Cancer survivorship

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adults with cancer have higher rates of comorbidity compared to those without cancer, with excess burden in people from lower socioeconomic status (SES). Social deprivation, based on geographic indices, broadens the focus of SES to include the importance of \"place\" and its association with health. Further, social support is a modifiable resource found to have direct and indirect effects on health in adults with cancer, with less known about its impact on comorbidity.
    OBJECTIVE: We prospectively examined associations between social deprivation and comorbidity burden and the potential buffering role of social support.
    METHODS: Our longitudinal sample of 420 adults (Mage = 59.6, SD = 11.6; 75% Non-Hispanic White) diagnosed with cancer completed measures at baseline (~6 months post-diagnosis) and four subsequent 3-month intervals for 1 year.
    RESULTS: Adjusting for age, cancer type, and race/ethnicity, we found a statistically significant interaction between social support and the effect of social deprivation on comorbidity burden (β = -0.11, p = 0.012), such that greater social support buffered the negative effect of social deprivation on comorbidity burden.
    CONCLUSIONS: Implementing routine screening for social deprivation in cancer care settings can help identify patients at risk of excess comorbidity burden. Clinician recognition of these findings could trigger a referral to social support resources for individuals high on social deprivation.
    This study examines the complex interplay among neighborhood-level deprivation, social support, and comorbidity burden in adults diagnosed with cancer. We know that individuals with cancer often face health challenges, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This research expands the scope beyond just income or education level to include the impact of “place” or social deprivation on health outcomes. The study followed 420 adults diagnosed with cancer over the course of a year, examining how social deprivation and social support influenced their comorbidity burden. Interestingly, findings suggest that social support can act as a buffer against the negative effects of social deprivation on comorbidity burden. These results highlight the importance of considering not only just medical treatment but also the social context in which patients live when managing cancer care. Identifying patients at risk of increased comorbidity burden due to social deprivation and providing them with appropriate social support resources could significantly improve their overall health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Currently, an increasing number of women postpone pregnancy beyond the age of 35. Gynecological cancers affect a significant proportion of women of reproductive age, necessitating the development of fertility preservation methods to fulfill family planning. Consequently, providing treatment options that preserve fertility in women diagnosed with gynecological cancers has become a crucial component of care for survivors. (2) Methods: We conducted an extensive search of relevant scientific publications in PubMed and Embase databases and performed a narrative review, including high-quality peer-reviewed research on fertility after being treated for gynecologic cancers, reporting pregnancy rates, birth rates, and pregnancy outcomes in cancer survivors as well as therapeutic options which partially preserve fertility and methods for obtaining a pregnancy in survivors. (3) Discussion: The medicine practiced today is focused on both treating the neoplasm and preserving the quality of life of the patients, with fertility preservation being an important element of this quality. This leads to an improved quality of life, allowing these women to become mothers even in the seemingly adverse circumstances posed by such a pathology. However, although there are guidelines on female fertility preservation in the context of neoplasms, an analysis shows that physicians do not routinely consider it and do not discuss these options with their patients. (4) Conclusions: Advancements in medicine have led to a better understanding and management of gynecological neoplasms, resulting in increased survival rates. Once the battle against these neoplasms is won, the issue of preserving the quality of life for these women arises, with fertility preservation being an important aspect for women who have not yet fulfilled their family planning desires at the time of diagnosis. It is important for patients to be informed about the available options for fertility preservation and to be encouraged to make informed decisions in collaboration with their medical team. Standardized recommendations for onco-fertility into guidelines should be taken into consideration in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary care providers (PCPs) have been given the responsibility of managing the follow-up care of low-risk cancer survivors after they are discharged from the oncology center. Survivorship Care Plans (SCPs) were developed to facilitate this transition, but research indicates inconsistencies in how they are implemented. A detailed examination of enablers and barriers that influence their use by PCPs is needed to understand how to improve SCPs and ultimately facilitate cancer survivors\' transition to primary care. An interview guide was developed based on the second version of the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF-2). PCPs participated in semi-structured interviews. Qualitative content analysis was used to develop a codebook to code text into each of the 14 TDF-2 domains. Thematic analysis was also used to generate themes and subthemes. Thirteen PCPs completed the interview and identified the following barriers to SCP use: unfamiliarity with the side effects of cancer treatment (Knowledge), lack of clarity on the roles of different healthcare professionals (Social Professional Role and Identity), follow-up tasks being outside of scope of practice (Social Professional Role and Identity), increased workload, lack of options for psychosocial support for survivors, managing different electronic medical records systems, logistical issues with liaising with oncology (Environmental Context and Resources), and patient factors (Social Influences). PCPs value the information provided in SCPs and found the follow-up guidance provided to be most helpful. However, SCP use could be improved through streamlining methods of communication and collaboration between oncology centres and community-based primary care settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We presented the key findings from Singapore\'s Changi General Hospital Breast Centre\'s lymphedema surveillance strategy that used patients\' reported symptoms, standard arm circumference measurements and clinical assessment in the diagnosis of breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL). Our secondary aim was to highlight and discuss important elements of a surveillance strategy that can be implemented to track this outcome measure of breast cancer treatment for future research.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 511 breast cancer patients to assess the prevalence of BCRL and its associated risk factors. We defined BCRL prevalence rates based on patients\' self-reporting, objective arm circumference measure-ments and clinical diagnosis based on International Society of Lymphology (ISL) staging.
