
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cephalopod eye lens is unique because it has evolved as a compound structure with two physiologically distinct segments. However, the detailed ultrastructure of this lens and precise optical role of each segment are far from clear. To help elucidate structure-function relationships in the cephalopod lens, we conducted multiple structural investigations on squid. Synchrotron x-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy disclose that an extensive network of structural features that resemble cell membrane complexes form a substantial component of both anterior and posterior lens segments. Optically, the segments are distinct, however, and Talbot interferometry indicates that the posterior segment possesses a noticeably higher refractive index gradient. We propose that the hitherto unrecognised network of membrane structures in the cephalopod lens has evolved to act as an essential conduit for the internal passage of ions and other metabolic agents through what is otherwise a highly dense structure owing to a very high protein concentration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetic wounds arise great attention as they are difficult to heal and easily suffer from serious bacterial infection. However, the overuse of antibiotics increases the resistance of bacteria and makes common drugs ineffective. Here, we developed a photothermal hydrogel (TFP/NP) composed of tremella fuciformis polysaccharides (TFPs) and cuttlefish ink-derived melanin nanoparticles (NPs). The NPs can produce reliable photothermal effects under near-infrared laser (NIR) irradiation and help to remove the bacteria in the wounds, while TFPs were able to form hydrogel frameworks which possessed anti-inflammatory effects and could be applied to promote wound healing. The TFP/NP hydrogels produced stable thermal effects under NIR irradiation and could continuously kill bacteria. The experiment on a full-layer skin wound sMRSA activity and could improve the healing efficiency. The wounds of the mice could be repaired within 14 days after reasonable treatment. In addition, the hydrogels play significant roles in promoting collagen deposition, anti-inflammation, angiogenesis, and cell proliferation during the therapeutic process. This research provides a simple and effective method for the therapy of bacterial infection wounds through the synergistic effect of TFPs and NPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Squid species, as a burgeoning global food source, has garnered significant concerns due to expanding fisheries and little regulation. Elucidating the dynamics of squid fisheries and their biophysical coupling mechanisms is crucial for predicting spatiotemporal variations in squid fisheries and their sustainable management. Mesoscale eddies are discrete rotating oceanographic features that dominate local environmental variations and have been shown to modulate top predators. However, given controls of both predators and environmental factors, it remains unknown how eddies impact mid-trophic level species such as squids. Using satellite-based global squid fishery datasets, we showed an inverse latitudinal pattern of eddy-induced squid fisheries, where fishing activities are aggregated in (repelled from) cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddy cores in tropical waters and anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddy cores in temperate waters, and this pattern can be significantly enhanced with increasing eddy amplitude. Regarding solely the satellite-based global squid fisheries, eddy-induced environmental variations may generate a trade-off between food intake and energy expenditure, causing these oceanic squids to prefer cool cyclonic eddies in hot but food-limited waters, and warm anticyclonic eddies in nutritious but heat-limited waters. Given that eddy activity is projected to continuously enhance under global warming, our finding of eddy-driven bottom-up control for squid fisheries highlights an increasingly important hotspot for squid stock predictions and ecosystem-based ocean management in a changing climate.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) caused by fish and others is prevalent in the Mediterranean regions but is less frequently reported in Japan. This case report describes a 3-year-old Japanese girl who developed FPIES triggered by multiple seafoods, including swordfish, cod, and squid. The diagnosis was confirmed through oral food challenge tests (OFC), which led to repeated vomiting and an increase in thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) levels. This case highlights the importance of considering fish-induced FPIES in the differential diagnosis of recurrent vomiting in children and suggests the potential utility of TARC levels in diagnosing and monitoring FPIES.