Fusarium virguliforme

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a destructive disease that causes substantial yield losses in South and North America. Whereas four Fusarium species were identified as the causal agents, F. virguliforme is the primary SDS-causing pathogen in North America and it also contributes substantially to SDS in Argentina. In this study, we comparatively analyzed genome assemblies of four F. virguliforme strains and identified 29 informative microsatellite markers. Sixteen of the 29 markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of this pathogen in a collection of 90 strains from Argentina and the USA. A total of 37 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) were identified, including 10 MLGs in Argentina and 26 in the USA. Only MLG2, the most dominant MLG, was found in both countries. Analyses with three different approaches showed that these MLGs could be grouped into three clusters. Cluster IA consisting of four MLGs exclusively from the USA has much higher genetic diversity than the other two clusters, suggesting that it may be the ancestral cluster although additional data are necessary to support this hypothesis. Clusters IB and II consisted of 13 and 21 MLGs, respectively. MLGs belonging to these two clusters were present in all four sampled states in Argentina and all five sampled states in the USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, zinc and copper oxide nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized using hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) leaves (ZnONP-HL and CuONP-HL), and their antifungal potential was assessed against Fusarium virguliforme in soybean (Glycine max L.). Hemp was selected because it is known to contain large quantities of secondary metabolites that can potentially enhance the reactivity of NPs through surface property modification. Synthesizing NPs with biologically derived materials allows to avoid the use of harsh and expensive synthetic reducing and capping agents. The ZnONP-HL and CuONP-HL showed average grain/crystallite size of 13.51 nm and 7.36 nm, respectively. The biologically synthesized NPs compared well with their chemically synthesized counterparts (ZnONP chem, and CuONP chem; 18.75 nm and 10.05 nm, respectively), confirming the stabilizing role of hemp-derived biomolecules. Analysis of the hemp leaf extract and functional groups that were associated with ZnONP-HL and CuONP-HL confirmed the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. Biosynthesized NPs were applied on soybeans as bio-nano-fungicides against F. virguliforme via foliar treatments. ZnONP-HL and CuONP-HL at 200 μg/mL significantly (p < 0.05) increased (∼ 50%) soybean growth, compared to diseased controls. The NPs improved the nutrient (e.g., K, Ca, P) content and enhanced photosynthetic indicators of the plants by 100-200%. A 300% increase in the expression of soybean pathogenesis related GmPR genes encoding antifungal and defense proteins confirmed that the biosynthesized NPs enhanced disease resistance against the fungal phytopathogen. The findings from this study provide novel evidence of systemic suppression of fungal disease by nanobiopesticides, via promoting plant defense mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed treatments for the management of sudden death syndrome (SDS) caused by Fusarium virguliforme are available in the United States and Canada; however, side-by-side comparisons of these seed treatments are lacking. Sixteen field experiments were established in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin, United States, and Ontario, Canada, in 2019 and 2020 to evaluate seed treatment combinations. Treatments included a nontreated check (NTC), fungicide and insecticide base seed treatments (base), fluopyram, base + fluopyram, base + saponin extracts from Chenopodium quinoa, base + fluopyram + heat-killed Burkholderia rinojenses, base + pydiflumetofen, base + thiabendazole + heat-killed B. rinojenses, and base + thiabendazole + C. quinoa extracts + heat-killed B. rinojenses. Treatments were tested on SDS moderately resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars at each location. Overall, NTC and base had the most root rot, most foliar disease index (FDX), and lowest yield. Base + fluopyram and base + pydiflumetofen were most effective for managing SDS. Moderately resistant cultivars reduced FDX in both years but visual root rot was greater on the moderately resistant than the susceptible cultivars in 2020. Yield response to cultivar was also inconsistent between the 2 years. In 2020, the susceptible cultivar provided significantly more yield than the moderately resistant cultivar. Treatment effect for root rot and FDX was similar in field and greenhouse evaluations. These results reinforce the need to include root rot evaluations in addition to foliar disease evaluations in the breeding process for resistance to F. virguliforme and highlights the importance of an integrated SDS management plan because not a single management tactic alone provides adequate control of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sudden death syndrome (SDS) of soybean is a damaging disease caused by the fungus Fusarium virguliforme. Since this pathogen was first reported in the southern U.S. state