
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acquired resistance to endocrine treatments remains a major clinical challenge. In this study, we found that desmoglein-2 (DSG2) plays a major role in acquired endocrine resistance and cellular plasticity in ER+ breast cancer (BC). By analysing the well-established fulvestrant-resistant ER+ BC model using single-cell RNA-seq, we revealed that ER inhibition leads to a specific increase in DSG2 in cancer cell populations, which in turn enhances desmosome formation in vitro and in vivo and cell phenotypic plasticity that promotes resistance to treatment. DSG2 depletion reduced tumorigenesis and metastasis in fulvestrant-resistant xenograft models and promoted fulvestrant efficiency. Mechanistically, DSG2 forms a desmosome complex with JUP and Vimentin and triggers Wnt/PCP signalling. We showed that elevated DSG2 levels, along with reduced ER levels and an activated Wnt/PCP pathway, predicted poor survival, suggesting that a DSG2high signature could be exploited for therapeutic interventions. Our analysis highlighted the critical role of DSG2-mediated desmosomal junctions following antiestrogen treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadherins are calcium dependent adhesion proteins that establish and maintain the intercellular mechanical contact by bridging the gap between adjacent cells. Desmoglein-2 (Dsg2) and desmocollin-2 (Dsc2) are tissue specific cadherin isoforms of the cell-cell contact in cardiac desmosomes. Mutations in the DSG2-gene and in the DSC2-gene are related to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) a rare but severe heart muscle disease. Here, several possible homophilic and heterophilic binding interactions of wild-type Dsg2, wild-type Dsc2, as well as one Dsg2- and two Dsc2-variants, each associated with ARVC, are investigated. Using single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and applying Jarzynski\'s equality the kinetics and thermodynamics of Dsg2/Dsc2 interaction can be determined. The free energy landscape of Dsg2/Dsc2 dimerization exposes a high activation energy barrier, which is in line with the proposed strand-swapping binding motif. Although the binding motif is not affected by any of the mutations, the binding kinetics of the interactions differ significantly from the wild-type. While wild-type cadherins exhibit an average complex lifetime of approx. 0.3 s interactions involving a variant consistently show - lifetimes that are substantially larger. The lifetimes of the wild-type interactions give rise to the picture of a dynamic adhesion interface consisting of continuously dissociating and (re)associating molecular bonds, while the delayed binding kinetics of interactions involving an ARVC-associated variant might be part of the pathogenesis. Our data provide a comprehensive and consistent thermodynamic and kinetic description of cardiac cadherin binding, allowing detailed insight into the molecular mechanisms of cell adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in human genetics have shed light on the genetic factors contributing to inflammatory diseases, particularly Crohn\'s disease (CD), a prominent form of inflammatory bowel disease. Certain risk genes associated with CD directly influence cytokine biology and cell-specific communication networks. Current CD therapies primarily rely on anti-inflammatory drugs, which are inconsistently effective and lack strategies for promoting epithelial restoration and mucosal balance. To understand CD\'s underlying mechanisms, we investigated the link between CD and the FGFR1OP gene, which encodes a centrosome protein. FGFR1OP deletion in mouse intestinal epithelial cells disrupted crypt architecture, resulting in crypt loss, inflammation, and fatality. FGFR1OP insufficiency hindered epithelial resilience during colitis. FGFR1OP was crucial for preserving non-muscle myosin II activity, ensuring the integrity of the actomyosin cytoskeleton and crypt cell adhesion. This role of FGFR1OP suggests that its deficiency in genetically predisposed individuals may reduce epithelial renewal capacity, heightening susceptibility to inflammation and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pinin (PNN) is a desmosome-associated protein that reinforces the organization of keratin intermediate filaments and stabilizes the anchoring of the cytoskeleton network to the lateral surface of the plasma membrane. The aberrant expression of PNN affects the strength of cell adhesion as well as modifies the intracellular signal transduction pathways leading to the onset of CRC. In our previous studies, we characterized the role of miR-195-5p in the regulation of desmosome junctions and in CRC progression. Here, with the aim of investigating additional mechanisms related to the desmosome complex, we identified PNN as a miR-195-5p putative target. Using a public data repository, we found that PNN was a negative prognostic factor