Early head start

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secondary analysis of the Early Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey 2018 data set (Baby FACES 2018) explored links between family risk events and referral-making and referral uptake among families receiving Early Head Start (EHS) services. Referrals to both behavioral health and entitlement programs were considered. Results showed that referrals to behavioral health programs were much more likely to be given to families receiving care from home-based care than center-based care, and that referrals were slightly more likely to be given to families who did not have any family risk events. Several factors also moderated the relationship between family risk and referrals, including perceived closeness of the parent/caregiver-EHS staff relationship, family conflict, and caregiver depression. There were no observed effects for referrals to entitlement programs. Caregiver depression weakened the link between family risk and service uptake for entitlement programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the importance of health to educational outcomes, and education to concurrent and future health, cross-systems approaches, such as the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework, seek to enhance services typically in K-12 settings. A major gap exists in cross-systems links with early care and education serving children birth to age 5. Both pediatric health systems and early family and child support programs, such as Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS), seek to promote and optimize the health and wellbeing of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families. Despite shared goals, both EHS/HS and pediatric health providers often experience challenges in reaching and serving the children most in need, and in addressing existing disparities and inequities in services. This paper focuses on infant/toddler services because high-quality services in the earliest years yield large and lasting developmental impacts. Stronger partnerships among pedicatric health systems and EHS programs serving infants and toddlers could better facilitate the health and wellbeing of young children and enhance family strengths and resilience through increased, more intentional collaboration. Specific strategies recommended include strengthening training and professional development across service platforms to increase shared knowledge and terminology, increasing access to screening and services, strengthening infrastructure and shared information, enhancing integration of services, acknowledging and disrupting racism, and accessing available funding and resources. Recommendations, including research-based examples, are offered to prompt innovations best fitting community needs and resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is evidence that two-generation early childhood programs, those that strive to support not only child development, but also optimal parenting and family wellbeing, help to foster resilience for young children and their families in the face of adversity.
    UNASSIGNED: Using data from a large experimental evaluation, the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project, this paper explores how parenting and family self-sufficiency services embedded in Early Head Start (EHS), a federally funded, nationally implemented two-generation early childhood program for low-income families lasting from pregnancy and until children are three, contribute to the impacts of the program for both the children and their families.
    UNASSIGNED: Parenting support in any modality (home visiting, case management or parent education) contributed to program impacts on important child and family outcomes, but not parent employment. Somewhat surprisingly, family receipt of employment services did not lead to any of the impacts of the program, while education and job training services did. When EHS parents received education or job training services, it led to impacts not only on mother employment, but also on other important family and child outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings validate and reinforce the two-generation approach of EHS, specifically supporting the focus on parenting and parent education and job training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caring relationships among families and providers are at the heart of high-quality early care and education (ECE). This study examines relationships between parents and providers in a nationally representative sample of infants and toddlers and their families (N = 527) enrolled in the two-generation Early Head Start (EHS) program in the U.S. EHS\' primary services include home visiting and center-based early education, taking a whole family approach to provide comprehensive services within caring and trusting relationships. Using weighted lagged regression models, we found that parent and provider reports of their positive relationships with one another at age 2 years were related to some child and family outcomes at the end of their EHS experience at age 3 years. Providers who reported better relationships with parents rated children as having lower behavior problems and enhanced social competence, language comprehension, language production, and home environments. Parents who reported better relationships with providers also reported lower parenting stress and family conflict. Findings suggest that caring relationships between providers and parents are a key part of high-quality ECE within an environment dedicated to an ethic of care not just for children, but for the whole family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many children with developmental disabilities are not identified before age 3 years old preventing them from being able to fully benefit from early intervention services. Early childhood educators, particularly those in Early Head Start (EHS) programs, are important partners in the early identification of children with developmental delays. Learn the Signs. Act Early. (LTSAE) is a program of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that provides free developmental monitoring resources to increase the early identification of children with developmental delays and disabilities. This paper presents findings from the first evaluation of the use of LTSAE resources in EHS, which was conducted across four states and 11 EHS programs from fall 2018 through spring 2019. Surveys (n=448) and interviews (n=39) with EHS management, staff, and parents indicated that LTSAE resources were valued and accepted, and their use in EHS considered feasible. Importantly, families and staff reported the LTSAE materials provided shared language to help them more effectively discuss development. These findings inform EHS and other early education programs that wish to enhance developmental monitoring, screening, and referral.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consistent, sensitive caregiving across home and childcare contexts supports optimal development. In this paper, we share the story of the development of Hearts and Minds on Babies (HMB) for Early Head Start (EHS) administrators, teachers, and parents. HMB was designed to support caregiver reflective functioning and sensitivity and reduce caregiver stress. This paper describes a series of Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles used to adapt an existing parenting intervention into the HMB programming for EHS. Throughout the paper, we present HMB concepts and learning objectives and share teachers\' and parents\' feedback and adaptations to content and delivery options that support implementation by EHS programs. Feedback from the final cycle suggests that HMB supports EHS administrators, teachers, and parents in their roles and improves relationships. The paper highlights the importance of research-practice partnerships in developing programming that meets the needs of EHS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS) staff comprise a large segment of the public sector workforce and experience numerous risk and chronic factors for medical conditions or symptoms. Few health and wellness workplace interventions, however, specifically focus on EHS/HS staff.
