Expression profiles

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an essential leguminous forage with high nutrition and strong adaptability. The TIFY family is a plant-specific transcription factor identified in many plants. However, few reports have been reported on the phylogenetic analysis and gene expression profiling of TIFY family genes in alfalfa.
    RESULTS: A total of 84 TIFY genes belonging to 4 categories were identified in alfalfa, including 58 MsJAZs, 18 MsZMLs, 4 MsTIFYs and 4 MsPPDs, respectively. qRT-PCR data from 8 genes in different tissues revealed that most MsTIFY genes were highly expressed in roots. The expression of MsTIFY14 was up-regulated after different times in both thrips-resistant and susceptible alfalfa after thrips feeding, and the expression of the remaining MsTIFYs had a strong correlation with the time of thrips feeding. Different abiotic stresses, including drought, salt, and cold, could induce or inhibit the expression of MsTIFY genes to varying degrees. In addition, the eight genes were all significantly up-regulated by JA and/or SA. Interestingly, MsTIFY77 was induced considerably by all the biotic, abiotic, or plant hormones (JA or SA) except ABA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified members of the TIFY gene family in alfalfa and analyzed their structures and possible functions. It laid the foundation for further research on the molecular functions of TIFYs in alfalfa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The DELLA proteins, a class of GA signaling repressors, belong to the GRAS family of plant-specific nuclear proteins. Members of DELLA gene family encode transcriptional regulators with diverse functions in plant development and abiotic stress responses. To date, DELLAs have been identified in various plant species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, Malus domestica, Populus trichocarpa, and other land plants. Most information of DELLA family genes was obtained from A. thaliana, whereas little is known about the DELLA gene family in blueberry.
    RESULTS: In this study, we identified three DELLA genes in blueberry (Vaccinium darrowii, VdDELLA) and provided a complete overview of VdDELLA gene family, describing chromosome localization, protein properties, conserved domain, motif organization, and phylogenetic analysis. Three VdDELLA members, containing two highly conserved DELLA domain and GRAS domain, were distributed across three chromosomes. Additionally, cis-acting elements analysis indicated that VdDELLA genes might play a critical role in blueberry developmental processes, hormone, and stress responses. Expression analysis using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed that all of three VdDELLA genes were differentially expressed across various tissues. VdDELLA2 was the most highly expressed VdDELLA in all denoted tissues, with a highest expression in mature fruits. In addition, all of the three VdDELLA genes actively responded to diverse abiotic stresses. Based on qRT-PCR analysis, VdDELLA2 might act as a key regulator in V. darrowii in response to salt stress, whereas VdDELLA1 and VdDELLA2 might play an essential role in cold stress response. Under drought stress, all of three VdDELLA genes were involved in mediating drought response. Furthermore, their transiently co-localization with nuclear markers in A. thaliana protoplasts demonstrated their transcriptional regulator roles.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, three VdDELLA genes were identified in V. darrowii genome. Three VdDELLA genes were closely related to the C. moschata DELLA genes, S. lycopersicum DELLA genes, and M. domestica DELLA genes, respectively, indicating their similar biological functions. Expression analysis indicated that VdDELLA genes were highly efficient in blueberry fruit development. Expression patterns under different stress conditions revealed the differentially expressed VdDELLA genes responding to salt, drought, and cold stress. Overall, these results enrich our understanding of evolutionary relationship and potential functions of VdDELLA genes, which provide valuable information for further studies on genetic improvement of the plant yield and plant resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (LACSs) are essential enzymes that activate free fatty acids to fatty acyl-CoA thioesters, playing key roles in fatty acid (FA) catabolism, lipid synthesis and storage, epidermal wax synthesis, and stress tolerance. Despite their importance, comprehensive information about LACS genes in maize, a primary food crop, remains scarce. In the present work, eleven maize LACS genes were identified and mapped across five chromosomes. Three pairs of segmentally duplicated genes were detected in the maize LACS gene family, which underwent significant purifying selection (Ka/Ks < 1). Subsequently, phylogenetic analysis indicated that ZmLACS genes were divided into four subclasses, as supported by highly conserved motifs and gene structures. On the basis of the PlantCARE database, analysis of the ZmLACS promoter regions revealed various cis-regulatory elements related to tissue-specific expression, hormonal regulation, and abiotic stress response. RT-qPCR analysis showed that ZmLACS genes exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns and respond to diverse abiotic stresses including drought and salt, as well as phytohormone abscisic acid. Furthermore, using the STRING database, several proteins involved in fatty acid and complex lipid synthesis were identified to be the potential interaction partners of ZmLACS proteins, which was also confirmed by the yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assay, enhancing our understanding of wax biosynthesis and regulatory mechanisms in response to abiotic stresses in maize. These findings provide a comprehensive understanding of ZmLACS genes and offer a theoretical foundation for future research on the biological functions of LACS genes in maize environmental adaptability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The bZIP genes (bZIPs) are essential in numerous biological processes, including development and stress responses. Despite extensive research on bZIPs in many plants, a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of bZIPs in garlic has yet to be undertaken.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we identified and classified 64 AsbZIP genes (AsbZIPs) into 10 subfamilies. A systematic analysis of the evolutionary characteristics of these AsbZIPs, including chromosome location, gene structure, conserved motifs, and gene duplication, was conducted. Furthermore, we also examined the nucleotide diversity, cis-acting elements, and expression profiles of AsbZIPs in various tissues and under different abiotic stresses and hormone treatments.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings revealed that gene replication plays a crucial role in the expansion of AsbZIPs, with a minor genetic bottleneck observed during domestication. Moreover, the identification of cis-acting elements suggested potential associations of AsbZIPs with garlic development, hormone, and stress responses. Several AsbZIPs exhibited tissue-preferential and stress/hormone-responsive expression patterns. Additionally, Asa7G01972 and Asa7G01379 were notably differentially expressed under various stresses and hormone treatments. Subsequent yeast two-hybridization and yeast induction experiments validated their interactions with Asa1G01577, a homologue of ABI5, reinforcing their importance in hormone and abiotic stress responses. This study unveiled the characteristics of the AsbZIP superfamily and lays a solid foundation for further functional analysis of AsbZIP in garlic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mass spectrometry (MS)-based cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteomics is an important method for discovering biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases. CSF serves as a reservoir for interstitial fluid (ISF), and extensive communication between the two fluid compartments helps to remove waste products from the brain.
