• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grass carp hemorrhagic disease is caused by the grass carp reovirus (GCRV). The disease spreads rapidly and has a high fatality rate, which seriously affects grass carp culture. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms underlying grass carp hemorrhagic disease remain unclear. To decipher the effects of GCRV on grass carp tissues, resistant grass carp A (GA) and susceptible grass carp B (GB) were selected through GCRV treatment, and control grass carp C (GC) was also established. The gill, liver, and muscle tissues exhibited different onset symptoms under the influence of GCRV by histological observation. We selected muscle samples with significant differences in symptoms for Illumina RNA sequencing. Analyses using Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes revealed 3512, 3074, and 1853 differentially expressed genes between \"GC vs. GB,\" \"GC vs. GA,\" and \"GA vs. GB,\" respectively. Additionally, 40 differential immune-related genes and 28 differential interferon-stimulating genes (ISGs) related to the interferon (IFN) pathway were identified. The expression of immunogene-related genes of GB and GA, such as MDA5, IL-34, NF-KB, TRIM25, SOCS3, CEBPB, and BCL2, and genes associated with the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, such as IRF4, STAT1, STAT3, JAK 1, and JAK 2, was significantly upregulated. The IFN and JAK-STAT signaling pathways were closely related to anti-GCRV infection. The transcriptome data and predicted immune genes and ISGs in this study provide novel insights into the treatment of GCRV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CMTR2 is an mRNA cap methyltransferase with poorly understood physiological functions. It catalyzes 2\'-O-ribose methylation of the second transcribed nucleotide of mRNAs, potentially serving to mark RNAs as \"self\" to evade the cellular innate immune response. Here we analyze the consequences of Cmtr2 deficiency in mice. We discover that constitutive deletion of Cmtr2 results in mouse embryos that die during mid-gestation, exhibiting defects in embryo size, placental malformation and yolk sac vascularization. Endothelial cell deletion of Cmtr2 in mice results in vascular and hematopoietic defects, and perinatal lethality. Detailed characterization of the constitutive Cmtr2 KO phenotype shows an activation of the p53 pathway and decreased proliferation, but no evidence of interferon pathway activation. In summary, our study reveals the essential roles of Cmtr2 in mammalian cells beyond its immunoregulatory function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYHuman alphaherpesvirus 1 (HSV-1) is a highly successful neurotropic pathogen that primarily infects the epithelial cells lining the orofacial mucosa. After primary lytic replication in the oral, ocular, and nasal mucosal epithelial cells, HSV-1 establishes life-long latency in neurons within the trigeminal ganglion. Patients with compromised immune systems experience frequent reactivation of HSV-1 from latency, leading to virus entry in the sensory neurons, followed by anterograde transport and lytic replication at the innervated mucosal epithelial surface. Although recurrent infection of the corneal mucosal surface is rare, it can result in a chronic immuno-inflammatory condition called herpetic stromal keratitis (HSK). HSK leads to gradual vision loss and can cause permanent blindness in severe untreated cases. Currently, there is no cure or successful vaccine to prevent latent or recurrent HSV-1 infections, posing a significant clinical challenge to managing HSK and preventing vision loss. The conventional clinical management of HSK primarily relies on anti-virals to suppress HSV-1 replication, anti-inflammatory drugs (such as corticosteroids) to provide symptomatic relief from pain and inflammation, and surgical interventions in more severe cases to replace damaged cornea. However, each clinical treatment strategy has limitations, such as local and systemic drug toxicities and the emergence of anti-viral-resistant HSV-1 strains. In this review, we summarize the factors and immune cells involved in HSK pathogenesis and highlight alternate therapeutic strategies for successful clinical management of HSK. We also discuss the therapeutic potential of immunoregulatory cytokines and immunometabolism modulators as promising HSK therapies against emerging anti-viral-resistant HSV-1 strains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza virus possesses an RNA genome of single-stranded, negative-sensed, and segmented configuration. Influenza virus causes an acute respiratory disease, commonly known as the \"flu\" in humans. In some individuals, flu can lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Influenza A virus (IAV) is the most significant because it causes recurring seasonal epidemics, occasional pandemics, and zoonotic outbreaks in human populations, globally. The host innate immune response to IAV infection plays a critical role in sensing, preventing, and clearing the infection as well as in flu disease pathology. Host cells sense IAV infection through multiple