Hybrid Vigor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterosis is a crucial factor in enhancing crop yield, particularly in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ). This research utilised six sorghum restorer lines, six sorghum sterile lines, and 36 hybrid combinations created through the NCII incomplete double-row hybridisation method. We evaluated the performance of F1 generation hybrids for leaf photosynthesis-related parameters, carbon metabolism-related enzymes, and their correlation with yield traits during the flowering stage. Results showed that hybrid sorghum exhibited significant high-parent heterosis in net photosynthetic rate (P n ), transpiration rate (T r ), stomatal conductance (G s ), apparent leaf meat conductance (AMC), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS). Conversely, inter-cellular carbon dioxide concentration (C i ), instantaneous water uses efficiency (WUE), and sucrose synthase (SuSy) displayed mostly negative heterosis. Traits such as 1000-grain weight (TGW), grain weight per spike (GWPS), and dry matter content (DMC) exhibited significant high-parent heterosis, with TGW reaching the highest value of 82.54%. P n demonstrated positive correlations with T r , C i , G s , RuBP carboxylase, PEP carboxylase, GWPS, TGW, and DMC, suggesting that T r , C i , and G s could aid in identifying high-photosynthesis sorghum varieties. Concurrently, P n could help select carbon-efficient sorghum varieties due to its close relationship with yield. Overall, the F1 generation of sorghum hybrids displayed notable heterosis during anthesis. Combined with field performance, P n at athesis can serve as a valuable indicator for early prediction of the yield potential of the F1 generation of sorghum hybrids and for screening carbon-efficient sorghum varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cucurbita moschata varieties grown in Africa have very low yield. They have been neglected, and totally ignored in agricultural research programs. However, interest in their fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves is growing nowadays due to their nutritional and medicinal potentials. That growing interest has prompted plant breeders and agronomists to develop research programs for their improvement. A complete diallel cross analysis of four parental lines, Long, Zouan-H, Oval, and Soubre and their twelve F1 hybrids, was carried out in a farming environment at the University Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan, Côte d\'Ivoire. The four parental lines and the F1 hybrids were evaluated for their general performances, combining abilities, potency ratio and heterosis effects. The investigated traits included plant height, and eleven fruit- and seed-related characters. The analysis of variance showed significant differences for all traits studied. In addition, the diallel model yielded highly significant gca effects of the female parents. The gca effects of the male parents were significant for all traits except plant height, length of the fruit, width of the fruit and length of the seed. Highly significant sca effects were observed in the crosses for all the traits. Strong maternal effects were observed for the weight and diameter of the fruit, weight of the pulp, number of seeds per fruit, weight of the fresh seeds and 100-seed weight. The general predictive ratio approached the value 1 for all the traits except weight of the fresh seed and width of the dry seed. Most of the characters under this study are predominantly determined by the effects of additive genes. But, weight of the fresh seed and width of the dry seed may be controlled by non-additive genes. Mid-parent heterosis was significant for all measured traits in the crosses, except the length of the fruit. And better-parent heterosis was significant for all traits except plant height, number of fruits per plant and length of the fruit. Gene expression is described by a super-dominance for many traits, and partial dominance for some other traits in all twelve F1 hybrids. Classification of the parental lines based on the effects of their general combining ability grouped the Soubre lines as promising contributors to fruit yield. The parental lines Long and Oval formed another group likely on the basis of the small size of their fruits, the small pulps, the smaller number of fruits per plant and the large number of seeds per fruit. However, Long would be a candidate parent for the development of cultivars with longer vegetative growth. The parental line Zouan-H formed the third group and it was mostly characterized by its large number of seeds per fruit and relatively large fruits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterosis is the phenomenon that the hybrid offspring outperform two-parent population. Hybridisation has been widely used in plant and animal production as it effectively improves the growth and developmental performance, reproductive performance and disease resistance of the offspring. Hybridization can effectively improve the growth and development performance, reproductive performance and disease resistance of offspring, so it is widely used in animal and plant production. Researchers have used cross-breeding techniques to