Microscope imaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We herein report that filgrastim product Neupogen® and the filgrastim formulation buffer induced aggregate formation when mixed in vitro with human plasma, and formation of large membranous erythrocyte aggregates when mixed with human blood, similar to the aggregation induced by pegfilgrastim and by pegfilgrastim buffer [T. Arvinte, E. Poirier, N. Ersayin, G. Darpin, A. Cudd, J. Dowd, S. Brokx, Aggregation of human plasma and of human blood induced in vitro by pegfilgrastim originator formulation buffer and pegfilgrastim products, Eur. J. Pharmaceut. Biopharmaceut. (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2023.10.019]. The data identify the filgrastim buffer (which is practically the same in filgrastim and pegfilgrastim products) as the main driver of human plasma and blood aggregation. Kinetic experiments showed differences in the extent of plasma aggregation induced by a filgrastim product manufactured in EU and one manufactured in USA. Human donor variability in the plasma aggregation induced by filgrastim was observed. To study the effect of PEGylation of the filgrastim protein on plasma aggregation we compared filgrastim (Neupogen®) with pegfilgrastim (Neulasta®) solutions at the same protein concentration. These data show that PEGylation has a beneficial effect in inhibiting to an extent plasma aggregation. Interestingly, 20 kDa polyethylene glycol in the filgrastim buffer induced more plasma aggregation compared to the buffer, similar to the aggregation induced by pegfilgrastim. For intravenous infusion filgrastim solutions (300 µg/ml, vials only) may be diluted in 5 % dextrose from a concentration of 300 µg/ml to 5 µg/ml. Aggregation of human plasma was also induced by filgrastim solutions diluted in 5 % dextrose to 50 µg/ml, 15 µg/ml and 5 µg/ml filgrastim, as well as by the filgrastim buffer similarly diluted in 5 % dextrose (1:6, 1:20 and 1:60 dilution). These data show that filgrastim solutions used for intravenous administration in patients induce human plasma aggregation in vitro. Such aggregation phenomena may be related to known infusion side effects of filgrastim therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene regulatory networks are now at the forefront of precision biology, which can help researchers better understand how genes and regulatory elements interact to control cellular gene expression, offering a more promising molecular mechanism in biological research. Interactions between the genes and regulatory elements involve different promoters, enhancers, transcription factors, silencers, insulators, and long-range regulatory elements, which occur at a ∼10 µm nucleus in a spatiotemporal manner. In this way, three-dimensional chromatin conformation and structural biology are critical for interpreting the biological effects and the gene regulatory networks. In the review, we have briefly summarized the latest processes in three-dimensional chromatin conformation, microscopic imaging, and bioinformatics, and we have presented the outlook and future directions for these three aspects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micrograph comparison remains useful in bioscience. This technology provides researchers with a quick snapshot of experimental conditions. But sometimes a two- condition comparison relies on researchers\' eyes to draw conclusions. Our Bioimage Analysis, Statistic, and Comparison (BASIN) software provides an objective and reproducible comparison leveraging inferential statistics to bridge image data with other modalities. Users have access to machine learning-based object segmentation. BASIN provides several data points such as images\' object counts, intensities, and areas. Hypothesis testing may also be performed. To improve BASIN\'s accessibility, we implemented it using R Shiny and provided both an online and offline version. We used BASIN to process 498 image pairs involving five bioscience topics. Our framework supported either direct claims or extrapolations 57% of the time. Analysis results were manually curated to determine BASIN\'s accuracy which was shown to be 78%. Additionally, each BASIN version\'s initial release shows an average 82% FAIR compliance score.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present here a novel multi-parametric approach for the characterization of multiple cellular features, using images acquired by high-throughput and high-definition light microscopy. We specifically used this approach for deep and unbiased analysis of the effects of a drug library on five cultured cell lines. The presented method enables the acquisition and analysis of millions of images, of treated and control cells, followed by an automated identification of drugs inducing strong responses, evaluating the median effect concentrations and those cellular properties that are most highly affected by the drug. The tools described here provide standardized quantification of multiple attributes for systems level dissection of complex functions in normal and diseased cells, using multiple perturbations. Such analysis of cells, derived from pathological samples, may help in the diagnosis and follow-up of treatment in patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Arabidopsis, the gynoecium, the inner whorl of the flower, is the female reproductive part. Many tissues important for fertilization such as the stigma, style, transmitting tract, placenta, ovules, and septum, comprising the medial domain, arise from the carpel margin meristem. During gynoecium development, septum fusion occurs and tissues form continuously to prepare for a successful pollination and fertilization. During gynoecium development, cell wall modifications take place and one of the most important is the formation of the transmitting tract, having a great impact on reproductive competence because it facilitates pollen tube growth and movement through the ovary. In this study, using a combination of classical staining methods, fluorescent dyes, and indirect immunolocalization, we analyzed cell wall composition and modifications accompanying medial domain formation during gynoecium development. We detected coordinated changes in polysaccharide distribution through time, cell wall modifications preceding the formation of the transmitting tract, mucosubstances increase during transmitting tract formation, and a decrease of mannan distribution. Furthermore, we also detected changes in lipid distribution during septum fusion. Proper cell wall composition and modifications are important for postgenital fusion of the carpel (septum fusion) and transmitting tract formation, because these tissues affect plant reproductive competence.





