non-sterile feed substrates were spiked with AFB1 and incubated either with or without insect larvae (BSFL or HFL). The AFB1 concentration was determined via LC-MS/MS analyses and recorded over time. Approximately 50% of the initially present AFB1 was recovered in the treatment involving BSFL, which was comparable to the treatment without BSFL (60%). Similar patterns were observed for HFL. The molar mass balance of AFB1 for the sterile feed substrates with BSFL and HFL was 73% and 78%, respectively. We could not establish whether non-enzymatic degradation of AFB1 in the feed substrates occurred. The results showed that both BSFL and substrate-specific MOs play a role in the biotransformation of AFB1 as well as in conversion of AFB1 into aflatoxin P1 and aflatoxicol, respectively. In contrast, HFL did not seem to contribute to AFB1 degradation. The obtained results contribute to our understanding of aflatoxin metabolism by different insect species. This information is crucial for assessing the safety of feeding fly larvae with feed substrates contaminated with AFB1 with the purpose of subsequent use as animal feed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus is an important human and veterinary pathogen. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of antibiotic resistance among S. aureus isolated from samples obtained from free-flying wild pigeons and houseflies from different locations surrounding a local hospital in the Greater Durban area in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Environmental fecal samples were obtained from wild pigeons that inhabits the grounds of a local public hospital located on the South Beach area, Durban, South Africa. Housefly samples were collected from three different locations (Kenneth Stainbank Nature Reserve, Montclair/Clairwood, and Glenwood/Berea) in the greater Durban area, all within a close proximity to the hospital. Following enrichment, identification, and antimicrobial resistance profiling, S. aureus isolates were subjected to DNA extraction using the boiling method. It was found that 57 out of 252 samples (22.62%) were positive for S. aureus. The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method of antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed and revealed that antibiotic resistance rates to penicillin and rifampicin were the most common, with both returning 48 (84.2%) out of the 57 S. aureus isolates being resistant to penicillin and rifampicin. Antibiotic resistance rates to clindamycin, linezolid, erythromycin, tetracycline, cefoxitin, and ciprofloxacin were 82.5%, 78.9%, 73.7%, 63.2%, 33.3%, and 15.8% respectively. Antibiotic resistance genes were detected using primer-specific PCR and it was found that the prevalence rates of tetM, aac(6\')-aph(2″), mecA, tetK, ermc, and blaZ genes were 66.7%, 40.4%, 40.4%, 38.6%, 24.6%, and 3.51% respectively. Statistical analysis revealed significant (p < 0.05) relationships between the tetM, aac(6\')-aph(2″), and ermC genes and all parameters tested. A significant correlation between the aac(6\')-aph(2″) gene and the tetM (0.506) and ermC (-0.386) genes was identified. It was found that 23 (40.3%) S. aureus isolates were mecA positive, of which 10 (52.6%) out of 19 cefoxitin-resistant isolates were mecA positive and 13 (35.1%) out of 37 cefoxitin-sensitive isolates were mecA positive. The results of the present study demonstrated the detection of methicillin and multidrug resistant S. aureus isolated from samples obtained from wild pigeons and houseflies in the surroundings of a local public hospital in the Greater Durban area in South Africa. The findings of the study may account for the emergence of multidrug-resistant staphylococcal infections. The findings highlight the significant role of wild pigeons and houseflies in the spread of drug-resistant pathogenic S. aureus including MRSA. The conclusions of the present study highlight the improtant role of wildlife and the environment as interconnected contributors of One Health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dinoflagellate Karenia brevis is a causative agent of red tides in the Gulf of Mexico and generates a potent family of structurally related brevetoxins that act via the voltage-sensitive Na+ channel. This project was undertaken to better understand the neurotoxicology and kdr cross-resistance to brevetoxins in house flies by comparing the susceptible aabys strain to ALkdr (kdr) and JPskdr (super-kdr). When injected directly into the hemocoel, larvae exhibited rigid, non-convulsive paralysis consistent with prolongation of sodium channel currents, the known mechanism of action of brevetoxins. In neurophysiological studies, the firing frequency of susceptible larval house fly central nervous system preparations showed a > 200% increase 10 min after treatment with 1 nM brevetoxin-3. This neuroexcitation is consistent with the spastic paralytic response seen after hemocoel injections. Target site mutations in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel of house flies, known to confer knockdown resistance (kdr and super-kdr) against pyrethroids, attenuated the effect of brevetoxin-3 in baseline firing frequency and toxicity assays. The rank order of sensitivity to brevetoxin-3 in both assays was aabys > ALkdr > JPskdr. At the LD50 level, resistance ratios for the knockdown resistance strains were 6.9 for the double mutant (super-kdr) and 2.3 for the single mutant (kdr). The data suggest that knockdown resistance mutations may be one mechanism by which flies survive brevetoxin-3 exposure during red tide events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The house fly, Musca domestica L., is a significant human and livestock pest. Experiments used female adult