    METHODS: We performed proteomic analyses of both CSF and ISF fluid compartments using intracerebral microdialysis to validate and detect novel biomarkers of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) in APPtg and C57Bl/6J control mice.
    RESULTS: We identified up to 625 proteins in ISF and 4483 proteins in CSF samples. By comparing the biofluid profiles of APPtg and C57Bl/6J mice, we detected 37 and 108 significantly up- and downregulated candidates, respectively. In ISF, 7 highly regulated proteins, such as Gfap, Aldh1l1, Gstm1, and Txn, have already been implicated in AD progression, whereas in CSF, 9 out of 14 highly regulated proteins, such as Apba2, Syt12, Pgs1 and Vsnl1, have also been validated to be involved in AD pathogenesis. In addition, we also detected new interesting regulated proteins related to the control of synapses and neurotransmission (Kcna2, Cacng3, and Clcn6) whose roles as AD biomarkers should be further investigated.
    METHODS: This newly established combined protocol provides better insight into the mutual communication between ISF and CSF as an analysis of tissue or CSF compartments alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of multiple fluid compartments, ISF and CSF, for the detection of their biological communication enables better detection of new promising AD biomarkers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) represent a prominent category of pattern recognition receptors that have been extensively investigated for their pivotal role in combating pathogen incursions. Despite this, there has been a notable absence of comprehensive identification and exploration of the immune response associated with the TLR family genes in C. altivelis. This study successfully identified and named fourteen genes as Catlr1-1, Catlr1-2, Catlr2-1, Catlr2-2, Catlr3, Catlr5, Catlr7, Catlr8, Catlr9, Catlr13-1, Catlr13-2, Catlr18, Catlr21, and Catlr22. A series of bioinformatic analysis were performed, encompassing analysis of protein properties, examination of gene structures, evolutionary assessments, and prediction of protein tertiary structures. The expression patterns of Catlr genes were analyzed in five immune tissues: liver, spleen, kidney, gill, and intestine, in both healthy and bacterial stimulated-fish. The results showed that different tissue and different genes showed differed expression patterns after V. harveyi infection, indicating the involvement of all Catlr members in mounting immune responses following infection in various tissues. Additionally, histological evaluations of immune tissues unveiled varying levels of damage. In conclusion, this investigation into the TLR gene family offers novel information that contribute to a more profound comprehension of the immune response mechanisms in C. altivelis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Floral transition from the vegetative to the reproductive stages is precisely regulated by both environmental and endogenous signals. Among these signals, photoperiod is one of the most important environmental factors for onset of flowering. A florigen, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) in Arabidopsis, has thought to be a major hub in the photoperiod-dependent flowering time regulation. Expression levels of FT likely correlates with potence of flowering. Under long days (LD), FT is mainly synthesized in leaves, and FT protein moves to shoot apical meristem (SAM) where it functions and in turns induces flowering. Recently, it has been reported that Arabidopsis grown under natural LD condition flowers earlier than that grown under laboratory LD condition, in which a red (R)/far-red (FR) ratio of light sources determines FT expression levels. Additionally, FT expression profile changes in response to combinatorial effects of FR light and photoperiod. FT orthologs exist in most of plants and functions are thought to be conserved. Although molecular mechanisms underlying photoperiodic transcriptional regulation of FT orthologs have been studied in several plants, such as rice, however, dynamics in expression profiles of FT orthologs have been less spotlighted. This review aims to revisit previously reported but overlooked expression information of FT orthologs from various plant species and classify these genes depending on the expression profiles. Plants, in general, could be classified into three groups depending on their photoperiodic flowering responses. Thus, we discuss relationship between photoperiodic responsiveness and expression of FT orthologs. Additionally, we also highlight the expression profiles of FT orthologs depending on their activities in flowering. Comparative analyses of diverse plant species will help to gain insight into molecular mechanisms for flowering in nature, and this can be utilized in the future for crop engineering to improve yield by controlling flowering time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is an important warm-season grain legume. Adaptation to extreme environmental conditions, supported by evolution, makes mung bean a rich gene pool for stress tolerance traits. The exploration of resistance genes will provide important genetic resources and a theoretical basis for strengthening mung bean breeding. B-box (BBX) proteins play a major role in developmental processes and stress responses. However, the identification and analysis of the mung bean BBX gene family are still lacking.
