Chemical weapons

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vesicants are chemical warfare agents (CWAs) capable of causing severe skin damage and systemic toxicity. Melatonin, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can mitigate the effects of these agents. Self-nano-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) containing a high melatonin concentration (5 %, 50 mg/g) were optimized using a quality-by-design approach from biocompatible, non-irritant excipients with a particle size of about 100 nm. The melatonin-loaded SNEDDS showed a 43-fold greater permeability than a conventional melatonin cream. Chemical stability at ambient temperature (25 °C) was maintained for one year. The preparation of optimised melatonin-loaded SNEDDS using a simple mixing method was compared to microfluidic micromixers. Mixing was successfully achieved using a 3D-printed (fused deposition modeling or stereolithography) T-shaped toroidal microfluidic chip (with a channel geometry optimized by computational fluid dynamics), resulting in a scalable, continuous process for the first time with a substantial reduction in preparation time compared to other conventional mixing approaches. No statistically significant differences were observed in the key quality attributes, such as particle size and melatonin loading, between mixing method till kinetic equilibrium solubility is reached and mixing using the 3D-printed micromixers. This scalable, continuous, cost-effective approach improves the overall efficiency of SNEDDS production, reduces the cost of quality control for multiple batches, and demonstrates the potential of continuous microfluidic manufacture with readily customizable 3D-printed micromixers at points of care, such as military bases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the fundamental physical characteristics of extremely toxic compounds and their behavior across different environments plays a crucial role in assessing their danger. Additionally, this knowledge informs the development of protocols for gathering forensic evidence related to harmful chemicals misuse. In 2018, former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned in Salisbury, England, with a substance later identified as the unconventional nerve agent A-234. Contamination with the compound was found on items inside Skripal\'s home. The aim of this paper was to determine the persistence of A-234 on selected indoor surfaces. Ceramics, aluminum can, laminated chipboard, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) floor tile, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle, acrylic paint and computer keyboard were used as matrices. The decrease in surface contamination and further fate of the compound was monitored for 12 weeks. Persistence determination involved optimizing the wipe sampling method. Simultaneously, evaporation from the surface and permeation of the contaminant into the matrix were closely monitored. The experimental findings indicate that the nerve agent exhibits remarkable persistence, particularly on impermeable surfaces. Notably, the process of A-234 evaporation plays a minor role in determining its fate, with detectable concentrations observed solely above solid, non-porous surfaces such as ceramics and aluminum can. The surface persistence half-life varied significantly, ranging from 12 min to 478 days, depending on the material. The article has implications for emergency response protocols, decontamination strategies, public health and crime scene investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of small airway disease on computed tomography (CT) scans is challenging in patients with a history of chemical warfare exposure. We developed a software package based on different methodologies to identify and quantify small airway disease in CT images. The primary aim was to identify the best automatic methodology for detecting small airway disease in CT scans of Iran-Iraq War victims of chemical warfare.
    This retrospective case-control study enrolled 46 patients with a history of chemical warfare exposure and 27 controls with inspiratory/expiratory (I/E) CT scans and spirometry tests. Image data were automatically segmented, and inspiratory images were registered into the expiratory images\' frame using the locally developed software. Parametric response mapping (PRM) and air trapping index (ATI) mapping were performed on the CT images. Conventional QCT methods, including expiratory/inspiratory mean lung attenuation (E/I MLA) ratio, normal density E/I (ND E/I) MLA ratio, attenuation volume Index (AVI), %low attenuation areas (LAA) < -856 in exhale scans, and %LAA < -950 in inhale scans were also computed. QCT measurements were correlated with spirometry results and compared across the two study groups.
    The correlation analysis showed a significant negative relationship between three air trapping (AT) measurements (PRM, ATI, and %LAAExp < -856) and spirometry parameters (Fev1, Fvc, Fev1/Fvc, and MMEF). Moreover, %LAAExp < -856 had the highest significant negative correlation with Fev1/Fvc (r = -0.643, P-value < 0.001). Three AT measurements demonstrated a significant difference between the study groups. The E/I ratio was also significantly different between the two groups (P-value < 0.001). Binary logistic regression models showed PRMFsad, %LAAExp < -856, and ATI as significant and strong predictors of the study outcome. Optimal cut-points for PRMFsad = 19%, %LAAExp < -856 = 23%, and ATI = 27% were identified to classify the participants into two groups with high accuracy.
