Human Gene Mutation Database

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene. In 1984, Scheinberg and Sternlieb estimated the prevalence of WD to be 1:30 000. However, recent epidemiological studies have reported increasing prevalence rates in different populations. The carrier frequency of ATP7B variants and the prevalence of WD in the Japanese population have not been reported using multiple databases.
    METHODS: Multiple public databases were used. First, we included mutations in the ATP7B gene that were registered in the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) Professional, where 885 ATP7B variants were identified as pathogenic. Next, we investigated the allele frequencies of these 885 variants in Japanese individuals using the Human Genetic Variation Database (HGVD) and the Japanese Multi Omics Reference Panel (jMorp).
    RESULTS: Of the 885 variants of ATP7B, 7 and 12 missense and nonsense variants, zero and three splicing variants, and zero and two small deletions were found in the HGVD and in jMorp, respectively. The total allele frequencies of the ATP7B mutations were 0.011 in the HGVD and 0.014 in the jMorp. According to these data, the carrier frequencies were 0.022 (2.2%) and 0.028 (2.8%), respectively, and patient frequencies were 0.000121 (1.21/10 000 individuals) and 0.000196 (1.96/10 000 individuals), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to report the carrier frequency of ATP7B variants and the prevalence of WD in Japan using multiple databases. The calculated prevalence of WD was comparatively higher than that of previous reports, indicating previous underdiagnosis or the existence of less severe phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Discordant variant classifications among public databases is one of the well-documented limitations when interpreting the pathogenicity of variants. The aim of this study is to investigate the level of germline variant misannotation from the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) and the annotation concordance between databases.
    METHODS: We used a total of 188,106 classified variants (disease-causing mutations [n = 179,454] and polymorphisms [n = 8652]) in 6466 genes from the HGMD. All variants were reanalyzed based on the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guidelines and compared to ClinVar database variants.
    RESULTS: When variants were classified based on the ACMG guidelines, misclassification was observed in 3.47% (2289/65,896) of variants. The overall concordance between HGMD and ClinVar was 97.62% (52,499/53,780) of variants studied.
    CONCLUSIONS: Variants in databases must be used with caution when variant pathogenicity is interpreted. This study reveals the frequency of misannotation of the HGMD variants and annotation concordance between databases in depth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the human genome, most 5\' splice sites (~99%) employ the canonical GT dinucleotide whereas a small minority (~1%) use the noncanonical GC dinucleotide. The functionality and pathogenicity of 5\' splice site GT>GC (+2T>C) variants have been extensively studied but we know very little about 5\' splice site GC>GT (+2C>T) variants. Herein, we have addressed this deficiency by performing a meta-analysis of reported +2C>T \"pathogenic\" variants together with a functional analysis of engineered +2C>T substitutions using a cell culture-based full-length gene splicing assay. Our results establish proof of concept that +2C>T variants are qualitatively different from +2T>C variants in terms of their functionality and suggest that, in sharp contrast to +2T>C variants, most if not all +2C>T variants have no pathological relevance. Our findings have important implications for interpreting the clinical relevance of +2C>T variants and understanding the evolutionary switching between GT and GC 5\' splice sites in mammalian genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has long been known that canonical 5\' splice site (5\'SS) GT>GC variants may be compatible with normal splicing. However, to date, the actual scale of canonical 5\'SSs capable of generating wild-type transcripts in the case of GT>GC substitutions remains unknown. Herein, combining data derived from a meta-analysis of 45 human disease-causing 5\'SS GT>GC variants and a cell culture-based full-length gene splicing assay of 103 5\'SS GT>GC substitutions, we estimate that ~15-18% of canonical GT 5\'SSs retain their capacity to generate between 1% and 84% normal transcripts when GT is substituted by GC. We further demonstrate that the canonical 5\'SSs in which substitution of GT by GC-generated normal transcripts exhibit stronger complementarity to the 5\' end of U1 snRNA than those sites whose substitutions of GT by GC did not lead to the generation of normal transcripts. We also observed a correlation between the generation of wild-type transcripts and a milder than expected clinical phenotype but found that none of the available splicing prediction tools were capable of reliably distinguishing 5\'SS GT>GC variants that generated wild-type transcripts from those that did not. Our findings imply that 5\'SS GT>GC variants in human disease genes may not invariably be pathogenic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death is a natural and unexpected death that occurs within 1 h of the first symptom. Most sudden cardiac deaths occur during exercise, mostly as a result of myocardial infarction. After autopsy, some cases, especially in the young, are diagnosed as cardiomyopathies or remain without a conclusive cause of death. In both situations, genetic alterations may explain the arrhythmia.
    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to identify a genetic predisposition to sudden cardiac death in a cohort of post-mortem cases of individuals who died during exercise, with a structurally normal heart, and were classified as arrhythmogenic death.
    METHODS: We analyzed a cohort of 52 post-mortem samples from individuals <50 years old who had a negative autopsy. Next-generation sequencing technology was used to screen genes associated with sudden cardiac death.
    RESULTS: Our cohort showed a male prevalence (12:1). Half of the deaths occurred in individuals 41-50 years of age. Running was the most common exercise activity during the fatal event, accounting for 46.15% of cases. Genetic analysis identified 83 rare variants in 37 samples (71.15% of all samples). Of all rare variants, 36.14% were classified as deleterious, being present in 53.84% of all cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: A comprehensive analysis of sudden cardiac death-related genes in individuals who died suddenly while exercising enabled the identification of potentially causative variants. However, many genetic variants remain of indeterminate significance, thus further work is needed before clinical translation. Nonetheless, comprehensive genetic analysis of individuals who died during exercise enables the detection of potentially causative variants and helps to identify at-risk relatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is a rare cardiomyopathy. Many genetic variants have been associated with LVNC. However, the number of the previous LVNC-associated variants that are common in the background population remains unknown. The aim of this study was to provide an updated list of previously reported LVNC-associated variants with biologic description and investigate the prevalence of LVNC variants in healthy general population to find false-positive LVNC-associated variants.
