Morphological study

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sanguinoderma (Ganodermataceae) is recognized as a valuable medicinal resource in Taiwan, China. Additionally, it serves as a traditional folk medicine for treating neurotic epilepsy in Malaysia. This study involved the collection of six specimens of Sanguinoderma from Yunnan Province, China. Employing multigene phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences, including internal transcribed spacer (ITS), nuclear large subunit (LSU), RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α), mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU), nuclear small subunit (nSSU) and morphological examinations, three new species, viz. Sanguinoderma concentricum, S. dehongense and S. ovisporum, are introduced. Sanguinoderma concentricum is characterized by a central stipe basidiomata, an orbicular to suborbicular pileus, a grayish-yellow surface with alternating concentric zones and wavy margin-like petals and regular pileipellis cells (4-8 × 17-28 μm). Sanguinoderma dehongense is characterized by a long stipe and flabelliform basidiomata, a dark-grayish yellow-to-dark-yellow pileus surface, irregular pileipellis cells and wavy margin and ellipsoid basidia (8-11 × 9-13 μm). Sanguinoderma ovisporum is characterized by a reniform basidiomata, a heterogeneous context and ovoid basidiospores (7.5-8.6 × 5.5-7.2 µm). A detailed description and illustrations of these new species are provided, as well as a morphological comparison with similar taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loading of the upper eyelid with palpebral implants made of noble metals is the modern standard of surgical treatment for paralytic lagophthalmos, and is aimed at increasing the mobility of the upper eyelid and normalizing involuntary blinking movements. This review presents the results of morphological studies, including immunohistochemical studies, reflecting the features of biointegration of palpebral implants in uncomplicated and complicated course of the postoperative period, and describes the modern understanding of the causes and immunopathological processes underlying the development of nonspecific inflammatory response, which is one of the most serious complications that often becomes an indication for implant removal.
    Современным стандартом хирургического лечения паралитического лагофтальма, направленным на увеличение подвижности верхнего века и нормализацию непроизвольных мигательных движений, является утяжеление верхнего века пальпебральными имплантатами, выполненными из благородных металлов. В обзоре приведены данные морфологических исследований, включая данные иммуногистохимического исследования, отражающие особенности биоинтеграции пальпебральных имплантатов при неосложненном и осложненном течении послеоперационного периода. Освещены современные представления о причинах и иммунопатологических процессах, лежащих в основе развития неспецифической воспалительной реакции — одного из наиболее серьезных осложнений, которое часто становится показанием к удалению имплантата.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The conicity of the root canals of primary teeth is an important measure for endodontic therapies. However, determining this conicity depends on the methods employed, which requires further investigation.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the conicity of the root canals of the upper and lower primary second molars using nanotomography (nCT).
    METHODS: An in vitro study was performed using nine primary second molars, both upper and lower, subjected to nCT. Comparisons between the diameters of root canals were performed between the thirds (cervical-D0, middle-D5, and apical-D7). The conicity (%) was determined for each root canal from cervical to apical. Data were statistically analyzed with a significance level of 5%.
    RESULTS: The conicity ranged from 2% to 8% for the upper primary second molars. Significant differences in root canal diameter between the thirds (D0, D5, and D7 points) were observed in the mesio- and distobuccal roots (p < .05), but not in the palatal roots (p > .05). For the lower primary second molars, the conicity ranged from 2% to 17%, as well as significant differences in root canal diameter between the thirds (D0, D5, and D7 points) were observed in all roots (distal, mesiobuccal, and mesiolingual; p < .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The conicity of the upper primary second molars was different from that of the lower ones, which showed a greater variability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy is a cellular catabolic process characterized by the formation of double-membrane autophagosomes. Transmission electron microscopy is the most rigorous method to clearly visualize autophagic engulfment and degradation. A large number of studies have shown that autophagy is closely related to the digestion, secretion, and regeneration of gastrointestinal (GI) cells. However, the role of autophagy in GI diseases remains controversial. This article focuses on the morphological and biochemical characteristics of autophagy in GI diseases, in order to provide new ideas for their diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The hand motor cortex (HMC) is a reliable anatomical landmark for identifying the precentral gyrus. The current study aimed to investigate the morphology of HMC on axial MRI of glioma patients, propose a new morphological classification of HMC and analyze the effect of tumors on the morphology of HMC.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective study of 276 adult right-handed glioma patients was conducted. The morphology of HMC was assessed using T2 axial images. Subsequently, the distribution of morphological subtypes was compared between the bilateral hemispheres and the tumor-affected and healthy hemispheres. Finally, the influence of tumor pathology on the morphology of HMC was investigated.