    RESULTS: In this study, 23 VrBBX genes were identified through comprehensive bioinformatics analysis and named based on their physical locations on chromosomes. All the VrBBXs were divided into five groups based on their phylogenetic relationships, the number of B-box they contained and whether there was an additional CONSTANS, CO-like and TOC1 (CCT) domain. Homology and collinearity analysis indicated that the BBX genes in mung bean and other species had undergone a relatively conservative evolution. Gene duplication analysis showed that only chromosomal segmental duplication contributed to the expansion of VrBBX genes and that most of the duplicated gene pairs experienced purifying selection pressure during evolution. Gene structure and motif analysis revealed that VrBBX genes clustered in the same group shared similar structural characteristics. An analysis of cis-acting elements indicated that elements related to stress and hormone responses were prevalent in the promoters of most VrBBXs. The RNA-seq data analysis and qRT-PCR of nine VrBBX genes demonstrated that VrBBX genes may play a role in response to environmental stress. Moreover, VrBBX5, VrBBX10 and VrBBX12 are important candidate genes for plant stress response.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we systematically analyzed the genomic characteristics and expression patterns of the BBX gene family under ABA, PEG and NaCl treatments. The results will help us better understand the complexity of the BBX gene family and provide valuable information for future functional characteristics of specific genes in this family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the genomic characterization of bZIP genes and their involvement in the cellular response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. These studies have provided valuable insights into the coordinated cellular response to ER stress, which is mediated by bZIP transcription factors (TFs). However, a comprehensive and systematic investigations regarding the role of bZIP genes and their involvement in ER stress response in pak choi is currently lacking in the existing literature. To address this knowledge gap, the current study was initiated to elucidate the genomic characteristics of bZIP genes, gain insight into their expression patterns during ER stress in pak choi, and investigate the protein-to-protein interaction of bZIP genes with the ER chaperone BiP. In total, 112 members of the BcbZIP genes were identified through a comprehensive genome-wide analysis. Based on an analysis of sequence similarity, gene structure, conserved domains, and responsive motifs, the identified BcbZIP genes were categorized into 10 distinct subfamilies through phylogenetic analysis. Chromosomal location and duplication events provided insight into their genomic context and evolutionary history. Divergence analysis estimated their evolutionary history with a predicted divergence time ranging from 0.73 to 80.71 million years ago (MYA). Promoter regions of the BcbZIP genes were discovered to exhibit a wide variety of cis-elements, including light, hormone, and stress-responsive elements. GO enrichment analysis further confirmed their roles in the ER unfolded protein response (UPR), while co-expression network analysis showed a strong relationship of BcbZIP genes with ER-stress-responsive genes. Moreover, gene expression profiles and protein-protein interaction with ER chaperone BiP further confirmed their roles and capacity to respond to ER stress in pak choi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinity in plants generates an osmotic and ionic imbalance inside cells that compromises the viability of the plant. Rab GTPases, the largest family within the small GTPase superfamily, play pivotal roles as regulators of vesicular trafficking in plants, including the economically important and globally cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Despite their significance, the specific involvement of these small GTPases in tomato vesicular trafficking and their role under saline stress remains poorly understood. In this work, we identified and classified 54 genes encoding Rab GTPases in cultivated tomato, elucidating their genomic distribution and structural characteristics. We conducted an analysis of duplication events within the S. lycopersicum genome, as well as an examination of gene structure and conserved motifs. In addition, we investigated the transcriptional profiles for these Rab GTPases in various tissues of cultivated and wild tomato species using microarray-based analysis. The results showed predominantly low expression in most of the genes in both leaves and vegetative meristem, contrasting with notably high expression levels observed in seedling roots. Also, a greater increase in gene expression in shoots from salt-tolerant wild tomato species was observed under normal conditions when comparing Solanum habrochaites, Solanum pennellii, and Solanum pimpinellifolium with S. lycopersicum. Furthermore, an expression analysis of Rab GTPases from Solanum chilense in leaves and roots under salt stress treatment were also carried out for their characterization. These findings revealed that specific Rab GTPases from the endocytic pathway and the trans-Golgi network (TGN) showed higher induction in plants exposed to saline stress conditions. Likewise, disparities in gene expression were observed both among members of the same Rab GTPase subfamily and between different subfamilies. Overall, this work emphasizes the high degree of conservation of Rab GTPases, their high functional diversification in higher plants, and the essential role in mediating salt stress tolerance and suggests their potential for further exploration of vesicular trafficking mechanisms in response to abiotic stress conditions.





