Conservation strategies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Incorporating rare and threatened healing plants from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into modern medicine is a hopeful way to expand treatment choices and encourage the long-term use of plant resources. These plants have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for a long time. They have powerful healing properties, including the ability to reduce inflammation and fight cancer. They also protect nerves and the heart.
    METHODS: A thorough study of all the scientific studies, clinical trials, ethnobotanical surveys, and conservation reports that were found were all looked at in relation to rare and threatened medical plants used in TCM. We looked through databases like PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science for relevant pieces. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals, reports from reputable conservation organisations, and written down traditional knowledge were all considered to be relevant.
    RESULTS: Key results show that plants like Dendrobium, Panax notoginseng, Taxus chinensis, and Cistanche deserticola can be used as medicines and that there are good ways to protect them. Some of the conservation methods that have been named are agroforestry, community-based management, current breeding techniques, and sustainable gathering. Collaboration in research, clinical trials, personalised medicine, regulatory harmonisation, and public education programs are all part of the integration with modern medicine. These programs try to solve problems like scientific proof, protection, and cultural integration.
    CONCLUSIONS: When rare and threatened medical plants from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are used in modern medicine, it can improve health and help protect wildlife. Using both old information and new science discoveries together can lead to new treatments and long-term uses for these plant materials. Large-scale clinical studies, new ways of growing plants, and looking into how TCM herbs and regular drugs can work together should be the main topics of future study. For global healthcare to improve and for these important plant resources to be used in the long term, academics, healthcare workers, lawmakers, and local communities must work together.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Higher temperatures exacerbate drought conditions by increasing evaporation rates, reducing soil moisture and altering precipitation patterns. As global temperatures rise as a result of climate change, these effects intensify, leading to more frequent and severe droughts. This link between higher temperatures and drought is particularly evident in sensitive ecosystems like the Amazon rainforest, where reduced rainfall and higher evaporation rates result in significantly lower water levels, threatening biodiversity and human livelihoods. As an example, the serious drought experienced in the Amazon basin in 2023 resulted in a significant decline in fish populations. Elevated water temperatures, reaching up to 38°C, led to mass mortality events, because these temperatures surpass the thermal tolerance of many Amazonian fish species. We know this because our group has collected data on critical thermal maxima (CTmax) for various fish species over multiple years. Additionally, warmer waters can cause hypoxia, further exacerbating fish mortality. Thus, even Amazon fish species, which have relatively high thermal tolerance, are being impacted by climate change. The Amazon drought experienced in 2023 underscores the urgent need for climate action to mitigate the devastating effects on Amazonian biodiversity. The fact that we have been able to link fish mortality events to data on the thermal tolerance of fishes emphasizes the important role of experimental biology in elucidating the mechanisms behind these events, a link that we aim to highlight in this Perspective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Declining populations of native pollinators, especially wild bees, underline the urgent need for effective monitoring within agricultural ecosystems. This study aims to (i) establish the \'Knautia Pollinator Walk\' as an innovative pollinator monitoring method, (ii) examine the link between pollinator richness/density and land cover, and (iii) assess if specialist solitary bees indicate pollinator abundance and morphogroup richness. The approach involves surveying 500 Knautia arvensis inflorescences per site thrice per season. Observations of 11,567 pollinators across 203 taxa showed significant correlations between pollinator diversity and land use. Pollinator populations fluctuated with land cover type, increasing in open areas but decreasing or stabilising in forested and shrubby regions. Noteworthy differences in pollinator types were seen between Russia (solitary bees, small Diptera, Lepidoptera) and Sweden (bumblebees, beetles, furry Diptera). The \"Knautia Pollinator Walk\" shows promising signs of being an effective tool for monitoring spatiotemporal biodiversity trends. The method offers a scalable approach to pollinator monitoring, which is essential for developing conservation strategies and supporting pollinator populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla, MP) has been extensively exploited and is now on the brink of extinction, but its population structure, evolutionary history, and adaptive potential are unclear. Here, we analyzed 94 genomes from three subspecies of the Chinese pangolin and identified three distinct genetic clusters (MPA, MPB, and MPC), with MPB further divided into MPB1 and MPB2 subpopulations. The divergence of these populations was driven by past climate change. For MPB2 and MPC, recent human activities have caused dramatic population decline and small population size as well as increased inbreeding, but not decrease in genomic variation and increase in genetic load probably due to strong gene flow; therefore, it is crucial to strengthen in situ habitat management for these two populations. By contrast, although human activities have a milder impact on MPA, it is at high risk of extinction due to long-term contraction and isolation, and