of Arkansas in 1971, it has spread throughout the midwestern United States. The SDS pathogen primarily colonizes roots but also produces toxins that translocate to and damage leaves. Previous studies have detected little to no genetic differentiation among isolates, suggesting F. virguliforme in North America has limited genetic diversity and a clonal population structure. Yet, isolates vary in virulence to roots and leaves. We characterized a set of F. virguliforme isolates from the midwestern United States, representing a south to north latitudinal gradient from Arkansas to Minnesota. Ten previously tested microsatellite loci were used to genotype isolates, and plant assays were conducted to assess virulence. Three distinct population clusters were differentiated across isolates. Although isolates ranged in virulence classes from low to very high, little correlation was found between virulence phenotype and cluster membership. Similarly, population structure and geographic location were not highly correlated. However, the earliest diverging cluster had the lowest genetic diversity and was detected only in southern states, whereas the two other clusters were distributed across the Midwest and were predominant in Minnesota. One of the midwestern clusters had the greatest genetic diversity and was found along the northern edge of the known distribution. The results support three genetically distinct population clusters of F. virguliforme in the United States, with two clusters contributing most to spread of this fungus across the Midwest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) have been widely used to manage plant diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi. Although attention to and use of SDHI fungicides has recently increased, molecular responses of fungal pathogens to SDHIs have often not been investigated. A SDHI fungicide, fluopyram, has been used as a soybean seed treatment and has displayed effective control of Fusarium virguliforme, one of the causal agents of soybean sudden death syndrome. To examine genome-wide gene expression of F. virguliforme to fluopyram, RNA-seq analysis was conducted on two field strains of F. virguliforme with differing SDHI fungicide sensitivity in the absence and presence of fluopyram.
    RESULTS: The analysis indicated that several xenobiotic detoxification-related genes, such as those of deoxygenase, transferases and transporters, were highly induced by fluopyram. Among the genes, four ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters were characterized by the yeast expression system. The results revealed that expression of three ABCG transporters was associated with reduced sensitivity to multiple fungicides including fluopyram. In addition, heterologous expression of a major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporter that was highly expressed in the fluopyram-insensitive F. virguliforme strain in the yeast system conferred decreased sensitivity to fluopyram.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that xenobiotic detoxification-related genes were highly upregulated in response to fluopyram, and expression of ABC or MFS transporter genes was associated with reduced sensitivity to the SDHI fungicide. This is the first transcriptomic analysis of the fungal species response to fluopyram and the finding will help elucidate the molecular mechanisms of SDHI resistance. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increase in food production requires reduction of the damage caused by plant pathogens, minimizing the environmental impact of management practices. Soil-borne pathogens are among the most relevant pathogens that affect soybean crop yield. Soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS), caused by several distinct species of Fusarium, produces significant yield losses in the leading soybean-producing countries in North and South America. Current management strategies for SDS are scarce since there are no highly resistant cultivars and only a few fungicide seed treatments are available. Because of this, innovative approaches for SDS management need to be developed. Here, we summarize recently explored strategies based on plant nutrition, biological control, priming of plant defenses, host-induced gene silencing, and the development of new SDS-resistance cultivars using precision breeding techniques. Finally, sustainable management of SDS should also consider cultural control practices with minimal environmental impact. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The asymptomatic host range of Fusarium virguliforme includes corn, a common crop rotated with soybean that we hypothesize may alter F. virguliforme population dynamics and disease management. A field-based approach explored the temporal dynamics of F. virguliforme colonization of corn and soybean roots under different tillage and residue managements. Experiments were conducted in Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, United States and Ontario, Canada from 2016 to 2018. Corn and soybean roots were sampled at consecutive timepoints between 1 and 16 weeks after planting. DNA was extracted from all roots and analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR for F. virguliforme quantification. Trials were rotated between corn and soybean, containing