and was overexpressed in colon cancer tissues from stage 1 of the disease. Then, we assessed PNN expression in CRC tissue specimens, confirming the overexpression of PNN in tumor sections. The increase in intracellular levels of miR-195-5p revealed a significant decrease in PNN at the mRNA and protein levels. As a consequence of PNN regulation by miR-195-5p, the expression of KRT8 and KRT19, closely connected to PNN, was affected. Finally, we investigated the in vivo effect of miR-195-5p on PNN expression in the colon of AOM/DSS-treated mice. In conclusion, we have revealed a new mechanism driven by miR-195-5p in the regulation of desmosome components, suggesting a potential pharmacological target for CRC therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plakophilin 1 (PKP1) belongs to the desmosome family as an anchoring junction protein in cellular junctions. It localizes at the interface of the cell membrane and cytoplasm. Although PKP1 is a non-transmembrane protein, it may become associated with the cell membrane via transmembrane proteins such as desmocollins and desmogleins. Homozygous deletion of PKP1 results in ectodermal dysplasia-skin fragility syndrome (EDSF) and complete knockout of PKP1 in mice produces comparable symptoms to EDSF in humans, although mice do not survive more than 24 h. PKP1 is not limited to expression in desmosomal structures, but is rather widely expressed in cytoplasm and nucleus, where it assumes important cellular functions. This review will summarize distinct roles of PKP1 in the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus with an overview of relevant studies on its function in diverse types of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compiling evidence has indicated that S100A11 expression at high levels is closely associated with various cancer species. Consistent with the results reported elsewhere, we have also revealed that S100A11 is highly expressed in squamous cell carcinoma, mesothelioma, and pancreatic cancers and plays a crucial role in cancer progression when secreted into extracellular fluid. Those studies are all focused on the extracellular role of S100A11. However, most of S100A11 is still present within cancer cells, although the intracellular role of S100A11 in cancer cells has not been fully elucidated. Thus, we aimed to investigate S100A11 functions within cancer cells, primarily focusing on colorectal cancer cells, whose S100A11 is abundantly present in cells and still poorly studied cancer for the protein. Our efforts revealed that overexpression of S100A11 promotes proliferation and migration, and downregulation inversely dampens those cancer behaviors. To clarify how intracellular S100A11 aids cancer cell activation, we tried to identify S100A11 binding proteins, resulting in novel binding partners in the inner membrane, many of which are desmosome proteins. Our molecular approach defined that S100A11 regulates the expression level of DSG1, a component protein of desmosome, by which S100A11 activates the TCF pathway via promoting nuclear translocation of γ-catenin from the desmosome. The identified new pathway greatly helps to comprehend S100A11\'s nature in colorectal cancers and others.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZNPs) are widely used in sunscreens and nanomedicines, and it was recently confirmed that ZNPs can penetrate stratum corneum into deep epidermis. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the impact of ZNPs on epidermis. In this study, ZNPs were applied to mouse skin at a relatively low concentration for one week. As a result, desmosomes in epidermal tissues were depolymerized, epidermal mechanical strain resistance was reduced, and the levels of desmosomal cadherins were decreased in cell membrane lysates and increased in cytoplasmic lysates. This finding suggested that ZNPs promote desmosomal cadherin endocytosis, which causes desmosome depolymerization. In further studies, ZNPs were proved to decrease mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activity, activate transcription factor EB (TFEB), upregulate biogenesis of lysosome-related organelle complex 1 subunit 3 (BLOC1S3) and consequently promote desmosomal cadherin endocytosis. In addition, the key role of mTORC1 in ZNP-induced decrease in mechanical strain resistance was determined both in vitro and in vivo. It can be concluded that ZNPs reduce epidermal mechanical strain resistance by promoting desmosomal cadherin endocytosis via the mTORC1-TFEB-BLOC1S3 axis. This study helps elucidate the biological effects of ZNPs and suggests that ZNPs increase the risk of epidermal fragmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmoglein-2 mutations are detected in 5-10% of patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Endurance training accelerates the development of the ARVC phenotype, leading to earlier arrhythmic events. Homozygous Dsg2 mutant mice develop a severe ARVC-like