Gossypium spp

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myeloblastosis (MYB) transcription factors (TFs) form a large gene family involved in a variety of biological processes in plants. Little is known about their roles in the development of cotton pigment glands. In this study, 646 MYB members were identified in Gossypium hirsutum genome and phylogenetic classification was analyzed. Evolution analysis revealed assymetric evolution of GhMYBs during polyploidization and sequence divergence of MYBs in G. hirustum was preferentially happend in D sub-genome. WGCNA (weighted gene co-expression network analysis) showed that four modules had potential relationship with gland development or gossypol biosynthesis in cotton. Eight differentially expressed GhMYB genes were identified by screening transcriptome data of three pairs of glanded and glandless cotton lines. Of these, four were selected as candidate genes for cotton pigment gland formation or gossypol biosynthesis by qRT-PCR assay. Silencing of GH_A11G1361 (GhMYB4) downregulated expression of multiple genes in gossypol biosynthesis pathway, indicating it could be involved in gossypol biosynthesis. The potential protein interaction network suggests that several MYBs may have indirect interaction with GhMYC2-like, a key regulator of pigment gland formation. Our study was the systematic analysis of MYB genes in cotton pigment gland development, providing candidate genes for further study on the roles of cotton MYB genes in pigment gland formation, gossypol biosynthesis and future crop plant improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cotton production is adversely effected by drought stress. It is exposed to drought stress at various critical growth stages grown under a water scarcity environment. Roots are the sensors of plants; they detect osmotic stress under drought stress and play an important role in plant drought tolerance mechanisms. The seedling stage is very sensitive to drought stress, and it needed to explore the methods and plant characteristics that contribute to drought tolerance in cotton.
    RESULTS: Initially, seedlings of 18 genotypes from three Gossypium species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense, and G. arboreum, were evaluated for various seedling traits under control (NS) and drought stress (DS). Afterward, six genotypes, including two of each species, one tolerant and one susceptible, were identified based on the cumulative drought sensitivity response index (CDSRI). Finally, growth rates (GR) were examined for shoot and root growth parameters under control and DS in experimental hydroponic conditions. A significant variation of drought stress responses was observed across tested genotypes and species. CDSRI allowed here to identify the drought-sensitive and drought-resistant cultivar of each investigated species. Association among root and shoots growth traits disclosed influential effects of enduring the growth under DS. The traits including root length, volume, and root number were the best indicators with significantly higher differential responses in the tolerant genotypes. These root growth traits, coupled with the accumulation of photosynthates and proline, were also the key indicators of the resistance to drought stress.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tolerant genotypes have advanced growth rates and the capacity to cop with drought stress by encouraging characteristics, including root differential growth traits coupled with physiological traits such as chlorophyll and proline contents. Tolerant and elite genotypes of G. hirsutum were more tolerant of drought stress than obsolete genotypes of G. barbadense and G. arboreum. Identified genotypes have a strong genetic basis of drought tolerance, which can be used in cotton breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Essential oils found frequently in plants are well known for their activities against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and antioxidant properties. This study aimed to analyze egg yolk replacement by seed oils of Gossypium spp. (cotton), Balanites aegyptiaca (desert date), and Sesamum indicum (sesame) in semen extender, on ram sperm quality chilled at 4°C and frozen-thawed.
    UNASSIGNED: Ejaculates were collected from adult rams and refrigerated at 4°C in a Tris-based extender containing 1.25%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% of Gossypium spp., B. aegyptiaca, and S. indicum seed oils, to evaluate which were the two best extenders for comparison with BIOXcell, a commercial extender for deep freezing ram semen.
    UNASSIGNED: The data showed that sperm movements analyzed by the CASA system were faster in extenders supplemented with 2.5-5% of cottonseed oil and 1.25-10% of sesame oil, whereas in the extender containing B. aegyptiaca oil, all seminal parameters studied had the worst values. During the sperm-freezing process, 5% of cottonseed oil and 5% sesame seed oil were selected from the first study, with sesame oil reaching the best sperm quality. Thus, sperm motility and velocity were 44.14±13.99%, 24.44±12.6%, and 25.92±11.50%; and 20.26±9.56%, 8.76±6.38%, and 9.42±5.40%, respectively, for sesame oil, cottonseed oil, and BIOXcell.
