
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our skin provides a protective barrier that shields us from our environment. Barrier function is typically associated with the interfollicular epidermis; however, whether hair follicles influence this process remains unclear. Here, we utilize a potent genetic tool to probe barrier function by conditionally ablating a quintessential epidermal barrier gene, Abca12, which is mutated in the most severe skin barrier disease, harlequin ichthyosis. With this tool, we deduced 4 ways by which hair follicles modulate skin barrier function. First, the upper hair follicle (uHF) forms a functioning barrier. Second, barrier disruption in the uHF elicits non-cell-autonomous responses in the epidermis. Third, deleting Abca12 in the uHF impairs desquamation and blocks sebum release. Finally, barrier perturbation causes uHF cells to move into the epidermis. Neutralizing IL-17a, whose expression is enriched in the uHF, partially alleviated some disease phenotypes. Altogether, our findings implicate hair follicles as multi-faceted regulators of skin barrier function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sebaceous glands (SGs) release oils that protect our skin, but how these glands respond to injury has not been previously examined. Here, we report that SGs are largely self-renewed by dedicated stem cell pools during homeostasis. Using targeted single-cell RNA sequencing, we uncovered both direct and indirect paths by which resident SG progenitors ordinarily differentiate into sebocytes, including transit through a Krt5+PPARγ+ transitional basal cell state. Upon skin injury, however, SG progenitors depart their niche, reepithelialize the wound, and are replaced by hair-follicle-derived stem cells. Furthermore, following targeted genetic ablation of >99% of SGs from dorsal skin, these glands unexpectedly regenerate within weeks. This regenerative process is mediated by alternative stem cells originating from the hair follicle bulge, is dependent upon FGFR2 signaling, and can be accelerated by inducing hair growth. Altogether, our studies demonstrate that stem cell plasticity promotes SG durability following injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil-secreting sebaceous glands (SGs) are critical for proper skin function; however, it remains unclear how different factors act together to modulate SG stem cells. Here, we provide functional evidence that each SG lobe is serviced by its own dedicated stem cell population. Upon ablating Notch signaling in different skin subcompartments, we find that this pathway exerts dual counteracting effects on SGs. Suppressing Notch in SG progenitors traps them in a hybrid state where stem and differentiation features become intermingled. In contrast, ablating Notch outside of the SG stem cell compartment indirectly drives SG expansion. Finally, we report that a K14:K5→K14:K79 keratin shift occurs during SG differentiation. Deleting K79 destabilizes K14 in sebocytes, and attenuates SGs and eyelid meibomian glands, leading to corneal ulceration. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that SGs integrate diverse signals from different niches and suggest that mutations incurred within one stem cell compartment can indirectly influence another.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The uppermost aspect of the hair follicle, known as the infundibulum or hair canal, provides a passageway for hair shaft egress and sebum secretion. Recent studies have indicated that the infundibulum and sebaceous ducts are lined by molecularly distinct differentiated cells expressing markers including Keratin 79 and Gata6. Here, we ablated Gata6 from the skin and observed dilation of both the hair canal and sebaceous ducts, independent of gender and hair cycle stage. Constitutive loss of Gata6 yielded only a mild delay in depilation-induced entry into anagen, while unperturbed mutant mice possessed overtly normal skin and hair. Furthermore, we noted that Keratin 79 and Gata6 expression and localization did not depend upon each other. Our findings implicate Gata6 in maintaining the upper hair follicle and suggest that regulation of this transcription factor may be compromised in pathologies such as acne or infundibular cystic diseases that are characterized by abnormal expansion of this follicular domain.