    UNASSIGNED: The median follow-up of patients was 88.8 months. The cumulative prevalence rate in the cohort was 30.9%. The cohort of BCRL patients were older (58.4 versus [vs] 54.9 years), had higher mean Body Mass Index (27.7 vs 25.2), higher proportion of mastectomy (77% vs 64.3%), axillary clearance, less likely breast reconstruction, higher-grade tumour, more lymph nodes excised, more advanced nodal disease, and had undergone adjuvant chemotherapy. However, clinically apparent BCRL was only 6.5% (33 out of 511 patients). The proportion of clinically significant BCRL in patients undergoing sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) or axillary sampling was 1.7% compared to 9.9% in patients who had undergone axillary clearance. Majority of the BCRL were subclinical or mild in severity.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study showed that our rates of BCRL were comparable to international rates and highlighted similar patient profiles who were at risk of developing the disease. Having a comprehensive lymphedema surveillance strategy is paramount in paving the way for future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study addresses the critical issue of survivorship care for Black prostate cancer survivors. The aim was to explore their awareness of survivorship care plans to improve prostate cancer care and survivorship within this high-risk group.
    METHODS: Utilizing a thematic analysis approach, we conducted in-depth interviews focused on analyzing post-treatment experiences of Black prostate cancer survivors by applying interpretive explanations to data collected from participants.
    RESULTS: Participants reported a significant gap in survivorship care plan communication post-treatment, as these plans were seldom discussed. Survivors highlighted the adoption of post-treatment strategies and self-education as means to enhance their comprehension of the survivorship process. Black survivors demonstrated an intrinsic motivation, after feeling \"discarded,\" to find suitable resources to enhance their survivorship care for a better quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prioritization of post-treatment care for Black prostate cancer survivors is important. By offering comprehensive post-treatment education, improving symptom transparency, and establishing safe spaces for open discussion, the quality of life of Black survivors may be substantially improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a pressing need for dynamic post-treatment care coordination tailored to Black prostate cancer survivors. A lack of crucial post-treatment education for this population that experiences disproportionate burden of prostate cancer may exacerbate cancer health disparities. Addressing this care coordination gap may improve support systems, survivor well-being, and better cancer outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our review aims to clarify the incidence of carotid artery stenosis, risks of development, screening, management, and primary prevention strategies documented in the literature after radiation therapy for head and neck cancers. The high prevalence of carotid stenosis after radiation therapy for head and neck cancers has made surveillance and risk stratification critical. In addition to general cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, diabetes, and dyslipidemia, risk factors for carotid artery stenosis after head and neck radiation included total plaque score, radiotherapy use and dosage, length of time after radiotherapy, and age greater than 50. Cancer subtype, namely nasopharyngeal cancer, may be correlated with increased risk as well, though contrasting results have been found. Interestingly, however, no significant relationship has been found between radiotherapy dose and stroke risk. Surgical management of post-radiation carotid stenosis is similar to that of stenosis unrelated to radiation, with carotid endarterectomy considered to be the gold standard treatment and carotid artery stenting being an acceptable, less-invasive alternative. Medical management of these patients has not been well-studied, but antiplatelet therapy, statins, and blood pressure control may be beneficial. The mainstay of screening for radiation-induced stenosis has been Doppler ultrasound, with measurement of changes in the intima-media thickness being a primary marker of disease development. A literature review was carried out using the MeSH terms \"Carotid Artery Stenosis,\" \"Head and Neck Neoplasms,\" and \"Radiotherapy.\"






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite recent advances in cancer control and the number of cancer survivors increasing substantially over the past years, some cancer survivors continue to experience disparities due to barriers to recommended survivorship care. The use of survivorship care plans (SCPs) may be a way to help care for these individuals and their respective issues after they complete their primary treatment. The purpose of this scoping review is to understand the evidence on SCPs among minority, rural, and low-income populations: groups that experience disproportionately poorer cancer health outcomes.
    METHODS: Computer-based searches were conducted in four academic databases. We included peer-reviewed studies published in the English language and conducted in the USA. We systematically extracted information from each paper meeting our inclusion criteria.