    METHODS: A train-the-trainer (TTT) approach was used to build capacity among directors and staff from 57 EHS/HS programs on how to strategically plan and implement a health promoting worksite program focusing on improving nutrition and physical activity practices among EHS/HS staff. Baseline and 3-month post-training questionnaires assessed EHS/HS staff changes on knowledge and practices related to nutrition and physical activity. Paired t-tests or chi2 statistics assessed changes in questionnaire responses over time.
    RESULTS: 1,363 staff from 57 programs completed baseline and follow-up surveys. Staff had high knowledge regarding healthful dietary patterns at baseline. Over one-third of staff reported drinking soda with meals and almost 50% identified soda as their most common drink. Roughly one-third of staff also reported no physical activity in the prior week at baseline. Staff demonstrated significant improvements in dietary, nutrition, and physical activity practices. Staff also improved grocery shopping behaviors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The TTT approach to disseminate an EHS/HS staff-focused health promotion program, \"Eat Healthy, Stay Active!\' provides a potentially promising strategy to build upon and disseminate more broadly to reach the over >300,000 EHS/HS staff workforce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted families to receive Early Head Start (EHS) home-based services virtually. This qualitative study evaluated parental perceptions of EHS tele-home visits.
    METHODS: EHS parents who had transitioned to tele-home visits using any video-chat platform were recruited to participate in a Spanish or English virtual focus group that assessed their perceptions of tele-home visits. Using an iterative, consensus-seeking inductive content analysis approach, themes and subthemes were identified.
    RESULTS: Thirty-five mothers of children newborn to 3-years-old, where the majority were Latino and Spanish-speaking, participated in four focus groups. Several patterns pertaining to technology, child engagement, child learning and development, and parent-home visitor relationship emerged in the qualitative analysis. Mothers revealed varying degrees of digital proficiency, device preference, and technology challenges. Mothers reported variability in child engagement and concerns with missed socialization opportunities for children as a results of tele-home visits, but also reported increased self-efficacy in supporting child development, positive relationships with their home visitor, and overall satisfaction with services.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parents revealed tele-home visits have the potential to be a viable service delivery method for EHS home-based programs. While parents perceived increased engagement and an uncompromised parent-home visitor relationship, they revealed areas of needed support that would optimize the use of tele-home visits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal mind-mindedness is a characteristic of supportive parenting and contributes to many positive social-emotional outcomes in early childhood. However, there is limited knowledge of mind-mindedness among parents experiencing parenting stress from low-income settings. This is a critical gap in evidence given the robust role of supportive parenting in children\'s development and the capacity of home-based interventions to improve children\'s outcomes through enhancing supportive parenting. This study examined: (1) maternal mind-mindedness, operationalized as mothers\' appropriate mind-related comments (MRC), across toddlerhood in mothers of toddlers who participated in infant mental health (IMH) based Early Head Start (EHS) services; and (2) whether parenting stress moderated EHS program effects on appropriate MRC over time. Data from a primarily White midwestern site in the United States were collected at study enrollment and when toddlers were 14-, 24-, and 36-months of age (N = 152; mothers M age = 22.4 years, SD = 5.1; toddlers M age = 14.4 months, SD = 1.3; 51% females). Data included parent-completed questionnaires and observed parent-child interactions, which were coded for MRC. Although there were no main effects of EHS programming on mothers\' appropriate MRC over time, multilevel growth curve modeling indicated that parenting stress moderated EHS effects on mothers\' appropriate MRC over time. Among mothers with greater parenting stress, those who received IMH-based EHS services demonstrated greater proportions of MRC over time as compared to mothers with greater stress in the control group. IMH-based parenting interventions that target parenting stress may promote appropriate MRC in low-income populations during toddlerhood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As availability of parent-child interaction curricula increases, Early Head Start (EHS) provides a relevant context to test research-based parenting models as part of everyday practice. We trained EHS staff to incorporate the Promoting First Relationships (PFR) intervention into ongoing weekly home visits with mothers and their young children (n = 102) enrolled in EHS. Children had a mean age of 19.75 months and were 56% Hispanic, 23% Black, and 14% White. Families were randomly assigned to an intervention group where they participated in PFR as an EHS enhancement, or to a waitlist-control group where they received only typical EHS services. To explore the possibility that effectiveness of parent-child curricula may differ based on child characteristics, we used linear regression to examine children\'s temperament as a potential moderator of PFR efficacy on outcomes related to parenting stress, family functioning, and parent-child interaction. While we did not find a significant main effect of PFR for the full sample, there were several significant moderated effects. For families where children showed higher levels of surgency, mothers\' parenting stress was significantly reduced after PFR participation. Also, when children showed higher levels of negative affect, mothers demonstrated higher sensitivity in parent-child interactions after participating in PFR. Given findings from our exploratory study, agencies should consider the characteristics of families served and the match with intervention priorities, when selecting intervention programs. When delivered as a home visitation enhancement, PFR may be a valuable support for certain enrolled families, based on child characteristics including high levels of surgency or negative affect.