    UNASSIGNED: A new morphological classification of HMC with four subtypes (Ω, ε, Ω-ε and ε-Ω) was proposed. No significant difference was identified in the distribution of morphological subtypes between the bilateral hemispheres (p = 0.0901, Chi-square test), or between the tumor-affected and healthy hemispheres (p = 0.3507, Chi-square test), and the morphology of HMC between the bilateral hemispheres were consistent (p < 0.0001, Kappa test). In addition, a significant difference was identified in the distribution of morphological subtypes between astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors (p = 0.0135, Chi-square test).
    UNASSIGNED: In the current study, we proposed a new morphological classification of HMC, and found that tumor could affect the morphology of HMC in glioma patients. The results can help our clinical practice, enabling us to further understand the spatial structure of the cerebral hemispheres.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenetic relationships among Holometabola have been the subject of controversy. The value of the wing base structure in phylogenetic analysis has been demonstrated but remains largely underexplored and scarce in studies of Holometabola. We studied the phylogenetic relationships among Holometabola (excluding Siphonaptera), focusing exclusively on wing base structure. Cladistic assessments were conducted using 53 morphological data points derived from the bases of both the forewing and hindwing. The results of wing base data revealed a sister relationship between Hymenoptera and remaining orders. The sister-group relationships between Strepsiptera and Coleoptera, Mecoptera and Diptera, Trichoptera and Lepidoptera, and Neuropterida and Coleopterida were corroborated. In Neuropterida, our results recovered the sister relationship between Megaloptera and Neuroptera, as well as the monophyly of Megaloptera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Massive localized lymphedema (MLL) is a rare disease caused by the obstruction of lymphatic vessels with specific clinical morphological and radiological characteristics. People with morbid obesity are mainly affected by MLL. Lymphedema is easily confused with soft tissue sarcoma and requires differential diagnosis, both the possibility of an MLL and also carcinoma manifestations in the soft tissues. The possible causes of massive lymphedema include trauma, surgery, and hypothyroidism. This report is the first case of MLL treated surgically in the Russian Federation. Detailed computed tomography (CT) characteristics and an electron microscope picture of MLL are discussed. A 50-year-old woman (body mass index of 43 kg/m 2 ) with MLL arising from the anterior abdominal wall was admitted to the hospital for surgical treatment. Its mass was 22.16 kg. A morphological study of the resected mass confirmed the diagnosis of MLL. We review etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of MLL. We also performed an electron-microscopic study that revealed interstitial Cajal-like cells telocytes not previously described in MLL cases. We did not find similar findings in the literature. It is possible that the conduction of an ultrastructural examination of MLL tissue samples will further contribute to the understanding of MLL pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X-ray micro-computed tomography (CT) produces three-dimensional images of samples on a micrometer scale. This technique has several advantages, such as its nondestructive character and low measurement time, compared with other techniques. However, when applied to biological samples of soft tissue, the low attenuation and low effective contrast between structures pose difficulties in creating appropriate images for morphological studies. Diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced CT (DICE-CT), which uses iodine solutions to enhance contrast, is a viable alternative for addressing the aforementioned challenges. Given the variety of biological samples, an appropriate methodology must be adapted depending on the dimensions and morphological characteristics of the investigated object. A specimen that has not been morphologically studied by micro-CT and is of high sanitary importance is the adult Aedes aegypti mosquito. This study investigated the stage of iodine staining in the treatment of the A. aegypti mosquito to determine the most suitable staining time for the morphological study of this mosquito in adulthood. After determining the appropriate staining time, we discuss the potential of applying