    QCT methods, including PRM, ATI, and %LAAExp < -856 can greatly advance the identification and quantification of SAD in chemical warfare victims. The results should be verified in well-designed prospective studies involving a large population.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Recent news points to the eventuality of an armed conflict on the national territory.
    BACKGROUND: In this situation, pulmonologists will in all likelihood have a major role to assume in caring for the injured, especially insofar as chest damage is a major cause of patient death.
    CONCLUSIONS: The main injuries that pulmonologists may be called upon to treat stem not only from explosions, but also from chemical, biological and nuclear hazards. In this article, relevant organizational and pedagogical aspects are addressed. Since exhaustiveness on this subject is unattainable, we are proposing training on specific subjects for interested practitioners.
    CONCLUSIONS: The resilience of the French health system in a situation of armed conflict depends on the active participation of all concerned parties. With this in mind, it is of prime importance that the pneumological community be sensitized to the potential predictable severity of war-related injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of modern chemical weapons and chemical warfare is traditionally associated with World War I, but the use of poisons in the military has its roots deep in the past. The sources of these poisons have always been natural agents that also served as medicines. This relationship between poison and medicine, and nowadays between chemical warfare and medicine, or between \'military chemistry\' and pharmacy, appears to be very important for understanding not only the history but also the possible future of both phenomena. This article looks at some historical examples of the use of drugs as chemical weapons and, conversely, the use of chemical weapons as medicines. It seeks to find answers to some questions that are particularly relevant to the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which aims to achieve a world without chemical warfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developments in science and technology improve health and wellbeing of humankind, for example with better methods to detect and treat diseases. However, some advances have led to the development of weapons of mass destruction: chemical and biological weapons. Although banned by international treaties, chemical weapons have been used in recent years in assassinations and the Syrian civil war. Additionally, biological weapons became the subject of recent suspicions and allegations. While not limited to these fields, the so-called dual-use potential-the possibility to apply aspects both with benevolent or malevolent intentions-is especially pronounced in the life sciences. Here, we showcase some areas explored at the conference series Spiez CONVERGENCE that facilitates an exchange between science, arms control and international security. Together, these communities discuss the potential impact of life scientific advances on the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions. Enabled by digital technologies, DNA sequencing and synthesis provide the toolbox to (re)construct viruses and cells, which demonstrated invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic but bear the misuse risk to allow intentionally triggering an outbreak. Open databases and algorithms could be used to generate new chemical weapons. We argue that preventing unintended consequences of life science research while promoting its benefits with responsible science, requires awareness and reflection about unexpected risks of everyone involved in the research process. The strength of the ban of chemical and biological weapons also depends on scientists interacting with policy makers in evaluating risks and implementing measures to reduce them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In November 2019, for the first time in the history of the Chemical Weapons Convention, changes were made to Schedule 1 of the Annex on Chemicals. While there is little in the scientific literature regarding any of these newly scheduled chemicals, the carbamates, specifically, prove to be substantially different, both in terms of their chemical composition and their toxicological effects, from all the other scheduled nerve agents and have yet to be fully reported on in the literature. Herein, we present a literature review of the available information on carbamates included in Schedule 1, as well as analogous other carbamates, and provide a summary of their utility and function as cholinesterase inhibitors in general and their toxicities. Though there is a paucity of studies in the literature related to the detection of these newly scheduled quaternary and bisquaternary carbamates and/or their biomarkers, information available on carbamate pesticides may be a solid starting point to further postulate amenable detection methodologies. Lastly, we note some implications of these newly scheduled carbamates for the nonproliferation and disarmament community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Following a chemical incident involving chemical warfare