phenotype. The phenotype of heterozygous mutant (Dsg2mt/wt) or haploinsufficient (Dsg20/wt) mice is still not well understood. To assess the effects of age and endurance swim training, we studied cardiac morphology and function in sedentary one-year-old Dsg2mt/wt and Dsg20/wt mice and in young Dsg2mt/wt mice exposed to endurance swim training. Cardiac structure was only occasionally affected in aged Dsg20/wt and Dsg2mt/wt mice manifesting as small fibrotic foci and displacement of Connexin 43. Endurance swim training increased the right ventricular (RV) diameter and decreased RV function in Dsg2mt/wt mice but not in wild types. Dsg2mt/wt hearts showed increased ventricular activation times and pacing-induced ventricular arrhythmia without obvious fibrosis or inflammation. Preload-reducing therapy during training prevented RV enlargement and alleviated the electrophysiological phenotype. Taken together, endurance swim training induced features of ARVC in young adult Dsg2mt/wt mice. Prolonged ventricular activation times in the hearts of trained Dsg2mt/wt mice are therefore a potential mechanism for increased arrhythmia risk. Preload-reducing therapy prevented training-induced ARVC phenotype pointing to beneficial treatment options in human patients.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Binding of autoantibodies to keratinocyte surface antigens, primarily desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) of the desmosomal complex, leads to the dissociation of cell-cell adhesion in the blistering disorder pemphigus vulgaris (PV). After the initial disassembly of desmosomes, cell-cell adhesions actively remodel in association with the cytoskeleton and focal adhesions. Growing evidence highlights the role of adhesion mechanics and mechanotransduction at cell-cell adhesions in this remodeling process, as their active participation may direct autoimmune pathogenicity. However, a large part of the biophysical transformations after antibody binding remains underexplored. Specifically, it is unclear how tension in desmosomes and cell-cell adhesions changes in response to antibodies, and how the altered tensional states translate to cellular responses. Here, we showed a tension loss at Dsg3 using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based tension sensors, a tension loss at the entire cell-cell adhesion, and a potentially compensatory increase in junctional traction force at cell-extracellular matrix adhesions after PV antibody binding. Further, our data indicate that this tension loss is mediated by the inhibition of RhoA at cell-cell contacts, and the extent of RhoA inhibition may be crucial in determining the severity of pathogenicity among different PV antibodies. More importantly, this tension loss can be partially restored by altering actomyosin based cell contractility. Collectively, these findings provide previously unattainable details in our understanding of the mechanisms that govern cell-cell interactions under physiological and autoimmune conditions, which may open the window to entirely new therapeutics aimed at restoring physiological balance to tension dynamics that regulates the maintenance of cell-cell adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During differentiation, keratinocytes acquire a strong, hyper-adhesive state, where desmosomal cadherins interact calcium ion independently. Previous data indicate that hyper-adhesion protects keratinocytes from pemphigus vulgaris autoantibody-induced loss of intercellular adhesion, although the underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated. Thus, in this study, we investigated the effect of hyper-adhesion on pemphigus vulgaris autoantibody-induced direct inhibition of desmoglein (DSG) 3 interactions by atomic force microscopy. Hyper-adhesion abolished loss of intercellular adhesion and corresponding morphological changes of all pathogenic antibodies used. Pemphigus autoantibodies putatively targeting several parts of the DSG3 extracellular domain and 2G4, targeting a membrane-proximal domain of DSG3, induced direct inhibition of DSG3 interactions only in non-hyper-adhesive keratinocytes. In contrast, AK23, targeting the N-terminal extracellular domain 1 of DSG3, caused direct inhibition under both adhesive states. However, antibody binding to desmosomal cadherins was not different between the distinct pathogenic antibodies used and was not changed during acquisition of hyper-adhesion. In addition, heterophilic DSC3-DSG3 and DSG2-DSG3 interactions did not cause reduced susceptibility to direct inhibition under hyper-adhesive condition in wild-type keratinocytes. Taken together, the data suggest that hyper-adhesion reduces susceptibility to autoantibody-induced direct inhibition in dependency on autoantibody-targeted extracellular domain but also demonstrate that further mechanisms are required for the protective effect of desmosomal hyper-adhesion in pemphigus vulgaris.