DICE-CT and methodology to mosquito studies. Seven A. aegypti females were treated using fixation steps with Bouin\'s solution, dehydration in a graded ethanol series, staining with iodine solution (1%), and washing in absolute ethanol. Only the staining step was different between samples. Each mosquito spent a varying amount of time (6-72 h) in the iodine solution (1%). For comparison, one of the mosquitoes was not stained. After treatment, the samples were scanned using the Bruker SkyScan 1172 micro-CT scanner. The reconstructed volumes and histograms were compared to determine the most suitable time. In addition, a quantitative analysis was performed based on a comparison of the attenuation profiles of the mosquito brains. Thereafter, the most suitable treatment process was selected, and two other samples were scanned after applying the selected process. Although fewer than 18 h was insufficient for an effective increase in attenuation and effective contrast, surpassing 24 h proved unnecessary and resulted in saturating the gray tones visualized through the histograms, leading to information loss. Therefore, a time of approximately 24 h was the most suitable staining time for studying adult A. aegypti. It was possible to isolate the organs of the digestive and reproductive systems of the mosquito stained for 24 h. Thus, micro-CT was confirmed to be an excellent technique in studies of individual structures of adult A. aegypti mosquitoes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In China, species of the genus Infundibulicybe are often confused with other taxa and misdetermined. Here we describe two newly discovered species, I. bispora and I. ellipsospora, and redescribe five known taxa of this genus present in China. These identifications are supported by both morphological and DNA-based phylogenetic evidence. Additionally, a key to all known species of Infundibulicybe is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deficiency of fumarate hydratase (FH) protein expression in uterine corpus leiomyomas may be attributable to either germline or somatic mutations of the FH gene, the former being definitional for the hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome. The authors assess whether, using previously reported FH-associated morphologic features, FH protein-deficient uterine corpus leiomyomas associated with a pathogenic germline mutations of the FH gene (group 1) are distinguishable from FH protein-deficient uterine corpus leiomyomas without such mutations (and whose FH protein loss is presumed to be attributable to somatic/epigenetic inactivation or other unknown phenomena: group 2). Groups 1 and 2 were compared regarding a variety of clinicopathologic features, including 7 core \"FH-associated\" tumoral morphologic features: staghorn vasculature; alveolar-type edema; bizarre nuclei; chain-like tumor nuclei; hyaline cytoplasmic globules; prominent nucleoli, intranuclear inclusions, and perinucleolar halos; and prominent eosinophilic/fibrillary cytoplasm. Among 2418 patients diagnosed with uterine corpus leiomyoma during the study period, FH-associated morphologic features were reported in 1.5% (37 patients), and FH immunohistochemistry was performed in 29 (1.19%). Fourteen (48.27%) of the 29 patients showed FH protein deficiency by immunohistochemistry. Twelve patients underwent germline testing, of which 8 (66.7%) were classified as group 1 and 4 (33.3%) as group 2. FH protein-deficient tumors were larger (10.44 vs 4.08 cm, P  =  0.01) and associated with younger patients (42.05 vs 47.97, P  =  0.004) than 370 randomly selected uterine leiomyoma controls. Groups 1 and 2 showed no significant differences in patient age and tumor size. In group 1 tumors, the FH-associated morphologic features were generally present diffusely; all group 1 tumors displayed ≥5 FH-associated features, whereas all group 2 tumors displayed <5 FH-associated features (means 6.5  ±  0.53 vs 3.5  ±  1.00, P < 0.001). Notably, eosinophilic/fibrillary cytoplasm and alveolar-type edema were each significantly more prevalent in group 1 tumors than group 2 tumors (P  =  0.018 for both). No single morphologic feature was found to be completely sensitive and specific in making the distinction between group 1 and 2 tumors. Our findings suggest that groups 1 and 2 are unlikely to be morphologically distinguishable by individual morphologic features. Whether there is a combination of features that can reliably make this distinction is unclear and will require additional studies with larger cohorts.