a two-by-two factorial of tillage (no-tilled or tilled) and corn residue (with or without) in several experimental designs. In 2016, low amounts (approximately 100 fg per 10 mg of root tissue) of F. virguliforme were detected in the inoculated Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan locations and noninoculated Wisconsin corn fields. However, in 2017, greater levels of F. virguliforme DNA were detected in Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan across sampling timepoints. Tillage practices showed inconsistent effects on F. virguliforme root colonization and sudden death syndrome (SDS) foliar symptoms among trials and locations. However, residue management did not alter root colonization of corn or soybean by F. virguliforme. Plots with corn residue had greater SDS foliar disease index in Iowa in 2016. However, this trend was not observed across the site-years, indicating that corn residue may occasionally increase SDS foliar symptoms depending on the disease level and soil and weather factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soybean (Glycine max) sudden death syndrome (SDS), caused by Fusarium virguliforme, is a key limitation in reaching soybean yield potential, stemming from incomplete disease management through cultural practices and partial host resistance. A fungicidal seed treatment was released in 2014 with the active ingredient fluopyram and was the first chemical management strategy to reduce soybean yield loss stemming from SDS. Although farm level studies have found fluopyram profitable, we were curious to discover whether fluopyram would be beneficial nationally if targeted to soybean fields at risk for SDS yield loss. To estimate economic benefits of fluopyram adoption in SDS at-risk acres, in the light of U.S. public research and outreach from a privately developed product, we applied an economic surplus approach, calculating ex ante net benefits from 2018 to 2032. Through this framework of logistic adoption of fluopyram for alleviation of SDS-associated yield losses, we projected a net benefit of $5.8 billion over 15 years, considering the costs of public seed treatment research and future extension communication. Although the sensitivity analysis indicates that overall net benefits from fluopyram adoption on SDS at-risk acres are highly dependent upon the market price of soybean, the incidence of SDS, the adoption path, and ceiling of this seed treatment, the net benefits still exceeded $407 million in the worst-case scenario.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soybeans (Glycine max) (V3 stage) were sprayed once with nanoparticles (NPs) of AgO, B, CeO, CuO, MnO, MoO3, SiO, TiO, or ZnO and exposed to Fusarium virguliforme, the cause of sudden death syndrome. Up to 80% root rot was observed in greenhouse experiments. However, NP CuO, B, MoO3, or ZnO reduced the root rot severity by 17-25%. Infected roots and shoots had significant changes in B, Mg, P, S, Si, and Zn, but NP treatment restored levels to that of the healthy control. For example, the increased root Mg and Mn contents induced by disease were reversed by NP B and Mn amendments. In vitro assays found that the NPs did not inhibit the pathogen. This, along with the restoration of altered nutrient levels in the plant tissue, suggests that modulated plant nutrition increased disease defense. Treatment of seedlings with nanoscale micronutrients may be a new tool in promoting soybean health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide, fluopyram, is used as a soybean seed treatment to manage Fusarium virguliforme, the casual agent of sudden death syndrome (SDS). More recently, other species within clade 2 of the Fusarium solani species, F. tucumaniae in South America and F. brasiliense in America and Africa, have been recognized as additional agents capable of causing SDS. To determine if fluopyram could be used for management of SDS caused by these species, in vitro sensitivity tests of the three Fusarium species to fluopyram were conducted. The mean EC50 values of F. brasiliense and F. virguliforme strains to fluopyram were 1.96 and 2.21 μg ml-1, respectively, but interestingly F. tucumaniae strains were highly sensitive (mean EC50 = 0.25 μg ml-1) to fluopyram compared to strains of the other two species. A sequence analysis of Sdh genes of Fusarium strains revealed that the F. tucumaniae strains contain an arginine at codon 277 in the SdhB gene instead of a glycine as in other Fusarium species. Replacement of glycine to arginine in SdhB-277 in a F. virguliforme wild-type strain Mont-1 through genetic transformation resulted in increased sensitivity to two SDHI fungicides, fluopyram and boscalid. Similar to a F. tucumaniae strain, the Mont-1 (SdhBG277R) mutant caused less SDS and root rot disease than Mont-1 on soybean seedlings with the fluopyram seed treatment. Our study suggests the amino acid difference in the SdhB in F. tucumaniae results in fluopyram being efficacious if used as a seed treatment for management of F. tucumaniae, which is the most abundant SDS causing species in South America. The establishment of baseline sensitivity of Fusarium species to fluopyram will contribute to effective strategies for managing Fusarium diseases in soybean and other pathosystems such as dry bean.