    RESULTS: The Human Gene Mutation Database and PubMed were systematically searched to identify all previously reported LVNC-associated variants. Thereafter, the Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) and the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC), that both represent the background population, was searched for all variants. Four in silico prediction tools were assessed to determine the functional effects of these variants. The prediction results of those identified in the ESP and ExAC and those not identified in the ESP and ExAC were compared. In 12 genes, 60 LVNC-associated missense/nonsense variants were identified. MYH7 was the predominant gene, encompassing 24 of the 60 LVNC-associated variants. The ESP only harbored nine and ExAC harbored 18 of the 60 LVNC-associated variants. In total, eight out of nine ESP-positive variants overlapped with the 18 variants identified in ExAC database.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this article, we identified 9 ESP-positive and 18 ExAC-positive variants of 60 previously reported LVNC-associated variants, suggesting that these variants are not necessarily the monogenic cause of LVNC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We studied whether variants previously associated with congenital long QT syndrome (cLQTS) have an effect on the QTc interval in a Danish population sample. Furthermore, we assessed whether carriers of variants in cLQTS-associated genes are more prone to experience syncope compared with non-carriers and whether carriers have an increased mortality compared with non-carriers.
    RESULTS: All genetic variants previously associated with cLQTS were surveyed using the Human Gene Mutation Database. We screened a Danish population-based sample with available whole-exome sequencing data (n = 870) and genotype array data (n = 6161) for putative cLQTS genetic variants. In total, 33 of 1358 variants previously reported to associate with cLQTS were identified. Of these, 10 variants were found in 8 or more individuals. Electrocardiogram results showed normal mean QTc intervals in carriers compared with non-carriers. Syncope data analysis between variant and non-variant carriers showed that 4 of 227 (1.8%) and 95 of 5861 (1.6%) individuals, respectively, had experienced syncope during follow-up (P = 0.80). There was no significant difference in overall mortality rates between carriers [7/217 (3.2%)] and non-carriers [301/6453 (4.7%)] (P = 0.24).
    CONCLUSIONS: We present QTc data and register data, indicating that 26 cLQTS-associated variants neither had any effect on the QTc intervals nor on syncope propensity or overall mortality. Based on the frequency of individual gene variants, we suggest that the 10 variants frequently identified, assumed to relate to cLQTS, are less likely to associate with a dominant monogenic form of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Opitz G/BBB syndrome (OS) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. We report on an OS patient with a novel inherited mutation in MID1. Metaphase analysis showed a normal male karyotype. Array CGH revealed a maternally inherited duplication at Xp22.31 (6,467,203-7,992,261, hg18), the size was estimated to 1.5Mb. Sequence analysis of the MID1 coding region revealed a novel missense mutation in exon 8 (c.1561C>T/p. R521C) which resulted in an ammonia acid substitution (R521C) in the PRX domain of the MID1 protein. The mutation was inherited from unaffected grandmother and mildly affected mother. Prenatal diagnosis was performed for the third pregnancy after identification of the causative mutation in the family. The third fetus was found to be a female carrier. Postnatal follow-up at 2-month-old showed normal phenotype. In conclusion, we reported a familial OS patient with a novel mutation in exon 8 which provided another evidence for that mutation clustered in C-terminal domain of MID1. The newly identified mutation in our patient expands mutation spectrum in MID1 gene.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (PHO) is a rare monogenetic disease characterized by digital clubbing, periostosis and pachydermia. Mutations in the 15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase (HPGD) gene and solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1 (SLCO2A1) gene have been shown to be associated with PHO. Here, we described clinical characteristics in a Chinese patient with PHO, and identified two novel mutations in SLCO2A1: a heterozygous guanine-to-thymidine transition at the invariant -1 position of the acceptor site of intron 2 (c.235-1G>T) and a heterozygous missense mutation p.Pro219Leu (c.656C>T) in exon 5.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is a lethal, rare hereditary disease with an estimated prevalence of 1:10 000. The genetic variants that cause CPVT are usually highly penetrant. To date, about 189 variants in 5 genes (RYR2, CASQ2, CALM1, TRND, and KCNJ2) have been associated with CPVT pathogenesis.
    RESULTS: The Exome Sequencing Project database (ESP; n=6503) was systematically searched for previously published missense and nonsense CPVT-associated variants reported in several comprehensive reviews and in 2 databases: The Human Gene Mutation Database and The Inherited Arrhythmias Database. We used 4 different prediction tools to assess all missense variants previously associated with CPVT and compared the prediction of protein damage between CPVT-associated variants identified in the ESP and those variants not identified in the ESP. We identified 11% of the variants previously associated with CPVT in the ESP population. In the literature, 57% of these variants were reported as novel disease-causing variants absent in the healthy control subjects. These putative CPVT variants were identified in 41 out of 6131 subjects in the ESP population, corresponding to a prevalence of CPVT of up to 1:150. Using an agreement of ≥3, in silico prediction tools showed a significantly higher frequency of damaging variants among the CPVT-associated variants not identified in the ESP database (83%) compared with those variants identified in the ESP (50%; P=0.021).
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified a substantial overrepresentation of CPVT-associated variants in a large exome database, suggesting that these variants are not necessarily the monogenic cause of CPVT.





