Human parasites

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The broad fish tapeworm, Dibothriocephalus latus (Diphyllobothriidea), is the most important causative agent of diphyllobothriosis, a fish-borne zoonosis, in Europe. Part I of this review focused on the occurrence of D. latus in northwestern and central Europe, particularly in Fennoscandia, the Baltic, the Alpine lakes and Danube River regions during 1900-2020. Part II summarises data on D. latus from the European and Asian parts of Russia and from Asian countries. The tapeworm has occurred throughout Russia, with the most important foci in (i) the Republic of Karelia in the northwest of European Russia, (ii) the Volga River basin in the central and southern parts of European Russia, (iii) the Ob-Irtysh rivers region in the Ural region, (iv) the Yenisei-Lena rivers region in Siberia, and (v) the Lake Baikal basin in Siberia. The incidence of diphyllobothriosis has declined in recent decades, especially in European Russia, but zoonosis is still prevalent in some regions of Siberia. Cases reported from Arctic regions, the region around Lake Baikal, and the Pacific coast, including the Amur basin, however, were probably misidentifications with D. dendriticus and/or D. nihonkaiensis. No other Asian country where D. latus findings represented either imported cases or misidentifications had natural focus of diphyllobothriosis. Patterns of distribution of D. latus occurrence were similar in all Eurasian foci between 1900 and 2020. The numbers of records were associated with historical and epidemiological milestones of particular time periods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human parasites cause several diseased conditions with high morbidity and mortality in a large section of the population residing in various geographical areas. Nearly three billion people suffer from either one or many parasitic infections globally, with almost one million deaths annually. In spite of extensive research and advancement in the medical field, no effective vaccine is available against prominent human parasitic diseases that necessitate identification of novel targets for designing specific inhibitors. Vitamin B6 is an important ubiquitous co-enzyme that participates in several biological processes and plays an important role in scavenging ROS (reactive oxygen species) along with providing resistance to oxidative stress. Moreover, the absence of the de novo vitamin B6 biosynthetic pathway in human parasites makes this pathway indispensable for the survival of these pathogens. Pyridoxal kinase (PdxK) is a crucial enzyme for vitamin B6 salvage pathway and participates in the process of vitamers B6 phosphorylation. Since the parasites are dependent on pyridoxal kinase for their survival and infectivity to the respective hosts, it is considered a promising candidate for drug discovery. The detailed structural analysis of PdxK from disease-causing parasites has provided insights into the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme as well as significant differences from their human counterpart. Simultaneously, structure-based studies have identified small lead molecules that can be exploited for drug discovery against protozoan parasites. The present review provides structural and functional highlights of pyridoxal kinase for its implication in developing novel and potent therapeutics to combat fatal parasitic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The broad fish tapeworm, Dibothriocephalus latus (Diphyllobothriidea), is the most frequent causative agent of diphyllobothriosis, a fish-borne zoonosis, in Europe. Diphyllobothriosis is characterized by the transmission of D. latus larvae to humans via the consumption of raw, marinated, smoked or inadequately cooked fish products. The most important European foci of diphyllobothriosis have been Fennoscandia, the Baltic region, the Alpine lakes region, the Danube River region, and several endemic regions in Russia. This review provides basic data on the biology, life cycle, host specificity, methods of identification of D. latus, and a detailed summary of its occurrence in intermediate and definitive hosts in Fennoscandia and the Baltic, Alpine, and Danube regions during the last 120 years (1900-2020). Deeper insight into the unique pattern of distribution of D. latus in endemic regions is provided. The numbers of records are associated with several milestones of particular time periods. The first milestone (historical), which influenced studies on D. latus in Europe, was the period during and after World War II (1941-1950). The second milestone (epidemiological) was the decade 1981-1990, when previous massive health campaigns led to a marked decline of diphyllobothriosis in Europe and less published data on D. latus. Based on recent data, the broad fish tapeworm is either absent or present at very low prevalences in Fennoscandia and the Baltic and Danube regions, but the Alpine lakes region represents a continuous ongoing circulation of the parasite in the natural environment and humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current scenario of bio-nanotechnology, successfully fabrication of ultrafine titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2NPs) using various biological protein sources for the multipurpose targets. The present research report involves synthesis of TiO2NPs using antimicrobial peptide (AMP) crustin (Cr). Crustin previously purified from the blue crab, Portunus pelagicus haemolymph, by blue Sepharose CL-6B matrix assisted affinity column chromatography. Synthesized Cr-TiO2NPs was physico-chemically characterized by