house flies glued onto toothpicks for controlled exposure of their tarsi alone (tarsal assay) or their tarsi and proboscis (proboscis assay) with a sucrose solution containing imidacloprid at either a low (10 µg/mL) or high (4000 µg/mL) concentration. Proboscis extension response (PER) assays were used to characterize the response of imidacloprid-susceptible and behaviorally resistant house fly strains to contact with sucrose solutions containing either a low or high concentration of imidacloprid. In each assay, 150 female flies from each fly strain were individually exposed to sucrose solutions containing either a low or high concentration of imidacloprid by deliberate contact of the fly tarsi to the test solution. The PER for each fly was subsequently recorded at 0, 2, and 10 s following the initial tarsal contact. A significant and rapid reduction in PER was observed only for the behaviorally resistant fly strain and only following contact by the flies\' proboscis with the sucrose solution containing the high imidacloprid concentration. The results suggest that chemoreceptors on the fly labellum or internally on the pharyngeal taste organs are involved in the detection of imidacloprid and discrimination of the concentration, resulting in an avoidance behavior (proboscis retraction) only when imidacloprid is at sufficient concentration. Further research is needed to identify the specific receptor(s) responsible for imidacloprid detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The house fly, Musca domestica, is a significant carrier of diseases that can impact public health. Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides may act as a selection pressure for mutations and amino acid substitutions in the house fly voltage-sensitive sodium channel (VSSC), which ultimately confers resistance. The objectives of this study were to determine the presence of knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations using molecular tools and to set up a CDC bottle bioassay specific for house flies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to screen for deltamethrin resistance.
    METHODS: Adult flies were collected from 19 locations in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and DNA was extracted, followed by PCR amplification of specific alleles (PASA) and conventional PCR using several primers to amplify regions of the VSSC gene. Sanger sequencing was performed on PCR products. We also designed primers that detect four kdr mutations using complementary DNA (cDNA) in reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR followed by Sanger sequencing. Additionally, a CDC bottle bioassay was set up for detecting deltamethrin resistance in adult house flies.
    RESULTS: In PASA, the primers successfully amplified the target bands (480, 280 and 200 bp). The kdr allele was found in flies collected from 18 of the 19 locations, at the highest and lowest prevalence of 46.9% and 9.4%, respectively. Resistant homozygous (RR) insects constituted 5.0% of the tested populations, and heterozygous (RS) insects accounted for 36.5%. The RR genotype was prevalent in house flies collected at 10 of 19 sampling locations. House fly populations were mostly in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except in three locations. In addition to verifying the presence of the previously identified kdr mutation L1014F, in this study we detected two kdr mutations, L1014H and T929I, that have not previously been reported in the UAE. Also, for the first time in the UAE, a CDC bottle bioassay for deltamethrin resistance was used, which found that 60 min and 4.5 µg/ml were the diagnostic time and dose, respectively. Using this assay, we detected deltamethrin resistance in house flies from two of 16 locations, with a resistance level of 12.5%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using DNA sequencing, we confirmed the presence of a known kdr mutation and uncovered two new kdr mutations in house flies from Abu Dhabi. Additionally, we detected deltamethrin resistance in these flies using a CDC bottle bioassay. Further research is recommended to comprehensively identify more kdr mutations in UAE house fly populations and assess their impacts on control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyromazine is a triazine insect growth regulator insecticide that is recommended for control of Musca domestica worldwide. Cyromazine is highly effective in causing mortality of M. domestica; however, some aspects of its lethal and sublethal effects on the biology of M. domestica are still unknown. The present study explored lethal and sublethal effects on several biological traits and population parameters of M. domestica. Concentration-response bioassays of cyromazine against third-instar larvae of M. domestica exhibited sublethal and lethal effects from concentrations of 0.03 (LC10), 0.06 (LC25), and 0.14 (LC50) μg/g of a larval medium. Exposure of M. domestica larvae to these concentrations resulted in reduced fecundity, survival, longevity and oviposition period, and delayed development of immature stages (i.e., egg hatch time and larval and pupal durations) in the upcoming generation of M. domestica. The values of population parameters such as intrinsic rate of increase, finite rate of increase, net reproductive rate, age-specific survival rate and fecundity, and age-stage life expectancy and reproductive value, analyzed using the age-stage and two-sex life table theory, were significantly reduced in a concentration-dependent manner in comparison with the control group. In conclusion, the study highlights the significant effects of cyromazine on the biology of M. domestica that could help suppress its population in cases of severe infestations.





