• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial panicle blight (BPB) has become one of the most destructive diseases of rice worldwide and Burkholderia gladioli and B. glumae are two major pathogens causing BPB (1). This disease causes several types of damage, most importantly grain spotting, rot, and panicle blight, which can result in yield losses of 75% or more (1,3). In recent years, symptoms including sheath rot, grain spotting, grain rot, and panicle blight have been observed in both inbred and hybrid rice varieties. These symptoms resemble those of BPB and cause cultivar-dependent yield losses. (3) also reported the same symptoms for BPB. To confirm the cause of the disease, 21 rice panicles (Haridhan, a local variety) with typical BPB symptoms were collected from a farmer\'s field in the region of Mymensingh, Bangladesh during the rainy season in mid-October, 2021. Due to the severity of the outbreak, the panicles became dark brown and produced chaffy grains; nearly 100% of the rice panicles in that field were severely infected. To identify the causal pathogen(s), 1g of rice grains from 20 plants with typical BPB symptoms were surface-sterilized by immersing them in 70% ethanol for a few seconds followed by sodium hypochlorite solution (3%) for 1min. The grains were then rinsed with sterilized distilled water three times. Surface-sterilized grains were then ground with a mortar and pestle; 5mL of sterile distilled water was added during grinding. The extracted suspension (20µL) was then either streaked or spread onto the selective medium (S-PG) (2). Bacterial colonies showing purple color on the S-PG medium were selected and purified as candidate pathogens. For molecular characterization, species specific primers targeting gyrB gene were used to perform PCR and resulted in 479bp as reported by (4). To verify further, the PCR products of 16SF & 16SR were amplified and sequenced partially producing around 1400bp (1) and five 16SF partial sequences were deposited into NCBI GenBank (OP108276 to OP108280). 16S rDNA and gyrB revealed almost 99% homology with Burkholderia gladioli (KU851248.1, MZ425424.1) and B. gladioli (AB220893, CP033430) respectively using BLAST analysis. These purified bacterial isolates produced a diffusible light-yellow pigment on King\'s B medium indicating toxoflavin production (3). The candidate five bacterial isolates were then confirmed by inoculating 10ml suspension 108CFU/mL into the panicles and sheaths of BRRIdhan28 in net house condition as described previously (1). All of the bacterial isolates obtained from the spotted rice grains produced light brown lesions on the inoculated leaf sheath as well as spotting on the grain. To fulfill Koch\'s postulates, the bacteria were re-isolated from the symptomatic panicles and were confirmed as B. gladioli by analyzing the sequences of gyrB and 16s rDNA genes. Taken together, these results confirmed that B. gladioli is responsible for causing BPB in the rice grain samples that we collected. To our knowledge, this is the first report of BPB caused by B. gladioli in Bangladesh and further research is necessary to develop an effective disease management technique, or else the production of rice will be severely hampered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computational studies introduce an integral approach for finding greener methods through testing solvents for reactions and extractions. Lesinurad is a novel selective uric acid reabsorption inhibitor prescribed for the treatment of chronic gout. Computational calculations were achieved to choose the best acid dye used for sensitive visible spectrophotometric determination of lesinurad. The calculations were performed using Gaussian 03 software based on density functional theory method with B3LYP/6-31G(d) basis set. The obtained results revealed that bromophenol blue was preferred for lesinurad than other acid dyes based on the higher calculated interaction energy. The described method was based on the reaction of lesinurad with the theoretically selected acid dye bromophenol blue to form a yellow ion-pair complex. The absorption spectra showed maximum sharp peaks at 418 nm. Different factors affecting the reaction were optimized. Beer\'s law was demonstrated over the concentration range of 2-12 μg/mL lesinurad. The described reaction was utilized for the spectrophotometric determination of lesinurad in pure form and in the pharmaceutical preparation. The greenness of the described method was assessed using four different tools namely, the national environmental method index, the analytical eco-scale, the green analytical procedure index and the novel analytical greenness metric. The proposed method seemed to be superior to the reported HPLC method with respect to the metrics of the greenness characters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), is essential for implementing the appropriate treatment protocols and controlling disease progression. Early AD diagnosis helps patients achieve the best therapeutic outcomes, lessening irreversible neurodegenerative damage and severe cognitive decline. The measurement of brain waves and structural modifications, including gray/white matter and brain volume, have recently been considered a promising approach for brain biometrics because of the inherent specificity, degree of confidentiality, and reproducibility. Brain printing biometrics (BPB) is thus becoming more commonly considered as tool for early AD detection. This review proposes using BPB as a tool for the detection of AD prior to the appearance of persistent hallmark depositions, including Aβ and tau protein aggregations in different brain regions. It also describes BPB authentication, a method of implementation, as well as potential outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 (hGIIA) promotes the proliferation of cancer cells, making it a compelling therapeutic target, but it is also