
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Development of the heart is a very intricate and multiplex process as it involves not only the three spatial dimensions but also the fourth or time dimension. Over time, the heart of an embryo needs to adapt its function to serve the increasing complexity of differentiation and growth towards adulthood. It becomes even more perplexing by expanding time into millions of years, allocating related species in the tree of life. As the evolution of soft tissues can hardly be studied, we have to rely on comparative embryology, supported heavily by genetic and molecular approaches. These techniques provide insight into relationships, not only between species, but also between cell populations, signaling mechanisms, molecular interactions and physical factors such as hemodynamics. Heart development depends on differentiation of a mesodermal cell population that - in more derived taxa - continues in segmentation of the first and second heart field. These fields deliver not only the cardiomyocytes, forming the three-dimensionally looping cardiac tube as a basis for the chambered heart, but also the enveloping epicardium. The synchronized beating of the heart is then organized by the conduction system. In this Review, the epicardium is introduced as an important player in cardiac differentiation, including the conduction system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The traditional description of cardiac development involves progression from a cardiac crescent to a linear heart tube, which in the phase of transformation into a mature heart forms a cardiac loop and is divided with the septa into individual cavities. Cardiac morphogenesis involves numerous types of cells originating outside the initial cardiac crescent, including neural crest cells, cells of the second heart field origin, and epicardial progenitor cells. The development of the fetal heart and circulatory system is subject to regulatation by both genetic and environmental processes. The etiology for cases with congenital heart defects (CHDs) is largely unknown, but several genetic anomalies, some maternal illnesses, and prenatal exposures to specific therapeutic and non-therapeutic drugs are generally accepted as risk factors. New techniques for studying heart development have revealed many aspects of cardiac morphogenesis that are important in the development of CHDs, in particular transposition of the great arteries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are increasingly used to promote sustainable agriculture, but their unregulated use raises concerns about potential environmental risks. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a commonly used PGR, has been the subject of research on its developmental toxicity in the in-vivo zebrafish model. IAA exposure to zebrafish embryos caused oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and cellular apoptosis. The study also revealed that critical antioxidant genes including sod, cat, and bcl2 were downregulated, while pro-apoptotic genes such as bax and p53 were upregulated. IAA exposure also hampered normal cardiogenesis by downregulating myl7, amhc, and vmhc genes and potentially influencing zebrafish neurobehavior. The accumulation of IAA was confirmed by HPLC analysis of IAA-exposed zebrafish tissues. These findings underscore the need for further study on the potential ecological consequences of IAA use and the need for sustainable agricultural practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compared to classical techniques of morphological analysis, micro-CT (μ-CT) has become an effective approach allowing rapid screening of morphological changes. In the present work, we aimed to provide an optimized micro-CT dense agent perfusion protocol and μ-CT guidelines for different stages of chick embryo cardiogenesis. Our study was conducted over a period of 10 embryonic days (Hamburger-Hamilton HH36) in chick embryo hearts. During the perfusion of the micro-CT dense agent at different developmental stages (HH19, HH24, HH27, HH29, HH31, HH34, HH35, and HH36), we demonstrated that durations and volumes of the injected contrast agent gradually increased with the heart developmental stages contrary to the flow rate that was unchanged during the whole experiment. Analysis of the CT imaging confirmed the efficiency