cultivate excellent new agricultural and animal husbandry strains and supporting lines such as super-excellent Chaoyou 1000 hybrid rice, Xiaoyan No.6 hybrid wheat, Dumeng sheep, and Shanxia black pigs. However, there are still some urgent problems in the current hybrid dominance research: the existing hybrid dominance theory can only partially explain the phenomenon of plant and animal hybrid dominance, and the theory of animal hybrid dominance is less researched, and the accuracy of the existing hybrid dominance prediction methods is limited. China is the world\'s largest pork production and consumption country. Heterosis can effectively improve the production performance of pigs, and its application in the pig industry has important economic and research value. However, the existing research on pig hybrid production is in its infancy and needs to be further studied. In this review, we summarize the existing heterosis theory, heterosis prediction methods, and their application in pig production, to provide a reference for the application of heterosis in pig breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Inter-subspecific hybrid rice represents a significant breakthrough in agricultural genetics, offering higher yields and better resilience to various environmental stresses. While the utilization of these hybrids has shed light on the genetic processes underlying hybridization, understanding the molecular mechanisms driving heterosis remains a complex and ongoing challenge. Here, chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing (ChIP-seq) was used to analyze genome-wide profiles of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications in the inter-subspecific hybrid rice ZY19 and its parents, Z04A and ZHF1015, then combined them with the transcriptome and DNA methylation data to uncover the effects of histone modifications on gene expression and the contribution of epigenetic modifications to heterosis.
    RESULTS: In the hybrid, there were 8,126 and 1,610 different peaks for H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications when compared to its parents, respectively, with the majority of them originating from the parental lines. The different modifications between the hybrid and its parents were more frequently observed as higher levels in the hybrid than in the parents. In ZY19, there were 476 and 84 allele-specific genes with H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications identified, representing 7.9% and 12% of the total analyzed genes, respectively. Only a small portion of genes that showed differences in parental H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications which demonstrated allele-specific histone modifications (ASHM) in the hybrid. The H3K4me3 modification level in the hybrid was significantly lower compared to the parents. In the hybrid, DNA methylation occurs more frequently among histone modification target genes. Additionally, over 62.58% of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were affected by epigenetic variations. Notably, there was a strong correlation observed between variations in H3K4me3 modifications and gene expression levels in the hybrid and its parents.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the substantial impact of histone modifications and DNA methylation on gene expression during hybridization. Epigenetic variations play a crucial role in controlling the differential expression of genes, with potential implications for heterosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TGF-β1/Smads is a classic signaling pathway, which plays important roles in the development process of organisms. Black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegelii and red porgy Pagrus major are valuable economic fishes, and their hybrid offspring show excellent heterosis traits. Yet the molecular regulation mechanism of the heterosis traits is less clear. Here, we explored the TGF-β1/Smads pathway\'s molecular genetic information for heterosis in A. schlegelii ♂ × P. major ♀ (AP) and A. schlegelii ♀ × P. major ♂ (PA) in terms of growth and development. The mRNA expression levels of TGF-β1, TβR-I, TβR-II, and Smad2 genes in different developmental stages of A. schlegelii were detected. Furthermore, the expression levels of TGF-β1, TβR-I, TβR-II, and Smad2 genes in different tissues of adult (mRNA level) and larva (mRNA and protein level) of A. schlegelii, P. major, and their hybrids were determined by both real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot techniques. The results indicated the ubiquitous expression of these genes in all developmental stages of A. schlegelii and in all tested tissues of A. schlegelii, P. major, and its hybrids. Among them, the mRNA of TGF-β1, TβR-I, and TβR-II genes is highly expressed in the liver, gill, kidney, and muscle of black porgy, red porgy, and their hybrid offspring. There are significant changes in gene and protein expression levels in hybrid offspring, which indirectly reflect hybrid advantage. In addition, there was no correlation between protein and mRNA expression levels of Smad2 protein. The results provide novel data for the differential expression of growth and development genes between the reciprocal hybridization