significant in other inflammatory conditions. Consequently, suitable inhibitors of hGIIA have always been sought. The activation of phospholipases A2 and the catalysis of glycerophospholipid substrates generally leads to the release of fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) and lysophospholipid, which are then converted to mediator compounds, including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and the platelet-activating factor. However, this ability of hGIIA to provide AA is not a complete explanation of its biological role in inflammation, as it has now been shown that it also exerts proinflammatory effects by a catalysis-independent mechanism. This mechanism is likely to be highly dependent on key specific molecular interactions, and the full mechanistic descriptions of this remain elusive. The current candidates for the protein partners that may mediate this catalysis-independent mechanism are also introduced in this review. A key discovery has been that selective inhibition of the catalysis-independent activity of hGIIA is achieved with cyclised derivatives of a pentapeptide, FLSYK, derived from the primary sequence of hGIIA. The effects of hGIIA on cell function appear to vary depending on the pathology studied, and so its mechanism of action is complex and context-dependent. This review is comprehensive and covers the most recent developments in the understanding of the many facets of hGIIA function and inhibition and the insight they provide into their clinical application for disease treatment. A cyclic analogue of FLSYK, c2, the most potent analogue known, has now been taken into clinical trials targeting advanced prostate cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of Bisphenol A (BPA) has widely been replaced in consumer products by analogs BPB, BPE, BPF, BPS, and BPAF. Recent studies have linked these substitutes to similar adverse health outcomes as BPA, including disruption of endocrine pathways in animal and human studies. We designed a novel MS method, developed specifically for this study, to capture the most relevant BPA alternatives, BPB, BPE, BPF, BPS, BPAF and 4-NP in human blood and urine to quantify potential in utero exposures. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore in utero exposure to these BPA analogs and the first U.S. study to test for BPA in maternal/fetal pairs. The method was run on 30 paired maternal urine and fetal cord blood samples from mothers undergoing elective Caesarean sections. 90% of mothers and 77% of babies tested positive for at least one BP analog. 83% of mothers tested positive for BPAF, 60% for BPS, 57% for BPB, 17% for BPF and 7% for BPA. 57% of babies tested positive for BPAF and 50% for BPF. BPA and BPB were detected in one cord blood sample each. BPS was not detected in cord blood. BPE was not detected in any fetal cord blood or maternal urine samples. These findings demonstrate the pervasiveness of some BP analogs in pregnant women and their babies at birth.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a common condition in senior dogs, which may be analogous to dementia such as Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) in people. In humans, AD has been associated with many risk factors such as reduced cerebral glucose metabolism, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) deficiency, chronic oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation. By targeting some of these risk factors, we have developed two nutritional solutions (medium chain triglyceride, MCT and Brain Protection Blend, BPB) to enhance cognitive function and slow aging-induced cognitive decline. These have been positively evaluated in colony housed senior dogs and cats. The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate the effects of diets with MCTs and the BPB on client-owned dogs with CDS. Participating veterinary clinics screened senior dogs for signs of CDS as determined by a Senior Canine Behavior Questionnaire and a Canine Medical Health Questionnaire. Eighty-seven dogs were randomly enrolled into one of three diet groups with 29 dogs per group: Control, 6.5% MCT oil + BPB (6.5% MCT diet), 9% MCT oil + BPB (9% MCT diet). Diets were fed for a period of 90 days, and each dog\'s CDS signs were re-evaluated at day 30 and day 90. All 6 categories of the CDS signs were significantly improved (p <0.05) in the dogs given the 6.5% MCT diet at the end of the 90-day study. Control only improved in 4 out 6 categories. The 9% MCT diet only improved in dogs that accepted the diet. The results from this dog study confirm the benefits of MCT and BPB in managing clinical signs of CDS in dogs. The results support our hypothesis that targeting known risk factors associated with brain aging and AD is able to improve symptoms of CDS in dogs. These data may facilitate the development of similar nutrient blends to manage MCI and AD.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our previous study in 2011 reported the detection of BPA and PFAAs in 20 species of marine and freshwater fishes. With an emerging evidence to suggest the metabolic-disrupting effects of BPA/PFAAs in animals, the present study was aimed to provide a time-trend analysis to determine the current concentrations of PFAAs and BPA in 20 commercially available Hong Kong species of fishes. Since the manufacture and use of BPA is being prohibited in most nations, the introduction of BPA alternatives has recently been incorporated in the markets. Therefore, the concentrations of BPB, BPF and BPS were determined. In the present study, all freshwater and seawater fish samples showed quantified concentrations [>Limit of Quantification (LOQ<0.5ng/g)] of BPA. BPF was detected in some marine (yellow seafin, bigeye, goldspotted rabbitfish, snubnose pompano, tongue sole, Bleeker\'s grouper and orange-spotted grouper) and freshwater fishes (mud carp, crucian carp, tilapia, catfish, mandarin