receptors and mechanisms, which culminate in the induction of a concerted innate antiviral response and the creation of an antiviral state, which inhibits and clears the infection from host cells. However, IAV antagonizes and escapes many steps of the innate antiviral response by different mechanisms. Herein, we review those host and viral mechanisms. This review covers most aspects of the host innate immune response, i.e., (1) the sensing of incoming virus particles, (2) the activation of downstream innate antiviral signaling pathways, (3) the expression of interferon-stimulated genes, (4) and viral antagonism and escape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A newly discovered E3 ubiquitin ligase, UBR7, plays a crucial role in histone H2BK120 monoubiquitination. Here, we report a novel function of UBR7 in promoting hepatitis B virus (HBV) pathogenesis, which further leads to HBV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Transcriptomics analysis from HCC patients revealed the deregulation of UBR7 in cancer. Remarkably, targeting UBR7, particularly its catalytic function, led to a significant decrease in viral copy numbers. We also identified the speckled family protein Sp110 as an important substrate of UBR7. Notably, Sp110 has been previously shown to be a resident of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs), where it remains SUMOylated, and during HBV infection, it undergoes deSUMOylation and exits the PML body. We observed that UBR7 ubiquitinates Sp110 at critical residues within its SAND domain. Sp110 ubiquitination downregulates genes in the type I interferon response pathway. Comparative analysis of RNA-Seq from the UBR7/Sp110 knockdown data set confirmed that the IFN-β signaling pathway gets deregulated in HCC cells in the presence of HBV. Single-cell RNA-Seq analysis of patient samples further confirmed the inverse correlation between the expression of Sp110/UBR7 and the inflammation score. Notably, silencing of UBR7 induces IRF7 phosphorylation, thereby augmenting interferon (IFN)-β and the downstream interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). Further, wild-type but not the ubiquitination-defective mutant of Sp110 could be recruited to the type I interferon response pathway genes. Our study establishes a new function of UBR7 in non-histone protein ubiquitination, promoting viral persistence, and has important implications for the development of therapeutic strategies targeting HBV-induced HCC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal-based tests are used for the control of vaccine quality. However, because highly purified and safe vaccines are now available, alternative approaches that can replace or reduce animal use for the assessment of vaccine outcomes must be established. In vitro tests for vaccine quality control exist and have already been implemented. However, these tests are specifically designed for some next-generation vaccines, and this makes them not readily available for testing other vaccines. Therefore, universal non-animal tests are still needed. Specific signatures of the innate immune response could represent a promising approach to predict the outcome of vaccines by non-animal methods. Type I interferons (IFNs) have multiple immunomodulatory activities, which are exerted through effectors called interferon stimulated genes (ISGs), and are one of the most important immune signatures that might provide potential candidate molecular biomarkers for this purpose. This paper will mainly examine if this idea might be feasible by analyzing all relevant published studies that have provided type I IFN-related biomarkers for evaluating the safety and efficacy profiles of vaccines using an advanced transcriptomic approach as an alternative to the animal methods. Results revealed that such an approach could potentially provide biomarkers predictive of vaccine outcomes after addressing some limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Released mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cells activates cGAS-STING pathway, which induces expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) and thereby promotes inflammation, as frequently seen in asthmatic airways. However, whether the genetic determinant, Gasdermin B (GSDMB), the most replicated asthma risk gene, regulates this pathway remains unknown. We set out to determine whether and how GSDMB regulates mtDNA-activated cGAS-STING pathway and subsequent ISGs induction in human airway epithelial cells. Using qPCR, ELISA, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, co-immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assays, we evaluated the regulation of GSDMB on cGAS-STING pathway in both BEAS-2B cells and primary normal human bronchial epithelial cells (nHBEs). mtDNA was extracted in plasma samples from human asthmatics and the correlation between mtDNA levels and eosinophil counts was analyzed. GSDMB is significantly associated with RANTES expression in asthmatic nasal epithelial brushing samples from the Genes-environments and Admixture in Latino Americans (GALA) II study. Over-expression of GSDMB promotes