generation of black porgy and red porgy and its parents, which is conducive to further explaining the molecular regulation mechanism of heterosis in the growth and development of hybrid porgy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mule duck accounts for over 90% of French foie gras production, a sector where feed represents two-thirds of production costs. This study focuses on analysing the feeding behaviours of the mule duck and its parental populations (Pekin and Muscovy) using automated feeders. To assess feed efficiency, feed conversion ratio and residual feed intake were analysed, along with six traits derived at the daily and meal levels. Genetic parameters were estimated separately in purebred populations, as well as with a joint crossbred model that estimated the parental contributions to the hybrid crossbred performances. In relation to higher feed intakes and much-reduced feeding times (P < 0.001), the feeding rate in the Pekin population was twice as high as in the Muscovy population (19 g/min vs 9 g/min), while the mule duck exhibited a large heterosis for this trait (29 g/min). Feeding traits exhibited moderate (0.38 ± 0.11) to high (0.65 ± 0.11) heritabilities. Similar correlation patterns were observed between feeding traits in the two parental populations. In the Pekin line, the feed conversion ratio did not significantly correlate with feeding traits except for daily feed intake. However, in the Muscovy population, it was negatively correlated with the number of meals (-0.51 ± 0.21) and positively with meal feed intake and meal duration (+0.79 ± 0.17 and + 0.71 ± 0.26, respectively). The contributions of the two parental species to the hybrid\'s performance differed, with the Pekin contributing more to feeding and meat traits compared to the Muscovy. They were similar only for liver weight. Additionally, unfavourable correlations between meat traits and liver traits were estimated in both pathways. Genetic relationships between feeding traits and slaughter traits varied by parental origin, suggesting different strategies for improving hybrid performance in the two parental species. However, in both pathways, genetic correlations between feed conversion ratio and meat traits (breast muscle and thigh weights) were favourable (<-0.42 ± 0.18), whereas they were unfavourable (>0.41 ± 0.20) for fatty liver weight. Altogether, improving liver traits and feed efficiency in the hybrid through selection in the parental populations could be enhanced by considering feeding traits recorded with electronic feeders, provided that adverse correlations are properly accounted for in a multitrait index.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How organisms respond to environmental stress is a key topic in evolutionary biology. This study focused on the genomic evolution of Laburnicola rhizohalophila, a dark-septate endophytic fungus from roots of a halophyte. Chromosome-level assemblies were generated from five representative isolates from structured subpopulations. The data revealed significant genomic plasticity resulting from chromosomal polymorphisms created by fusion and fission events, known as dysploidy. Analyses of genomic features, phylogenomics, and macrosynteny have provided clear evidence for the origin of intraspecific diploid-like hybrids. Notably, one diploid phenotype stood out as an outlier and exhibited a conditional fitness advantage when exposed to a range of abiotic stresses compared with its parents. By comparing the gene expression patterns in each hybrid parent triad under the four growth conditions, the mechanisms underlying growth vigor were corroborated through an analysis of transgressively upregulated genes enriched in membrane glycerolipid biosynthesis and transmembrane transporter activity. In vitro assays suggested increased membrane integrity and lipid accumulation, as well as decreased malondialdehyde production under optimal salt conditions (0.3 M NaCl) in the hybrid. These attributes have been implicated in salinity tolerance. This study supports the notion that hybridization-induced genome doubling leads to the emergence of phenotypic innovations in an extremophilic endophyte.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The utilization of rice heterosis is essential for ensuring global food security; however, its molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, comprehensive analyses of accessible chromatin regions (ACRs), DNA methylation, and gene expression in inter-subspecific hybrid and its parents were performed to determine the potential role of chromatin accessibility in rice heterosis. The hybrid exhibited abundant ACRs, in which the gene ACRs and proximal ACRs were directly related to transcriptional activation rather than the distal ACRs. Regarding the dynamic accessibility contribution of the parents, paternal ZHF1015 transmitted a greater number of ACRs to the hybrid. Accessible genotype-specific target genes were enriched with overrepresented transcription factors, indicating a unique regulatory network of genes in the hybrid. Compared with its parents, the differentially accessible chromatin regions with upregulated chromatin accessibility were much greater than those with downregulated