fish, grass carp, grey mullet and spotted snakehead). Two of the compounds, BPS and BPB could only be identified in the marine fishes (snubnose pompano, yellow seafin). In PFAA analysis, PFOA, PFDA, PFOS, PFUdA and PFDoA were found in most of the marine and freshwater fishes. PFOS and PFOA were shown to be the two predominant PFAAs in fishes. On the basis of the measured concentrations of bisphenols, BPs (BPA, BPB, BPF, BPS) and PFAAs, the average daily intake for BPs (20.5-31.5ng/kgb.w./day) and PFAAs (1.17-1.83ng/kgb.w./day) were calculated and found to be lower than values of tolerable daily intake (TDI) established in Europe. However, as compared with our previous study in 2011, the present study revealed an approximate 10-fold increase in the concentrations of BPA in the fish samples. Although the hazard ratio of consuming fishes for BPA and PFAA exposure is expected to remain low, possible additive metabolic-disrupting effect of BPA and its analogues as well PFAAs should be taken into consideration for human health risk assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reports the analysis of nine bisphenols (BPA, BPAF, BPAP, BPB, BPC, BPE, BPF, BPS, and BPZ) and related compounds (4-cumylphenol and dihydroxybenzophenone) in honey and food simulant. After sample preconcentration with Oasis HLB cartridges, analytes were silylated and analyzed by GC-MS. The validated methods with LODs in sub ng g-1 were applied to 36 honey samples from European and non-European countries and food simulant stored in selected corresponding containers. Honey samples contained BPA, BPAF, BPE, BPF, BPS, and BPZ in amounts up to 107, 53.5, 12.8, 31.6, 302, and 28.4 ng g-1, respectively. Under simulating conditions, BPA and BPAF were detected in food simulant up to 42.2 and 19.8 ng mL-1, respectively. In certain cases, the detected bisphenols in honey probably derive from a source other than the final packaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biosecurity measures are the first line of defense against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) on farms. It is generally recognized that an individual\'s behavior can be influenced by the knowledge they possess. However, empirical study has not reported an association between poultry producers\' awareness of HPAI symptoms and their actual biosecurity actions. The aim of this study is to classify knowledge items of HPAI by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and to examine the determinants of different types of knowledge and the effect of different types of knowledge on biosecurity preventive behaviors (BPBs). The survey (n = 297) was conducted using a questionnaire to measure the level of awareness of items related to HPAI and the actual adoption of BPBs among poultry farmers in the Chinese province of Jiangsu. The EFA revealed three main types of knowledge, which were categorized as avian influenza (AI) epidemic characteristics, primary biosecurity preventive knowledge (basic biosecurity preventive knowledge against AI), and essential biosecurity preventive knowledge (crucial biosecurity preventive knowledge against infection of AI). Multivariate regression showed that only poultry farmers\' awareness of essential biosecurity preventive knowledge was positively associated with their actual BPBs. Additionally, educational attainment, number of years of experience raising poultry, farming operation size, and training were associated both with BPB and most of the knowledge factors or knowledge items. Training of existing poultry farmers is probably a feasible scheme; furthermore, the training should focus on the essential biosecurity preventive knowledge. On the other hand, policy initiatives to encourage large-scale poultry farming while discouraging small-scale backyard poultry husbandry would be an effective method of improving the management standards of rural poultry farming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors (GABARs) are an important target for existing insecticides such as fiproles. These insecticides act as noncompetitive antagonists (channel blockers) for insect GABARs by binding to a site within the intrinsic channel of the GABAR. Recently, a novel class of insecticides, 3-benzamido-N-phenylbenzamides (BPBs), was shown to inhibit GABARs by binding to a site distinct from the site for fiproles. We examined the binding site of BPBs in the adult housefly by means of radioligand-binding and electrophysiological experiments. 3-Benzamido-N-(2,6-dimethyl-4-perfluoroisopropylphenyl)-2-fluorobenzamide (BPB 1) (the N-demethyl BPB) was a partial, but potent, inhibitor of [(3)H]4\'-ethynyl-4-n-propylbicycloorthobenzoate (GABA channel blocker) binding to housefly head membranes, whereas the 3-(N-methyl)benzamido congener (the N-methyl BPB) had low or little activity. A total of 15 BPB analogs were tested for their abilities to inhibit [(3)H]BPB 1 binding to the head membranes. The N-demethyl analogs, known to be highly effective insecticides, potently inhibited the [(3)H]BPB 1 binding, but the N-methyl analogs did not even though they, too, are considered highly effective. [(3)H]BPB 1 equally bound to the head membranes from wild-type and dieldrin-resistant (rdl mutant) houseflies. GABA allosterically inhibited [(3)H]BPB 1 binding. By contrast, channel blocker-type antagonists enhanced [(3)H]BPB 1 binding to housefly head membranes by increasing the affinity of BPB 1. Antiparasitic macrolides, such as ivermectin B1a, were potent inhibitors of [(3)H]BPB 1 binding. BPB 1 inhibited GABA-induced currents in housefly GABARs expressed in Xenopus oocytes, whereas it failed to inhibit l-glutamate-induced currents in inhibitory l-glutamate receptors. Overall, these findings indicate that BPBs act at a novel allosteric site that is different from the site for channel blocker-type antagonists and that is probably overlapped with the site for macrolides in insect GABARs.