    RESULTS: Our search identified 45 articles. The 4 major themes identified were (1) disparities in the receipt of SCPs where populations experience unmet needs; (2) benefits of SCPs, including improved care coordination and self-management of cancer; (3) needs and preferences for survivorship care; and (4) barriers and facilitators to using SCPs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the potential benefits, underserved cancer survivors experience disparities in the receipt of SCPs and continue to have unmet needs in their survivorship care. Survivorship care may benefit from a risk-stratified approach where SCPs are prioritized to survivors belonging to high-risk groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: SCPs are a tool to deliver quality care for cancer survivors. While evidence is mixed on SCPs\' benefits among the general population, SCPs show promise for underserved populations when it comes to proximal outcomes that contribute to disparities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Breast cancer-related arm lymphedema (BCRL) is a common chronic and debilitating condition that involves accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the arm or hand. Limited data are available on BCRL in African American women. Lack of physical activity (PA) and poor physical functioning (PF) are both associated with increased morbidity and mortality among breast cancer survivors. We examined the association of BCRL with PA and PF among African American breast cancer survivors.
    METHODS: 323 African American women who previously participated in a case-only study in three states (TN, GA, SC) completed a survivorship-focused questionnaire (mean: 4.2 years post-diagnosis) in 2015-2016. Validated measures were used to determine BCRL, PF, and PA. Adjusted binary logistic regression models estimated ORs and 95% CIs for the association of BCRL and meeting PA guidelines (≥ 150 min/week), while multinomial logistic regression was used for PF and PA (minutes/week) categorized based on tertiles.
    RESULTS: Approximately 32% reported BCRL since diagnosis; 25.4% reported BCRL in the last 12-months. About 26% and 50% reported that BCRL interfered with exercise and ability to do daily activities, respectively. The mean PF among those with BCRL was 51.0(SD:29.0) vs. 68.5(SD:30.1) among those without BCRL. BCRL was associated with lower PF (adjusted-OR for tertile 2: 2.12(95% CI:1.03-4.36) and adjusted-OR for tertile 1: 2.93(95% CI:1.44-5.96)).
    CONCLUSIONS: BCRL was associated with lower PF among long-term African American breast cancer survivors. Continued monitoring by health care professionals and increased education and behavioral interventions to support PA and improved PF among survivors living with BCRL are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Of the 4.4 million people diagnosed with cancer in Europe each year, around 36 % are of working age. Return-to-work rates vary across Europe. Work is important for the individual, as well as for society, and this review aims to provide an overview of the predictors for the return to work (RTW) process in European cancer survivors of working age. A systematic literature search was conducted. The present review included quantitative and qualitative study designs published since 2013. In total, the review included 85 papers examining cancer survivors with various cancer diagnoses in 18 European countries. Identified predictive factors for RTW related to the social system, treatment, disease, health behavior, the individuals\' psychosocial, work, and sociodemographic situations. There is a need for a standardized definition and operationalization of RTW. Providers can use these results to identify survivors at risk and support cancer survivors in their RTW process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improved rates of cancer control have increased the head and neck cancer survivor population. Cancer survivorship clinics are not widely available in the USA, and longitudinal supportive care for patients undergoing multimodal therapy has not advanced at a pace commensurate with improvements in cancer control. Consequently, a large head and neck cancer survivor population whose quality of life may be chronically and/or permanently diminished presently exists. This lack of awareness perpetuates under-recognition and under-investigation, leaving survivors\' (mostly detrimental) experiences largely uncharted. We conducted a qualitative exploration of survivors\' experiences, aiming to unpack the profound impact of late systemic symptoms on daily life, encompassing work, relationships, and self-identity in the head and neck cancer survivor community. The study included 15 remitted head and neck survivors, ≥12 months from their final treatment, who participated in semi-structured interviews conducted by a medical oncologist. Data analysis comprised qualitative thematic analysis, specifically inductive hierarchical linear modeling, enriched by a deductive approach of anecdotal clinical reporting. Results highlighted that 43.36% of all quotation material discussed in the interviews pertained to chronic emotion disturbance with significant implications for other domains of life. A central symptom cluster comprised impairments in mood/emotions, daily activity, and significant fatigue. Dysfunction in sleep, other medical conditions, and cognitive deficits comprised a secondary cluster. Physical dysfunctionality, encompassing pain, appetite, and eating, and alterations in experienced body temperature, constituted a tertiary cluster, and perhaps were surprisingly the least discussed symptom burden among head and neck cancer survivors. Symptoms causing heightened long-term survivor burden may be considered epiphenomenal to central physical dysfunctionality, albeit being presently the least represented in cancer survivor care programs. Moving forward, the development of targeted and multi-dimensional treatment programs that encompass physical, psychosocial, and spiritual domains are needed to increase clinical specificity and effective holistic long-term solutions that will foster a more compassionate and informed future of care for the cancer survivorship community.





