Corticospinal excitability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans are endowed with a motor system that resonates to speech sounds, but whether concurrent visual information from lip movements can improve speech perception at a motor level through multisensory integration mechanisms remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of multisensory influences on motor resonance in speech perception. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs), by single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied over the left lip muscle (orbicularis oris) representation in the primary motor cortex, were recorded in healthy participants during the presentation of syllables in unimodal (visual or auditory) or multisensory (audio-visual) congruent or incongruent conditions. At the behavioral level, subjects showed better syllable identification in the congruent audio-visual condition as compared to the unimodal conditions, hence showing a multisensory enhancement effect. Accordingly, at the neurophysiological level, increased MEPs amplitudes were found in the congruent audio-visual condition, as compared to the unimodal ones. Incongruent audio-visual syllables resulting in illusory percepts did not increase corticospinal excitability, which in fact was comparable to that induced by the real perception of the same syllable. In conclusion, seeing and hearing congruent bilabial syllables increases the excitability of the lip representation in the primary motor cortex, hence documenting that multisensory integration can facilitate speech processing by influencing motor resonance. These findings highlight the modulation role of multisensory processing showing that it can boost speech perception and that multisensory interactions occur not only within higher-order regions, but also within primary motor areas, as shown by corticospinal excitability changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Repeated spaced sessions of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the human primary motor cortex can lead to dose-dependent increases in motor cortical excitability. However, this has yet to be demonstrated in a defined cortical circuit. We aimed to examine the effects of repeated spaced cortical paired associative stimulation (cPAS) on excitability in the motor cortex.
    METHODS: cPAS was delivered to the primary motor cortex (M1) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) with two coils. In the multi-dose condition, three sessions of cPAS were delivered 50-min apart. The single-dose condition had one session of cPAS, followed by two sessions of a control cPAS protocol. Motor-evoked potentials were evaluated before and up to 40 min after each cPAS session as a measure of cortical excitability.
    RESULTS: Compared to a single dose of cPAS, motor cortical excitability significantly increased after multi-dose cPAS. Increasing the number of cPAS sessions resulted in a cumulative, dose-dependent effect on excitability in the motor cortex, with each successive cPAS session leading to notable increases in potentiation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Repeated spaced cPAS sessions summate to increase motor cortical excitability induced by single cPAS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Repeated spaced cPAS could potentially restore abilities lost due to disorders like stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), an illness caused by a SARS-CoV-2 viral infection, has been associated with neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, revealing its impact beyond the respiratory system. Most related research involved individuals with post-acute or persistent symptoms of COVID-19, also referred to as long COVID or Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). In this longitudinal unique report, we aimed to describe the acute supraspinal and corticospinal changes and functional alterations induced by a COVID-19 infection using neuroimaging, neurophysiological and clinical assessment of a participant during acute infection, as compared to three other visits where the participant had no COVID-19. The results favor a multisystem impairment, impacting cortical activity, functional connectivity, and corticospinal excitability, as well as motor and cardiovascular function. The report suggests pathophysiological alteration and impairment already present at the acute stage, that if resolved tend to lead to a full clinical recovery. Such results could be also insightful into PASC symptomatology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human corticospinal excitability (CSE) modulates during movement, when muscles are active, but also at rest, when muscles are not active. These changes in resting motor system excitability can be transient or longer lasting. Evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies suggests even relatively short periods of motor learning on the order of minutes can have lasting effects on resting CSE. Whether individuals are able to return CSE to out-of-task resting levels during the intertrial intervals (ITI) of behavioral tasks that do not include an intended motor learning component is an important question. Here, in twenty-five healthy young adults, we used single-pulse TMS and electromyography (EMG) to measure motor evoked potentials (MEPs) during two different resting contexts: (1) prior to engaging in the response task during which participants were instructed only to rest (out-of-task), and (2) ITI of a choice-reaction time task (in-task). In both contexts, five TMS intensities were used to evaluate possible differences in recruitment of corticospinal (CS) output across a range of inputs. We hypothesized resting state CSE would be greater during ITI than out-of-task rest, reflected in larger MEP amplitudes. Contrary to our hypothesis, we observed no significant difference in MEP amplitudes between out-of-task rest and in-task ITI, and instead found evidence of equivalence, indicating that humans are able to return to a stable motor resting state within seconds after a response. These data support the interpretation that rest is a uniform motor state in the healthy nervous system. In the future, our data may be a useful reference for motor disorder populations with an impaired ability to return to rest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence continues to accumulate that acute aerobic exercise (AAE) impacts neurophysiological excitability as measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Yet, uncertainty exists about which TMS measures are modulated after AAE in young adults. The influence of AAE intensity and duration of effects are also uncertain. This pre-registered meta-analysis (CRD42017065673) addressed these uncertainties by synthesizing data from 23 studies (including 474 participants) published until February 2024. Meta-analysis was run using a random-effects model and Hedge\'s g used as effect size. Our results demonstrated a decrease in short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) following AAE (g = 0.27; 95 % CI [0.16-0.38]; p <.0001), particularly for moderate (g = 0.18; 95 % CI [0.05-0.31]; p <.01) and high (g = 0.49; 95 % CI [0.27-0.71]; p <.0001) AAE intensities. These effects remained for 30 minutes after AAE. Additionally, increased corticospinal excitability was only observed for high intensity AAE (g = 0.28; 95 % CI, [0.07-0.48]; p <.01). Our results suggest potential mechanisms for inducing a more susceptible neuroplastic environment following AAE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After musculoskeletal injuries, there is often a loss of corticospinal control. Current tendon rehabilitation may not adequately address the corticospinal control of the muscle which may contribute to the recalcitrance of symptom recurrence. This review provides a summary of the current literature regarding the effectiveness of tempo-controlled resistance training (TCRT) in (1) promoting corticospinal plasticity, (2) improving physical performance, and (3) improving strength outcomes in healthy adults. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and Google Scholar) to identify relevant studies published between 2010 and 2023. Randomized control (RCT) studies that included recreationally trained and untrained healthy adults between 18 and 60 years of age and that compared a TCRT intervention to a control condition were included. Twelve of the 1255 studies identified in the initial search were included in the final analysis. Throughout all included studies, TCRT was shown to elicit greater neural adaptations compared to traditional resistance training methods (i.e., self-paced strength training). These results indicate that TCRT holds promise as an effective method for modulating corticospinal plasticity in healthy adults and may enhance neuromuscular adaptations, including improvements in CSE, decreased SICI, enhanced motor unit synchronization, and voluntary muscle activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory control is a crucial cognitive-control ability for behavioral flexibility that has been extensively investigated through action-stopping tasks. Multiple neurophysiological features have been proposed to represent \'signatures\' of inhibitory control during action-stopping, though the processes signified by these signatures are still controversially discussed. The present study aimed to disentangle these processes by comparing simple stopping situations with those in which additional action revisions were needed. Three experiments in female and male humans were performed to characterize the neurophysiological dynamics involved in action-stopping and - changing, with hypotheses derived from recently developed two-stage \'pause-then-cancel\' models of inhibitory control. Both stopping and revising an action triggered an early broad \'pause\'-process, marked by frontal EEG β-bursts and non-selective suppression of corticospinal excitability. However, partial-EMG responses showed that motor activity was only partially inhibited by this \'pause\', and that this activity can be further modulated during action-revision. In line with two-stage models of inhibitory control, subsequent frontocentral EEG activity after this initial \'pause\' selectively scaled depending on the required action revisions, with more activity observed for more complex revisions. This demonstrates the presence of a selective, effector-specific \'retune\' phase as the second process involved in action-stopping and -revision. Together, these findings show that inhibitory control is implemented over an extended period of time and in at least two phases. We are further able to align the most commonly proposed neurophysiological signatures to these phases and show that they are differentially modulated by the complexity of action-revision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation tool with potential for managing neuromuscular fatigue, possibly due to alterations in corticospinal excitability. However, inconsistencies in intra- and inter- individual variability responsiveness to tDCS limit its clinical use. Emerging evidence suggests harnessing homeostatic metaplasticity induced via tDCS may reduce variability and boost its outcomes, yet little is known regarding its influence on neuromuscular fatigue in healthy adults. We explored whether cathodal tDCS (ctDCS) prior to exercise combined with anodal tDCS (atDCS) could augment corticospinal excitability and attenuate neuromuscular fatigue. 15 young healthy adults (6 males, 22 ± 4 years) participated in four pseudo-randomised neuromodulation sessions: sham stimulation prior and during exercise, sham stimulation prior and atDCS during exercise, ctDCS prior and atDCS during exercise, ctDCS prior and sham stimulation during exercise. The exercise constituted an intermittent maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the right first dorsal interosseous (FDI) for 10 min. Neuromuscular fatigue was quantified as an attenuation in MVC force, while motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude provided an assessment of corticospinal excitability. MEP amplitude increased during the fatiguing exercise, whilst across time, force decreased. There were no differences in MEP amplitudes or force between neuromodulation sessions. These outcomes highlight the ambiguity of harnessing metaplasticity to ameliorate neuromuscular fatigue in young healthy individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tactile Imagery (TI) remains a fairly understudied phenomenon despite growing attention to this topic in recent years. Here, we investigated the effects of TI on corticospinal excitability by measuring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The effects of TI were compared with those of tactile stimulation (TS) and kinesthetic motor imagery (kMI). Twenty-two participants performed three tasks in randomly assigned order: imagine finger tapping (kMI); experience vibratory sensations in the middle finger (TS); and mentally reproduce the sensation of vibration (TI). MEPs increased during both kMI and TI, with a stronger increase for kMI. No statistically significant change in MEP was observed during TS. The demonstrated differential effects of kMI, TI and TS on corticospinal excitability have practical implications for devising the imagery-based and TS-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), particularly the ones intended to improve neurorehabilitation by evoking plasticity changes in sensorimotor circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contextual information may shape motor resonance and support intention understanding during observation of incomplete, ambiguous actions. It is unclear, however, whether this effect is contingent upon kinematics ambiguity or contextual information is continuously integrated with kinematics to predict the overarching action intention. Moreover, a differentiation between the motor mapping of the intention suggested by context or kinematics has not been clearly demonstrated. In a first action execution phase, 29 participants were asked to perform reaching-to-grasp movements towards big or small food objects with the intention to eat or to move; electromyography from the First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) and Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM) was recorded. Depending on object size, the intentions to eat or to move were differently implemented by a whole-hand or a precision grip kinematics, thus qualifying an action-muscle dissociation. Then, in a following action prediction task, the same participants were asked to observe an actor performing the same actions and to predict his/her intention while motor resonance was assessed for the same muscles. Of note, videos were interrupted at early or late action phases, and actions were embedded in contexts pointing toward an eating or a moving intention, congruently or incongruently with kinematics. We found greater involvement of the FDI or ADM in the execution of precision or whole-hand grips, respectively. Crucially, this pattern of activation was mirrored during observation of the same actions in congruent contexts, but it was cancelled out or reversed in the incongruent ones, either when videos were interrupted at either early or long phases of action deployment. Our results extend previous evidence by showing that contextual information shapes motor resonance not only under conditions of perceptual uncertainty but also when more informative kinematics is available.