UV-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Visible), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and zeta potential examination. X-ray diffraction analysis for crystalline nature and phase identification of titanium dioxide nanoparticles was absorbed. Functional groups were found through FTIR ranges between 1620 and 1700 cm-1. HR-TEM analysis showed that the synthesized Cr-TiO2NPs tetragonal shape and sizes ranging from 10 to 50 nm. Finally, the surface charge of the Cr-TiO2NPs was confirmed through zeta potential analysis. Furthermore, the characterized Cr-TiO2NPs exhibited good biofilm inhibition against GPB - S. mutans (Gram Positive Bacteria- Streptococcus mutans), GNB - P. vulgaris (Gram Negative Bacteria- Proteus vulgaris) and fungal Candida albicans. Moreover, photocatalysis demonstrated that the Cr-TiO2NPs was effectively explored the degradation of dyes. The results suggest that Cr-TiO2NPs is an excellent bactericidal, fungicidal and photocatalytic agent that can be supportively used for biomedical and industrial applications.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between a longer sedimentation time, the reading of a larger number of slides, and the collection of multiple samples on the efficiency of the spontaneous sedimentation technique. Twenty-two patients with a previous parasitological exam positive for intestinal protozoa were recruited to collect new fecal samples (3 samples per patient) before the beginning of antiparasitic treatment. All collected fecal samples were used for spontaneous sedimentation and centrifuge-flotation techniques. Of these, all 22 patients were positive based on spontaneous sedimentation, and 59.1% (13/22) based on centrifuge flotation. The number of samples and the number of slides analyzed by spontaneous sedimentation influenced the number of positive cases. The modifications applied to the spontaneous sedimentation technique increased its performance in protozoa diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe methods for the rapid generation of transgenic rodent Plasmodium berghei (Pb) parasites that express human malaria parasite (HMP) proteins, using the recently developed GIMO-based transfection methodology. Three different genetic modifications are described resulting in three types of transgenic parasites. (1) Additional Gene (AG) mutants. In these mutants the HMP gene is introduced as an \"additional gene\" into a silent/neutral locus of the Pb genome under the control of either a constitutive or stage-specific Pb promoter. This method uses the GIMO-transfection protocol and AG mutants are generated by replacing the positive-negative selection marker (SM) hdhfr::yfcu cassette in a neutral locus of a standard GIMO mother line with the HMP gene expression cassette, resulting in SM free transgenic parasites. (2) Double-step Replacement (DsR) mutants. In these mutants the coding sequence (CDS) of the Pb gene is replaced with the CDS of the HMP ortholog in a two-step GIMO-transfection procedure. This process involves first the replacement of the Pb CDS with the hdhfr::yfcu SM, followed by insertion of the HMP ortholog at the same locus thereby replacing hdhfr::yfcu with the HMP CDS. These steps use the GIMO-transfection protocol, which exploits both positive selection for Pb orthologous gene-deletion and negative selection for HMP gene-insertion, resulting in SM free transgenic parasites. (3) Double-step Insertion (DsI) mutants. When a Pb gene is essential for blood stage development the DsR strategy is not possible. In these mutants the HMP expression cassette is first introduced into the neutral locus in a standard GIMO mother line as described for AG mutants but under the control elements of the Pb orthologous gene; subsequently, the Pb ortholog CDS is targeted for deletion through replacement of the Pb CDS with the hdhfr::yfcu SM, resulting in transgenic parasites with a new GIMO locus permissive for additional gene-insertion modifications.The different types of transgenic parasites can be exploited to examine interactions of drugs/inhibitors or immune factors with HMP molecules in vivo. Mice either immunized with HMP-vaccines or treated with specific drugs can be infected/challenged with these transgenic mutants to evaluate drug or vaccine efficacy in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropological studies suggest that the genetic makeup of human populations in the Americas is the result of diverse processes including the initial colonization of the continent by the first people plus post-1492 European migrations. Because of the recent nature of some of these events, understanding the geographical origin of American human diversity is challenging. However, human parasites have faster evolutionary rates and larger population sizes allowing them to maintain greater levels of genetic diversity than their hosts. Thus, we can use human parasites to provide insights into some aspects of human evolution that may be unclear from direct evidence. In this study, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from 450 head lice in the Americas. Haplotypes clustered into two well-supported haplogroups, known as A and B. Haplogroup frequencies differ significantly among North, Central and South America. Within each haplogroup, we found evidence of demographic expansions around 16,000 and 20,000 years ago, which correspond broadly with those estimated for Native Americans. The parallel timing of demographic expansions of human lice and Native Americans plus the contrasting pattern between the distribution of haplogroups A and B through the Americas suggests that human lice can provide additional evidence about the human colonization of the New World.





