Long-term conservation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, plant genetic resources are often at risk of loss and destruction. Geophytes are herbaceous or perennial species that are annually renewed by bulbs, rhizomes, tuberous roots, or tubers. They are often subject to overexploitation, which, combined with other biotic and abiotic stresses, can make these plants more vulnerable to a decline in their diffusion. As a result, multiple endeavors have been undertaken to establish better conservation strategies. Plant cryopreservation at ultra-low temperatures in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C) has proven to be an effective, long-term, low-cost, and suitable conservation method for many plant species. Over the last two decades, major advances in cryobiology studies have enabled successful explants of multiple genera and types, including pollen, shoot tips, dormant buds, and zygotic and somatic embryos. This review provides an update on recent advances and developments in cryopreservation and its application to medicinal and ornamental geophytes. In addition, the review includes a brief summary of factors limiting the success of bulbous germplasm conservation. The critical analysis underpinning this review will benefit biologists and cryobiologists in their further studies on the optimization of geophyte cryopreservation protocols and will support a more complete and wider application of knowledge in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) preservation aims to maintain valuable characteristics. Growth, conidiation and genetic stability of eight species of EPF were evaluated in six preservation methods for up to 8.2 years. Cryopreservation at -196 °C, freeze-drying, and ultra-freezing at -70 °C resulted as the best methods for long-term storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the long-term preservation of genetic resources, cryopreservation techniques have been developed for strawberry germplasm, mainly using in vitro-grown shoot tips. In this study, genetic stability was tested under greenhouse conditions for six strawberry accessions (IT232511, PHS0132, IT245810, IT245830, IT245852, and IT245860) derived from the following procedures: (1) conventional propagation (GH: greenhouse maintained); (2) in vitro propagation (TC: tissue culture); (3) pretreatment before cryopreservation (-LN: non-liquid nitrogen exposure); and (4) cryopreservation (+LN: liquid nitrogen exposure). To test the performance of phenotypic traits, we measured six vegetative and five fruit traits. There were no distinct differences in most of the characteristics, but a few traits, such as sugar content and pH of fruits in three accessions, showed higher values in +LN compared to GH. However, the differences disappeared in the first runner generation. To test genetic variations, a total of 102 bands were generated by twelve inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. A few polymorphic bands were found only in plants derived from TC of IT245860, which was not cryopreserved. The sequencing analysis of four polymorphic bands produced by ISSR_15 showed that none of these sequences matched the characterized genes in NCBI. Phenotypic abnormality was not observed across all plants. This study indicates that cryopreserved plants of the six strawberry accessions are phenotypically and genetically stable. Therefore, the results of this study can help to implement cryobanking of strawberry germplasm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 Target 2.5 focuses on the conservation of genetic diversity in soundly managed genebanks. In examining the term \"soundly managed\", it becomes quickly evident that there is much more to long-term conservation than placing samples of seeds or other germplasm in long-term conservation conditions. There are several important factors that determine whether germplasm samples will remain viable in storage for long periods of time. To manage these factors efficiently and effectively, genebanks require sound data and quality management systems. The CGIAR Genebank Platform, coordinated by the Crop Trust, put in place a number of mechanisms that enabled effective online reporting, performance management, quality management, audit and external review and validation. These mechanisms do not conform to the usual monitoring systems put in place for research programs and have only been possible thanks to the flexibility of CGIAR in recognising that the genebanks were exceptional. As a result, in the past 10 years, CGIAR genebanks have significantly improved their performance and the conservation status of collections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a pressing need to conserve plant diversity to prevent extinctions and to enable sustainable use of plant material by current and future generations. Here, we review the contribution that living collections and seed banks based in botanic gardens around the world make to wild plant conservation and to tackling global challenges. We focus in particular on the work of Botanic Gardens Conservation International and the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, with its associated global Partnership. The advantages and limitations of conservation of plant diversity as both living material and seed collections are reviewed, and the need for additional research and conservation measures, such as cryopreservation, to enable the long-term conservation of \'exceptional species\' is discussed. We highlight the importance of networks and sharing access to data and plant material. The skill sets found within botanic gardens and seed banks complement each other and enable the development of integrated conservation (linking in situ and ex situ efforts). Using a number of case studies we demonstrate how botanic gardens and seed banks support integrated conservation and research for agriculture and food security, restoration and reforestation, as well as supporting local livelihoods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent development and implementation of crop cryopreservation protocols has increased the capacity to maintain recalcitrant seeded germplasm collections via cryopreserved in vitro material. To preserve the greatest possible plant genetic resources globally for future food security and breeding programs, it is essential to integrate in situ and ex situ conservation methods into a cohesive conservation plan. In vitro storage using tissue culture and cryopreservation techniques offers promising complementary tools that can be used to promote this approach. These techniques can be employed for crops difficult or impossible to maintain in seed banks for long-term conservation. This includes woody perennial plants, recalcitrant seed crops or crops with no seeds at all and vegetatively or clonally propagated crops where seeds are not true-to-type. Many of the world\'s most important crops for food, nutrition and livelihoods, are vegetatively propagated or have recalcitrant seeds. This review will look at ex situ conservation, namely field repositories and in vitro storage for some of these economically important crops, focusing on conservation strategies for avocado. To date, cultivar-specific multiplication protocols have been established for maintaining multiple avocado cultivars in tissue culture. Cryopreservation of avocado somatic embryos and somatic embryogenesis have been successful. In addition, a shoot-tip cryopreservation protocol has been developed for cryo-storage and regeneration of true-to-type clonal avocado plants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryopreservation is a useful tool for the long-term storage of plant genetic resources, and different cryogenic procedures have recently been developed. The present study focused on the use of the Droplet-vitrification (DV) and V cryo-plate protocol for the cryopreservation of Stevia rebaudiana in vitro-derived apical shoot tips and axillary shoot tips. A preliminary test showed that 90 and 120 min PVS2 (Plant Vitrification Solution 2) treatment significantly reduced the regrowth of the explants before immersion in liquid nitrogen (LN). For both procedures tested, the best osmoprotective condition for obtaining a higher regrowth of cryopreserved explants occurred when explants were PVS2 treated for 60 min. After direct immersion in LN, thawing and plating, the highest regrowth recorded was 80% with DV and 93% with V cryo-plate. Moreover, shoot tips proved to be a more suitable material for Stevia cryopreservation. A satisfactory vegetative regrowth was observed in the subcultures following cryopreservation by DV and V cryo-plate cryogenic procedures.