DNA-induced IFN and ISGs expression in bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells and nHBEs. Conversely, knockout of GSDMB led to weakened induction of interferon (IFNs) and ISGs in BEAS-2B cells. Mechanistically, GSDMB interacts with the C-terminus of STING, promoting the translocation of STING to Golgi, leading to the phosphorylation of IRF3 and induction of IFNs and ISGs. mtDNA copy number in serum from asthmatics was significantly correlated with blood eosinophil counts especially in male subjects. GSDMB promotes the activation of mtDNA and poly (dA:dT)-induced activation of cGAS-STING pathway in airway epithelial cells, leading to enhanced induction of ISGs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early pregnancy loss is a primary cause of low reproductive rates in dairy cows, posing severe economic losses to dairy farming. The accurate diagnosis of dairy cows with early pregnancy loss allows for oestrus synchronization, shortening day open, and increasing the overall conception rate of the herd. Several techniques are available for detecting early pregnancy loss in dairy cows, including rectal ultrasound, circulating blood progesterone, and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs). Yet, there is a need to improve on existing techniques and develop novel strategies to identify cows with early pregnancy loss accurately. This manuscript reviews the applications of rectal ultrasound, circulating blood progesterone concentration, and PAGs in the diagnosis of pregnancy loss in dairy cows. The manuscript also discusses the recent progress of new technologies, including colour Doppler ultrasound (CDUS), interferon tau-induced genes (ISGs), and exosomal miRNA in diagnosing pregnancy loss in dairy cows. This study will provide an option for producers to re-breed cows with pregnancy loss, thereby reducing the calving interval and economic costs. Meanwhile, this manuscript might also act as a reference for exploring more economical and precise diagnostic technologies for early pregnancy loss in dairy cows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We hypothesized that the hCG modulates the expression of IFNT-pathway and ISGs in bovine endometrium during early pregnancy. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effect of hCG on IFNT-pathway signals and ISGs expression in endometrial cells. For this, 29 non-lactating cross-bread cows were used in the study and submitted to a 9-day fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol. The day of the AI was considered Day 0 (D0), and five days (D5) after the FTAI, the cows were allocated into two groups: Control and hCG group, when a hCG group received a single dose of 2.500UI of hCG. On day 18 after FTAI (D18) cows were slaughtered and endometrial tissue samples were collected. There was no difference between the embryo recovery rate of the cows in C compared to the hCG. The hCG group increased the accessory corpus luteum formation rate. The hCG resulted in greater serum progesterone concentration in the hCG group compared to the C on Day 14. Only the expression of IFNAR2 and STAT1 were upregulated on pregnant cows of the hCG group compared to the C group. The pathway genes (JAK1, STAT2, and IRF9) were not regulated. The mRNA abundance of ISG15, MX1, MX2, and OAS1 was upregulated in pregnant cows for hCG group, compared to C group. The results show that the administration of hCG, 5 days after AI, in addition to increasing the serum progesterone, modulates the expression of IFNT-pathway and ISGs on bovine endometrium on Day 18 of pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Type I interferons (IFNs) are an essential class of cytokines with antitumor, antiviral and immunoregulatory effects. However, over-productive the type I IFNs are tightly associated with autoimmune disorders. Thus, the induction of type I interferons is precisely regulated to maintain immune hemostasis. This study aimed to identify a novel regulator of type I interferon signaling.
    RESULTS: Primary BMDMs, isolated from mice, and human cell lines (HEK293 cells, Hela cells) and murine cell line (MEF cells) were cultured to generate in vitro models. After knockdown VRK1, real-time PCR and dual-luciferase reporter assay were performed to determine the expression level of the type I IFNs and ISGs following HTDNA and Poly (dA:dT) stimulation. Additionally, cells were treated with the VRK1 inhibitor, and the impact of VRK1 inhibition was detected. Upon HTDNA and Poly (dA:dT) stimulation, knockdown of VRK1 attenuated the induction of the type I IFNs and ISGs. Consistently, VRK-IN-1, a potent and selective VRK1 inhibitor, significantly suppressed the induction of the type I IFNs and ISGs in human and murine cell lines. Further, VRK-IN-1 inhibited induction of the type I IFNs in mouse primary BMDMs. Intriguingly, VRK1 potentiated the cGAS-STING- IFN-I axis response at STING level.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals a novel function of VRK1 in regulating the production of type I IFNs. VRK-IN-1 might be a potential lead compound for suppressing aberrant type I IFNs in autoimmune disorders.





