FDA, U. S. Food and Drug Administration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In this article, the authors discuss how they utilized the genetic mutation data in Sri Lankan Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) and Huntington\'s disease (HD) patients and compare the available literature from South Asian countries to identifying potential candidates for available gene therapy for DMD, SMA, SCA and HD patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Rare disease patients (n = 623) with the characteristic clinical findings suspected of HD, SCA, SMA and Muscular Dystrophy were genetically confirmed using Multiplex Ligation Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA), and single plex PCR. A survey was conducted in the \"Wiley database on Gene Therapy Trials Worldwide\" to identify DMD, SMA, SCA, and HD gene therapy clinical trials performed worldwide up to April 2021. In order to identify candidates for gene therapy in other neighboring countries we compared our findings with available literature from India and Pakistan which has utilized the same molecular diagnostic protocol to our study.
    UNASSIGNED: From the overall cohort of 623 rare disease patients with the characteristic clinical findings suspected of HD, SCA, SMA and Muscular Dystrophy, n = 343 (55%) [Muscular Dystrophy- 65%; (DMD-139, Becker Muscular Dystrophy -BMD-11), SCA type 1-3-53% (SCA1-61,SCA2- 23, SCA3- 39), HD- 52% (45) and SMA- 34% (22)] patients were positive for molecular diagnostics by MLPA and single plex PCR. A total of 147 patients in Sri Lanka amenable to available gene therapy; [DMD-83, SMA-15 and HD-49] were identified. A comparison of Sri Lankan finding with available literature from India and Pakistan identified a total of 1257 patients [DMD-1076, SMA- 57, and HD-124] from these three South Asian Countries as amenable for existing gene therapy trials. DMD, SMA, and HD gene therapy clinical trials (113 studies) performed worldwide up to April 2021 were concentrated mostly (99%) in High Income Countries (HIC) and Upper Middle-Income Countries (UMIC). However, studies on the potential use of anti-sense oligonucleotides (ASO) for treatment of SCAs have yet to reach clinical trials.
    UNASSIGNED: Most genetic therapies for neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disorders have been evaluated for efficacy primarily in Western populations. No multicenter gene therapy clinical trial sites for DMD, SMA and HD in the South Asian region, leading to lack of knowledge on the safety and efficacy of such personalized therapies in other populations, including South Asians. By fostering collaboration between researchers, clinicians, patient advocacy groups, government and industry in gene therapy initiatives for the inherited-diseases community in the developing world would link the Global North and Global South and breathe life into the motto \"Together we can make a difference\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review covers some of the recent progress in the field of peptide antibiotics with a focus on compounds with novel or established mode of action and with demonstrated efficacy in animal infection models. Novel drug discovery approaches, linear and macrocyclic peptide antibiotics, lipopeptides like the polymyxins as well as peptides addressing targets located in the plasma membrane or in the outer membrane of bacterial cells are discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is a transcriptional coactivator that binds to a diverse range of transcription factors. PPARγ coactivator 1 (PGC-1) coactivators possess an extensive range of biological effects in different tissues, and play a key part in the regulation of the oxidative metabolism, consequently modulating the production of reactive oxygen species, autophagy, and mitochondrial biogenesis. Owing to these findings, a large body of studies, aiming to establish the role of PGC-1 in the neuromuscular system, has shown that PGC-1 could be a promising target for therapies targeting neuromuscular diseases. Among these, some evidence has shown that various signaling pathways linked to PGC-1α are deregulated in muscular dystrophy, leading to a reduced capacity for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. In the light of these results, any intervention aimed at activating PGC-1 could contribute towards ameliorating the progression of muscular dystrophies. PGC-1α is influenced by different patho-physiological/pharmacological stimuli. Natural products have been reported to display modulatory effects on PPARγ activation with fewer side effects in comparison to synthetic drugs. Taken together, this review summarizes the current knowledge on Duchenne muscular dystrophy, focusing on the potential effects of natural compounds, acting as regulators of PGC-1α.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunotherapy strategies targeting the programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1)/programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) pathway in clinical treatments have achieved remarkable success in treating multiple types of cancer. However, owing to the heterogeneity of tumors and individual immune systems, PD-L1/PD-1 blockade still shows slow response rates in controlling malignancies in many patients. Accumulating evidence has shown that an effective response to anti-PD-L1/anti-PD-1 therapy requires establishing an integrated immune cycle. Damage in any step of the immune cycle is one of the most important causes of immunotherapy failure. Impairments in the immune cycle can be restored by epigenetic modification, including reprogramming the environment of tumor-associated immunity, eliciting an immune response by increasing the presentation of tumor antigens, and by regulating T cell trafficking and reactivation. Thus, a rational combination of PD-L1/PD-1 blockade and epigenetic agents may offer great potential to retrain the immune system and to improve clinical outcomes of checkpoint blockade therapy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apoptosis, especially the intrinsic mitochondrial cell death pathway, is regulated by the BCL-2 family of proteins. Defects in apoptotic machinery are one of the main mechanisms that cells employ to evade cell death and become cancerous. Targeting the apoptotic defects, either by direct inhibition of BCL-2 family proteins or through modulation of regulatory pathways, can restore cell sensitivity to cell death. This review will focus on the aspects of BCL-2 family proteins, their interactions with kinase pathways, and how novel targeted agents can help overcome the apoptotic blockades. Furthermore, functional assays, such as BH3 profiling, may help in predicting responses to chemotherapies and aid in the selection of combination therapies by determining the mitochondrial threshold for initiating cell death.