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The promoting effects of collagen and its derivatives on bone health have been uncovered. However, the structure and effects of type II collagen peptides from squid cartilage (SCIIP) on osteoarthritis still need to be clarified. In this study, SCIIP was prepared from squid throat cartilage with pretreatment by 0.2 mol/L NaOH at a liquid-solid ratio of 10:1 for 18 h and hydrolyzation using alkaline protease and flavourzyme at 50 °C for 4 h. The structure of SCIIP was characterized as a molecular weight lower than 5 kDa (accounting for 87.7 %), a high glycine level of 35.0 %, typical FTIR and CD features of collagen peptides, and a repetitive sequence of Gly-X-Y. GP(Hyp)GPD and GPAGP(Hyp)GD were separated and identified from SCIIP, and their binding energies with TLR4/MD-2 were - 8.4 and - 8.0 kcal/mol, respectively. SCIIP effectively inhibited NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages and alleviated osteoarthritis in rats through the TLR4/NF-κB pathway. Therefore, SCIIP exhibited the potential for application as an anti-osteoarthritis supplement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To identify a novel optimized strategy for preventing fraudulent substitutions of squid species and origins, forty European squids (Loligo vulgaris) and forty flying squids (Todarodes sagittatus) from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean were analyzed for δ13C, δ15N, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, and Lu using isotope ratio mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. While δ13C and δ15N variations were mainly species-related, they alone could not reliably distinguish samples. To address this issue, decision rules were developed using Classification and Regression Tree analysis. Threshold values for δ13C (-19.91‰), δ15N (14.87‰), and Pr (0.49 μg kg-1) enabled successful discrimination among Mediterranean European squids, Atlantic European squids, Mediterranean flying squids, and Atlantic flying squids, achieving over 90% accuracy, 81% precision, 80% sensitivity, and 93% specificity. This method holds promise for enhancing traceability and safety in the seafood industry, ensuring product integrity and consumer trust.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Assessing the historical dynamics of key food web components is crucial to understand how climate change impacts the structure of Arctic marine ecosystems. Most retrospective stable isotopic studies to date assessed potential ecosystem shifts in the Arctic using vertebrate top predators and filter-feeding invertebrates as proxies. However, due to long life histories and specific ecologies, ecosystem shifts are not always detectable when using these taxa. Moreover, there are currently no retrospective stable isotopic studies on various other ecological and taxonomic groups of Arctic biota. To test whether climate-driven shifts in marine ecosystems are reflected in the ecology of short-living mesopredators, ontogenetic changes in stable isotope signatures in chitinous hard body structures were analysed in two abundant squids (Gonatus fabricii and Todarodes sagittatus) from the low latitude Arctic and adjacent waters, collected between 1844 and 2023.
    RESULTS: We detected a temporal increase in diet and habitat-use generalism (= opportunistic choice rather than specialization), trophic position and niche width in G. fabricii from the low latitude Arctic waters. These shifts in trophic ecology matched with the Atlantification of the Arctic ecosystems, which includes increased generalization of food webs and higher primary production, and the influx of boreal species from the North Atlantic as a result of climate change. The Atlantification is especially marked since the late 1990s/early 2000s. The temporal patterns we found in G. fabricii\'s trophic ecology were largely unreported in previous Arctic retrospective isotopic ecology studies. Accordingly, T. sagittatus that occur nowadays in the high latitude North Atlantic have a more generalist diet than in the XIXth century.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that abundant opportunistic mesopredators with short life cycles (such as squids) are good candidates for retrospective ecology studies in the marine ecosystems, and to identify ecosystem shifts driven by climate change. Enhanced generalization of Arctic food webs is reflected in increased diet generalism and niche width in squids, while increased abundance of boreal piscivorous fishes is reflected in squids\' increased trophic position. These findings support opportunism and adaptability in squids, which renders them as potential winners of short-term shifts in Arctic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, there has been a growing interest in collagen peptides derived from marine sources for their notable ability to protect skin cells against apoptosis induced by oxidants. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the fundamental properties of collagen peptides, including their physicochemical, thermal, structural, stem-cell-regenerative, and skin-cell-protective effects, in comparison to commercial collagen peptides. The acid-soluble (ASC) and pepsin-soluble (PSC) collagens exhibited three distinct bands on SDS-PAGE, namely α (α1 and α2), β, and γ chains, confirming a type I pattern. The thermal profiles obtained from TG and DSC analyses confirmed the denaturation of PSC and ASC at temperatures ranging from 51.94 to 56.4 °C and from 52.07 to 56.53 °C, respectively. The purified collagen peptides were analyzed using SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, revealing a mass range of 900-15,000 Da. Furthermore, the de novo peptide sequence analysis confirmed the presence of the Gly-X-Y repeating sequence in collagen peptides. Collagen peptide treatments significantly enhanced HFF-1 cell proliferation and migration compared to the control group. ELISA results confirmed the potential interactions between collagen peptides and HFF-1 cells through α2β1, α10β1, and α11β1 integrin receptors. Notably, collagen peptide treatment effectively restored the proliferation of HFF-1 cells damaged by H2O2. Consequently, the advantageous characteristics of squid skin collagen peptides highlight their promising role in regenerative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The nervous system is central to coordinating behavioural responses to environmental change, likely including ocean acidification (OA). However, a clear understanding of neurobiological responses to OA is lacking, especially for marine invertebrates.
    RESULTS: We evaluated the transcriptomic response of the central nervous system (CNS) and eyes of the two-toned pygmy squid (Idiosepius pygmaeus) to OA conditions, using a de novo transcriptome assembly created with long read PacBio ISO-sequencing data. We then correlated patterns of gene expression with CO2 treatment levels and OA-affected behaviours in the same individuals. OA induced transcriptomic responses within the nervous system related to various different types of neurotransmission, neuroplasticity, immune function and oxidative stress. These molecular changes may contribute to OA-induced behavioural changes, as suggested by correlations among gene expression profiles, CO2 treatment and OA-affected behaviours.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first molecular insights into the neurobiological effects of OA on a cephalopod and correlates molecular changes with whole animal behavioural responses, helping to bridge the gaps in our knowledge between environmental change and animal responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Having been successfully bred in semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture systems, oval squids of the Sepioteuthis lessoniana species complex are emerging as promising candidates for research and industry. Nevertheless, information about pathogens and diseases that may affect squid aquaculture remains sparse. In this study, we identify new parasitic copepod species that causes squid mortality and decreases squid hatching rates, and we also offer a solution to eliminate the pathogen during incubation of squid eggs. The newly discovered copepod Ikanecator primus gen. et sp. nov. was identified on oval squid eggs for the first time using both morphological and molecular diagnostic markers. In the genomes of the copepod and associated microbiome, we identified multiple genes for enzymes involved in cephalopod eggshell degradation in genomes of the copepod and associated microbiome. Furthermore, we conducted experiments to assess efficacy of peracetic acid in inhibiting the I. primus gen. et sp. nov. both in vitro and in vivo using immersion treatment. We established that a 2-min exposure to a concentration of 250 μl/L of peracetic acid containing product (PAA-product; 35 mg/L PAA and 15 mg/L H2O2) inhibited the development of nauplii in vitro. All parasites exposed to a concentration of 500 μl/L of PAA-product (70 mg/L PAA and 30 mg/L H2O2) were eliminated within two minutes. On top of this, the immersion treatment with 500 μl/L of PAA-product (70 mg/L PAA and 30 mg/L H2O2) improved survival of squid embryos and increased size of squid hatchlings compared with control and the immersion treatment with 125 μl/L of PAA-product (17.5 mg/L PAA and 7.5 mg/L H2O2) and the immersion treatment with 250 μl/L of PAA-product (35 mg/L PAA and 15 mg/L H2O2). These findings suggest that PAA holds a great potential as inhibitor and controller of parasitic copepod infections and for overall health management in cephalopod culture.