chromatin accessibility, reflecting a stronger regulation in the hybrid. Furthermore, DNA methylation levels were negatively correlated with ACR intensity, and genes were strongly affected by CHH methylation in the hybrid. Chromatin accessibility positively regulated the overall expression level of each genotype. ACR-related genes with maternal Z04A-bias allele-specific expression tended to be enriched during carotenoid biosynthesis, whereas paternal ZHF1015-bias genes were more active in carbohydrate metabolism. Our findings provide a new perspective on the mechanism of heterosis based on chromatin accessibility in inter-subspecific hybrid rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Carcass weight (HCW) and marbling (MARB) are critical for meat quality and market value in beef cattle. In composite breeds like Brangus, which meld the genetics of Angus and Brahman, SNP-based analyses have illuminated some genetic influences on these traits, but they fall short in fully capturing the nuanced effects of breed of origin alleles (BOA) on these traits. Focus on the impacts of BOA on phenotypic features within Brangus populations can result in a more profound understanding of the specific influences of Angus and Brahman genetics. Moreover, the consideration of BOA becomes particularly significant when evaluating dominance effects contributing to heterosis in crossbred populations. BOA provides a more comprehensive measure of heterosis due to its ability to differentiate the distinct genetic contributions originating from each parent breed. This detailed understanding of genetic effects is essential for making informed breeding decisions to optimize the benefits of heterosis in composite breeds like Brangus.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing HCW and MARB by utilizing SNP and BOA information, incorporating additive, dominance, and overdominance effects within a multi-generational Brangus commercial herd.
    METHODS: We analyzed phenotypic data from 1,066 genotyped Brangus steers. BOA inference was performed using LAMP-LD software using Angus and Brahman reference sets. SNP-based and BOA-based GWAS were then conducted considering additive, dominance, and overdominance models.
    RESULTS: The study identified numerous QTLs for HCW and MARB. A notable QTL for HCW was associated to the SGCB gene, pivotal for muscle growth, and was identified solely in the BOA GWAS. Several BOA GWAS QTLs exhibited a dominance effect underscoring their importance in estimating heterosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that SNP-based methods may not detect all genetic variation affecting economically important traits in composite breeds. BOA inclusion in genomic evaluations is crucial for identifying genetic regions contributing to trait variation and for understanding the dominance value underpinning heterosis. By considering BOA, we gain a deeper understanding of genetic interactions and heterosis, which is integral to advancing breeding programs. The incorporation of BOA is recommended for comprehensive genomic evaluations to optimize trait improvements in crossbred cattle populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When two species hybridize, the two parental genomes are brought together and some alleles might interact for the first time. To date, the extent of the transcriptomic changes in first hybrid generations, along with their functional outcome constitute an important knowledge gap, especially in parasite species. Here we explored the molecular and functional outcomes of hybridization in first-generation hybrids between the blood fluke parasites Schistosoma haematobium and S. bovis. Through a transcriptomic approach, we measured gene expression in both parental species and hybrids. We described and quantified expression profiles encountered in hybrids along with the main biological processes impacted. Up to 7,100 genes fell into a particular hybrid expression profile (intermediate between the parental expression levels, over-expressed, under-expressed, or expressed like one of the parental lines). Most of these genes were different depending on the direction of the parental cross (S. bovis mother and S. haematobium father or the reverse) and depending on the sex. For a given sex and cross direction, the vast majority of genes were hence unassigned to a hybrid expression profile: either they were differentially expressed genes but not typical of any hybrid expression profiles or they were not differentially expressed neither between hybrids and parental lines nor between parental lines. The most prevalent profile of gene expression in hybrids was the intermediate one (24% of investigated genes). These results suggest that transcriptomic compatibility between S. haematobium and S. bovis remains quite high. We also found support for an over-dominance model (over- and under-expressed genes in hybrids compared to parental lines) potentially associated with heterosis. In females in particular, processes such as reproductive processes, metabolism and cell interactions as well as signaling pathways were indeed affected. Our study hence provides new insight on the biology of Schistosoma hybrids with evidences supporting compatibility and heterosis.