genetic rescue is urgently needed. MPB1 exhibited a relatively healthy population status and can potentially serve as a source population. Overall, our findings provide novel insights into the conservation of the Chinese pangolin and biogeography of the mammals of eastern Asia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biobanks from dermal biopsies represent an interesting strategy for biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, the morphological and cellular patterns of the dermis can be influenced by the age and sex of the individual. Therefore, evaluating these factors is interesting for forming biobanks of Antillean manatees. These animals, representatives of marine fauna, have had their population reduced, and biobanks are essential for their conservation. Then, we evaluated the effects of age (3.5 years vs. 3.6-16 years vs. 23.6 years) and sex (males vs. females) on morphological and cellular parameters using histological and in vitro culture techniques. Regardless of age, no differences were observed for dermal thickness, collagen fibres, tissue proliferative activity and viable cell recovery. Nonetheless, fibroblast reduction was observed in groups aged 23.6 years compared to other animals (p < 0.05). Additionally, cells from animals aged 3.6-16 years showed more significant mitochondrial damage than the other groups (p < 0.05). Regardless of sex, no differences were observed for dermal thickness, collagen fibres, tissue proliferative activity and viable cell recovery; however, females had fewer fibroblasts than males (p < 0.05). Cells from females showed lower mitochondrial damage when compared to cells from males. In summary, although age and sex do not influence dermal thickness and cell recovery, variations in the number of fibroblasts and mitochondrial characteristics were observed among the groups. These differences may be significant for understanding the dermis aspects to be correlated to biobank systems.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga (PNGSL) is located in Central Italy and covers an area of 143.311 ha across three administrative regions (Abruzzo, Marche, and Lazio). It is the protected area hosting the highest number of vascular plants in both Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The plan of the park recognizes the need to establish a list of plants of conservation interest to prioritize for protection. The aim of this study is to identify plants (vascular and bryophytes) for inclusion on a protection list, taking into account their phytogeographic importance as well as the threat of extinction, and subsequently propose an original categorization (protection classes) suggesting specific conservation actions and measures. We used original criteria to select plants of conservation interest among the 2678 plant taxa listed in the national park. We identified 564 vascular plant species and subspecies (including nine hybrids) and one bryophyte to be included in the proposed protection list. The case study of the PNGSL could be a model for other protected areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An often-overlooked question of the biodiversity crisis is how natural hazards contribute to species extinction risk. To address this issue, we explored how four natural hazards, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, overlapped with the distribution ranges of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles that have either narrow distributions or populations with few mature individuals. To assess which species are at risk from these natural hazards, we combined the frequency and magnitude of each natural hazard to estimate their impact. We considered species at risk if they overlapped with regions where any of the four natural hazards historically occurred (n = 3,722). Those species with at least a quarter of their range subjected to a high relative impact were considered at high risk (n = 2,001) of extinction due to natural hazards. In total, 834 reptiles, 617 amphibians, 302 birds, and 248 mammals were at high risk and they were mainly distributed on islands and in the tropics. Hurricanes (n = 983) and earthquakes (n = 868) affected most species, while tsunamis (n = 272), and volcanoes (n = 171) affected considerably fewer. The region with the highest number of species at high risk was the Pacific Ring of Fire, especially due to volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis, while hurricane-related high-risk species were concentrated in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and northwestern Pacific Ocean. Our study provides important information regarding the species at risk due to natural hazards and can help guide conservation attention and efforts to safeguard their survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the global patterns of human and wildlife spatial associations is essential for pragmatic conservation implementation, yet analytical foundations and indicator-based assessments that would further this understanding are lacking. We integrated the global distributions of 30,664 terrestrial vertebrates and human pressures to map human-nature index (HNI) categories that indicate the extent and intensity of human-wildlife interactions. Along the 2 dimensions of biodiversity and human activity, the HNI allowed placement of terrestrial areas worldwide in one of 4 HNI categories: anthropic (human-dominated areas), wildlife-dominated (little human influence and rich in wildlife), co-occurring (substantial presence of humans and wildlife), and harsh-environment (limited presence of humans and wildlife) areas. The HNI varied considerably among taxonomic groups, and the leading driver of HNI was global climate patterns. Co-occurring regions were the most prevalent (35.9%), and wildlife-dominated and anthropic regions encompassed 26.45% and 6.50% of land area, respectively. Our results highlight the necessity for customizing conservation strategies to regions based on human-wildlife spatial associations and the distribution of existing protected area networks. Human activity and biodiversity should be integrated for complementary strategies to support conservation toward ambitious and pragmatic 30×30 goals.