of the optimized parameters of the heart perfusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro studies have demonstrated that the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into cardiomyocytes requires activation of caspases through the mitochondrial pathway. These studies have relied on synthetic substrates for activity measurements, which can be misleading due to potential none-specific hydrolysis of these substrates by proteases other than caspases. Hence, caspase-9 and caspase-3 activation are investigated during the differentiation of human ESCs (hESCs) by directly assessing caspase-9 and -3 cleavage. Western blot reveals the presence of the cleaved caspase-9 prior to and during the differentiation of human ESCs (hESCs) into cardiomyocytes at early stages, which diminishes as the differentiation progresses, without cleavage and activation of endogenous procaspase-3. Activation of exogenous procaspase-3 by endogenous caspase-9 and subsequent cleavage of chromogenic caspase-3 substrate i.e. DEVD-pNA during the course of differentiation confirmes that endogenous caspase-9 has the potency to recognize and activate procaspase-3, but for reasons that are unknown to us fails to do so. These observations suggest the existence of distinct mechanisms of caspase regulation in differentiation as compared to apoptosis. Bioinformatics analysis suggests the presence of caspase-9 regulators, which may influence proteolytic function under specific conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of erythropoietin (EPO) has extended beyond hematopoiesis to include cytoprotection, inotropy, and neurogenesis. Extra-renal EPO has been reported for multiple tissue/cell types, but the physiological relevance remains unknown. Although the EPO receptor is expressed by multiple cardiac cell types and human recombinant EPO increases contractility and confers cytoprotection against injury, whether the heart produces physiologically meaningful amounts of EPO in vivo is unclear. We show a distinct circadian rhythm of cardiac EPO mRNA expression in adult mice and increased mRNA expression during embryogenesis, suggesting physiological relevance to cardiac EPO production throughout life. We then generated constitutive, cardiomyocyte-specific EPO knockout mice driven by the Mlc2v promoter (EPOfl/fl:Mlc2v-cre+/-; EPOΔ/Δ-CM). During cardiogenesis, cardiac EPO mRNA expression and cellular proliferation were reduced in EPOΔ/Δ-CM hearts. However, in adult EPOΔ/Δ- CM mice, total heart weight was preserved through increased cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, indicating the reduced cellular proliferation was compensated for by cellular hypertrophy. Echocardiography revealed no changes in cardiac dimensions, with modest reductions in ejection fraction, stroke volume, and tachycardia, whereas invasive hemodynamics showed increased cardiac contractility and lusitropy. Paradoxically, EPO mRNA expression in the heart was elevated in adult EPOΔ/Δ-CM, along with increased serum EPO protein content and hematocrit. Using RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization, we found that Epo RNA colocalized with endothelial cells in the hearts of adult EPOΔ/Δ-CM mice, identifying the endothelial cells as a cell responsible for the EPO hyper-expression. Collectively, these data identify the first physiological roles for cardiomyocyte-derived EPO. We have established cardiac EPO mRNA expression is a complex interplay of multiple cell types, where loss of embryonic cardiomyocyte EPO production results in hyper-expression from other cells within the adult heart.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Cardiac Myxoma is a primary tumor of heart. Its origins, rarity of the occurrence of primary cardiac tumors and how it may be related to limited cardiac regenerative potential, are not yet entirely known. This study investigates the key cardiac genes/ transcription factors (TFs) and signaling pathways to understand these important questions.
    METHODS: Databases including PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar were searched for published articles without any date restrictions, involving cardiac myxoma, cardiac genes/TFs/signaling pathways and their roles in cardiogenesis, proliferation, differentiation, key interactions and tumorigenesis, with focus on cardiomyocytes.