agents or more broadly, chemical weapons, there are two possible approaches in dealing with the traditional forensic analysis of contaminated exhibits. The first is to analyze the contaminated items under safe conditions (i.e. in laboratories dedicated to the handling of such substances), while the second relies on item decontamination prior to processing them in traditional forensic laboratories. One of the main limitations of the latter is the possible degradation or destruction of traces caused by the decontamination process. Hence, it is crucial to have as much information as possible on the impact of different decontamination agents and procedures on traces. This research presents experimental results on the recovery of fingermarks on glass after the application of decontaminants typically used in case of chemical incidents. The impact of 11 decontaminants on fingermarks deposited on glass and on the subsequent enhancement with cyanoacrylate and Small Particle Reagent (SPR) was evaluated (by visual examination) by four evaluators. The results of the study demonstrated that the persistence of fingermarks on glass is highly dependent on the type of decontaminant used. Decontamination agents based on the principle of nucleophilic substitution to neutralize toxic chemicals allowed good subsequent development of fingermarks with SPR. Powdered decontaminants did not show any indication of alteration of fingermarks, whereas decontamination with oxidants leads to variable results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has resulted in the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. As fighting intensifies throughout Ukraine, there is an increasing concern that the Russian Federation may consider the direct use of chemical or radiological weapons against military personnel and civilians in Ukraine. Despite prohibition of chemical weapons from the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997, recent evidence has demonstrated that state actors will continue to use these agents as weapons of war and terror, despite publicly denying their use. We review chemical weapons produced and used by the Russian Federation (or its allies) to identify plausible risks in the Russian war in Ukraine. We also provide rapid assessment and treatment guidelines to recognize and manage these acute exposures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of chemical weapons in terrorist attacks, though rare, remains a significant challenge and concern due to their ability to inflict mass casualties. Chemical attacks remain a topic of interest for Disaster Medicine (DM) and Counter-Terrorism Medicine (CTM) specialists and are clearly an area in need of enhanced preparedness. This study aims to provide an epidemiological description of all terrorism-related attacks using chemical agents as a primary weapon, sustained from 1970 - 2019. These data will be useful in the development of education programs in CTM and provide an insight into how best to prepare for potential attacks in the future.
    METHODS: Data collection was performed using a retrospective database search through the Global Terrorism Database (GTD). The GTD was searched using the internal database search functions for all events using chemical weapons as a primary attack method from January 1, 1970 - December 31, 2019. Years 2020 and 2021 were not yet available at the time of the study. The GTD also details the specific chemical used, when known, in the summary of incidents. Results were exported into an Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Corp.; Redmond, Washington USA) for analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 292 terrorist attacks involving chemical agents as a primary attack method were recorded from 1970 - 2019, registering 284 deaths and 13,267 injuries. Acid (52) was the most commonly used chemical agent, followed by \"unspecified poison\" (43), \"unknown chemical agents\" (29), \"unspecified gas\" (27), tear gas (27), chlorine gas (24), cyanide (21), mercury (9), pepper spray or mace (9), mustard gas (8), insecticide or 1080 (8), diphenylamine chloroarsine (7), phosphate or phosphorous (3), sodium hydroxide or corrosive liquid (3), sarin (2), \"unspecified drugs\" (2), VX nerve gas and other nerve gas (2), pesticides (2), cleaning chemicals/paint thinner (2), ammonia (2), anesthesia agent (1), arsenic (1), chlorine and mustard gas mix (1), phenarsazine chloride (1), rat poison (1), unknown irritative gas (1), hydrochloric acid and sodium cyanide mix (1), unknown white powder (1), antiseptic dye (1), and chlorine gas and white phosphorous mix (1).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of chemical weapons in warfare, though prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), remains a rare but concerning terrorist attack methodology. In recent years, there have been more instances where potentially deadly chemicals have been used in civilian settings. Dual use industrial chemicals, in particular, pose a significant concern. Acid was the most commonly used chemical weapon in 52 attacks. Tear gas, chlorine, and cyanide were each used in over 20 attacks. Both DM and CTM specialists advocate for better preparedness and response training for intentional events in civilian settings.