    Patrones globales de las asociaciones espaciales entre humanos y fauna y las implicaciones para la diferenciación de las estrategias de conservación Resumen Es esencial entender los patrones globales de asociaciones entre humanos y fauna para la implementación pragmática de la conservación. Aun así, son muy pocos los fundamentos analíticos y las evaluaciones basadas en indicadores que incrementarían este conocimiento. Integramos la distribución global de 30,664 vertebrados terrestres y presiones humanas para mapear las categorías del índice de naturaleza humana (INH) que indican la extensión e intensidad de las interacciones humano‐fauna. El INH permitió la colocación de áreas terrestres en todo el mundo en las dos dimensiones de la biodiversidad y las actividades humanas dentro de una de las cuatro categorías del INH: áreas antrópicas (dominadas por humanos), dominadas por fauna (poca influencia humana y rica en fauna), co‐ocurrentes (presencia sustancial de humanos y fauna) y de ambiente severo (presencia limitada de humanos y fauna). El INH varió considerablemente entre los taxones, y el factor principal fueron los patrones climáticos mundiales. Las regiones co‐ocurrentes fueron las más frecuentes (35.9%) las regiones antrópicas y dominadas por fauna englobaron el 26.45% y 6.50% del área terrestre respectivamente. Nuestros resultados enfatizan la necesidad de personalizar las estrategias de conservación acorde a la región con base en las asociaciones espaciales entre humanos y fauna y la distribución de las redes existentes de áreas protegidas. La actividad humana y la biodiversidad deberían estar integradas para las estrategias complementarias para respaldar a la conservación hacia los objetivos ambiciosos y pragmáticos de 30 para el 30.
    理解人与野生动物多样性空间关系的全球模式对于实施务实的保护至关重要。然而, 目前支撑这一理解的分析基础和基于指标的评估仍然不足。本文通过整合全球30,664种陆生脊椎动物与人类压力的分布, 提出了一套空间明确的人与自然指数(human‐nature index, HNI)。我们发现, 不同动物类群间的HNI差异很大, 而全球气候格局是影响HNI的主要因素。沿着生物多样性和人类压力两个维度, HNI指数将全球陆地范围划分为四个HNI区域:人类主导区(anthropic), 野生动物主导区(wildlife‐dominated), 共存区(co‐occurring), 与荒芜区(harsh environment)。共存区是占陆地面积最大的区域(35.9%), 野生动物主导区和人类主导区分别占陆地面积的26.45%和6.50%。我们的研究结果强调了根据人与野生动物的空间关联, 以及现有保护地网络分布格局, 制定适合各区域保护策略的必要性。应该将人类活动与生物多样性整合分析, 以支持实现既具雄心, 又公平、务实的“30×30”目标。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biodiversity conservation requires conserving evolutionary potential-the capacity for wild populations to adapt. Understanding genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics is critical for informing conservation decisions that enhance adaptability and persistence under environmental change. We review how emerging landscape genomic methods provide plant conservation programs with insights into evolutionary dynamics, including local adaptation and its environmental drivers. Landscape genomic approaches that explore relationships between genomic variation and environments complement rather than replace established population genomic and common garden approaches for assessing adaptive phenotypic variation, population structure, gene flow, and demography. Collectively, these approaches inform conservation actions, including genetic rescue, maladaptation prediction, and assisted gene flow. The greatest on-the-ground impacts from such studies will be realized when conservation practitioners are actively engaged in research and monitoring. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics shaping the genetic diversity of wild plant populations will inform plant conservation decisions that enhance the adaptability and persistence of species in an uncertain future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic diversity analysis of six dog breeds, including Ca de Bestiar (CB), Ca de Bou (CBOU), Podenco Ibicenco (PI), Ca Rater (CR), Ca Mè (CM), and Ca de Conills (CC), reveals insightful findings. CB showcases the highest mean number of alleles (6.17) and heterozygosity values, with significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) observed in five markers, indicating high intra-racial genetic diversity (average observed heterozygosity (Ho) = 0.754, expected heterozygosity (He) = 0.761). In contrast, CBOU presents the lowest mean number of alleles (5.05) and heterozygosity values, coupled with moderate polymorphic information content (PIC) values and a moderate level of intra-racial genetic diversity (average Ho = 0.313, He = 0.394). PI demonstrates moderate genetic diversity with an average of 5.75 alleles and highly informative PIC values, while CR displays robust genetic diversity with an average of 6.61 alleles and deviations from equilibrium, indicating potential risks of inbreeding (average Ho = 0.563, He = 0.658). CM exhibits moderate genetic diversity and deviations from equilibrium, similar to CBOU, with an average of 6.5 alleles and moderate PIC values (average Ho = 0.598, He = 0.676). Conversely, CC shows a wider range of allelic diversity and deviations from equilibrium (average Ho = 0.611, He = 0.706), suggesting a more diverse genetic background. Inter-racial analysis underscores distinct genetic differentiation between breeds, emphasizing the importance of informed breeding decisions and proactive genetic management strategies to preserve diversity, promote breed health, and ensure long-term sustainability across all breeds studied.