    RESULTS: The cardiac genetic landscape is governed by a very tight control between proliferation and differentiation-related genes/TFs/pathways. Cardiac myxoma originates possibly as a consequence of dysregulations in the gene expression of differentiation regulators including Tbx5, GATA4, HAND1/2, MYOCD, HOPX, BMPs. Such dysregulations switch the expression of cardiomyocytes into progenitor-like state in cardiac myxoma development by dysregulating Isl1, Baf60 complex, Wnt, FGF, Notch, Mef2c and others. The Nkx2-5 and MSX2 contribute predominantly to both proliferation and differentiation of Cardiac Progenitor Cells (CPCs), may possibly serve roles based on the microenvironment and the direction of cell circuitry in cardiac tumorigenesis. The Nkx2-5 in cardiac myxoma may serve to limit progression of tumorigenesis as it has massive control over the proliferation of CPCs. The cardiac cell type-specific genetic programming plays governing role in controlling the tumorigenesis and regenerative potential.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cardiomyocytes have very limited proliferative and regenerative potential. They survive for long periods of time and tightly maintain the gene expression of differentiation genes such as Tbx5, GATA4 that interact with tumor suppressors (TS) and exert TS like effect. The total effect such gene expression exerts is responsible for the rare occurrence and benign nature of primary cardiac tumors. This prevents the progression of tumorigenesis. But this also limits the regenerative and proliferative potential of cardiomyocytes. Cardiac Myxoma develops as a consequence of dysregulations in these key genes which revert the cells towards progenitor-like state, hallmark of CM. The CM development in carney complex also signifies the role of TS in cardiac cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common form of birth defects in humans. They occur in 9 out of 1000 live births and are defined as structural abnormalities of the heart. Understanding CHDs is difficult due to the heterogeneity of the disease and its multifactorial etiology. Advances in genomic sequencing have made it possible to identify the genetic factors involved in CHDs. However, genetic origins have only been found in a minority of CHD cases, suggesting the contribution of non-inherited (environmental) risk factors to the etiology of CHDs. Maternal pregestational diabetes is associated with a three- to five-fold increased risk of congenital cardiopathies, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are incompletely understood. According to current hypotheses, hyperglycemia is the main teratogenic agent in diabetic pregnancies. It is thought to induce cell damage, directly through genetic and epigenetic dysregulations and/or indirectly through production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The purpose of this review is to summarize key findings on the molecular mechanisms altered in cardiac development during exposure to hyperglycemic conditions in utero. It also presents the various in vivo and in vitro techniques used to experimentally model pregestational diabetes. Finally, new approaches are suggested to broaden our understanding of the subject and develop new prevention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    During heart development, a well-characterized network of transcription factors initiates cardiac gene expression and defines the precise timing and location of cardiac progenitor specification. However, our understanding of the post-initiation transcriptional events that regulate cardiac gene expression is still incomplete. The PAF1C component Rtf1 is a transcription regulatory protein that modulates pausing and elongation of RNA Pol II, as well as cotranscriptional histone modifications. Here we report that Rtf1 is essential for cardiogenesis in fish and mammals, and that in the absence of Rtf1 activity, cardiac progenitors arrest in an immature state. We found that Rtf1\'s Plus3 domain, which confers interaction with the transcriptional pausing and elongation regulator Spt5, was necessary for cardiac progenitor formation. ChIP-seq analysis further revealed changes in the occupancy of RNA Pol II around the transcription start site (TSS) of cardiac genes in rtf1 morphants reflecting a reduction in transcriptional pausing. Intriguingly, inhibition of pause release in rtf1 morphants and mutants restored the formation of cardiac cells and improved Pol II occupancy at the TSS of key cardiac genes. Our findings highlight the crucial role that transcriptional pausing plays in promoting normal gene expression levels in a cardiac developmental context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes play a vital role in providing structural integrity to tissues that experience significant mechanical tension, including the heart. Deficiencies in desmosomal proteins lead to the development of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC). The limited availability of preventative measures in clinical settings underscores the pressing need to gain a comprehensive understanding of desmosomal proteins not only in cardiomyocytes but also in non-myocyte residents of the heart, as they actively contribute to the progression of cardiomyopathy. This review focuses specifically on the impact of desmosome deficiency on epi- and endocardial cells. We highlight the intricate cross-talk between desmosomal proteins mutations and signaling pathways involved in the regulation of epicardial cell fate transition. We further emphasize that the consequences of desmosome deficiency differ between the embryonic and adult heart leading to enhanced erythropoiesis during heart development and enhanced fibrogenesis in the mature heart. We suggest that triggering epi-/endocardial cells and fibroblasts that are in different \"states\" involve the same pathways but lead to different pathological outcomes. Understanding the details of the different responses must be considered when developing interventions and therapeutic strategies.