    UNASSIGNED: In summary, 2.5-10% of cottonseed oil and 1.25-10% of sesame seed oil can replace egg yolk in a Tris-egg yolk-based extender. Moreover, a Tris-based extender supplemented with 5% sesame seed oil could be an alternative for deep freezing ram semen, even though these results need to be confirmed with semen collected from rams with appropriate sexual rest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wild cotton species are an important source of desirable genes for genetic improvement of cultivated cotton Gossypium hirsutum Linnaeus, 1763. For the success of such an improvement, chromosome pairings and recombinations in hybrids are fundamental. The wild African species G. longicalyx Hutchinson & Lee, 1958 could be used as donor of the desirable trait of fiber fineness. Twelve BC1 plants obtained from the backcrossing of [(G. hirsutum × G. thurberi Todaro, 1877)2 × G. longicalyx] (AhDhD1F1, 2n = 4x = 52) trispecies hybrid (HTL) by G. hirsutum (cv. C2) (AhAhDhDh, 2n = 4x = 52) were investigated for meiotic behaviour and plant fertility. Their chromosome associations varied as follows: (2.5 to 11.5) I + (17 to 22) II + (0.31 to 1.93) III + (0.09 to 1.93) IV + (0 to 0.07) V + (0 to 0.14) VI. Their pollen fertility ranged from 4.67 to 32.10 %. Only four BC1 plants produced a few seeds through self-pollination. The remaining BC1 were totally self-sterile and usually presented the highest number of univalents. All BC1 materials produced BC2 seeds (0.44 to 6.50 seeds per backcross) with the number of seeds negatively correlated with the number of univalents (R2 = 0.45, P < 0.05). Most BC1 plants gave significantly finer fiber compared to the cultivated G. hirsutum. SSR markers showed a segregation of wild alleles among the backcross derivatives and Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) revealed presence of entire chromosomes of G. longicalyx as well as recombinant chromosomes in the backcross derivatives. The significance and details of these results are presented and the prospects of successfully exploiting these plant materials are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase (LPAAT) encoded by a multigene family is a rate-limiting enzyme in the Kennedy pathway in higher plants. Cotton is the most important natural fiber crop and one of the most important oilseed crops. However, little is known on genes coding for LPAATs involved in oil biosynthesis with regard to its genome organization, diversity, expression, natural genetic variation, and association with fiber development and oil content in cotton.
    In this study, a comprehensive genome-wide analysis in four Gossypium species with genome sequences, i.e., tetraploid G. hirsutum- AD1 and G. barbadense- AD2 and its possible ancestral diploids G. raimondii- D5 and G. arboreum- A2, identified 13, 10, 8, and 9 LPAAT genes, respectively, that were divided into four subfamilies. RNA-seq analyses of the LPAAT genes in the widely grown G. hirsutum suggest their differential expression at the transcriptional level in developing cottonseeds and fibers. Although 10 LPAAT genes were co-localised with quantitative trait loci (QTL) for cottonseed oil or protein content within a 25-cM region, only one single strand conformation polymorphic (SSCP) marker developed from a synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the At-Gh13LPAAT5 gene was significantly correlated with cottonseed oil and protein contents in one of the three field tests. Moreover, transformed yeasts using the At-Gh13LPAAT5 gene with the two sequences for the SNP led to similar results, i.e., a 25-31% increase in palmitic acid and oleic acid, and a 16-29% increase in total triacylglycerol (TAG).
    The results in this study demonstrated that the natural variation in the LPAAT genes to improving cottonseed oil content and fiber quality is limited; therefore, traditional cross breeding should not expect much progress in improving cottonseed oil content or fiber quality through a marker-assisted selection for the LPAAT genes. However, enhancing the expression of one of the LPAAT genes such as At-Gh13LPAAT5 can significantly increase the production of total TAG and other fatty acids, providing an incentive for further studies into the use of LPAAT genes to increase cottonseed oil content through biotechnology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The roles of non-cellulosic polysaccharides in cotton fiber development are poorly understood. Combining glycan microarrays and in situ analyses with monoclonal antibodies, polysaccharide linkage analyses and transcript profiling, the occurrence of heteromannan and heteroxylan polysaccharides and related genes in developing and mature cotton (Gossypium spp.) fibers has been determined. Comparative analyses on cotton fibers at selected days post-anthesis indicate different temporal and spatial regulation of heteromannan and heteroxylan during fiber development. The LM21 heteromannan epitope was more abundant during the fiber elongation phase and localized mainly in the primary cell wall. In contrast, the AX1 heteroxylan epitope occurred at the transition phase and during secondary cell wall deposition, and localized in both the primary and the secondary cell walls of the cotton fiber. These developmental dynamics were supported by transcript profiling of biosynthetic genes. Whereas our data suggest a role for heteromannan in fiber elongation, heteroxylan is likely to be involved in the regulation of cellulose deposition of secondary cell walls. In addition, the relative abundance of these epitopes during fiber development varied between cotton lines with contrasting fiber characteristics from four species (G. hirsutum, G. barbadense, G. arboreum and G. herbaceum), suggesting that these non-cellulosic polysaccharides may be involved in determining final fiber quality and suitability for industrial processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plant production is severely affected by biotic and abiotic stresses R-genes exhibit resistance against a range of diseases and pathogens in plants. The nucleotide binding site and leucine rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class of R-genes is the most comprehensively studied in terms of sequence evolution and genome distribution. The differential response for resistance against biotic and abiotic stress has been observed in cultivated and wild relatives of the genus Gossypium.
    RESULTS: Efforts have been made to address the recent evolution of NBS-LRR sequences within Gossypium hirsutum and resistance gene analogue (RGA) sequences derived from G. arboreum and G. raimondii. The % identity and phylogenetic analysis of NBS-LRR-encoded RGAs from tetraploid New World cotton and its diploid ancestors G. raimondii and G. arboreum suggest that the evolution of NBS-LRR-encoding sequences in G. hirsutum occurred by gradual accumulation of mutants that led to positive selection and a slow rate of divergence within distinct R-gene families.
    CONCLUSIONS: The allotetraploid genome of cotton, after separating from its diploid parents, experienced polyploidisation, natural and artificial selection, hybrid necrosis, duplication and recombination which became the reason to shed off and evolve new genes for its survival. These driving forces influenced the development of genomic architecture that make it susceptible to diseases and pathogens as compared to donor parents.





